Robert Bly

De Amerikaanse dichter en schrijver Robert Bly werd geboren op 23 december 1926 in Madison, Minnesota. Zie ook alle tags voor Robert Bly op dit blog.


Driving toward the Lac Qui Parle River

I am driving; it is dusk; Minnesota.
The stubble field catches the last growth of sun.
The soybeans are breathing on all sides.
Old men are sitting before their houses on car seats
In the small towns. I am happy,
The moon rising above the turkey sheds.

The small world of the car
Plunges through the deep fields of the night,
On the road from Willmar to Milan.
This solitude covered with iron
Moves through the fields of night
Penetrated by the noise of crickets.

Nearly to Milan, suddenly a small bridge,
And water kneeling in the moonlight.
In small towns the houses are built right on the ground;
The lamplight falls on all fours on the grass.
When I reach the river, the full moon covers it.
A few people are talking, low, in a boat.



I was one of the saved.
The chickens were, too.
Morning came; only
The hired girl was ready.

The rest of us dozed,
And got up, and fed chickens.
The guinea hens rose
From unimaginable places.

We couldn’t understand
How strange they were.
They slept in trees
And had better nights.



We spent all day tithing and talking.
At last, late at night, I sit at my desk alone,
And rise and walk out in the summery night.
A dark thing hopped near me in the grass.

The trees were breathing, the windmill slowly pumped.
Over head the rain clouds that rained on Ortonville
Covered half the stars.
The air was still cool from their rain.

It is very late.
I am the only one awake.
Men and women I love are sleeping nearby.

The human ace shines as it speaks of things
Near itself, thoughts full of dreams.
The human face shines like a dark sky
As it speaks of those things that oppress the living.


De kunstenaar op zijn vijftigste

De kraai nestelt hoog in de den.
Vogels hippen met korte kreten
over de besneeuwde takken. Sneeuwplakken vallen.
Muizen rennen met hangende staarten door de verse sneeuw.

Jaar na jaar werkt de kunstenaar,
vroeg en laat, de ouden bestuderend.
Wat wint hij erbij? Tenslotte droomt hij
op een nacht van hertengeweien achtergelaten in de sneeuw.


Vertaald door J. Bernlef


Robert Bly (23 december 1926 – 21 november 2021)


Zie voor nog meer schrijvers van de 23e december ook mijn blog van 23 december 2018 deel 1 en ook deel 2 en eveneens deel 3.