De Amerikaanse schrijver George Saunders werd geboren op 2 december 1958 in Chicago. Zie ook alle tags voor George Saunders op dit blog.
Uit: CivilWarLand in Bad Decline
“Whenever a potential big investor comes for the tour the first thing I do is take him out to the transplanted Erie Canal Lock. We’ve got a good ninety feet of actual Canal out there and a well-researched dioramic of a coolie campsite. Were our faces ever red when we found out it was actually the Irish who built the Canal. We’ve got no budget to correct, so every fifteen minutes or so a device in the bunkhouse gives off the approximate aroma of an Oriental meal.
Today my possible Historical Reconstruction Associate is Mr. Haberstrom, founder of Burn’n’Learn. Burn’n’Learn is national. Their gimmick is a fully stocked library on the premises and as you tan you call out the name of any book you want to these high-school girls on roller skates. As we walk up the trail he’s wearing a sweatsuit and smoking a cigar and I tell him I admire his acumen. I tell him some men are dreamers and others are doers. He asks which am I and I say let’s face it, I’m basically the guy who leads the dreamers up the trail to view the Canal Segment. He likes that. He says I have a good head on my shoulders. He touches my arm and says he’s hot to spend some reflective moments at the Canal because his great-grandfather was a barge guider way back when who got killed by a donkey. When we reach the clearing he gets all emotional and bolts off through the gambling plaster Chinese. Not to be crass but I sense an impending sizable contribution.“
George Saunders (Chicago, 2 december 1958)
De Griekse dichter en schrijver Iakovos Kambanellis werd geboren op 2 december 1922 in Hora op het eiland Naxos. Zie ook alle tags voor Iakovos Kambanellis.
Uit: World Theatre Day Message 2001
“I believe that Theatre will never cease to exist. I think, even if this might sound paradoxical, that this ancient Art is also an Art of the Future. Not because of the will of those who create Theatre – playwrights, actors, directors – and all the other factors that contribute to a performance, but because you, the people, the audience, will still want it to exist in the future.
On what do I base this optimistic prediction about Theatre’s future? On the belief that the creation of Theatre stems from a person’s psychical need, a need that will never be eradicated.
I invite you all today to share some thoughts that would seem to justify my point of view. The fact that Man walked on the Moon seems already an old story! It no longer impresses us that a spaceship went to planet Mars and brought back samples of its soil! A huge space station providing accommodation for space tourists and young couples on their honeymoon is already under construction and spaceships exploring distant planets and sending their photos back to Earth are now almost an everyday occurrence!
However, although we are living in a time when humanity is conquering space, we still continue to go to the Theatre, and find ourselves in a space belonging to an Art that has existed and functioned with the same simple means, ever since measuring time with a sundial was thought to be a great technical achievement. In my view, this evident, timeless relation between human beings and theatre is an eternal one. This is because I believe that while Theatre evolved into a social phenomenon, it was, at the beginning, a natural one. Theatre dates from the time that the first human beings began to memorize their experiences and represent them in imagination, from the time that human beings began to plan their actions, imagining how to accomplish them. The first theatre company and the first theatrical performances took shape in the minds of men and women. Every person has an innate need and ability to create performances. Have you ever realized that each of us, without exception, has at his or her disposal a private theatre company, in which we ourselves play the leading role while at the same time being our own audience ? Very often, we are also the playwright, the director and the set designer of this company. How and when does this occur?”
Iakovos Kampanellis (2 december 1922 – 29 maart 2011)
De Franse schrijver Jacques Lacarrière werd geboren op 2 december 1925 in Limoges. Zie ook alle tags voor Jacques Lacarrière op dit blog.
Uit: L’Eté grec
« Il est vrai que je dois à quelque heureuse disposition de la nature (comme on eût dit dans des récits anciens) de m’adapter très vite aux usages, aux nourritures, aux façons de vivre des lieux où je voyage. La chose n’est pas si aisée, même à vingt-cinq ans. Il y faut un minimum de santé organique, un estomac solide, un foie docile, des papilles libertaires qui acceptent sans trop rechigner le tsipouro de deux heures du matin, après la liqueur de banane, le yaourt de chèvre qu’on a laissé deux jours au milieu des mouches, l’eau jaune, parfois verte, des citernes où la pluie s’est fait trop attendre. Mais, ce faisant, j’ai éprouvé tous les plaisirs d’un corps qu’on nourrit, qu’on fatigue et qu’on délasse autrement, première façon qu’à un pays de vous parler: par ce qu’il introduit en vous de substances nouvelles, de liquides fantasques.
La Crête m’enseigna tout cela par sa nourriture montagnarde, ses fromages secs, ses olives, ses fruits, ses bouillies d’épeautre, son pain noir, son vin rosé et d’autres saveurs que je découvris: les graines et l’huile de sésame, le fenouil séché au soleil, le basilic frais, le miel de résine et partout ce goût et cette odeur de chèvre qui couvre jusqu’aux vêtements à force de dormir dans les villages sur des planches recouvertes de peaux. J’ai même une fois mangé de l’aigle (…) »
Jacques Lacarrière (2 december 1925 – 17 september 2005)
De Amerikaanse schrijver Eric L. Harry werd geboren op 2 december 1958 in Ocean Springs, Mississippi. Zie ook alle tags voor Eric L. Harry op dit blog.
Uit: Inside Delta Force
„I am a nomad, son of an ancient line of nomads. The larger part of my family line is made up of the Scots-Irish, a people descended from that peculiar mixture of the Celts of the northern British Isles and the invading Danes and Norsemen. The result was a landless, illiterate, anarchic, and warlike people who were always difficult, if not downright impossible, to govern. They were a race the British Crown rightfully viewed as dangerous rebels, and consequently exiled to the New World by the tens of thousands.
On arrival in the American colonies, these people fled as far as possible from government control, many of them crossing the Blue Ridge Mountains, and migrating from there throughout what eventually became the highlands of the southern United States. They were the original “backwoodsmen” of American history. In their new home these renegade peoples tended to travel together in interrelated clans that also married and bred quite readily with the Cherokee and Creek Indians of the region.
Both sides of my family were landless sharecroppers and mountain people as far back as I can determine. There is no written record of ancestry, for my parents were the first of our people to read and write and to own a little property. Inherited wealth may be something easily squandered, but inherited poverty is a legacy almost impossible to lose.
What did I receive from this lineage? Things I consider to be very valuable: a good raw intellect and a good tough body. A sense of independence and a realization that wherever I am is my home. A sense of humor. A sense of personal honor that results in a touchiness common to our people. We are easily offended and prone to violence when offended. When the only thing you own is your sense of honor, you tend to protect it at all costs.
I inherited a sense of wanderlust and a curiosity about the world. I inherited a warlike attitude; we have always been good soldierly material if properly disciplined and broken in. I inherited a sense of spirituality rather than “religion,” which has served me well, especially in trying times. I am self-confident and resilient. My psyche is self-cleansing. I love life.“
Eric L. Harry (Ocean Springs, 2 december 1958)