De Amerikaanse schrijfster en journaliste Amy Waldman werd geboren op 21 mei 1969 in Los Angeles. Zie ook alle tags voor Amy Waldman op dit blog.
Uit: A Door in the Earth
“They left the foothills behind. Taking hairpin turns, they wound along a canyon lined with towering cliffs of schist, and amidst the powerful sensation of being constricted by these mountains, Parveen briefly forgot her physical torments But then she noticed that the so-called road had dwindled to nothing more than a one-car-wide dirt lane hewn from the rock face. When she dared to look out the left window, she saw nothing; it was as if they were aloft. In fact, they were inching above a crag that fell steeply to a river below. She gripped the armrest, envisioning the car plummeting off the edge and tumbling down to the water. It was a sullen green, the canyon in gloom even though the day was sunny. Only over the opposite cliff face was there a startling strip of blue sky. She was chilled, hungry, and stiff. Knots ridged her back. As the road twisted, she scanned for signs of the village, but the only evidence of habitation she saw was, high on a pinnacle of rock, a nest.
“How much longer?” she shouted to the driver, Issa.
He didn’t respond, nor, by now, did she expect him to. From the time he’d collected her in Kabul, he’d kept music blaring— mostly Bollywood soundtracks to which he sang along in a surprisingly pleasing falsetto—which made him deaf to Parveen’s queries. His conversation was saved for her cousin Fawad, a college student who was acting as her chaperone and to whom Issa had offered the front seat. Parveen he treated as a package he was tasked to deliver.
He wasn’t what she had expected. Issa was Crane’s right hand in Afghanistan. The memoir described him as an impish do- gooder who’d abandoned a career as an antiquities smuggler to help save Afghan mothers. When Crane had sought to build a clinic in the village to which Parveen was now headed, Issa was relentless in his efforts to help, dogged in his negotiations with bureaucrats, bandits, and the Taliban, saying and doing what- ever it took to save more women’s lives, in part because his own mother had died giving birth to him. As a boy, Crane wrote, Issa had slept with her shawl; as a man, he still dreamed of her touch. Long before Parveen met him, she’d pitied the motherless boy within, though this was too personal a topic to broach. It was odd to know more about someone from a book than from what he chose to share, which was almost nothing.
Instead of puckishness, Issa had inert eyes and a dour mouth; his fertile mustache, black and thick, was by far the liveliest thing on his face. When they met, he’d grunted a greeting, then scanned her clothing—a red tunic as long and loose as a dress, a pair of jeans, and a navy-blue head scarf—as if it were a puzzle he couldn’t solve.”

De Amerikaanse dichter Robert Creeley werd geboren op 21 mei 1926 in Arlington, Massachusetts. Zie ook alle tags voor Robert Creeley op dit blog.
Ik ken een man
Zeg ik tegen mn
maat, want ik
klets altijd, – John, zeg
ik, da’s niet zn
naam, het is donker
om ons, wat
kunnen we er aan
doen, of anders, kopen we &
waarom niet, een verdomd grote slee,
rij, zegt ie, in
jezusnaam, kijk
uit wat je doet.
Vertaald door Arie Altena

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