De Poolse schrijver Janusz Glowacki werd geboren op 13 september 1938 in Poznań. Zie ook alle tags voor Janusz Glowacki op dit blog.
Uit: Cinders (Vertaald door Christina Paul)
“PRINCE. I’m in here for what you might call itchy fingers. I got a job as a high-powered hairdressing assistant. The people who did me the most harm were the ones I worked with. When some cash dis-appeared one day, they framed me. Next I was on the run. Next I see a girl walking toward me with these boots on. I really took a fancy to them. So I said to her, “Jump out of those boots,” and she didn’t seem too eager, so I smacked her one. Next things went pretty easy for a while, and I had a lit-tle think. I had talent, no doubt about it. Next I met up with some of the boys—villains—and next I was in with them. Next we did a heist on this jeweller—he was geriatric, you know, over thirty. Next I began to specialize in deep pocket work. I be-came the pickpocket queen. I had it made, right? And that was the beginning of my downfall. Next, thank God, I landed inside. I’d like to finish school, go to the university, and settle a few old scores, like killing my sister, for instance, who squealed to the law. I figure someone like that’s got no right to live. I’d like to run into someone like that in a dark alley and teach them a few things. By hand. [CINDERELLA stands before the camera. Long pause.] DIRECTOR. [enraged] Cut. OK, let’s take a break.
CAMERAMAN. Save the lights!
DIRECTOR. It worked better in rehearsal, and your hands weren’t shaking like that.
PRINCE. I forgot about them.
DIRECTOR. And all of you look happier! It’s supposed to be a happy occasion. You’re at a ball! You’re going to get a free dinner . . . Dismissed.
[The GIRLS leave. DEPUTY enters, holding several pieces of paper.]
DEPUTY. I’ve prepared my lines, but I only want to be seen from the waist up, as I’ll be holding my script.
DIRECTOR. Don’t worry about that.
DEPUTY. I thought maybe you could use this as the opening of the film.
DIRECTOR. Great idea.
DEPUTY. A few lines. Do you want to have a glance at them?
DIRECTOR. No, no. I trust you. Get yourself ready. By the way, what about her?
DEPUTY. You mean Cinderella?
DIRECTOR. I mean Cinderella.
DEPUTY. No further developments. I’m ready when you arc. It’s just that my script mustn’t be seen.”

De Amerikaanse dichter William Carlos Williams werd geboren in Rutherford (New Jersey) op 17 september 1883. Zie ook alle tags voor William Carlos Williams op dit blog.
Om een oude dame te wekken
Ouderdom is
een zwerm kleine
tjilpende vogels
langs kale bomen
boven verijsde sneeuw.
Stijgend en vallend
wordt het ze lastig gemaakt
door een donkere wind –
Maar kijk!
Op harde ruigtehalmen
is de troep neergestreken,
de sneeuw
ligt vol geschilferd
en de wind wordt getemperd
door een hoop
schril gepiep.
Vertaald door Huub Beurskens

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