Michael Ondaatje, James Frey, Louis MacNeice, Hannes Meinkema, Gust Van Brussel

De Canadese dichter en schrijver Philip Michael Ondaatje werd op 12 september 1943 geboren in Colombo, Ceylon (nu Sri Lanka). Zieook mijn blog van 12 september 2010 en eveneens alle tags voor Michael Ondaantje op dit blog.


Application For A Driving License

Two birds loved
in a flurry of red feathers
like a burst cottonball,
continuing while I drove over them.
I am a good driver, nothing shocks me.



Griffin calls to come and kiss him goodnight
I yell ok. Finish something I’m doing,
then something else, walk slowly round
the corner to my son’s room.
He is standing arms outstretched
waiting for a bearhug. Grinning.

Why do I give my emotion an animal’s name,
give it that dark squeeze of death?
This is the hug which collects
all his small bones and his warm neck against me.
The thin tough body under the pyjamas
locks to me like a magnet of blood.

How long was he standing there
like that, before I came?

Michael Ondaatje (Colombo, 12 september 1943)

Lees verder “Michael Ondaatje, James Frey, Louis MacNeice, Hannes Meinkema, Gust Van Brussel”