De Engelse dichter John Heath-Stubbs werd geboren op 9 juli 1918 in Londen. Zie ook alle tags voor John Heath-Stubbs op dit blog.
Wounded Thammuz
Thammuz …
Whose annual wound, in Lebanon, allured The Syrian damsels to lament his fate,
In amorous ditties, all a summer’s day;
While smooth Adonis from his native rock,
Ran purple to the sea, supposed with blood Of Thammuz yearly wounded …
Milton: Paradise Lost, Book 1
Dull Time’s unwinking sickle has close-clipped
My laurel boughs (Once more, and yet once more
Ye myrtles brown) and winter’s cat’s-tongue breeze
Has rasped away my roses, and has stripped
The quivering covering of my garden trees,
Hurling along the brown neap-tided shore
Autumnal discontent of unquiet seas.
And O you wind, as you come chattering
Between these broken strings, choke not my speech.
Break not this song, O break not this one song,
But bear about the winter-world some smattering
Of spring’s shrill bird-bright runes, song-spells, and each
Flower-character inscribed my summer long.
This is that dying season when the Dead
Thicken the air, out of the still-born night
Wandering with yellow leaves, drifting with thin-
Spun webs of spider-silk; now should be said,
In the old way, for them, some litany, some rite.
I have no strength, but yet I will begin.
All the year’s gold and silver is gone underground
Into your cold dark caves, you fortunate Dead.
Helen and Cleopatra and all the crowned
Queens of the ancient world lie low in that bed;
King Caesar has cast aside his sword and his diadem,
And Homer untuned his fiddle, to sleep with them.
It’s time, oh it is high time, I should be lying
Down in those shadowy fields where no wind blows;
In funeral garlands for me they will be tying
With death-cold ivory fingers the deathless rose.
Up in this autumn world will the naked trees be mourning,
In twisted smoke from dank fires the old year burning.

De Duitse dichter Hans Arnfrid Astel werd geboren in München op 9 juli 1933. Zie ook alle tags voor Hans Arnfrid Astel op dit blog.
Het groene doek over het verval.
De aarde slikt wat ik niet slikken kan.
Het gat in de bloempot. Door de pupil
zie ik wat ik niet wil zien.
De bloemen bloeien uit de kerkhofgrond.
Zij kijken naar mij. Ik zie je vergaan.
Je oog spreekt tot mij vanuit de oogkas:
Bederf het water van ons bloempje niet.
Verlicht heeft me lang geleden
een omgekeerde bloempot als lamp.
Hij hing aan zijn draad aan het plafond
en uit de fitting scheen de zon.
Vertaald door Frans Roumen

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