Maeve Binchy, Thomas Moore, Ian Fleming, Walker Percy, Fritz Hochwälder, Henri-Pierre Roché, Maximilian Voloshin

De Ierse schrijfster en columniste Maeve Binchy werd geboren op 28 mei 1940 in Dalkey. Zie ook alle tags voor Maeve Binchy op dit blog.

Uit: A Week in Winter

“Everyone had their own job to do on the Ryans’ farm in Stoneybridge. The boys helped their father in the fields, mending fences, bringing the cows back to be milked, digging drills of potatoes; Mary fed the calves, Kathleen baked the bread, and Geraldine did the hens.
Nor that they ever called her Geraldine-she was “Chicky” as far back as anyone could remember. A serious little girl pouring out meal for the baby chickens or collecting the fresh eggs each day, always saying, “Chuck, chuck, chuck,” soothingly into the feathers as she worked. Chicky had names for all the hens, and no one could tell her when one had been taken to provide a Sunday lunch. They always pretended it was a shop chicken, but Chicky always knew.
Stoneybridge was a paradise for children during the summer, but summer in the west of Ireland was short, and most of the time it was wet and wild and lonely on the Atlantic coast. Still, there were caves to explore, cliffs to climb, birds’ nests to discover, and wild sheep with great curly horns to investigate. And then there was Stone House. Chicky loved to play in its huge overgrown garden. Sometimes the Miss Sheedys, three sisters who owned the house and were ancient, let her play at dressing up in their old clorhes.
Chicky watched as Kathleen went off to train to be a nurse in a big hospital in Wales, and then Mary got a job in an insurance office. Neither of those jobs appealed to Chicky at all, but she would have to do something. The land wouldn’t support the whole Ryan family. Two of the boys had gone to serve their time in business in big towns in the West. Only Brian would work with his father.“
Chicky’s mother was always tired and her father always worried. They were relieved when Chicky got a job in the knitting factory. Not as a machinist or home knitter but in the office. She was in charge of sending out the finished garments to customers and keeping the books. It wasn’t a great job but it did mean that she could stay at home, which was what she wanted. She had plenty of friends around the place. and each summer she fell in love with a different O’Hara boy but nothing ever came of it.”


Deze afbeelding heeft een leeg alt-attribuut; de bestandsnaam is binchy.jpg
Maeve Binchy (28 mei 1940 – 30 juli 2012)

Lees verder “Maeve Binchy, Thomas Moore, Ian Fleming, Walker Percy, Fritz Hochwälder, Henri-Pierre Roché, Maximilian Voloshin”

Henri-Pierre Roché, Maximilian Voloshin, Xin Qiji, J. D. Wyss, Maria Müller-Gögler, B. S. Ingemann, C. H. von Ayrenhoff

De Franse schrijver, journalist en verzamelaar Henri-Pierre Roché werd op 28 mei 1879 geboren te Parijs. Zie ook mijn blog van 28 mei 2009en ook mijn blog van 28 mei 2010


Uit: Victor


„Patricia – Cette chambre m’amuse. Ça manque de sièges ici. Foutons-nous sur votre lit comme divan, c’est-à-dire vous dedans et moi dessus. C’est sans danger puisque nous l’aimons tous les deux. Et parlons de lui.

Elle sauta sur son lit. Ils s’installèrent comme elle avait dit, à distance.

Pierre – Aimez-vous Victor ?

Patricia – Oui.

Pierre – D’amitié ou d’amour ?

Patricia – Des deux. D’amour surtout.

Pierre – D’amour chaste ?

Patricia – Hélas ! Moi d’amour en plein et sans espoir. Je ne sais quel nom donner à ça. Tout le monde l’aime. Il est à tous et à personne. Il a raison sans doute. J’ai tort de le vouloir pour moi. Mais je ne veux que lui. Victor pourrait choisir parmi des héritières. Pas question. Pourrait avoir un gros contrat pour ses tableaux. Pas question. Il les donne presque tous à ses amis. Il donne aussi des leçons de français, fameuses et drôles, à deux dollars l’heure. Il s’amuse tout le temps. Son sourire est aimable, mais c’est un dictateur. il fait que ce qu’il veut, au moment où il veut. Où qu’il arrive, il devient le centre, il est le chef. il a une fantaisie à jet continu. Il a sûrement des aventures, avec des femmes faites, pas avec des jeunes filles. Il est discret, on ne sait rien.”


Henri-Pierre Roché (28 mei 1879 – 9 april 1959)

Manuel Ortiz de Zarate, Henri-Pierre Roché [in uniform], Marie Vassilieff, Max Jacob and Picasso, Blvd. Montparnasse, Parijs, 12 Aug. 1916 – door Jean Cocteau

Lees verder “Henri-Pierre Roché, Maximilian Voloshin, Xin Qiji, J. D. Wyss, Maria Müller-Gögler, B. S. Ingemann, C. H. von Ayrenhoff”

Ian Fleming, Henri-Pierre Roché, Maximilian Voloshin, Maria Müller-Gögler, B. S. Ingemann, J. D. Wyss, C. H. von Ayrenhoff, Xin Qiji

De Britse schrijver Ian Fleming werd geboren op 28 mei 1908 in Londen. Zie ook mijn blog van 28 mei 2007 en ook mijn blog van 28 mei 2009.


Uit:  Live and Let Die


‘You’re very welcome, Mr Bond.’ Halloran smiled and offered him a cigarette from a fresh pack of Luckies. ‘We want to make your stay comfortable. Anything you want, just say so and it’s yours. You’ve got some good friends in Washington. I don’t myself know why you’re here but it seems the authorities are keen that you should be a privileged guest of the Government. It’s my job to see you get to your hotel as quickly and as comfortably as possible and then I’ll hand over and be on my way. May I have your passport a moment, please.’

Bond gave it to him. Halloran opened a briefcase on the seat beside him and took out a heavy metal stamp. He turned the pages of Bond’s passport until he came to the US Visa, stamped it, scribbled his signature over the dark blue circle of the Department of Justice cypher and gave it back to him. Then he took out his pocket-book and extracted a thick white envelope which he gave to Bond.

‘There’s a thousand dollars in there, Mr Bond.’ He held up his hand as Bond started to speak. ‘And it’s Communist money we took in the Schmidt-Kinaski haul. We’re using it back at them and you are asked to co-operate and spend this in any way you like on your present assignment. I am advised that it will be considered a very unfriendly act if you refuse. Let’s please say no more about it and,’ he added, as Bond continued to hold the envelope dubiously in his hand, ‘I am also to say that the disposal of this money through your hands has the knowledge and approval of your own Chief.’

Bond eyed him narrowly and then grinned. He put the envelope away in his notecase.

‘All right,’ he said. ‘And thanks. I’ll try and spend it where it does most harm. I’m glad to have some working capital. It’s certainly good to know it’s been provided by the opposition.’

‘Fine,’ said Halloran; ‘and now, if you’ll forgive me, I’ll just write up my notes for the report I’ll have to put in. Have to remember to get a letter of thanks sent to Immigration and Customs and so forth for their co-operation. Routine.’



Ian Fleming (28 mei 1908 – 12 augustus 1964)
Fleming hier met Sean Connery (l)



De Franse schrijver, journalist en verzamelaar Henri-Pierre Roché werd op 28 mei 1879 geboren te Parijs. Zie ook mijn blog van 28 mei 2009.


Uit: Jules et Jim


-Vous avez aimé, Jim. Pour de bon, Jim. Cela se sent. Pourquoi ne l’avez-vous pas épousée?
-Cela n’est pas arrivé.
-Où est-elle ?
-En France
Comment est-elle ?
-Pure, elle aussi.
Jim sentit une pression du bras de Lucie.
-Vous l’aimez encore, et elle vous aime ?
-Oui, mais nous nous
voyons peu, bien que nous soyons libres.

-Ne faites pas souffrir, Jim…
-Et puis, il y a du nouveau.
-Lequel ?
-Je vous admire, Lucie. J’ai pris gout à vous voir. Je crains d’oublier Jules.
-Il ne faut pas l’oublier, il faut le prévenir.
L’été tourna vite. Jules fit sa demande à Lucie, ajoutant que, quelle que fût sa réponse, il resterait toujours à sa merci. Lucie lui dit qu’elle était touchée, qu’elle ne pourrait probablement jamais l’épouser, et qu’elle souhaitait que leur grande amitié n’en souffrît pas.
Jules, qui s’y attendait pourtant, devint blanc, lui baisa les mains, et vint trouver Jim.
-Jim, dit-il, Lucie ne veut pas de moi. J’ai la terreur de la perdre et qu’elle sorte tout à fait de ma vie. Jim, aimez-la, épousez-la, et laissez-moi la voir. Je veux dire : si vous l’aimez, cessez de penser que je suis un obstacle.



Henri-Pierre Roché (28 mei 1879 – 9 april 1959)
Scene uit de film Jules et Jim van François Truffaut




De Russische dichter, schrijver en schilder Maximilian Voloshin werd geboren op 28 mei 1877 in Kiev. Zie ook mijn blog van 28 mei 2009.




As in the tiny shell – the Ocean

With mighty breathing hums, concealed inside,

As flesh of her is flickering and burns

With silver shimmer of the air of foggy,

And curvatures of her reiterate

Their look in movements and in curls of waves, –

So in your harbors my entire soul,

Oh Cimmerian country dark of mine,

Is captivated and transfigured truly.


Since being adolescent by the silent

The solemn, godforsaken shores

I woke up – my soul opened widely,

And thought was grown up and shaped, and sculptured

On folds of rocks, on curvatures of hills,

The fire of the depths and rainy moisture

With double chisel your appearance built –

Monotonous formation of the hills

And strain of Kara-Dag’s intensive pathos.


Indented concentration of the rocks

Along with prairies and flickering expances

Gave freedom to my verse and measure to my thought.

Since then are saturated with my dreams

Heroic reveries of drowsing foothills

And stone mane of wistful Koktebel;

His wormwood’s getting drunken with my pang,

My verse is singing in the surging ocean,

And on the rock, enclosing rippled harbor,

By fate and wind is sculptured my profile.



Vertaald door I. Larkov



Maximilian Voloshin (28 mei 1877 – 11 augustus 1932)
Buste in de studeerkamer van Voloshins huis in Koktebel




De Duitse dichteres en schrijfster Maria Müller-Gögler werd geboren op 28 mei 1900 in Leutkirch im Allgäu. Zie ook mijn blog van 28 mei 2009.




Die Liebe hat dich hergerufen,

und Liebe gibt dir das Geleit.

Sie stützt dich auf den ersten Stufen

des schweren Weges durch die Lebenszeit,

bleibt später auch an deiner Seite,

stärkt dich noch mehr als Milch und Brot.

Auch in der ungeschützten Weite

hilft sie bestehen, was dich fremd umdroht.


Du bist in eine Zeit geboren,

vor deren Zeichen manchem bangt,

der seine Zuversicht verloren,

weil er im Glauben an die Liebe wankt.

Er ängstigt sich vielleicht gleich scheuen,

verfolgten Tieren in der Nacht.

Du fürchtest nichts, du darfst dich freuen,

weil deiner Eltern Liebe dich bewacht.




Maria Müller-Gögler (28 mei 1900 – 23 september 1987)
Leutkirch im Allgäu (Geen portret beschikbaar)



De Deense dichter en schrijver Bernhard Severin Ingemann werd geboren op 28 mei 1789 in Thorkildstrup op het eiland Falster. Zie ook mijn blog van 28 mei 2009.


Uit: The Sealed Room


„Madame Wolff had in vain endeavored to avoid using the great hall at all, for the foolish old legend of the sealed chamber aroused a certain superstitious dread in her heart, and she rarely if ever entered the hall herself.  But merry Miss Elizabeth, her pretty young daughter, was passionately fond of dancing, and her mother had promised that she should have a ball on her wedding day.  Her betrothed, Secretary Winther, was also a good dancer, and the two young people combated the mother’s prejudice against the hall and laughed at her fear of the sealed room.  They

thought it would be wiser to appear to ignore the stupid legend altogether, and thus to force the world to forget it.  In spite of secret misgivings Madame Wolff yielded to their arguments.  And for

the first time in many years the merry strains of dance music were heard in the great hall that lay next the mysterious sealed chamber.

The bridal couple, as well as the wedding guests, were in the gayest mood, and the ball was an undoubted success.  The dancing was interrupted for an hour while supper was served in an adjoining

room.  After the repast the guests returned to the hall, and it was several hours more before the last dance was called.  The season was early autumn and the weather still balmy.  The windows had been

opened to freshen the air.  But the walls retained their dampness and suddenly the dancers noticed that the old wall paper which covered the partition wall between the hall and the sealed chamber

had been loosened through the jarring of the building, and had fallen away from the sealed door with its mysterious inscription.“



Bernhard Severin Ingemann (28 mei 1789 – 24 februari 1862)
Portret door A. I. Koop, 1822




De Zwitserse schrijver Johann David Wyss werd geboren op 28 mei 1743 in Bern. Zie ook mijn blog van 28 mei 2009.


Uit: The Swiss Family Robinson

“Amid the roar of the thundering waves I suddenly heard the cry of “Land, land!” while at the same instant the ship struck with a frightful shock, which threw everyone to the deck and seemed to threaten her immediate destruction.
Dreadful sounds betokened the breaking up of the ship, and the roaring waters poured in on all sides:
Then the voice of the captain was heard above the tumult shouting, “Lower away the boats! We are lost!”
“Lost!” I exclaimed, and the word went like a dagger to my heart; but seeing my children’s terror renewed, I composed myself, calling out cheerfully, “Take courage, my boys! We are all above water yet. There is the land not far off; let us do our best to reach it. You know God helps those that help themselves!” With that, I left them and went on deck. What was my horror when through the foam and spray I beheld the only remaining boat leave the ship, the last of the seamen spring into her and push off, regardless of my cries and entreaties that we might be allowed to share their slender chance of preserving their lives. My voice was drowned in the howling of the blast; and even had the crew wished it, the return of the boat was impossible.
Casting my eyes despairingly around, I became gradually aware that our position was by no means hopeless, inasmuch as the stern of the ship containing our cabin was jammed between two high rocks, and was partly raised from among the breakers which dashed the fore part to pieces. As the clouds of mist and rain drove past, I could make out, through rents in the vaporous curtain, a line of rocky coast, and rugged as it was, my heart bounded toward it as a sign of help in the hour of need. Yet the sense of our lonely and forsaken condition weighed heavily upon me as I returned to my family, constraining myself to say with a smile, “Courage, dear ones! Although our good ship will never sail more, she is so placed that our cabin will remain above water, and tomorrow, if the wind and waves abate, I see no reason why we should not be able to get ashore.”



Johann David Wyss (28 mei 1743 – 11 januari 1818)
Een van de uitgaven van The Swiss Family Robinson




De Oostenrijkse schrijver Cornelius Hermann von Ayrenhoff werd geboren op 28 mei 1733 in Wenen. Zie ook mijn blog van 28 mei 2009.


Uit: Virginia oder das abgeschaffte Decemvirat



Bald, Lucius, entweicht mir die Geduld.

So lange weilt kein Flamen in dem Tempel

wie dieses Mädchen.


Wahr! – Nun schließe, Freund,

von Deiner Ungeduld auf die, die jetzt

des Appius Erwartung spannt! Sein Herz

scheint ein Vulkan entflammter Leidenschaft.

Kaum war es Mitternacht, so ließ er schon

mich rufen, daß ich ja dich früh genug

zur That ermahnte, früh genug ihm dann

vom Ausschlag Nachricht brächte.


Sollte denn

Verhaftung eines Weibs, noch beynah Kinds,

ein Werk von ungewissem Ausschlag seyn?


Selbst diese Furcht des Allgewaltigen

verräth die Stärke seiner Leidenschaft.

Doch Marcus – oft vernahm ich von dir selbst,

in deiner Lälia getreuen Brust

herrsch’ Eifersucht mit unzähmbarer Macht:

wird sie wohl ruhig sehn, daß du das schönste

von allen Mädchen Roms nach Hause bringest?



Cornelius Hermann von Ayrenhoff (28 mei 1733 – 15 augustus 1819)
Wenen (Geen portret beschikbaar)



De Chinese dichter Xin Qiji werd geboren op 28 mei 1140 in Jinan, in de provicie Shandong. Zie ook mijn blog van 28 mei 2009.


Lines Written on a Wall of Dongliu Village


Wild pear blossoms start falling again,

so soon, the Qingming festival over.

The cruel eastern wind, for no reason,

interrupts a traveler’s dream.

I awake, the brocade curtain

devastatingly cold. Once,

she held the drink to me

on the winding river bank,

and we
bade farewell to each other

under a weeping willow tree

with my horse tethered to it.

Now, the pavilion deserted,

there is no trace of her,

only the swallows twittering about bygones.


She’s been seen, people say,

east of the bustling thoroughfare,

behind the curtain, still as graceful

as the new moon. Old regrets

run like the endless spring water. New griefs

pile up like the clouds over the mountains.

If we were going to meet again,

at a banquet, to tell her all this

would be impossible

as to pluck the flower from a mirror.

She would say, perhaps,

“How white your hair has grown!”



Vertaald door Qiu Xiaolong


Xin Qiji (28 mei 1140 – 1207)

Ian Fleming, Maria Müller-Gögler, Henri-Pierre Roché, Maximilian Voloshin, B. S. Ingemann, J. D. Wyss, C. H. von Ayrenhoff, Xin Qiji

De Britse schrijver Ian Fleming werd geboren op 28 mei 1908 in Londen. Zie ook mijn blog van 28 mei 2007.


Uit: Doctor No


„Punctually at six o’clock the sun set with a last yellow flash behind the Blue Mountains, a wave of violet shadow poured down Richmond Road, and the crickets and tree frogs in the fine gardens began to zing and tinkle.

Apart from the background noise of the insects, the wide empty street was quiet. The wealthy owners of the big, withdrawn houses—the bank managers, company directors and top civil servants—had been home since five o’clock and they would be discussing the day with their wives or taking a shower and changing their clothes. In half an hour the street would come to life again with the cocktail traffic, but now this very superior half mile of’ Rich Road’, as it was known to the tradesmen of Kingston, held nothing but the suspense of an empty stage and the heavy perfume of night-scented jasmine.

Richmond Road is the ‘best’ road in all Jamaica. It is Jamaica’s Park Avenue, its Kensington Palace Gardens, its Avenue D’lena. The ‘best’ people live in its big old-fashioned houses, each in an acre or two of beautiful lawn set, too trimly, with the finest trees and flowers from the Botanical Gardens at Hope. The long, straight road is cool and quiet and withdrawn from the hot, vulgar sprawl of Kingston where its residents earn their money, and, on the other side of the T-intersection at its top, lie the grounds of King’s House, where the Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Jamaica lives with his family. In Jamaica, no road could have a finer ending.“



Ian Fleming (28 mei 1908 – 12 augustus 1964)




De Duitse schrijfster Maria Müller-Gögler werd geboren op 28 mei 1900 in Leutkirch im Allgäu. Zij volgde een docentenopleiding en werkte als lerares tot zij van 1924 tot 1929 in München en Tübingen germanistiek, filosofie en pedagogie ging studeren. In 1935 verscheen haar al in de jaren twintig geschreven roman Die Magd Juditha. In 1942 volgde de roman over de koningsdochter Beatrix von Schwaben die al zeer jong trouwde met keizer Otto IV. Naast romans  publiceerde Müller-Gögler talrijke verhalen en gedichten en in drie delen, verschenen tussen 1970 en 1977, haar memoires.


Uit: Erinnerungen – Hinter blinden Fenstern


Der Tanzlehrer war ein nicht mehr ganz junger dunkelhaariger, dunkeläugiger, überschlanker Mann mit geschmeidigen Bewegungen und galanten Allüren, wie ich sie nur aus Schilderungen in Romanen kannte – in einem Kino war ich noch nie gewesen. Wenn einige von uns im stillen gehofft hatten, zu dem Kurs würden junge Männer, vielleicht Sekundaner und Primaner des Ravensburger Gymnasiums, eingeladen, so wurden sie in ihren Hoffnungen enttäuscht. Die Hälfte der Tanzschülerinnen wurde ausersehen, die “Herren” zu markieren. Ich gehörte dazu, vermutlich auf Grund meiner Körpergröße und meiner “Führereigenschaften”. Die Rolle war insofern begehrenswert, als der Tanzlehrer sich aus der Herrengarde seine Partnerinnen wählte, damit diese Gelegenheit bekamen, sich wenigstens vorübergehend in der weiblichen Pose zu üben.

Der Augenblick, in dem Herr Geiger sich vor einer verneigte und um einen Tanz bat, wurde von deren “Herren” täglich ersehnt. Die Spannung war umso größer, als der Kavalier nicht nach einer bestimmten Ordnung verfuhr. Es kam ihm nicht darauf an, eine Tänzerin zwei- oder dreimal hintereinander zu wählen und andere zu übersehen. Am meisten fieberte die blonde Friedel aus Freiburg nach seinem Tanzarm.”



Maria Müller-Gögler (28 mei 1900 – 23 september 1987)
Leutkirch im Allgäu (Geen portret beschikbaar)




De Franse schrijver, journalist en verzamelaar Henri-Pierre Roché werd op 28 mei 1879 geboren te Parijs. Zijn vader, die apotheker was, pleegde zelfmoord door van het balkon van hun woning op de Boulevard Arago te springen. Tot zijn vijftigste zou Roché daar met zijn moeder blijven wonen. Zijn liefdesleven rond 1910 beschreef hij in 1943. Hij schreef toen zijn eerste novelle, getiteld Jules et Jim en uitgegeven in 1953. In 1961 werd de novelle verfilmd door François Truffaut, die het boek in 1956 in een tweedehandsboekenwinkel kocht, met in de hoofdrol Jeanne Moreau. Roché, onder de naam Jim, en zijn Duitse vriend Franz Hessel, onder de naam Jules, dongen beiden om de hand van Heleen Grund. In 1906 ontmoette Roché de schrijver Franz Hessel, waarschijnlijk in het café La Closerie des Lilas, de verzamelplaats van Duitstalige kunstenaars in Montparnasse. Samen maakten zij reizen naar Duitsland en Griekenland. In Parijs ontmoetten zij de Duitse Helen Grund. In 1913 trouwde Franz met Helen in Berlijn en na een kort verblijf in Parijs keerden zij in verband met WO I terug naar Duitsland. Franz vocht in het Duitse leger aan het Oostfront. In 1956 verscheen van Roché zijn tweede novelle Les deux anglaises et le continent. Ook deze novelle, die ging over Roché en Violet en Margaret Hart, werd door François Truffaut verfilmd.


Uit: Victor


„PIERRE est seul dans sa chambre du sous-sol, carrée, très bien chauffée. C’est plutôt une cave qui lui sert de chambre. Près du plafond, une fenêtre en largeur permet de voir les jambes des passants. De vieux meubles impossibles, mais un bon grand lit de fer à deux.

Des pas crissent dans la neige. On frappe sec. Il est minuit. Entrent en coup de vent Victor, François et une girl brune et maline, qu’ils tiennent solidement chacun par un bras. Ses grands yeux noirs sont pleins de colère.

Victor – Nous te présentons Patricia, une amie. Au Café Brevoort elle a fait un scandale idiot. Et nous avions à causer, François et moi.

François – Nous lui avons donné à choisir entre deux punitions. Un peu d’huile de ricin (on en vend au café) ou toi. Nous t’avons dépeint. Elle t’a préféré.

Pierre était d’abord ennuyé de l’irruption. Il allait dormir et se levait tôt. Lui et Patricia se considéraient.

Victor – On ne te l’amène pas à la légère. Il y a des raisons.

Patricia – Je vous connais tous deux. Vous ne faites jamais rien à la légère, malgré vos airs de Pégase. Vous êtes comme deux papes. J’aurais dû vous arroser avec le siphon, au café. Soit, allez vous-en. Laissez-moi.

Pierre – OK. Je garde Patricia.

Les deux sortirent en vitesse sans dire au revoir et Pierre entendit le son du moteur de course de François. Patricia se promenait dans la pièce.“




Henri-Pierre Roché (28 mei 1879 – 9 april 1959)




De Russische dichter, schrijver en schilder Maximilian Voloshin werd geboren op 28 mei 1877 in Kiev. Rond 1890 begon hij gedichten te schrijven en te vertalen. In 1897 ging hij naar Moskou om rechten te studeren. Vanaf 1900 maakte hij verschillende reizen. In 1901 vestigde hij zich in Parijs waar hij bij Jelisaweta Kruglikova schilderlessen volgde en lezingen aan de Sorbonne bijwoonde. In 1910 verscheen met de verzamelbundel Gedichten 1900 – 1910 zijn eerste boek in druk. Al in 1907 had hij een huis gekocht in Koktebel, waar hij zijn jeugd had doorgebracht. In de jaren van WO I trok hij zich daar steeds vaker terug. Meer en meer wijdde hij zich aan het schilderen van landschappen.



Along Cain’s Ways, Tragedy of Materialistic Culture (Fragment)


Machine has won over man:

It needed a slave to take away its sweet,

To comfort its insides with pure oil,

To feed it coal and take away its excrements,

And then it started asking for itself,

The swarming bundle of muscles and of wills

Brought up in hungry discipline

And greedy rude who cheapened his spirit

For joys of mediocrity and comforts.

Machine has taught man to think appropriately

And logically discuss the findings.

It visually proved to him

That there is no spirit, only substance,

That man is nothing but a machine himself,

That the starry cosmos is merely a mechanism

To manufacture time, that thought

Is just a simple product of the brain digestion,

That mere sustenance defines the spirit,

That genius is a degeneration,

That culture means an increase in the number

Of the consumer needs,

That the ideal is general well-being

And stomach satisfaction,

That there is One Universal Worldly Stomach

And there is no other Gods beside it….




Vertaald door Natasha Levitan


Maximilian Voloshin (28 mei 1877 – 11 augustus 1932)
Portret door Boris Kustodiev, 1924




De Deense dichter en schrijver Bernhard Severin Ingemann werd geboren op 28 mei 1789 in Thorkildstrup op het eiland Falster. Onder invloed van de romantiek ontstonden zijn eerste gedichten. Vanaf 1825 begon hij verhalen te publiceren. Met het epos Valdemar den Store og hans Maend” uit 1824 begon hij aan een srie historische werken, waarin hij – volgens eigen zeggen naar het voorbeeld van Sir Walter Scott – de vele facetten van de geschiedenis van zijn eigen land beschreef.


Uit: The Sealed Room


“For many years there stood in a side street in Kiel an unpretentious old frame house which had a forbidding, almost sinister appearance, with its old-fashioned balcony and its overhanging upper stories.  For the last twenty years the house had been occupied by a greatly respected widow, Madame Wolff, to whom the dwelling had come by inheritance.  She lived there quietly with her one daughter, in somewhat straitened circumstances.

What gave the house a mysterious notoriety, augmenting the sinister quality in its appearance, was the fact that one of its rooms, a corner room on the main floor, had not been opened for generations. The door was firmly fastened and sealed with plaster, as well as the window looking out upon the street.  Above the door was an old inscription, dated 1603, which threatened sudden death and eternal damnation to any human being who dared to open the door or efface the inscription.  Neither door nor window had been opened in the two hundred years that had passed since the inscription was put up. But for a generation back or more, the partition wall and the sealed door had been covered with wall paper, and the inscription had been almost forgotten.

The room adjoining the sealed chamber was a large hall, utilized only for rare important events.  Such an occasion arose with the wedding of the only daughter of the house.  For that evening the great hall, as it was called, was brilliantly decorated and illuminated for a ball.  The building had deep cellars and the old floors were elastic.”



Bernhard Severin Ingemann (28 mei 1789 – 24 februari 1862)




De Zwitserse schrijver Johann David Wyss werd geboren op 28 mei 1743 in Bern. Hij studeerde theologie en filosofie in Bern en Lausanne. Grote bekendheid kreeg zijn boek over de Zwitserse familie Robinson. Oorspronkelijk geschreven voor zijn kinderen tussen 1794 en 1798 en zonder bedoelin het uit te geven. Dat deed pas zijn zoon in 1812. Het werd het meest vertaalde Zwitserse boek aller tijden en een bestseller.


Uit: The Swiss Family Robinson


“The tempest had raged for six days, and on the seventh seemed to increase. The ship had been so far driven from its course, that no one on board knew where we were. Every one was exhausted with fatigue and watching. The shattered vessel began to leak in many places, the oaths of the sailors were changed to prayers, and each thought only how to save his own life. “Children,” said I, to my terrified boys, who were clinging round me, “God can save us if he will. To him nothing is impossible; but if he thinks it good to call us to him, let us not murmur; we shall not be separated.” My excellent wife dried her tears, and from that moment became more tranquil. We knelt down to pray for the help of our Heavenly Father; and the fervour and emotion of my innocent boys proved to me that even children can pray, and find in prayer consolation and peace.

We rose from our knees strengthened to bear the afflictions that hung over us. Suddenly we heard amid the roaring of the waves the cry of “Land! land!” At that moment the ship [pg 002] struck on a rock; the concussion threw us down. We heard a loud cracking, as if the vessel was parting asunder; we felt that we were aground, and heard the captain cry, in a tone of despair, “We are lost! Launch the boats!” These words were a dagger to my heart, and the lamentations of my children were louder than ever. I then recollected myself, and said, “Courage, my darlings, we are still, above water, and the land is near. God helps those who trust in him. Remain here, and I will endeavour to save us.”



Johann David Wyss (28 mei 1743 – 11 januari 1818)




De Oostenrijkse schrijver Cornelius Hermann von Ayrenhoff werd geboren op 28 mei 1733 in Wenen. Hij schreef classisistische drama’s in de stijl van Racine en Corneille die door de oplomst van de romantiek echter al tijdens zijn leven in vergetelheid raakten. Meer succes had hij met zijn blijspelen zoals „Der Postzug oder die noblen Passionen“ (1769), dat een lievelingsstuk was van Frederik II van Pruisen.


Uit: Der Postzug oder die noblen Passionen


DER VERWALTER. Sie wissen also nicht, Jungfer Lisette, in welcher Absicht mich die Baroninn schon wieder rufen läßt?

LISETTE. Das sagte sie mir nicht, und es wäre Kunst es zu errathen. Sie hat heut so vielerley Dinge im Kopfe, daß sie selbst nicht weiß, was sie will und nicht will. Wenn wir doch diese Festivität schon überstanden hätten!

DER VERWALTER. Ja wohl – und Ich von meinem Interims-Haushofmeister-Amte wieder los wäre! Das ist nun diesen Morgen das zwölftemal, daß ich gerufen werde; achtmal bloß des Stalles wegen.

LISETTE. Wundert Sie das, Herr Verwalter? Sie kennen doch den Grafen von Reitbahn?

DER VERWALTER. Nein! ich hatte eben den Tag, da er hier war, in den herrschaftlichen Weingärten zu thun.

LISETTE. So muß ich Ihnen also sagen, daß dieser Herr Bräutigam von unserm Fräulein, der größte, der berühmteste Pferdenarr im ganzen Lande ist – ein Mensch, der nichts anders thut und denkt, als reiten, fahren, und halsbrechen. Darum ist unsre Frau in Sorgen, es möchte wohl gar die ganze Heyrath in Trümmer gehen, wenn dem Grafen bey seiner Ankunft, von ungefähr unsre Stallordnung mißfiele.



Cornelius Hermann von Ayrenhoff (28 mei 1733 – 15 augustus 1819)
Illustratie bij de „Postzug“ door Georg Melchior Krauss (Geen portret beschikbaar)



De Chinese dichter Xin Qiji werd geboren op 28 mei 1140 in Jinan, in de provicie Shandong.  Behalve dichter was hij ook een militaire leider tijdens de Zuidelijke Song-dynastie. Tijdens zijn militaire loopbaan behaalde hij vele overwinningen. In 1194 trok hij zich terug op het platteland en wijdde hij zich aan de vervolmaking van zijn dichtkunst.

In days when I was young

In days when I was young and didn’t know the taste of sorrow
I like to climb the storied tower,
I like to climb the storied tower;
To write the latest odes I forced myself to tell of sorrow.


Now that I understand the taste of sorrow altogether
I would like to tell, but stop,
I would like to tell, but stop;
Instead I say, ‘What a cool day! Such lovely autumn weather!’




Vertaald door A. Ayling & D. Mackintosh




Xin Qiji (28 mei 1140 – 1207)
Jinan, Shandong (Geen portret beschikbaar)