De Britse dichteres en schrijfster Sophie Hannah werd geboren in Manchester op 28 juni 1971. Zie ook alle tags voor Sophie Hannah op dit blog.
The Good Loser
I have portrayed temptation as amusing.
Now he can either waver or abstain.
His is a superior kind of losing
And mine is an inferior brond of gain.
His sacrifice, his self-imposed restriction
Will get through this controversy intact
For his is a superior kind of fiction
And mine is an inferior brand of fact.
I have displayed my most attractive feature
And he his least, yet still the match seems odd.
For I am a superior kind of creature
And he is an inferior brand of god
And if he cuts me off without warning
His is the book from which I’ll take a leaf
For his is a superior kind of mourning
And ours a most inferior brand of grief.
I came this little seaside town
And went a pub they call The Crown
Where straight away I happened see
A man who seemed quite partial me.
I proved susceptible his charms
And fell right in his open arms.
From time time, every now and then,
I hope meet up with him again.
The During Months
Like summer in some countries and like rain
in mine, for nuns like God, for drunks like beer,
like food for chefs, for invalids like pain,
You’ve occupied a large part of the year.
The during months to those before and since
would make a ratio of ten to two,
counting the ones spent trying to convince
myself there was a beating heart in you
when diagrams were all you’d let me see.
Hearts should be made of either blood or stone,
of both, like mine. There’s still December free –
the month in which I’ll save this year, alone.
De Duitse dichter, schrijver, uitgever en vertaler Thomas Frahm werd geboren op 29 juni 1961 in Homberg. Zie ook alle tags voor Thomas Frahm op dit blog.
Handen, vandaag – en morgen
Laten we de geschiedenis
ingaan. Maar waarmee?
Onze handen zijn leeg
na de transformatie van de wereld
in goederen.
worden onze handen
wanneer ze dit overvolle
magazijn om zich heen betasten.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Zij voelen
zich gedwongen te kiezen.
ze weten niet wat ze nu moeten doen.
Voor wie? Waar? En waarom?
Zonder sigaret, zonder koffie
lijken ze allebei al veel op
langdurig werklozen.
………………………………….Grijs geworden,
beginnen ze te trillen.
Bekijk ze goed als je ze
uit je zak haalt. Ze worden
kleiner en kleiner. Spoedig
groeien ze van binnenuit
je schedel in, om daar
een verschrikkelijke opstanding te vieren.
Vertaald door Frans Roumen
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