Kay Ryan

De Amerikaanse dichteres Kay Ryan werd geboren op 27 september 1945 in San Jose, California. Zie ook alle tags voor Kay Ryan op dit blog.


The Obsoletion of a Language

We knew it
would happen,
one of the laws.
And that it
would be this
sudden. Words
become a chewing
action of the jaws
and mouth, unheard
by the only other
citizen there was
on earth.



Sometimes before
going to sleep a person
senses the give
behind the last given,

almost physically,
like the strain
of plush against
a skin.

The person imagines
a fig or peach,
perhaps a woman or
a deep constellation:
some fathomless

But we are each
that, while we live,
however much
we resist: almost
without surface, barely

but crazy
as clouds compounding
each other, refusing
to rain.


Bait Goat

There is a
distance where
magnets pull,
we feel, having
held them
back. Likewise
there is a
distance where
words attract.
Set one out
like a bait goat
and wait and
seven others
will approach.
But watch out:
roving packs can
pull your word
away. You
find your stake
yanked and some
rough bunch
to thank.



Elke ontsnapping
had te maken met wat kunst,
wat bedrog, en
op zijn minst een korte
uitwisseling tussen
de man en het metaal,
gedurende welke de
kettingen niet
zozeer gebroken waren
als hij en zij
vermengd. Aan het
eind van elke
mix moest hij
zichzelf uitpakken. Het
was het moeilijkste
deel om routinematig
correct te doen: terug-
breken in de
dezelfde Houdini.


Vertaald door Frans Roumen


Kay Ryan (San Jose, 27 september 1945)


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