Tadeusz Różewicz, Herman Brusselmans, Mário de Andrade, Colin Clark

De Poolse dichter en schrijver Tadeusz Różewicz werd geboren in Radomsko op 9 oktober 1921. Zie ook mijn blog van 9 oktober 2010 en eveneens alle tags voor Tadeusz Różewicz op dit blog.



When all the women in the transport
had their heads shaved
four workmen with brooms made of birch twigs
swept up
and gathered up the hair

Behind clean glass
the stiff hair lies
of those suffocated in gas chambers
there are pins and side combs
in this hair

The hair is not shot through with light
is not parted by the breeze
is not touched by any hand
or rain or lips

In huge chests
clouds of dry hair
of those suffocated
and a faded plait
a pigtail with a ribbon
pulled at school
by naughty boys.


Vertaald door Adam Czerniawski



My little son enters
the room and says
‘you are a vulture
I am a mouse’

I put away my book
wings and claws
grow out of me

their ominous shadows
race on the walls
I am a vulture
he is a mouse

‘you are a wolf
I am a goat’
I walked around the table
and am a wolf
windowpanes gleam
like fangs
in the dark

while he runs to his mother
his head hidden in the warmth of her dress


Vertaald door Czeslaw Milosz


Tadeusz Różewicz (Radomsko, 9 oktober 1921)
In 1979

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