Sheema Kalbasi, Christian Filips

De Iraanse dichteres, vertaalster en mensenrechten-advocate Sheema Kalbasi werd geboren op 20 november 1972 in Teheran. Zie ook alle tags voor Sheema Kalbasi op dit blog



I wear your perfume on my skin
Don’t be unkind
Like wild flowers shy under the sun
Don’t seek the truth,
I tell you none exists
Everything has an expiration date
Love, life, identity, even abnormality.
We are travelers,
Some of us just leave the suitcase at home
So that our hands won’t suffer the weight of our guilt.


Blood and Barriers

I press my hands against the wall,
Dragging my nails, counting to ten.
The holes in my mind bleed into the wall’s.
I count to ten: my nails, my bruised flesh, my shattered arms.
I rest my head against the wall,
The gaping holes, the angry red patches. I count to ten,
The voids in my mind syncing with my coughs and my mother’s distant voice.
I count to ten, my broken back writhing and twisting,
Numb to the pain. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six.
I trace my neck with my hand, my nails shattered,
Blood in my hair, still fresh and vivid.
Five, four, three, two, one.
Here, the windows are dark and silent.
Maybe you’ll see me in the tall mirrors of your bright home,
Maybe you’ll write about me, maybe you’ll forget.
With you, I am ten steps away—From here to your smile,
To your kohl-lined eyes. I crack walnuts.
Seven, six, five.
On Wednesday, with your hands, I collapse to the ground.
Here, here, here.
Today, I’ll begin my humanitarian work
By biting the streets.
Ten, nine, eight. And I count to ten.
Come with me, offer your hands,
Let’s press against the wall together,
Paint the bloody walls white.
Maybe, once again, a mother
Will not watch her children hanged. Maybe a student
Will not face the exam in shackles.
Come, let me kiss you, let my tongue trace your lips,
Let your hands explore my body,
Let’s make our flesh familiar, Let’s celebrate our union.
Here, once more, Iranian sacrificial meat crushed in the prison’s corner.


Sheema Kalbasi (Teheran, 20 november 1972)


De Duitse dichter, schrijver, acteur en regisseur Christian Filips werd geboren op 22 november 1981 in Osthofen. Zie ook alle tags voor Christian Filips op dit blog.


Ik zit nog steeds waar jij me hoog en droog achterliet

op de muur van je vader, hoog daarboven

(landschap met kraanvogel, riet
en briesje, verder naar achter)

hoor ik je
langs je heen…

en hoor
een riviergod, zo jong

die tegen de hoge, edele

pist (muur in de


Vertaald door Frans Roumen


Christian Filips (Osthofen, 22 november 1981)


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