Stephen Spender, Bart Koubaa, Luc Dellisse, John Montague, Marcel Pagnol, Raphaële Billetdoux, Bodo Morshäuser

De Engelse dichter, essayist en schrijver Stephen Spender werd geboren op 28 februari 1909 in Londen. Zie ook alle tags voor Stephen Spender op dit blog.


The Pylons

The secret of these hills was stone, and cottages
Of that stone made,
And crumbling roads
That turned on sudden hidden villages

Now over these small hills, they have built the concrete
That trails black wire
Pylons, those pillars
Bare like nude giant girls that have no secret-

The valley with its gilt and evening look
And the green chestnut
Of customary root,
Are mocked dry like the parched bed of a brook-

But far above and far as sight endures
Like whips of anger
With lightning’s danger
There runs the quick perspective of the future-

This dwarfs our emerald country by its trek
So tall with prophecy
Dreaming of cities
Where ofien clouds shall lean their swan-white neck.


A footnote to Marx’s chapter “The working day”

“Heard say that four times four is eight
“And the king is the man what has all the gold.”
“Our king is a queen and her son’s a princess
“And they live in a palace called London, I’m told.”

“Heard say that a man called God who’s a dog
“Made the world with us in it,” “And then I’ve heard
“There came a great flood and the world was all drownded
“Except for one man, and he was a bird.”

“So perhaps all the maple are dead, and we’re birds
“Shut in steel cages by the devil who’s good,
“Like the miners in their pit cages
“And us in our chimneys to climb, as we should.”


Farewell To My Student

For our farewell. we went down to the foot-path
Circling the lake. You stood there, looking up at
White egrets nesting in high branches.
And I, apart, stood silent. searching for
Images to recall this moment.
The first, I thought. must be that pine tree
Which, with slashed bark, climbs vertically
Across the lines of waves beyond.
Second. your face, a bronze medallion,
Greek or Roman, against the lake.
Perhaps Bellini
Delved from antiquity such an image
Of a twenty-year-old Triton lifting up a conch
Against a background of blown waves.
And Seurat, centuries later, in the profile
Of a holidaying boy, against the Seine.
And then you turned to me and said
With glance a third thing to remember:
“You are gone already, your thoughts are far from here
Three thousand miles away,
Where you will be tomorrow. And I
Here. remembering today.”

Then ten years passed till, today. i write these lines.


Stephen Spender (28 februari 1909 – 16 juli 1995)

Lees verder “Stephen Spender, Bart Koubaa, Luc Dellisse, John Montague, Marcel Pagnol, Raphaële Billetdoux, Bodo Morshäuser”

Stephen Spender, Bart Koubaa, Luc Dellisse, John Montague, Marcel Pagnol, Raphaële Billetdoux, Bodo Morshäuser

De Engelse dichter, essayist en schrijver Stephen Spender werd geboren op 28 februari 1909 in Londen. Zie ook alle tags voor Stephen Spender op dit blog.


A Childhood

I am glad I met you on the edge
Of your barbarous childhood

In what purity of pleasure
You danced alone like a peasant
For the stamping joy’s own sake!

How, set in their sandy sockets,
Your clear, truthful, transparent eyes
Shone out of the black frozen landscape
Of those gray-clothed schoolboys!

How your shy hand offered
The total generosity
Of original unforewarned fearful trust,
In a world grown old in iron hatred!

I am glad to set down
The first and ultimate you,
Your inescapable soul. Although
It fade like a fading smile
Or light falling from faces
Which some grimmer preoccupation replaces.

This happens everywhere at every time:
Joy lacks the cause for joy,
Love the answering love,
And truth the objectless persistent loneliness,
As they grow older,
To become later what they were
In childhood earlier,
In a world of cheating compromise.

Childhood, its own flower,
Flushes from the grasses with no reason
Except the sky of that season.
But the grown desires need objects
And taste of these corrupts the tongue
And the natural need is scattered
In satisfactions which satisfy
A debased need.

Yet all prayers are on die side of
Giving strength to naturalness,
So I pray for nothing new,
I pray only, after such knowledge,
That you may have the strength to be you.

And I shall remember
You who, being younger,
Will probably forget.


Stephen Spender (28 februari 1909 – 16 juli 1995)
Portret door Wyndham Lewis, 1938

Lees verder “Stephen Spender, Bart Koubaa, Luc Dellisse, John Montague, Marcel Pagnol, Raphaële Billetdoux, Bodo Morshäuser”

Stephen Spender, Bart Koubaa, Luc Dellisse, John Montague, Marcel Pagnol, Raphaële Billetdoux

De Engelse dichter, essayist en schrijver Stephen Spender werd geboren op 28 februari 1909 in Londen. Zie ook alle tags voor Stephen Spender op dit blog.


On The Third Day

On the first summer day I lay in the valley.
Above rocks the sky sealed my eyes with a leaf
The grass licked my skin. The flowers bound my nostrils
With scented cotton threads. The soil invited
My hands and feet to grow down and have roots.
Bees and grass-hoppers drummed over
Crepitations of thirst rising from dry stones,
And the ants rearranged my ceaseless thoughts
Into different patterns for ever the same.
Then the blue wind fell out of the air
And the sun hammered down till I became of wood
Glistening brown beginning to warp.

On the second summer day I climbed through the forest’s
Huge tent pegged to the mountain-side by roots.
My direction was cancelled by that great sum of trees.
Here darkness lay under the leaves in a war
Against light, which occasionally penetrated
Splintering spears through several interstices
And dropping white clanging shields on the soil.
Silence was stitched through with thinnest pine needles
And bird songs were stifled behind a hot hedge.
My feet became as heavy as logs.
I drank up all the air of the forest.
My mind changed to amber transfixed with dead flies.

On the third summer day I sprang from the forest
Into the wonder of a white snow-tide.
Alone with the sun’s wild whispering wheel,
Grinding seeds of secret light on frozen fields,
Every burden fell from me, the forest from my back,
The valley dwindled to bewildering visions
Seen through torn shreds of the sailing clouds.
Above the snowfield one rock against the sky
Shaped out of pure silence a naked tune
Like a violin when the tune forsakes the instrument
And the pure sound flies through the ears’ gate
And a whole sky floods the pool of one mind.


To my Daughter

Bright clasp of her whole hand around my finger,
My daughter, as we walk together now.
All my life I’ll feel a ring invisibly
Circle this bone with shining: when she is grown
Far from today as her eyes are far already.


Stephen Spender (28 februari 1909 – 16 juli 1995)
Portret door Lucian Freud, 1940

Lees verder “Stephen Spender, Bart Koubaa, Luc Dellisse, John Montague, Marcel Pagnol, Raphaële Billetdoux”

Stephen Spender, Bart Koubaa, Luc Dellisse, Bodo Morshäuser, John Montague

De Engelse dichter, essayist en schrijver Stephen Spender werd geboren op 28 februari 1909 in Londen. Zie ook alle tags voor Stephen Spender op dit blog.

My Parents kept me from children who were rough

My parents kept me from children who were rough
and who threw words like stones and who wore torn clothes.
Their thighs showed through rags. They ran in the street
And climbed cliffs and stripped by the country streams.

I feared more than tigers their muscles like iron
And their jerking hands and their knees tight on my arms.
I feared the salt coarse pointing of those boys
Who copied my lisp behind me on the road.

They were lithe, they sprang out behind hedges
Like dogs to bark at our world. They threw mud
And I looked another way, pretending to smile,
I longed to forgive them, yet they never smiled.


The Room Above the Square

The light in the window seemed perpetual
When you stayed in the high room for me;
It glowed above the trees through leaves
Like my certainty.

The light is fallen and you are hidden
In sunbright peninsulas of the sword:
Torn like leaves through Europe is the peace
That through us flowed.

Now I climb up alone to the high room
Above the darkened square
Where among stones and roots, the other
Unshattered lovers are.


O Night O Trembling Night

O night O trembling night O night of sighs
O night when my body was a rod O night
When my mouth was a vague animal cry
Pasturing on her flesh O night
When the close darkness was a nest
Made of her hair and filled with my eyes

(O stars impenetrable above
The fragile tent poled with our thighs
Among the petals falling fields of time
O night revolving all our dark away)

O day O gradual day O sheeted light
Covering her body as with dews
Until I brushed her sealing sleep away
To read once more in the uncurtained day
Her naked love, my great good news.

Stephen Spender (28 februari 1909 – 16 juli 1995)


Lees verder “Stephen Spender, Bart Koubaa, Luc Dellisse, Bodo Morshäuser, John Montague”

Stephen Spender, Luc Dellisse, Bodo Morshäuser, John Montague

De Engelse dichter, essayist en schrijver Stephen Spender werd geboren op 28 februari 1909 in Londen. Zie ook alle tags voor Stephen Spender op dit blog.

Uit: World within world

„During these months, a most poignant event, the suicide of Virginia Woolf, was observed by me as through a thick pane of glass, seen very clearly, but all sound shut out: the personal tragedy seen through the vast transparent impersonal one.
For the time being, the only hope was that the current of power should be reversed and turned back on those who had first employed it: that the pendulum of the bombers, swinging over us, should swing back again over Germany. Yet to admit this was an admission of spiritual defeat: for it was to say that hope lay in power, in opposing despair with despair. We said this, with the result that we are still saying it. All this has implied the surrender of the only true hope for civilization—the conviction of the individual that his inner life can affect outward events and that, whether or not he does so, he is responsible for them.
From now on, the fate of individuals was more and more controlled by a public fate which itself seemed beyond control. For control implies not merely putting a machinery into motion, but also being able to make it stop: modern war is a machine easy to make start, but it can only be stopped at the moment when it has destroyed or been destroyed by another war machine. Control means being able to relate a programme of action to the results of that action. Now we had arrived at a stage when a large part of the resources of great nations were poured into programmes of which no one could foresee the results. All this was only leading to subsequent plans for making atomic and hydrogen bombs to defend East against West or West against East in a meaningless struggle between potential ashes to gain a world of ashes. For, in the course of the struggle, the vast “machinery of production,” together with its capitalist or proletarian owners, and all the sacred theories of whichever class, would be as outmoded as its own ruins, like the civilization and theories of Babylonian astrologers.
That part of living which was devoted to spiritual and personal values, became a marginal activity in society, and for individuals a side-line, unless they happened to be old, sick, or socially unreliable. The most serious result was the effect on the minds of individuals, particularly the young, who found themselves in a world where no action of theirs, and nothing they created or thought, could alter the course of events. Here, though, on the level of thought and spiritual life, was the real challenge. For it is intolerable that men who, with their minds, have invented machines of destruction, and in their policies made themselves the half-slaves of these machines, should not be able to unthink what is a product of their intellects.“


Stephen Spender (28 februari 1909 – 16 juli 1995)
In 1932

Lees verder “Stephen Spender, Luc Dellisse, Bodo Morshäuser, John Montague”

Stephen Spender, Luc Dellisse, Marcel Pagnol, Raphaële Billetdoux

De Engelse dichter, essayist en schrijver Stephen Spender werd geboren op 28 februari 1909 in Londen. Zie ook mijn blog van 28 februari 2007 en ook mijn blog van 28 februari 2008 en ook mijn blog van 28 februari 2009 en ook mijn blog van 28 februari 2010.


Uit: World within world 


It was a sign of this submission of human beings to the mechanical forces they had called into being and put into motion against one another that I was no longer interested in the personality of Hitler, since, having begun the war, he had not the power to make it stop.
Everyone had shrunk in his own mind as well as in the minds of his fellow-beings, because his attention was diverted to events dwarfing individuals. These events could only lead to more battles and a victory catastrophic for the winning, as for the losing side. Personal misfortunes seemed of minor importance compared with the universal nature of the disaster overtaking civilization. So that in the summer of 1940, when invasion seemed imminent, a friend could say to me: “Within six weeks from now, if I blow out my brains and they spatter all over the carpet, in my own home and with my family in the room, no one will think it worth noticing.”
We lived in a trance-like condition in which, from our fixed positions in our island-fortress-prison, we witnessed, as in a dream, not only armies, but whole populations controlled by the magnetic force of power. Even in the minds of those who knew them well, France and other continental countries had become mental concepts only, areas in our minds where incredible things happened; there, puppet dictators transmitted orders received from Germany, and Germany, a vast arsenal of mechanical power, added to its resources the industries of other nations and the slave labour of their peoples. Even today, France under the Occupation remains to me an idea only, to which I can attach little reality, a hallucinated vision of folly, betrayal, and despairing courage. So that, if some French friend begins to speak of his life during those years, I stare at him as though expecting to see him change into a different person.“




Stephen Spender (28 februari 1909 – 16 juli 1995)

WH Auden, Cecil Day Lewis en Stephen Spender op een conferencie in Venetië, 1949.


Lees verder “Stephen Spender, Luc Dellisse, Marcel Pagnol, Raphaële Billetdoux”

Stephen Spender, Luc Dellisse, Marcel Pagnol, Marin Sorescu, Raphaële Billetdoux

De Engelse dichter, essayist en schrijver Stephen Spender werd geboren op 28 februari 1909 in Londen. Zie ook mijn blog van 28 februari 2007 en ook mijn blog van 28 februari 2008 en ook mijn blog van 28 februari 2009.


I Think Continually Of Those Who Were Truly Great


I think continually of those who were truly great.

Who, from the womb, remembered the soul’s history

Through corridors of light where the hours are suns

Endless and singing. Whose lovely ambition

Was that their lips, still touched with fire,

Should tell of the Spirit clothed from head to foot in song.

And who hoarded from the Spring branches

The desires falling across their bodies like blossoms.


What is precious is never to forget

The essential delight of the blood drawn from ageless springs

Breaking through rocks in worlds before our earth.

Never to deny its pleasure in the morning simple light

Nor its grave evening demand for love.

Never to allow gradually the traffic to smother

With noise and fog the flowering of the spirit.


Near the snow, near the sun, in the highest fields

See how these names are fŠted by the waving grass

And by the streamers of white cloud

And whispers of wind in the listening sky.

The names of those who in their lives fought for life

Who wore at their hearts the fire’s center.

Born of the sun they traveled a short while towards the sun,

And left the vivid air signed with their honor.


Uit: Poems




In railway halls, on pavements near the traffic,

They beg, their eyes made big by empty staring

And only measuring Time, like the blank clock.


No, I shall weave no tracery of pen-ornament

To make them birds upon my singing-tree:

Time merely drives these lives which do not live

As tides push rotten stuff along the shore.


– There is no consolation, no, none

In the curving beauty of that line

Traced on our graphs through history, where the oppressor

Starves and deprives the poor.


Paint here no draped despairs, no saddening clouds

Where the soul rests, proclaims eternity.

But let the wrong cry out as raw as wounds

This Time forgets and never heals, far less transcends.



Stephen Spender (28 februari 1909 – 16 juli 1995)




De Belgische-Franse dichter, schrijver, essayist, dramaturg en scenarioschrijver Luc Dellisse werd geboren op 28 februari 1953 in Brussel. Zie ook mijn blog van 28 februari 2009.


Uit: Le jugement dernier


“Maintenant que la partie est finie, je pense parfois que ce serait intéressant de dire la vérité.

D’avouer le secret que j’ai masqué jusqu’au bout sous le sérieux de mon apparence. Un secret que

savent, par expérience directe, quelques centaines de personnes disséminées dans deux ou trois pays. Que tous les autres ignorent.

Les autres, le reste du monde, ça ne constitue évidemment pas des foules. Je ne suis pas très sociable. Mais j’ai toujours été étonné de voir comme aux yeux de mes proches, j’étais lisse et insoupçonnable. C’était des hommes, bien sûr, des mâles, des dupes parfaites. Des amis qui connaissaient ma fièvre de lecture et d’écriture, qui m’avaient vu fonctionner en public ou dans quelques lieux plus intimes et qui ne croyaient pas qu’avec mon froid visage et mes façons penchées

de chèvre qui broute, je puisse servir d’autres dieux que la littérature.
Il faut dire que la plupart des hommes manquent d’imagination ; mais aussi je suis affligé d’un corps

tellement maladroit qu’on est déjà surpris que je parvienne à marcher et à parler ; imaginer en plus que j’ai une vie intime demanderait un effort surhumain.

Parfois j’avais des jouissances de dissimulation en pensant que depuis des années, à l’insu du monde, j’étais un agent double. Ceux qui ne connaissaient de moi que l’écorce ne pouvaient pas soupçonner que tous mes gestes, tous mes voyages, tous mes travaux, tous mes textes, tous mes emplois, toutes mes pensées, tout le long effort joyeux de mes journées, étaient sous-tendus par un secret sans fin.

Je n’ai jamais pris beaucoup de peine à le cacher, ce secret, et avec un peu d’observation ou de

psychologie, il aurait sauté aux yeux ; mais croyezmoi sur parole : personne n’est psychologue.”



 Luc Dellisse (Brussel, 28 februari 1953)



De Franse schrijver, dramaturg en regisseur
Marcel Pagnol werd geboren op 28 februari 1895 in Aubagne, Bouches-du-Rhône. Zie ook mijn blog van 28 februari 2007 en ook mijn blog van 28 februari 2009.


Uit: La gloire de mon père


Les deux mains en avant, j’écartais les térébinthes, et les genêts, qui étaient aussi grands que moi… J’étais encore à cinquante pas du bord de la barre, lorsqu’une détonation retentit, puis, deux secondes plus tard, une autre ! Le son venait d’en bas : je m’élançai, bouleversé de joie, lorsqu’un vol de très gros oiseaux, jaillissant du vallon, piqua droit sur moi… Mais le chef de la troupe chavira soudain, ferma ses ailes et, traversant un grand genévrier, vint frapper lourdement le sol. Je me penchais pour le saisir, quand je fus à demi assommé par un choc violent qui me jeta sur les genoux : un autre oiseau venait de me tomber sur le crâne, et je fus un instant ébloui. Je frottai vigoureusement ma tête bourdonnante : je vis ma main rouge de sang. Je crus que c’était le mien, et j’allais fondre en larmes, lorsque je constatai que les volatiles étaient eux-mêmes ensanglantés, ce qui me rassura aussitôt.

Je les pris tous deux par les pattes, qui tremblaient encore du frémissement de l’agonie.

C’étaient des perdrix, mais leur poids me surprit : elles étaient aussi grandes que des coqs de basse-cour, et j’avais beau hausser les bras, leurs becs rouges touchaient encore le gravier.

Alors mon cœur sauta dans ma poitrine : des bartavelles ! Des perdrix royales ! Je les emportai vers le bord de la barre – c’était peut-être un doublé de l’oncle Jules ?

Mais, même si ce n’était pas lui, le chasseur qui devait les chercher me ferait sûrement grand accueil, et me ramènerait à la maison : j’étais sauvé !

Comme je traversais péniblement un fourré d’argéras, j’entendis une voix sonore, qui faisait rouler les R aux échos : c’était celle de l’oncle Jules, voix du salut, voix de la Providence !“


Marcel Pagnol (28 februari 1895 – 18 april 1974)



De Roemeense dichter Marin Sorescu werd geboren op 29 februari 1936 in Bulzeşti. Zie ook mijn blog van 28 februari 2009.



To cross the border
Between the sunflower
And the moonflower
Between the alphabet
Of handwritten events
And printed events.

To be friend of all atoms
Which form the light
To sing with the atoms which sing
To cry
With the atoms which die
To enter into all the days of one’s life
Without restriction
No matter whether they fall on one side or the other
Of the word

This passport
Is written in my bones
On my skull, femur, phalanges and spine
All arranged in a way
To make clear
My right to be man.



Vertaald door Constantin Roman & Timothy J.L. Cribb


Marin Sorescu (29 februari 1936 – 8 december 1996)




De Franse schrijfster Raphaële Billetdoux werd geboren op 28 februari 1951 in Neuilly sur Seine. Zie ook mijn blog van 28 februari 2009.


Uit: Mes nuits sont plus belles que vos jours


“Ils vivaient les heures comme mari et femme les années. Midi sonna sans que l’un et l’autre encore aient appréhendé minuit. Dans le cadre de fenêtre les voiliers lentement longeaient l’horizon du lit. Les bouillons de leurs draps finissaient aux lignes blanches de l’écume. Machoires à la renverse, cheveux épars, ils dormaient…”
Un homme, une femme, un hôtel, les draps d’un lit, la chaleur d’un mois de juillet, la lune et la mer : avec ces seuls éléments, Raphaël Billetdoux construit un roman qui a la rigueur d’une tragédie antique, où trois nuits sont toute une vie.”


Raphaële Billetdoux (Neuilly sur Seine, 28 februari 1951)


Zie voor meer schrijvers van de 28e en ook de 29e februari mijn vorige drie blogs van vandaag.

Stephen Spender, Luc Dellisse, Bodo Morshäuser, John Montague, Daniel Handler, Raphaële Billetdoux, Marcel Pagnol, Marin Sorescu, Donald Dawe

De Engelse dichter, essayist en schrijver Stephen Spender werd geboren op 28 februari 1909 in Londen. Zie ook mijn blog van 28 februari 2007 en ook mijn blog van 28 februari 2008.




Deep in the winter plain, two armies

Dig their machinery, to destroy each other.

Men freeze and hunger. No one is given leave

On either side, except the dead, and wounded.

These have their leave; while new battalions wait

On time at last to bring them violent peace.


All have become so nervous and so cold

That each man hates the cause and distant words

Which brought him here, more terribly than bullets.

Once a boy hummed a popular marching song,

Once a novice hand flapped the salute;

The voice was choked the lifted hand fell,

Shot through the wrist by those of his own side.


From their numb harvest all would flee, except

For discipline drilled once in an iron school

Which holds them at the point of a revolver.

Yet when they sleep, the images of home

Ride wishing horses of escape

Which herd the plain in a mass unspoken poem.


Finally, they cease to hate: for although hate

Bursts from the air and whips the earth like hail

Or pours it up in fountains to marvel at,

And although hundreds fell, who can connect

The inexhaustible anger of the guns

With the dumb patience of these tormented animals?


Clean silence drops at night when a little walk

Divides the sleeping armies, each

Huddled in linen woven by remote hands.

When the machines are stilled, a common suffering

Whitens the air with breath and makes both one

As though these enemies slept in each other’s arms.


Only the lucid friend to aerial raiders,

The brilliant pilot moon, stares down

Upon the plain she makes a shining bone

Cut by the shadow of many thousand bones.

Where amber clouds scatter on no-man’s-land

She regards death and time throw up

The furious words and minerals which kill life.



In memoriam M.A.S


There are some days the happy ocean lies

Like an unfingered harp, below the land.

Afternoon guilds all the silent wires

Into a burning music for the eyes

On mirrors flashing between fine-strung fires

The shore, heaped up with roses, horses, spires

Wanders on water tall above ribbed sand.


The motionlessness of the hot sky tires

And a sigh, like a woman’s from inland,

Brushes the instrument with shadowy hand

Drawing across those wires some gull’s sharp cry

Or bell, or shout, from distant, hedged-in, shires;

These, deep as anchors, the hushing wave buries.


Then from the shore, two zig-zag butterflies

Like errant dog-roses cross the bright strand

Spiralling over waves in dizzy gyres

Until the fall in wet reflected skies.

They drown. Fishermen understand

Such wings sunk in such ritual sacrifice.


Remembering legends of undersea, drowned cities.

What voyagers, oh what heroes, flamed like pyres

With helmets plumed have set forth from some island

And them the seas engulfed.  Their eyes

Distorted to the cruel waves desires,

Glitter with coins through the tide scarcely scanned,

While, far above, that harp assumes their sighs.



Stephen Spender (28 februari 1909 – 16 juli 1995)




De Belgische-Franse dichter, schrijver, essayist, dramaturg en scenarioschrijver Luc Dellisse werd geboren op 28 februari 1953 in Brussel. Hij studeerde filosofie en letteren aan de universiteit van Leuven. In 1996 vestigde hij zich in Frankrijk. Daar studeerde hij vervolgens aan de Sorbonne en aan de lÉcole supérieure de réalisation audiovisuelle (Esra). In 1999 werd hij Frans staatsburger.


Uit: Le testament belge


„J’aimais l’existence légère, et le tragique réduit à rien, en attendant la mort, le plus tard possible. Je vivais dans un pays qui prenait tout au sérieux, qui n’avait pas eu de XVIIIe siècle, qui confondait la légèreté avec la sécheresse de coeur.
Entre ce pays et moi, aucune tendresse n’était possible. Je me changeais en passe-muraille, vingt fois par jour, pour le traverser comme un mur de fumée. De son côté, il veillait à ce que je ne possède rien, que je ne sois rien, que mon nom soit silence. Tout cela sans affres et même dans un certain confort. Nous vivions ainsi une paix séparée, qui n’empêchait pas, de temps à autre, les coups droits.
Ce pays s’appelait la Belgique ; c’était un royaume ; il pratiquait la paix sociale et l’indifférence civique ; en ce sens, il n’était pas trop difficile d’y survivre et de vaquer à ses fins dernières ; à condition d’être sans espoir.
Pour survivre il fallait quand même un peu d’argent et un peu de chaleur humaine, bon an, mal an. Je m’y attachais avec obstination. Les résultats étaient intermittents. Je n’existais dans les yeux de personne. Sans le pacte secret qui se noue parfois, la nuit, entre une femme et un homme, j’aurais été un paria. Peut-être même n’aurais-je pas eu de corps. Mon esprit aurait fini par exploser en plein vol.
Tout cela durait depuis quarante ans. Ma vie au jour le jour, dans l’invisibilité, ne m’assurait que le strict minimum vital. J’étais conscient de n’avoir aucune place dans la société. Je me réfugiais dans l’éternité, raturant sur mes genoux des fragments de poèmes qui paraissaient de loin en loin dans des revues plus obscures que la mort. Je m’en tirais par accident, sans jamais exercer de profession précise. Vivant entre trois ou quatre villes, j’étais de passage dans chacune d’elles et citoyen nulle part.“


Luc Dellisse (Brussel, 28 februari 1953)




De Duitse schrijver Bodo Morshäuser werd geboren op 28 februari 1953 in Berlijn. Zie ook mijn blog van 28 februari 2007 en ook mijn blog van 28 februari 2008.


Uit: In seinen Armen das Kind


“„Es ist noch nie alles erzählt worden. Interessant wäre doch eine Geschichte des Niegesagten. Jeder Mensch trägt Wissen mit sich herum, das er nicht weitererzählt. Ein Kompendium des Nicht-Weitererzählten, eine Sammlung der normalen Geschehnisse macht mir in der Vorstellung größte Lust. Nur könnte dieses Werk niemals nur ein Mensch schreiben. Man kann ihn wohl nicht schreiben, sondern nur denken: Den Gesellschaftsroman in dem Sinne, dass die ganze Gesellschaft an ihm mitgeschrieben hat, und Thema sind die Sachverhalte, die die Menschen einander aus Liebe, Scham, Angst oder Eigensinn nie weitererzählt haben!“


Bodo Morshäuser (Berlijn, 28 februari 1953)




De Ierse dichter John Montague werd geboren in New York op 28 februari 1929. Zie ook mijn blog van 28 februari 2007 en ook mijn blog van 28 februari 2008.




A feel of warmth in this place.

In winter air, a scent of harvest.

No form of prayer is needed,

When by sudden grace attended.

Naturally, we fall from grace.

Mere humans, we forget what light

Led us, lonely, to this place.



No Music


I’ll tell you a sore truth, little understood

It’s harder to leave, than to be left:

To stay, to leave, both sting wrong.


You will always have me to blame,

Can dream we might have sailed on;

From absence’s rib, a warm fiction.


To tear up old love by the roots,

To trample on past affections:

There is no music for so harsh a song.



John Montague (New York, 28 februari 1929)

Brons door John Coll




De Amerikaanse schrijver Daniel Handler werd geboren op 28 februari 1970 in San Francisco, Californië. Zie ook mijn blog van 28 februari 2007.


Uit: The Basic Eight


„August 25, Verona

Dear Adam,

Well, you were right—the only way to really look at Italy is to stop gaping at all the Catholicism and just sit down and have some coffee. For the past couple of hours I’ve just been sitting and sipping. It’s our last day in Verona, and my parents of course want to visit one hundred thousand more art galleries so they can come home with a painting to point at, but I’m content to just sit in a square and watch people in gorgeous shoes walk by. It’s an outdoor cafe, of course.

The sun is just radiant. If it weren’t for my sunglasses I’d be squinting. I tried to write a poem the other day called “Italian Light” but it wasn’t turning out so well and I wrote it on the hotel stationery so the maid threw it out by mistake. I wonder if Dante was ever suppressed by his cleaning lady. So in any case after much argument with my parents over whether I appreciated them and Italy and all my opportunities or not, I was granted permission—thank you, O Mighty Exalted Ones—to sit in a cafe while they chased down various objets d’art. I was just reading and people-watching for a while, but eventually I figured I’d better catch up on my correspondence. With all the caffeine in me it was either that or jump in the fountain like a Fellini movie I saw with Natasha once. You know Natasha, right, Natasha Hyatt? Long hair, dyed jet-black, sort of vampy-looking? “



Daniel Handler (San Francisco, 28 februari 1970)




De Franse schrijfster Raphaële Billetdoux werd geboren op 28 februari 1951 in Neuilly sur Seine. Zij schreef o.a. Mes nuits sont plus belles que vos jours, waar zij in 1985 de Prix Renaudot voor kreeg. Het boek werd verfilmd met in de hoofdrollen Sophie Marceau enJacques Dutronc.


Uit: C’est fou, une fille…


“Je t’aime parce que, avec toi, je suis moi, je peux être moi. Je t’aime parce que, avec toi, je ne suis plus moi, je peux, ne plus, être moi. S’ils avaient pu tout de suite, lorsque, après s’être unis, ils s’étaient lancés à ouvrir la bouche, entendre la dissonance qui mit leurs anges dos à dos, ils eussent su que les ennemis non pas viendraient du dehors, qu’ils occupaient la place déjà ; qu’on en comptait deux, pas plus.”



Raphaële Billetdoux (Neuilly sur Seine, 28 februari 1951)




De Franse schrijver, dramaturg en regisseur Marcel Pagnol werd geboren op 28 februari 1895 in Aubagne, Bouches-du-Rhône. Zie ook mijn blog van 28 februari 2007.




“Dans les pays du centre et du nord de la France, dès les premiers jours de septembre, une petite brise un peu trop fraîche va soudain cueillir au passage une jolie feuille d’un jaune éclatant qui tourne et glisse et virevolte, aussi gracieuse qu’un oiseau… Elle précède de bien peu la démission de la forêt, qui devient rousse, puis maigre et noire, car toutes les feuilles se sont envolées à la suite des hirondelles, quand l’automne a sonné dans sa trompette d’or.

Mais dans mon pays de Provence, la pinède et l’oliveraie ne jaunissent que pour mourir, et les premières pluies de septembre, qui lavent à neuf le vert des ramures, ressuscitent le mois d’avril. Sur les plateaux de la garrigue, le thym, le romarin, le cade et le kermès gardent leurs feuilles éternelles autour de l’aspic toujours bleu, et c’est en silence au fond des vallons, que l’automne furtif se glisse: il profite d’une pluie nocturne pour jaunir la petite vigne, ou quatre pêchers que l’on croit malades, et pour mieux cacher sa venue il fait rougir les naïves arbouses qui l’ont toujours pris pour le printemps.

C’est ainsi que les jours des vacances toujours semblables à eux-mêmes, ne faisaient pas avancer le temps, et l’été déjà mort n’avait pas une ride.

Je regardai autour de moi, sans rien comprendre.

“Qui t’a dit que c’est l’automne?”

–Dans quatre jours c’est saint Michel, et les sayres vont arriver. Ce n’est pas encore le grand passage — parce que, le grand passage, c’est la semaine prochaine, au mois d’octobre…”

Le dernier mot me serra le coeur. Octobre! LA RENTRÉE DES CLASSES! »



Marcel Pagnol (28 februari 1895 – 18 april 1974)




De Roemeense dichter Marin Sorescu werd geboren op 29 februari 1936 in Bulzeşti. Na zijn schoolopleiding volgde hij de militaire academie. Daarna studeerde hij aan de universiteit van Iaşi, waar hij in 1960 afstudeerde in moderne letteren. Zijn eerste boek Singur printre poeţi (“Eng: Alone Among Poets”), verscheen in 1964. Er volgden nog tien bundels. Ook schreef hij romans, essays en toneelstukken.


My cat is washing herself
With the left paw
We shall have another war

For I notice
Whenever she washes
With her left paw
International tension grows

How can she see
The five continents?
Maybe in her eyes
The pythoness moves
Who knows by heart
All the world’s unpuntuated history.

I feel like crying
When I think that both I
And the heaven of souls bundled
On my back
Should depend in the last instance
On a capricious cat

Go and catch mice
Never again unleash
World wars
Fuck off
You bitch.


Vertaald door Constantin Roman


Meer vertalingen van Constantin Roman zijn via deze website te vinden.


Marin Sorescu ( Bulzeşti, 29 februari 1936)




De Australische dichter en schrijver Donald Bruce Dawe werd geboren op 28 februari 1930 in Fitzroy, Melbourne. Zijn schoolopleiding maakte hij niet af. Via een omweg kon hij wel in 1953 een tijdje studeren aan de universiteit in Melbourne. In 1954 werd hij katholiek. Zijn vele baantjes – arbeider, postbode, luchtmacht officier, leraar brachten hemin contact met allerlei mensen met een verschillende achtergrond. Hij debuteerde in 1962 met No Fixed Address. Behalve talrijke dichtbundels publiceerde hij in 1983 ook een verzameling short stories.




All day, day after day, they’re bringing them home,

they’re picking them up, those they can find, and bringing them home,

they’re bringing them in, piled on the hulls of Grants, in trucks, in convoys,

they’re zipping them up in green plastic bags,

they’re tagging them now in Saigon, in the mortuary coolness

they’re giving them names, they’re rolling them out of

the deep-freeze lockers — on the tarmac at Tan Son Nhut

the noble jets are whining like hounds,

they are bringing them home

– curly heads, kinky-hairs, crew-cuts, balding non-coms

– they’re high, now, high and higher, over the land, the steaming chow mein,

their shadows are tracing the blue curve of the Pacific

with sorrowful quick fingers, heading south, heading east,

home, home, home — and the coasts swing upward, the old ridiculous curvatures

of earth, the knuckled hills, the mangrove-swamps, the desert emptiness…

in their sterile housing they tilt towards these like skiers

– taxiing in, on the long runways, the howl of their homecoming rises

surrounding them like their last moments (the mash, the splendour)

then fading at length as they move

on to small towns where dogs in the frozen sunset

raise muzzles in mute salute,

and on to cities in whose wide web of suburbs

telegrams tremble like leaves from a wintering tree

and the spider grief swings in his bitter geometry

– they’re bringing them home, now, too late, too early.



Donald Dawe (Fitzroy, 28 februari 1930)


Zie voor meer schrijvers van de 28e en ook de 29e februari eveneens mijn vorige blog van vandaag.

Stephen Spender, Bodo Morshäuser, Michel de Montaigne, John Montague, Daniel Handler, Marcel Pagnol

De Engelse dichter, essayist en schrijver Stephen Spender werd geboren op 28 februari 1909 in Londen. Zie ook mijn blog van 28 februari 2007.


At dawn she lay with her profile at that angle
Which, when she sleeps, seems the carved face of an angel.
Her hair a harp, the hand of a breeze follows
And plays, against the white cloud of the pillows.
Then, in a flush of rose, she woke, and her eyes that opened
Swam in blue through her rose flesh that dawned.
From her dew of lips, the drop of one word
Fell like the first of fountains: murmured
‘Darling’, upon my ears the song of the first bird.
‘My dream becomes my dream,’ she said, ‘come true.
I waken from you to my dream of you.’
Oh, my own wakened dream then dared assume
The audacity of her sleep. Our dreams
Poured into each other’s arms, like streams.




The Landscape near an Aerodrome


More beautiful and soft than any moth
With burring furred antennae feeling its huge path
Through dusk, the air-liner with shut-off engines
Glides over suburbs and the sleeves set trailing tall
To point the wind. Gently, broadly, she falls,
Scarcely disturbing charted currents of air.

Lulled by descent, the travellers across sea
And across feminine land indulging its easy limbs
In miles of softness, now let their eyes trained by watching
Penetrate through dusk the outskirts of this town
Here where industry shows a fraying edge.
Here they may see what is being done.

Beyond the winking masthead light
And the landing-ground, they observe the outposts
Of work: chimneys like lank black fingers
Or figures frightening and mad: and squat buildings
With their strange air behind trees, like women’s faces
Shattered by grief. Here where few houses
Moan with faint light behind their blinds,
They remark the unhomely sense of complaint, like a dog
Shut out and shivering at the foreign moon.

In the last sweep of love, they pass over fields
Behind the aerodrome, where boys play all day
Hacking dead grass: whose cries, like wild birds
Settle upon the nearest roofs

But soon are hid under the loud city.
Then, as they land, they hear the tolling bell
Reaching across the landscape of hysteria,

To where larger than all the charcoaled batteries
And imaged towers against that dying sky,
Religion stands, the church blocking the sun.




Stephen Spender (28 februari 1909 – 16 juli 1995)


De Duitse schrijver Bodo Morshäuser werd geboren op 28 februari 1953 in Berlijn. Zie ook mijn blog van 28 februari 2007.

Uit: Was denken Jugendliche? Die Ergebnisse der neuen Shell-Studie


„Man kann auch Zweifel daran haben, ob die weite Altersspanne von 12 bis 24 Jahren eine taugliche Größe ist. Schwerwiegender finde ich, daß Jugendliche mit ausländischem Paß, die in Deutschland aufgewachsen sind, ausgeklammert werden. Warum, wird nicht klar benannt. Es handelt sich als
o um eine Untersuchung allein über eine Jugend mit deutschem Paß. Kein Wunder, daß die Realität der Ausländerfeindlichkeit außen vor bleibt.

Nach der Lektüre hatte ich den Eindruck, daß diese Jugendlichen gute Erwachsene werden oder schon sind. Sie haben radikal viel an dieser Gesellschaft auszusetzen. Und suchen ihren Frieden wie auch ihre politische Betätigung im überschaubaren privaten Bereich. Sie sind durch und durch kritisch und kommen, obwohl die Welt gegen sie zu stehen scheint, doch ganz gut klar.

Mit anderen Worten: Nur so fängt ein mündiger Bürger an, mündig oder, negativ gesagt, kritisch frustiert zu sein. Sosehr ich eine Jugendstudie las – es war eine Untersuchung über Menschen in Deutschland. In diesem Fall waren sie eher jünger.“



Bodo Morshäuser (Berlijn, 28 februari 1953)
Foto: Brigitte Friedrich


De Franse filosoof, schrijver en politicus Michel Eyquem de Montaigne werd geboren in Bordeaux op 28 februari 1533. Zie ook mijn blog van 28 februari 2007.

Uit: De l’Amitié


Je vay bien jusques à ce second point, avec mon peintre : mais je demeure court en l’autre, et meilleure partie : car ma suffisance ne va pas si avant, que d’oser entreprendre un tableau riche, poly et formé selon l’art. Je me suis advisé d’en emprunter un d’Estienne de la Boitie, qui honorera tout le reste de cette besongne. C’est un discours auquel il donna nom : La Servitude volontaire : mais ceux qui l’ont ignoré, l’ont bien proprement dépuis rebatisé, Le Contre Un. Il l’escrivit par maniere d’essay, en sa premiere jeunesse, à l’honneur de la liberté contre les tyrans. Il court pieça és mains des gens d’entendement, non sans bien grande et meritee recommandation : car il est gentil, et plein ce qu’il est possible. Si y a il bien à dire, que ce ne soit le mieux qu’il peust faire : et si en l’aage que je l’ay cogneu plus avancé, il eust pris un tel desseing que le mien, de mettre par escrit ses fantasies, nous verrions plusieurs choses rares, et qui nous approcheroient bien pres de l’honneur de l’antiquité : car notamment en cette partie des dons de nature, je n’en cognois point qui luy soit comparable. Mais il n’est demeuré de luy que ce discours, encore par rencontre, et croy qu’il ne le veit oncques depuis qu’il luy eschappa : et quelques memoires sur cet edict de Janvier fameux par nos guerres civiles, qui trouveront encores ailleurs peut estre leur place. C’est tout ce que j’ay peu recouvrer de ses reliques (moy qu’il laissa d’une si amoureuse recommandation, la mort entre les dents, par son testament, heritier de sa Bibliotheque et de ses papiers) outre le livret de ses oeuvres que j’ay faict mettre en lumiere : Et si suis obligé particulierement à cette piece, d’autant qu’elle a servy de moyen à nostre premiere accointance.”



Michel de Montaigne (28 februari 1533 – 13 september 1592)


De Ierse dichter John Montague werd geboren in New York op 28 februari 1929. Zie ook mijn blog van 28 februari 2007.



There are Days


There are days when
one should be able
to pluck off one’s head
like a dented or worn
helmet, straight from
the nape and collarbone
(those crackling branches!)

and place it firmly down
in the bed of a flowing stream.
Clear, clean, chill currents
coursing and spuming through
the sour and stale compartments
of the brain, dimmed eardrums,
bleared eyesockets, filmed tongue.

And then set it back again
on the base of the shoulders:
well tamped down, of course,
the laved skin and mouth,
the marble of the eyes
rinsed and ready
for love; for prophecy?



No Music

I’ll tell you a sore truth, little understood
It’s harder to leave, than to be left:
To stay, to leave, both sting wrong.

You will always have me to blame,
Can dream we might have sailed on;
From absence’s rib, a warm fiction.

To tear up old love by the roots,
To trample on past affections:
There is no music for so harsh a song.



John Montague (New York, 28 februari 1929)


De Amerikaanse schrijver Daniel Handler werd geboren op 28 februari 1970 in San Francisco, Californië. Zie ook mijn blog van 28 februari 2007.


Uit: Watch Your Mouth


“There’s never been an opera about me, never in my entire life. Normally this wouldn’t bother me. There hasn’t been one about you, either, and besides, I’m still young. If my life were a play, this would be the last few minutes before the lights lowered and everything began. The audience would be milling around — the older couples in formal, non-funky suits with pearls hanging around the women’s necks like drops of semen, and the younger people in black shirts and jeans because the formality of theater is an elitist tyrannical paradigm and lots of people in the clothes they wore to work because, frankly, by the time they got home and jumped into the shower and changed their clothes they’d either be late, which they hate, or they’d be on time but so stressed out that they couldn’t really enjoy it, and frankly, if you’re going to pay that much for tickets what’s the use if you’re not going to enjoy it, so what they do is just wear some slightly dressier work clothes to work and then go right to the theater, locking the briefcase in the trunk and sometimes even having time for a cocktail or something, but not for dinner because they hate wolfing down dinner and rushing to the theater, it’s so stressful, they might as well go home and shower and change if they want to be stressed out before the show even starts.

This is some snatch of lobby-talk that Stan, the manager of the Pittsburgh Opera, overheard and never forgot. And never forgot to repeat. ?That’s our audience, Joseph,? he said to me. ?Just regular working folk. We have to create opera for them that’s not just interesting but fascinating, mesmerizing. So that they transcend all the stress about whether to change or where to have dinner or parking or whatever, and really hear the music. That’s what opera’s for. Do you have any more of those candies??”



Daniel Handler (San Francisco, 28 februari 1970)


Zie voor onderstaande schrijver ook mijn blog van 28 februari 2007.

De Franse schrijver, dramaturg en regisseur Marcel Pagnol werd geboren op 28 februari 1895 in Aubagne, Bouches-du-Rhône.

Stephen Spender, Marcel Pagnol, Michel de Montaigne, John Montague, Daniel Handler

De Engelse dichter, essayist en schrijver Stephen Spender werd geboren op 28 februari 1909 in Londen. Spender bezocht de Gresham’s School, Holt, University College School en University College, Oxford, waar hij W. H. Auden ontmoette. Spender maakte zijn opleiding niet af en ging naar Duitsland. In deze tijd was hij ook bevriend met Christopher Isherwood die ook al in Duitsland woonde tijdens de republiek van Weimar. Zijn autobiografie, World within world, is een herschepping van de politieke en sociale atmosfeer gedurende de jaren dertig. Evenals collega dichters als Auden en Isherwood en andere uitgesproken tegenstanders van het fascisme werd Spender afgekeurd voor militaire dienst tijdens WO II.

Van 1970 tot 1977 was Spender hoogleraar Engelse letterkunde aan University College in Londen.

Uit: World within world

“Often, during an air raid on London in 1940, I would hear a bomber diving downwards with a roar, as though its trajectory described a valley in the mountain-high air inhabited by aircraft. Then I would reassure myself by imagining that, in the whole area of the county of London, there were no more houses, but that the bomber was gyring and diving over an empty plain covered in darkness. This picture was both reassuring and exact: for it fixed my attention on my own smallness as a target compared with the immensity of London. And this was the reality. Only my fears were exposed.

If I thought of London as the London of my mind, and not as a geographical expanse, I only imagined places I knew and whose names occurred to me: Oxford Street, Piccadilly, St. Paul’s, Liverpool Street, Kensington, Paddington, Maida Vale, Hampstead, and so forth. And even these places were represented in my mind only by the names of a few familiar features, churches, streets and squares, and not by all the other streets and the innumerable buildings which I did not know.

Although the raids stopped, or happened only at rare intervals, this picture of the aeroplane over the huge plain with the people concealed in crevices, can be enlarged to a vision of the new phase of domination and threat by machine-power politics, which the world had now entered and which did not end with the peace. The aeroplane filled ever-widening circles in the minds of people beneath it; but the pilot and even the officers who commanded him at bases, their masters in governments and the vanquished and victors of the war, were diminished, until it seemed that they no longer had wills of their own, but were automata controlled by the mechanism of war.”


Stephen Spender (28 februari 1909 – 16 juli 1995)


De Franse schrijver, dramaturg en regisseur Marcel Pagnol werd geboren op 28 februari 1895 in Aubagne, Bouches-du-Rhône. Hij groeide op als kind van een basisschoolleraar in de Provence en in Marseille en hij wilde oorspronkelijk leraar Engels worden. Het succes van zijn vroege toneelstukken liet hem een andere weg inslaan. Populair werd hij met zijn stukken Marius (1929), Fanny (1931) en César (1936), die handelden over mensen in Marseille. Deze stukken werden ook verfilmd. In de jaren dertig hield Pagnol zich dan ook overwegend met film bezig: Angèle (1934), Regain (1937) und La Femme du Boulanger (1939).


Uit : Jazz (1974)


“L’intelligence, dans la nature, ce n’était qu’une pauvre petite lueur qui devait nous guider dans l’accomplissement des actes quotidiens. Nous lui avons donné, peu à peu, trop d’importance. Et nous sommes comme serait un homme qui porte une lampe dans un souterrain à la recherche d’un trésor. Soudain, la lampe fume, ou flamboie, ou ronfle, ou crépite. Alors, il s’arrête, il s’assied par terre, il fait monter ou descendre la mèche, il règle des éclairages. Et ce travail l’intéresse tant qu’il a oublié le trésor, qu’il finit par croire que le bonheur c’est de perfectionner une lampe et de faire danser des ombres sur un mur. Et il se contente de ces pauvres joies de lampiste, jusqu’au jour où il voit soudain que sa vie s’est passée à ce jeu puéril… Trop tard ! La mort déjà le tient à la gorge. L’intelligence, c’est la lampe. Le trésor, ce sont les joies de la vie. »



Marcel Pagnol 28 februari 1895 – 18 april 1974)


De Franse filosoof, schrijver en politicus Michel Eyquem de Montaigne werd geboren in Bordeaux op 28 februari 1533. In zijn belangrijkste werk, Essais (probeersels), neemt hij de mensheid en met name zichzelf als onderwerp van studie. Hij was daarmee de eerste die een psychologie van zichzelf schreef, in veel verschillende hoofdstukken van wisselende lengte. Hij bleef tot kort voor zijn dood hoofdstukken toevoegen en eerdere hoofdstukken wijzigen en uitbreiden. Montaigne wordt algemeen beschouwd als een sceptisch humanist.


Uit Essais (De la Tristesse)


« JE suis des plus exempts de cette passion, et ne l’ayme ny l’estime : quoy que le monde ayt entrepris, comme à prix faict, de l’honorer de faveur particuliere. Ils en habillent la sagesse, la vertu, la conscience. Sot et vilain ornement. Les Italiens ont plus sortablement baptisé de son nom la malignité. Car c’est une qualité tousjours nuisible, tousjours folle : et comme tousjours couarde et basse, les Stoïciens en defendent le sentiment à leurs sages.


Mais le conte dit que Psammenitus Roy d’Ægypte, ayant esté deffait et pris par Cambysez Roy de Perse, voyant passer devant luy sa fille prisonniere habillee en servante, qu’on envoyoit puiser de l’eau, tous ses amis pleurans et lamentans autour de luy, se tint coy sans mot dire, les yeux fichez en terre : et voyant encore tantost qu’on menoit son fils à la mort, se maintint en cette mesme contenance : mais qu’ayant apperçeu un de ses domestiques conduit entre les captifs, il se mit à battre sa teste, et mener un dueil extreme. »



Michel de Montaigne (28 februari 1533 – 13 september 1592)


De Ierse dichter John Montague werd geboren in New York op 28 februari 1929, maar hij groeide op in in Garvaghey, County Tyrone. Zijn vader, James Montague, een Ulster katholiek, was in 1925 naar de VS vertrokken om zich bij zijn broer te voegen. In 1933, gedurende de depressie, stuurde hij zijn drie zonen terug naar Ierland. In 1946 ging John Montague naar de universiteit van Dublin. Aangemoedigd door het voorbeeld van andere studenten, zoals Thomas Kinsella, begon hij zijn eerste gedichten te publiceren in Dublin Magazine, Envoy, en The Bell. In 1953 kreeg Montague een Fullbright Fellowship en ging hij naar Yale. In 1961 stelde hij zijn eerste dichtbundel samen. In dat jaar verhuisde hij ook naar Parijs, naar een klein appartement, een paar straten verwijderd van Samuel Beckett, die stilaan een goed drinkmaatje van hem werd. In 1964 verscheen zijn verhalenbundel Death of a Chieftain. In 1967 volgde zijn tweede poëziebundel A Chosen Light, in 1970 Tides. Vanaf begin jaren zeventig was Montague begonnen te schrijven aan zijn lange gedicht The Rough Field, dat in 1972 verscheen.

Outside Armagh Jail, 1971

Armagh. Its calm Georgian Mall.
A student’s memory of bell, the carillon
echoing from the new Cathedral, glooms
over the old walls and sleeping cannon,
the incongruously handsome Women’s Prison.
By the railings, two impassive R.U.C men.
I ring formally and ask for Bernadette:
an incredulous giggle and a slammed door
is the iron answer that I get.

Exposed on the steps like Seanchan,
I intone the scop stresses of my Derry poem.
Lines of suffering/lines of defeat.
One of the constables shifts his feet,
the other is grinning broadly. A secret
acolyt of poetry? I can hear him
rubbing his hands in the guardroom;
‘Boys, that was great crack! The Fenians
must be losing. This time they sent a lunatic


Irish Street Scene, with Lovers

A rainy quiet evening, with leaves that hang
Likes squares of silk from dripping branches.
An avenue of laurel, and the guttering cry
Of a robin that balances a moment,
Starts and is gone
Upon some furtive errand of his own.

A quiet evening, with skies washed and grey;
A tiredness as though the day
Swayed towards sleep,
Except for the reserved statement
Of rain on the grey-stone pavement –
Dripping, they move through this marine light,

Seemimg to swim more than walk,
Linked under the black arch of an umbrella
With its assembly of spokes like points of stars,
A globule of water slowly forming on each.
The world shrinks to the soaked, worn
Shield of cloth they parade beneath.


John Montague (New York, 28 februari 1929)


Daniel Handler werd geboren op 28 februari 1970 in San Francisco, Californië, U.S.A. Hij werd bekend als Amerikaans schrijver. Hij debuteerde met “The basic eight/1999” en had zijn tweede boek, “Watch your mouth/2000” over incest, al af toen de uitgevers zijn eerste boek nog steeds weigerden. De toon in zijn werk was zwartgallig, uit onvrede over de gebruikelijke literatuur, en een agent voor kinderboeken raadde hem aan om dezelfde basis te nemen om een boek voor kinderen te schrijven. Dit gebeurde onder het pseudoniem Lemony Snicket, en de 13-delige “Series of Unfortunate Events” werd een bestseller.


Uit: The End (A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book 13)


“The Baudelaire orphans would have been happy to see an onion, had one come bobbing along as they traveled across the vast and empty sea in a boat the size of a large bed but not nearly as comfortable. Had such a vegetable appeared, Violet, the eldest Baudelaire, would have tied up her hair in a ribbon to keep it out of her eyes, and in moments would have invented a device to retrieve the onion from the water. Klaus, the middle sibling and the only boy, would have remembered useful facts from one of the thousands of books he had read, and been able to identify which type of onion it was, and whether or not it was edible. And Sunny, who was just scarcely out of babyhood, would have sliced the onion into bite-sized pieces with her unusually sharp teeth, and put her newly developed cooking skills to good use in order to turn a simple onion into something quite tasty indeed. The elder Baudelaires could imagine their sister announcing “Soubise!” which was her way of saying “Dinner is served.”



Daniel Handler (San Francisco, 28 februari 1970)