Jamie McKendrick

De Engelse dichter en vertaler Jamie McKendrick werd op 27 oktober 1955 in Liverpool geboren. Zie ook alle tags voor Jamie McKendrick op dit blog.





I woke drenched in sweat and homesick
for nowhere I could think of, a feeling
scuffed and quaint as farthings or furlongs.

Then I remembered the room of the sirocco
in a Sicilian palace made of pink volcanic sugar.
There was a scent of waxed oak and pistachios.

Two maids were making up our nuptial bed,
smoothing the white linen with their dark hands.
You’d never have finished finding fault with their work

if I hadn’t intervened, so that you turned on me
Their family were turnip doctors
at the time o the Bourbons ~ an old enmity then,

and more imperious even than pleasure.
How to get out of that windowless room,
with not one of its walls adjoining the air

was all I could think of, from that point on.
Your voice pursued me down the marbile stairway:
Don’t think you’ll ever find a home again!






Ik ontwaakte badend in het zweet en vol heimwee
naar ik wist niet waar, een gevoel
afgetrapt en oubollig als duiten of ellen.

Toen herinnerde ik mij de kamer van de sirocco
in een Siciliaans paleis gemaakt van roze vulkanische suiker.
Er hing een geur van boenwas en pistache.

Twee meisjes maakten ons huwelijksbed op,
streken het witte linnen glad met hun donkere handen.
Jij zou zijn blijven vitten op hun werk

als ik niet tussenbeide was gekomen, zodat je je tegen mij keerde
en zei
Hun voorouders waren knollendokters
ten tijde van de Bourbons – een oude vijandschap dus,

en dwingender nog dan genot.
Hoe uit die raamloze kamer te komen,
waarvan geen enkele muur aan de buitenlucht grensde

was het enige waaraan ik nog denken kon.
Je stem achtervolgde mij langs de marmeren trap omlaag:
Denk maar niet dat jij ooit nog een thuis zult vinden!



Vertaald door Ko Kooman



Jamie McKendrick (Liverpool, 27 oktober 1955)

Dylan Thomas, Sylvia Plath, Albrecht Rodenbach

De Engelse dichter Dylan Thomas werd geboren op 27 oktober 1914 in Swansea in Wales. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 oktober 2010 en eveneens alle tags voor Dylan Thomas op dit blog.


All All And All The Dry Worlds Lever


All all and all the dry worlds lever,
Stage of the ice, the solid ocean,
All from the oil, the pound of lava.
City of spring, the governed flower,
Turns in the earth that turns the ashen
Towns around on a wheel of fire.

How now my flesh, my naked fellow,
Dug of the sea, the glanded morrow,
Worm in the scalp, the staked and fallow.
All all and all, the corpse’s lover,
Skinny as sin, the foaming marrow,
All of the flesh, the dry worlds lever.


Fear not the waking world, my mortal,
Fear not the flat, synthetic blood,
Nor the heart in the ribbing metal.
Fear not the tread, the seeded milling,
The trigger and scythe, the bridal blade,
Nor the flint in the lover’s mauling.

Man of my flesh, the jawbone riven,
Know now the flesh’s lock and vice,
And the cage for the scythe-eyed raver.
Know, O my bone, the jointed lever,
Fear not the screws that turn the voice,
And the face to the driven lover.


All all and all the dry worlds couple,
Ghost with her ghost, contagious man
With the womb of his shapeless people.
All that shapes from the caul and suckle,
Stroke of mechanical flesh on mine,
Square in these worlds the mortal circle.

Flower, flower the people’s fusion,
O light in zenith, the coupled bud,
And the flame in the flesh’s vision.
Out of the sea, the drive of oil,
Socket and grave, the brassy blood,
Flower, flower, all all and all.


I Dreamed My Genesis

I dreamed my genesis in sweat of sleep, breaking
Through the rotating shell, strong
As motor muscle on the drill, driving
Through vision and the girdered nerve.

From limbs that had the measure of the worm, shuffled
Off from the creasing flesh, filed
Through all the irons in the grass, metal
Of suns in the man-melting night.

Heir to the scalding veins that hold love’s drop, costly
A creature in my bones I
Rounded my globe of heritage, journey
In bottom gear through night-geared man.

I dreamed my genesis and died again, shrapnel
Rammed in the marching heart, hole
In the stitched wound and clotted wind, muzzled
Death on the mouth that ate the gas.

Sharp in my second death I marked the hills, harvest
Of hemlock and the blades, rust
My blood upon the tempered dead, forcing
My second struggling from the grass.

And power was contagious in my birth, second
Rise of the skeleton and
Rerobing of the naked ghost. Manhood
Spat up from the resuffered pain.

I dreamed my genesis in sweat of death, fallen
Twice in the feeding sea, grown
Stale of Adam’s brine until, vision
Of new man strength, I seek the sun.

Dylan Thomas (27 oktober 1914 – 9 november 1953)

Dylan Thomas Cwmdonkin Drive, portret door Peter Ross

Lees verder “Dylan Thomas, Sylvia Plath, Albrecht Rodenbach”