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De Nederlandse dichter en schrijver Tim Reus werd geboren in 1990 in Enkhuizen. Hij studeerde Engels aan de VU en vertaalwetenschappen aan de Universiteit van Leiden. In m’n vrije tijd speelt hij gitaar en ocarina. Daarnaast schrijft hij muziek. In 2015 verscheen zijn gedichtenroman “Hier in het nest”. Eerder publiceerde hij al Engelstalige romans onder het pseudoniem T. R. Gwirion. Zo verscheen in 2013 “Where Frogs Whistle and Tadpoles Sing“ (Via Publicatie platform CreateSpace)
Uit: Where Frogs Whistle and Tadpoles Sing
“A large, yellow-red leaf left the safety of a branch and gently floated down. Untouched by the wind, it passed windows and bricks, leaves and wood, until it finally landed in one of the many puddles. With her forehead pressed against the window, Lily realised how that leaf managed to represent the entirety of her life. She turned to keep seeing it as the car drove on.
Medan was obviously still angry. His knuckles were white on the wheel and his gaze was fixed on the road, and the needle of the speedometer steadily moved clockwise. The speed limit was nothing but a small figure far behind them, disappearing in the distance. Medan would sometimes grumble something unintelligible, but most of the time he was mercifully silent.
They shot past buildings Lily had not seen in a long time. Her youth flashed by, hidden behind boarded-up windows and old, filthy wooden doors. Usually Medan was very careful at avoiding the street, but today he didn’t seem to care. Unable to watch the withering houses any longer, Lily sank back in her seat.
Medan finally released the gas pedal, cutting the engine’s roar.
“You know you’re being stupid,” he said with feigned calmness.
Just shut up,” Lily responded coldly. She sniffed, and wiped the almost-dry salt off her cheeks.
You know you are,” Medan barked.
Despite her anger, Lily was amazed at Medan’s ability to restart the fight they’ d just had.
You know you are,” repeated the hulking figure behind the wheel, ”and you know you should’ve kept quiet.”
Lily tried her best to stay calm, but he knew exactly how to get under her skin. He had had almost two years of practice, after all, and seemed to relish the conflict.
The angry looks he shot her whenever he thought the road could miss his attention – which was dangerously often unnerved Lily immensely. The small eyes, almost hidden in the shadow of a pronounced brow ridge, glinted in the early light of the lampposts. Lily first ignored his stare, but her fear of his ill temper finally made her turn towards him.”