Irvine Welsh, Ignace Schretlen, Ko de Laat, Kay Ryan, Josef Škvorecký, Esther Verhoef, Christian Schloyer

De Schotse schrijver Irvine Welsh werd geboren op 27 september 1958 in Leith, Edinburgh. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 september 2010 en eveneens alle tags voor Irvine Welsh op dit blog.

Uit: Skagboys

“We head oot and dive oantae a 16, bound fir Johnny’s pad at Tolcross. It’s a blindin hot day so we sit doonstairs at the back for a better view ay the passin fanny. Back top deck wi Begbie, tae intimidate wideos, back bottom wi Sick Boy tae leer at lassies. Life has its simple codes.
– This is gaunny be so much fun, Sick Boy says, and rubs his hands thegither. – Drugs are always fun. Do you believe in cosmic forces, destiny n aw that shite?
– Nup.
– Me neither, but bear one thing in mind: today was a ‘T’ day.
– What … ? ah ask, then it dawns on us. – Yir dictionary thingy.
– All will be revealed, he nods, then starts talking about heroin.
Smack’s the only thing ah huvnae done, ah’ve never even smoked or snorted it. And ah must confess that ah’m fuckin shitein it. Ah wis brought up tae believe that one joint ay hash would kill me. And, of course, it wis bullshit. Then one line ay speed. Then one tab ay acid; aw lies, spread by people hell-bent on self-extermination through booze and fags.
But heroin.
It’s crossing a line.
But as the boy said, anything once. And Sick Boy doesnae seem concerned, so ah bullshit tae keep ma front up. – Aye, ah cannae wait tae dae some horse.
– What? Sick Boy looks at me in horror as the bus growls up the hill. – What the fuck are you talking aboot, Renton? Horse? Dinnae say that in front ay yir dealer mate or he’ll laugh in yir face. Call it skag, for Papa John-Paul’s sake, he snaps, then stares oot at a short-skirted lassie meandering wi seductive intent up Lothian Road. – She’s a peach … far too carefree in bearing and expression tae be a baboon …
– Right … ah feebly respond.”

Irvine Welsh (Edinburg, 27 september 1958)

Lees verder “Irvine Welsh, Ignace Schretlen, Ko de Laat, Kay Ryan, Josef Škvorecký, Esther Verhoef, Christian Schloyer”

Irvine Welsh, Ignace Schretlen, Ko de Laat, Kay Ryan, Josef ¦kvorecký, Esther Verhoef

De Schotse schrijver Irvine Welsh werd geboren op 27 september 1958 in Leith, Edinburgh. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 september 2010 en eveneens alle tags voor Irvine Welsh op dit blog.

Uit: Trainspotting

„– Ah wisnae … ah protested.– Fling yir fuckin jaykit oan well!
At the Fit ay the Walk thir wir nae taxis. They only congregated here when ye didnae need them. Supposed tae be August, but ah’m fuckin freezing ma baws oaf here. Ah’m no sick yet, but it’s in the fuckin post, that’s fir sure.
– Supposed tae be a rank. Supposed tae be a fuckin taxi rank. Nivir fuckin git one in the  summer. Up cruising fat, rich festival cunts too fuckin lazy tae walk a hundred fuckin yards fae one poxy church hall tae another fir thir fuckin show. Taxi drivers. Money–grabbin bastards … Sick Boy muttered deliriously and breathlessly tae hissel, eyes bulging and sinews in his neck straining as his heid craned up Leith Walk.
At last one came. There were a group ay young guys in shellsuits n bomber jaykits whae’d been standin thair longer than us. Ah doubt if Sick Boy even saw them. He charged straight oot intae the middle ay the Walk screaming: – TAXI!
Hi! Whit’s the fuckin score? One guy in a black, purple and aqua shell–suit wi a flat–top asks.
Git tae fuck. We wir here first, Sick Boy sais, opening the taxi door. – Thir’s another yin comin. He gestured up the Walk at an advancing black cab.
– Lucky fir youse. Smart cunts,
– Fuck off, ya plukev–faced wee hing oot. Git a fuckin ride! Sick Boy snarled as we piled intae the taxi.
– Tollcross mate, ah sais tae the driver as gob splattered against the side windae.
– Square go then smart cunt! C’moan ya crappin bastards! the shell–suit shouted. The taxi driver wisnae amused. He looked a right cunt. Maist ay them do. The stamp–peyin self–employed ur truly the lowest form ay vermin oan god’s earth.”

Irvine Welsh (Edinburg, 27 september 1958)

Lees verder “Irvine Welsh, Ignace Schretlen, Ko de Laat, Kay Ryan, Josef ¦kvorecký, Esther Verhoef”

Irvine Welsh, Kay Ryan, Ignace Schretlen, Josef Škvorecký, Esther Verhoef, Christian Schloyer

De Schotse schrijver Irvine Welsh werd geboren op 27 september 1958 in Leith, Edinburgh. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 september 2010 en eveneens alle tags voor Irvine Welsh op dit blog.


Uit: Filth


 “We wait and think and doubt and hate. How does it make you feel? The overwhelming feeling is rage. We hate ourself for being unable to be other than what we are. Unable to be better. We feel rage. The feelings must be followed. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an ideologue or a sensualist, you follow the stimuli thinking that they’re your signposts to the promised land. But they are nothing of the kind. What they are is rocks to navigate the past, each on your brush against, ripping you a little more open and they are always more on the horizon. But you can’t face up to the that, so you force yourself to believe the bullshit of those you instinctively know are liars and you repeat those lies to yourself and to others, hoping that by repeating them often and fervently enough you’ll attain the godlike status we accord those who tell the lies most frequently and most passionately. But you never do, and even if you could, you wouldn’t value it, you’d realise that nobody believes in heroes any more. We know that they only want to sell us something we don’t really want and keep from us what we really do need. Maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe we’re getting in touch with our condition at last. It’s horrible how we always die alone, but no worse than living alone.”



“All I can think about is that boy’s skull, bashed in, the way his head was caved in and how it wasn’t like a heid at all, just like a broken silly puppet face, about how when you destroy something, when you brutalise it, it always looks warped and disfigured and slightly unreal and unhuman and that’s what makes it easier for you to go on brutalising it, go on fucking it and hurting it and mashing until you’ve destroyed it completely, proving that destruction is natural in the human spirit, that nature has devices to enable us to destroy, to make it easier for us; a way of making righteous people who want to act do things without the fear of consequence, a way of making us less than human, as we break the laws . .”




Irvine Welsh (Edinburg, 27 september 1958)

Lees verder “Irvine Welsh, Kay Ryan, Ignace Schretlen, Josef Škvorecký, Esther Verhoef, Christian Schloyer”

Irvine Welsh, Kay Ryan, Ignace Schretlen, Josef Škvorecký, Esther Verhoef, Christian Schloyer

De Schotse schrijver Irvine Welsh werd geboren op 27 september 1958 in Leith, Edinburgh. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 september 2010 en eveneens alle tags voor Irvine Welsh op dit blog.


Uit: Glue

“Davie briskly shook his head. – Naw, take it while ye can get it. This is Scotland, mind, it’s no gaunny last. Taking in a deep breath, Davie picked up the table, recommencing his arduous struggle towards the kitchen. It was a tricky, bugger: a smart new Formica-topped job which seemed to constantly shift its weight and spill all over the place. Like wrestling wi a fuckin crocodile, he thought, and sure enough, the beast snapped at his fingers forcing him to withdraw them quickly and suck on them as the table clattered to the floor.

– Sh … sugar, Davie cursed. He never swore in front of women. Certain talk was awright for the pub, but no in front of a woman. He tiptoed over to the cot in the corner. The baby still slept soundly.

– Ah telt ye ah’d gie ye a hand wi that Davie, yir gaunny huv nae fingers and a broken table the wey things are gaun, Susan warned him. She shook her head slowly, looking over to the crib. – Surprised ye dinnae wake her.

Picking up her discomfort, Davie said, – Ye dinnae really like that table, dae ye?

Susan Galloway shook her head again. She looked past the new kitchen table, and saw the new three-piece suite, the new coffee table and new carpets which had mysteriously arrived the previous day when she’d been out at her work in the whisky bonds.

– What is it? Davie asked, waving his sore hand in the air. He felt her stare, open and baleful. Those big eyes of hers.

– Where did ye get this stuff, Davie?

He hated when she asked him things like that. It spoiled everything, drove a wedge between them. It was for all of them he did what he did; Susan, the baby, the wee fellay. – Ask no questions, ah’ll tell ye no lies, he smiled, but he couldn’t look at her, as unsatisfied himself with this retort as he knew she would be. Instead, he bent down and kissed his baby daughter on the cheek.

Looking up, he wondered aloud, – Where’s Andrew? He glanced at Susan briefly.

Susan turned away sourly. He was hiding again, hiding behind the bairns.”


Irvine Welsh (Edinburg, 27 september 1958)

Lees verder “Irvine Welsh, Kay Ryan, Ignace Schretlen, Josef Škvorecký, Esther Verhoef, Christian Schloyer”

Irvine Welsh, Kay Ryan, Josef Škvorecký, Esther Verhoef, Christian Schloyer

De Schotse schrijver Irvine Welsh werd geboren op 27 september 1958 in Leith, Edinburgh. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 september 2008 en ook mijn blog van 27 september 2009 en ook mijn blog van 27 september 2010.


Uit: Skagboys

“The copper stares at us in utter contempt. Nae wonder; aw he sees in front ay um is this mingin cunt, twitchin n spazzin oan this hard seat in the interview room. -Ah’m oan the program, ah tell um. -Check if ye like. Ah’m aw seek cause they nivir gied us enough methadone. They sais they hud tae fine-tune ma dosage. Check wi the lassie at the clinic if ye dinnae believe us.

-Boo-fucking-hoo, he sais, a mean expression oan his face. -Why am I not tearing up on your behalf, my sweet, sweet friend?

This cunt has cold black eyes set in a white face. If he didnae huv a dark pudding-basin haircut and his neb wis bigger, he’d be like one ay Moira and Jimmy’s budgies. The other polisman, a louche, slightly effeminate-looking blonde boy, is playing the benign role. -Just tell us who gives you that stuff, Mark. Come on pal, give us some names. You’re a good lad, far too sensible tae get mixed up in aw this nonsense, he shakes his heid and then looks up at me, lip curled doon thoughfully, -Aberdeen University, no less.

-But if ye check yi’ll find that ah’m oan the program…at the clinic likes.

-Bet these student birds bang like fuck! In they halls ay residence. It’ll be shaggin aw the time in thair, eh pal, the Pudding Basin Heided Cunt goes.

-Just one name, Mark. C’mon pal, begs Captain Sensible.

-Ah telt ye, ah say, as sincerely as ah kin, -ah see this boy up at the bookies, ah jist ken him as Olly. Dinnae even know if that’s his right name. Gen up. The staff at the clinic’ll confirm-

-Ah suppose prison’s like the halls ay residence, apart fae one thing, Pudding Basin goes, -no much chance ay a ride thair. At least, he laughs, -no the sort ay ride ye’d want, anywey!”


Irvine Welsh (Edinburg, 27 september 1958)

Lees verder “Irvine Welsh, Kay Ryan, Josef Škvorecký, Esther Verhoef, Christian Schloyer”

Irvine Welsh, Kay Ryan, Josef Škvorecký, Esther Verhoef, Louis Auchincloss, William Empson, Bernat Manciet, Edvard Kocbek, Michael Denis,Tanja Kinkel, Wacław Rolicz-Lieder, Henri-Frédéric Amiel, Grazia Deledda

De Schotse schrijver Irvine Welsh werd geboren op 27 september 1958 in Leith, Edinburgh. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 september 2008 en ook mijn blog van 27 september 2009.

Uit: Trainspotting

 “The sweat wis lashing oafay Sick Boy; he wis trembling. Ah wis jist sitting thair, focusing oan the telly, tryin no tae notice the cunt. He wis bringing me doon. Ah tried tae keep ma attention oan the Jean–Claude Van Damme video.

As happens in such movies, they started oaf wi an obligatory dramatic opening. Then the next phase ay the picture involved building up the tension through introducing the dastardly villain and sticking the weak plot thegither. Any minute now though, auld Jean–Claude’s ready tae git doon tae some serious swedgin. – Rents. Ah’ve goat tae see Mother Superior, Sick Boy gasped, shaking his heid.

Aw, ah sais. Ah wanted the radge tae jist fuck off ootay ma visage, tae go oan his ain, n jist leave us wi Jean–Claude. Oan the other hand, ah’d be gitting sick tae before long, and if that cunt went n scored, he’d haud oot oan us. They call urn Sick Boy, no because he’s eywis sick wi junk withdrawal, but because he’s just one sick cunt.

– Let’s fuckin go, he snapped desperately. – Haud oan a second. Ah wanted tae see Jean–Claude smash up this arrogant fucker. If we went now, ah wouldnae git tae watch it. Ah’d be too fucked by the time we goat back, and in any case it wid probably be a few days later. That meant ah’d git hit fir fuckin back charges fi the shoap oan a video ah hudnae even goat a deck at.

– Ah’ve goat tae fuckin move man! he shouts, standing up. He moves ower tae the windae and rests against it, breathing heavily, looking like a hunted animal. There’s nothing in his eyes but need.

Ah switched the box oaf at the handset. – Fuckin waste. That’s aw it is, a fuckin waste, ah snarled at the cunt, the fuckin irritating bastard. He flings back his heid n raises his eyes tae the ceiling. Ah’ll gie ye the money tae git it back oot. Is that aw yir sae fuckin moosey–faced aboot? Fifty measley fuckin pence ootay Ritz! This cunt has a wey ay makin ye feel a real petty, trivial bastard. – That’s no the fuckin point, ah sais, but withoot conviction. – Aye. The point is ah’m really fuckin sufferin here, n ma socalled mate’s draggin his feet deliberately, lovin every fuckin 4 minute ay it! His eyes seem the size ay fitba’s n look hostile, yet pleadin at the same time; poignant testimonies tae ma supposed betrayal. If ah ever live long enough tae huv a bairn, ah hope it never looks at us like Sick Boy does. The cunt is irresistible oan this form.”


Irvine Welsh (Edinburg, 27 september 1958)


De Amerikaanse dichteres Kay Ryan werd geboren op 27september 1945 in San Jose, California. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 september 2008 en ook mijn blog van 27 september 2009.


Extreme exertion
isolates a person
from help,
discovered Atlas.
Once a certain
ratio collapses,
there is so little
others can do:
they can’t
lend a hand
with Brazil
and not stand
on Peru.


The Pieces That Fall To Earth

One could
almost wish
they wouldn’t;
they are so
far apart,
so random.
One cannot
wait, cannot
abandon waiting.
The three or
four occasions
of their landing
never fade.
Should there
be more, there
will never be
enough to make
a pattern
that can equal
the commanding
way they matter.


Kay Ryan (San Jose, 27 september 1945)


De Tsjechische schrijver en uitgever Josef Škvorecký werd geboren op 27 september 1924 in Náchod. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 september 2009.

Uit: When Eve Was Naked

„From the Diary of Josef Machane, grade one pupil
at the elementary school for boys at K.

Before I started going to school, Mother read to me every night at bedtime, to help me fall asleep. She would turn on the coloured glass lamp by my bed, put on her pince-nez, and read fairy tales. I really hated sleeping, but I liked listening to the stories: there was a wicked witch who ate children and a rotten stepmother who poked out her stepchildren’s eyes, and then when the prince was betrothed to the prettiest of the children, she (the heroine) chopped off both her stepmother’s arms and also one leg. Those fairy tales frightened me so much that I couldn’t fall asleep, which was why Mother had to keep reading on and on, until she fell asleep.

But alas, those wonderful times were soon to be no more. I had to start grade one at the elementary school for boys. I didn’t want to, but they made me. Our teacher, Mrs. Rehakova, taught us reading, and now, as Mother was turning on the lamp she would say to me, “Soon I won’t have to read to you any longer, Joey, because in no time you’ll learn how, and then you’ll be able to read quietly to yourself.” But Iliked having Mother read to me, because she was pretty and had a scratchy voice that helped me to stay awake when she read me the story about Budulinek, the boy who gobbled up everything he could find in the pantry, but was still hungry and then became a cannibal. So I decided not to learn how to read, so that Mother would have to go on reading bedtime stories to me every night. I kept my resolution steadfastly, and at midterm I got a failing grade in reading from Mrs. Rehakova. My father got very mad.

“A failing grade in such an elementary subject!” His voice was so loud that it shook the chandelier, which was also made of coloured glass. “Even Vozenil, the poor widow’s son who comes to our house at least twice a week for lunch, managed a D minus, but look at this! My own son’s report!” He stopped shouting and began removing his belt, then bent me over his knee and strapped me hard.“


Josef Škvorecký (Náchod, 27 september 1924)


De Nederlandse schrijfster Esther Verhoef-Verhallen werd geboren in ’s-Hertogenbosch op 27 september 1968. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 september 2009.

Uit: Erken mij

Ik beef ongecontroleerd over mijn hele lichaam en ik voel me koortsig, doodmoe. Uitgeput bijna. Te moe om mijn spullen te pakken en het hotel te verlaten, zelfs te moe om te huilen. Of is het apathie? Minuten gaan voorbij, waarin ik probeer me te concentreren op mijn ademhaling en niet meer in staat ben tot meer dan dat. Dan loop ik de badkamer in, draai de stop van de jacuzzi dicht en zet de kranen open. Uit een mandje op een glazen planchet pak ik een chick uitziend flesje douchegel, Hermés. De inhoud ruikt naar sinaasappel. Ik haal de rest van de flesjes ook uit het mandje en spuit ze allemaal leeg in het enorme bad. De brede waterstraal maakt er een dikke. Romige schuimlaag van.“


Esther Verhoef (‘s-Hertogenbosch, 27 september 1968)


De Amerikaanse schrijver Louis Stanton Auchincloss werd geboren op 27 september 1917 in Lawrence, New York. Louis Auchincloss overleed op 26 januari van dit jaar op 92-jarige leeftijd. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 september 2009.

Uit: The Young Apollo and Other Stories

The Young Apollo I have decided to put my thoughts about Lionel Manning together in this memorandum. I have to make up my mind, and soon, whether or not I shall accede to Senator Mannings request that I compose a short life of his son, Lionel, or “Lion” as we elders used to call him. It is now five years since Lion died of heart failure, aged thirty-one, in 1913, just before the outbreak of the long and terrible war that has cast the stain of doubt over the ideals we thought our boys were fighting for, as seemingly exemplified in the golden image of my young friend. I use the word “young” more in contrast to my own seventy summers than to emphasize a life so cut short, for it was characteristic of Lion in the matter of friendship to take no account of age, which endeared him to many of my contemporaries. Perhaps he offered us the illusion of some kind of life after death. There is a cynical side of my old crusty bachelor self that whispers that it may have been just as well that Lion died when he did. After all, there is something fine and noble in an early demise. We can always now see him in a halo of glory, with his gleaming blond hair, his laughing gray- blue eyes, his gracefully molded features, his splendid muscular torso; we can hear his excited tones voicing his high principles; we can feel that he has taken his proper place in the gallant and in- spiring company of the slain English friends whom he met as a Rhodes scholar. Dont we glimpse through the darkness of today the broad green lawn of an Edwardian garden party and wonderful young men in blazers and white flannels talking of the great things they would do in a future they would never have? The wrong people have survived this war.


Louis Auchincloss (27 september 1917 – 26 januari 2010)
Portret door Everett Raymond Kinstler, 2001


De Engelse dichter en criticus William Empson werd geboren op 27 september 1906  in Howden, Yorkshire. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 september 2009.

Missing Dates

Slowly the poison the whole blood stream fills.
It is not the effort nor the failure tires.
The waste remains, the waste remains and kills.

It is not your system or clear sight that mills
Down small to the consequence a life requires;
Slowly the poison the whole blood stream fills.

They bled an old dog dry yet the exchange rills
Of young dog blood gave but a month’s desires.
The waste remains, the waste remains and kills.

It is the Chinese tombs and the slag hills
Usurp the soil, and not the soil retires.
Slowly the poison the whole blood stream fills.

Not to have fire is to be a skin that shrills.
The complete fire is death. From partial fires
The waste remains, the waste remains and kills.

It is the poems you have lost, the ills
From missing dates, at which the heart expires.
Slowly the poison the whole blood stream fills.


William Empson (27 september 1906 – 15 april 1984)
Empson staande rechts, 2e van rechts George Orwell, voor de microfoon T. S. Eliot.
Voor de BBC radio in 1941


De Occitaanse dichter en schrijver Bernat Manciet werd geboren op 27 september 1923 in Sabres. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 september 2009.

L’enterrament a Sabres (Fragment)

Le Seigneur me laboure au brabant
il m’ouvre comme une grande chevaine
mon soleil laisse fuir ses graines de nuit
mon soleil va germer – je m’y perds
Mais toi qui donnes l’élan au seigle
aux maisons et à la longue acclamation des pluies
sur les sillons en tous genres
au murmure noir du populaire
regarde donc ma conscience ouverte en toutes ces pulsations blanches
c’est comme un vautour de plumes blanches
d’où me viennent ces hectares enfantés ?
mon âme c’est ta foudre d’acétylène
éclaire-moi ces lointains l’un derrière l’autre
afin que je te voie
éclaire-toi comme la foudre discrète
ne te cache pas comme ça
j’ai peut-être pêché mais pour savoir si tu es juste
ce temps ce temps va changer
dis-moi Seigneur si je fais encore peur
à l’heure du boulanger
les morts tu sais ne servent pas à grand chose
pour Te parler
mais le seul vif du vif de ce four retiré
Il n’appartient qu’à toi dans la peur
de faire ce qu’il faut pour qu’en une Sabres éternelle
nous vivions à vif lorsque dansent sur place les jardins


Bernat Manciet (27 september 1923 – 3 juni 2005)


De Sloveense dichter, schrijver en essayist Edvard Kocbek werd in Sloveens Stiermarken geboren op 27 september 1904. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 september 2006 en ook mijn blog van 27 september 2008 en ook mijn blog van 27 september 2009.

Church In The Slovenian Hills

Dappled tent
of weary pilgrims
the protective color
of the wise turtle
lichen of ancient nights
moss of placid forests
the silence of a butterfly —
duration achieved by
patience —
but it is not a sphinx
or a fish
or a fairy dragon
but a weary ox
with a thick head
leaning against the sky
opening at times
his kind eyes
for the fragrant hay
and the intoxicated incense
for a cock in the wind
and bronze bells
he still watches over
the holy manger
connecting existent things
with those not yet created;
there are no cracks
be still, heart
beat softly
so that the message
of the silent parchment
docs not fall
to dust.


Edvard Kocbek (27 september 1904 – 3 november 1981)
Edvard Kocbek monument in het Tivoli park in Ljubljana


De Oostenrijkse dichter, bibliograaf, bibliothecaris en vertaler Johann Nepomuk Cosmas Michael Denis werd geboren in Schärding op 27 september 1729. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 september 2009.

Sineds Morgenlied (Fragment)

Harfe! steig nieder. Der Tag erwachet. Sein Aug
Blicket aus Osten auf dich.
Hörst du der Schwalbe Geschäft? Sie lobet schon lang’
Oben am Giebel das Licht.
Hörst du den Morgenhauch
In dem Gezweig’ umher?
Harfe! steig nieder zu mir, begleite mein Lied!

Rein ist das Obergewölb der Schöpfung und blau,
Kühl ist der Odem der Luft.
Dünn ist der Schleier von Duft, der über der Flur
Trächtigem Busen sich dehnt.
Bunt ist der frische Thau,
Der durch den Schleier blitzt.
Hold ist der Morgen, und hold auch, Barde! für dich.

Als dich noch gestern zu Nacht dein Lager umfing,
Warst du des Morgens gewiß?
Konnte dein Leben nicht gleich der Rose verblüh’n,
Die sich nun nimmer erneut?
Aber Allvaters Huld
Läßt dich auch heute noch
Trinken vom Strome der Lust, der alles berauscht.


 Michael Denis (27 september 1729 – 29 september 1800)


De Duitse dichter en schrijver Christian Schloyer werd geboren op 27 september 1976 in Erlangen. Schloyer behaalde een licentiaat in wijsbegeerte, germanistiek, theater en media studies in Erlangen. Hij was initiatiefnemer en mede-oprichter van de schrijversgroep en schrijfwerkplaats “Wortwerk” in Erlangen en Neurenberg (2000) en is redacteur van het literaire tijdschrift “Laufschrift” (sinds 2007).

an den angler in monets bildern

merk dir nie an den wolken (wenn
da ein meer ist – & da
ist ein meer) wo du die fisch
falle versenkst, merk dir immer das über
fließende blau (merks dir am
über) am fluss vom himmel
ins meer, merk dir genau wann
du das meer in den himmel
versenkst, merk dir kein meer
an den wolken (& es gibt diese
wolken – nicht alle sind blau) merk dir am besten
den fisch


 Christian Schloyer (Erlangen, 27 september 1976)


De Duitse schrijfster Tanja Kinkel werd geboren op 27 september 1969 in Bamberg. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 september 2006. en ook mijn blog van 17 september 2007 en ook mijn blog van 27 september 2008 en en ook mijn blog van 27 september 2009.

Uit: Im Schatten der Königin

„Montag, 9. September 1560   G
ott vergebe mir, aber das Erste, was ich dachte, als Robin Dudley mir sagte, seine Gemahlin sei tot, war: Warum jetzt? Für mich und die Meinen war es eine gute Zeit, und eine, auf die wir lange hatten warten müssen. Seit meine Base Jane vor vierzig Jahren John Dudley geheiratet hatte, waren wir miteinander im Rad der Fortuna gefangen gewesen und hatten uns nicht mehr lösen können, ganz gleich, ob es uns hoch oder abwärts trug. Ich wurde an Janes Hochzeitstag geboren, und sie hat das immer als Grund gesehen, sich wie eine Patin um mich zu kümmern. Da meine eigene Mutter von Fehlgeburt zu Fehlgeburt immer schwächer wurde und starb, noch ehe ich acht Jahre alt war, gab es lange Zeit niemanden, der für mich so wichtig war wie Jane. Es gab einen Lehrer, John Ferlingham, der mich bis aufs Blut quälte. Es bereitete ihm offensichtlich Spaß, bei jedem noch so kleinen Fehler, den ich im Unterricht machte, seinen Rohrstock auf meinem nackten Hintern tanzen zu lassen. Doch schlimmer als der Stock war es, seine Hände auch dort zu spüren. Ich wusste damals noch nichts davon, dass manche Männer es auch mit Jungen treiben wollten, aber mir war klar, dass irgendetwas nicht stimmte. Sosehr ich es auch versuchte, ich fand keine Ausrede, die mich davor schützte, nach der Schule zu ihm zu gehen, um meine Gebete mit ihm zu sprechen, wie er das wünschte. Mein Vater bemerkte nichts; eine Tracht Prügel zur rechten Zeit habe noch niemandem geschadet, so lautete seine Überzeugung, die er noch von seinem Urgroßvater hatte, der über Jahrzehnte Sheriff von Shropshire gewesen war. Ich wäre damals lieber gestorben, als ihm einzugestehen, dass ich nicht Angst vor den Schlägen hatte, sondern vor den Händen des Lehrers an meinem Arsch. Jane dagegen gab sich nicht damit zufrieden, meine wirkungslosen Ausreden als kindliche Bockigkeit abzutun. Es gelang ihr, die Wahrheit aus mir herauszulocken. »Das, was er tut, ist Unrecht«, sagte sie mit ernster Stimme. Ich spürte, dass ich den Tränen nahe war.“


Tanja Kinkel (Bamberg, 27 september 1969)


De Poolse dichter en vertaler Wacław Koźma Damian Lieder,ook: Rolicz-Lieder werd geboren op 27 september 1866 in Warschau. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 september 2008 en ook mijn blog van 27 september 2009.


Ich schreite mit des prunkenden herzens gefühlen,
Nach traurigen lebens rötlichen gestaden ·
Ich schreite mit weisen gedanken auf marmorner stirne
Durch blinder erinnrungen zerfallene arkaden.

Bevor die sonne den himbeerfarbenen fächer
Entfaltet und meeresvögel den schrei erheben
Besteig ich voll sanftmut das gespenstische fahrzeug
Des schwarze segel zur insel der toten streben.

Mit angespielter leier zartem gesange
Entfach ich was von sterbender liebe noch glüht
Und segne diese duftende einzige wahre
Von der in der ferne ein herz ohne namen blüht.


Wach auf die du mich geleitet durch einsame jahre

Wach auf die du mich geleitet durch einsame jahre
Smaragdener stern meines lebens · wach auf!
Wach auf · du leuchtende sfinx · denn es läutet
Zum angelus droben vom turme der kirche – wach auf!
Die kräuter der schlummernden felder duften berückend
Und stimmen ertönen vom grünlichen wasser – wach auf!
Wach auf! dem auge des himmels fallen die lider
Vorm kusse der feierlichen nacht – wach auf!
Wach auf! meine arme erhoben sich zum gebete ·
Erhoben sich wie zwei gespenstische vögel – wach auf!


Vertaald door Stefan George


Wacław Rolicz-Lieder (27 september 1866 – 25 april 1912)


De Franstalige Zwitserse schrijver en filosoof Henri-Frédéric Amiel werd geboren op 27 september 1821 in Genève. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 september 2009.

Uit: Journal (Vertaald door Mrs. Humphrey Ward)

„BERLIN, July 16. 1848.—There is but one thing needful—to possess God. All our senses, all our powers of mind and soul, all our external resources, are so many ways of approaching the divinity, so many modes of tasting and of adoring God. We must learn to detach ourselves from all that is capable of being lost, to bind ourselves absolutely only to what is absolute and eternal, and to enjoy the rest as a loan, a usufruct…. To adore, to understand, to receive, to feel, to give, to act: there is my law my duty, my happiness, my heaven. Let come what come will—even death. Only be at peace with self, live in the presence of God, in communion with Him, and leave the guidance of existence to those universal powers against whom thou canst do nothing! If death gives me time, so much the better. If its summons is near, so much the better still; if a half-death overtake me, still so much the better, for so the path of success is closed to me only that I may find opening before me the path of heroism, of moral greatness and resignation. Every life has its potentiality of greatness, and as it is impossible to be outside God, the best is consciously to dwell in Him.

BERLIN, July 20, 1848.—It gives liberty and breadth to thought, to learn to judge our own epoch from the point of view of universal history, history from the point of view of geological periods, geology from the point of view of astronomy. When the duration of a man’s life or of a people’s life appears to us as microscopic as that of a fly and inversely, the life of a gnat as infinite as that of a celestial body, with all its dust of nations, we feel ourselves at once very small and very great, and we are able, as it were, to survey from the height of the spheres our own existence, and the little whirlwinds which agitate our little Europe.

At bottom there is but one subject of study: the forms and metamorphoses of mind. All other subjects may be reduced to that; all other studies bring us back to this study.“


Henri-Frédéric Amiel (27 september 1821 – 11 mei 1881)


De Italiaanse schrijfster Grazia Deledda werd geboren op 27 september 1871 in Nuoro op Sardinië. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 september 2007 en ook mijn blog van 27 september 2008 en ook mijn blog van 27 september 2009.

Uit: Ashes (Vertaald door Jan Kozma)

„And she thought of the little naked birds in the deserted nest; of her poor little neglected brothers; of Anania’s treasure; of midsummer night; and of her dead mother. She was afraid—she was sad, so sad that though she believed herself doomed to hell, she longed to die. Ol!’s son was born at Fonni in the springtime. He was called Anania by the advice of his godmother, the bandit’s widow. He passed his infancy at Fonni, and in his imagination never forgot that strange village perched on the mountain crest, like a slumbering vulture. During the long winter, Fonni was all snow and fog ; but with the spring grass invaded even the steep village street, where beetles slept among the big, sun-warmed cobblestones, and ants ran confidingly in and out of their holes. The meagre brown houses with their roofs of scandtde (wooden tiles overlapping each other like fish- scales), showed on the street side narrow black doorways, balconies of rotten wood, little stairs often vine-garlanded. The Basilica of the Martyrs, with its picturesque belfry, rose among the green oaks of the old Convent court, dominating the whole little town and carved against a sky of crystalline blue. Fabulous beauty reigned on all sides. The tall mountains of the Gennargentu, their luminous summits outlined as it were with silver,crowned the great Barbagia valley, which in a succession of immense green shells rose to the hill-topS; among these Fonni with its scaled roofs and stony streets, defied the thunder and the winds. The district was in winter almost deserted, for its numerous population of wandering shepherds (men strong as the blast, and astute as foxes) descended with their flocks to the warm southern plains….“


Grazia Deledda (27 september 1871 – 15 augustus 1936)


Irvine Welsh, Kay Ryan, Josef Škvorecký, Esther Verhoef

De Schotse schrijver Irvine Welsh werd geboren op 27 september 1958 in Leith, Edinburgh. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 september 2008.


Uit: Porno

 “Croxy, sweating from exertion rather than from drug abuse for once in his life, struggles up the stairs with the last box of records as I collapse on the bed, gaping through a numb depression at the cream woodchip walls. This is my new home. One poky room, fourteen foot by twelve, with an attached hallway, kitchen and bath-room. The room contains a built-in wardrobe with no doors, my bed, and just about space for two chairs and a table. I couldn’t sit in here: prison would be better. I’d fucking well go back up to Edinburgh and swap Frank Begbie his cell for this frozen hovel.

In this confined space the stench of old fags from Croxy is suffocating. I’ve gone three weeks without a cigarette, but I’ve passive-smoked about thirty a day just from being in his proximity. – Thirsty work, eh, Simon? You coming down the Pepys for one? he asks, his enthusiasm seeming like a gloat, a calculated sneer at one Simon David Williamson’s reduced circumstances.

On one level it would be sheer fucking folly to go down Mare Street, to the Pepys, so that they can all snicker, ‘Back in Hackney, Simon?’ but, aye, company is what’s wanted. Ears must be bent. Steam has to be let off. Also, Croxy needs an airing. Trying to give up fags in his company is like trying to come off gear in a squat full of junkies.

– You’re lucky to get this place, Croxy tells me, as he helps me unload the boxes. Lucky my fuckin arse. I lie down on the bed and the whole joint shakes as the express train to Liverpool Street hurtles through Hackney Downs station, which is about one foot outside the kitchen window.

Staying put in my state of mind is even less of an option than going out, so we’re cagily descending the threadbare stairs, the carpet so worn that it’s as hazardous as the side of a glacier. Outside, sleet falls and there’s a dull aura of festive hangover everywhere, as we make our way towards Mare Street and the town hall. Croxy, with absolutely no sense of irony, is telling me that ‘Hackney’s a better manor than Islington, any roads. Islington’s been facked for years.’

You can be a crustie for too long. He should be designing websites in Clerkenwell or Soho, rather than organising squats and parties in Hackney. I put the cunt wise to the ways of the world, not because it’ll do him any good, but simply to stop nonsense like that filtering into the culture unchallenged. – No, it’s a step backwards, I say, blowing on my hands, my fingers as pink as uncooked pork sausages. – For a twenty-five-year-old crustie, Hackney’s fine. For an upwardly mobile thirty-six-year-old entrepreneur, I point at myself, it has to be Izzy. How can you give a class bit of fanny in a Soho bar an E8 address? “


Irvine Welsh (Edinburgh., 27 september 1958)


De Amerikaanse dichteres Kay Ryan werd geboren op 27september 1945 in San Jose, California. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 september 2008.


All Shall Be Restored

The grains shall be collected

from the thousand shores

to which they found their way,

and the boulder restored,

and the boulder itself replaced

in the cliff, and likewise

the cliff shall rise

or subside until the plate of earth

is without fissure. Restoration

knows no half measure. It will

not stop when the treasured and lost

bronze horse remounts the steps.

Even this horse will founder backward

to coin, cannon, and domestic pots,

which themselves shall bubble and

drain back to green veins in stone.

And every word written shall lift off

letter by letter, the backward text

read ever briefer, ever more antic

in its effort to insist that nothing

shall be lost.



Tenderness and Rot

Tenderness and rot

share a border.

And rot is an

aggressive neighbor

whose iridescence

keeps creeping over.


No lessons

can be drawn

from this however.


One is not

two countries.

One is not meat



It is important

to stay sweet

and loving.



Kay Ryan (San Jose, 27 september 1945)



De Tsjechische schrijver en uitgever Josef Škvorecký werd geboren op 27 september 1924 in Náchod. In 1943 deed hij eindexamen gymnasium. Omdat hogescholen en universiteiten in die tijd gesloten waren werd hij te werk gesteld in de Messerschmittwerke in Náchod. Na de oorlog begon hij aan een studie medicijnen in Praag, maar hij stapte al snel over op filosofie en anglistiek. In 1951 promoveerde hij. Na twee jaar militaire dienst ging hij werken als redacteur bij een staatsuitgeverij. Vanaf 1956 was hij redacteur bij het tijdschrift Světová literatura (Wereldliteratuur). Zijn eerder geschreven, maar in 1958 gepubliceerde debuutroman Zbabělci (Lafaards), veroorzaakte een schandaal en hij moest zijn baan opgeven. Toen het klimaat in de jaren zestig in Tsechslowakije verbeterde besloot hij beroepsschrijver te worden. In 1969 kon hij met een beurs een jaar naar Californië. Na afloop daarvan vestigde hij zich in Toronto waar hij aan de universiteit doceerde en met zijn vrouw de uitgeverij Sixty-eight Publishers oprichtte. Deze werd een Mekka voor verbannen schrijvers als Václav Havel, Milan Kundera en Ludvík Vaculík.


Uit: The End of Bull Mácha (Vertaald door Paul Wilson)

“Bull Mácha was leaning against the pedestrian railing at the corner of Vodičková Street and Wenceslas Square. The thin mist of a dank afternoon was slowly falling into the streets, blurring the features of the people trudging past him. The streets were coming alive with the bustle of a Sunday evening in the big city. Through the silvery grey veil of a wet autumn dusk the lights in the store windows and cafés were coming on, and the faces of the girls Bull Mácha’s impassive eyes were stalking in the crowd seemed to assume a new and mysterious charm under the misty, magic chiaroscuro of artificial lighting. Their hazy beauty touched him like a sudden pain, and in the depths of his heart he longed to draw close to them in a place where one could get closest of all: a café, one of the dance halls whose windows were already beginning to glow through the spidery mist that was slowly descending upon the city of Prague. It was the month of November in the year of our Lord 1953.

The figure leaning against the green railing, with his low, carefully combed coiffure turned to face the flaming entrance of the Soviet Book Shop, was in his own way a living human fossil. At the age of twenty-nine, František Mácha still referred to himself by his old nickname, Bull, in full “Gablik” Bull—Zoot-Suiter Bull—and he insisted that others do so too. And the vague notion of belonging to a grand conspiracy against something uncertain, a conspiracy he still felt a part of, was epitomized, even after all these years, by the title “Gablik.” It was an expression that ha
d stuck to him long ago, during the vogue for a popular American Civil War movie and its raffish, devil-may-care hero, Gable himself.

Now Gablik Bull Mácha was standing on the corner of Vodičková Street and Wenceslas Square, his heart lacerated by those winsome, cosmetically improved young faces, and by a strange, miserable nostalgia. He was alone, his hands stuffed into enormous pockets, and from the overcoat, cut strictly according to fashion with the sloping shoulders of a wine bottle and a collar as wide as an acolyte’s, a small head emerged, with a painstakingly fashioned coif in front and the sides slicked back into a ducktail. From that face two watery grey eyes stared: dull, bored, desperate. Bull had the heel of his left foot hooked over the bottom rung of the green railing, with his leg swung over as far as he could to the left, and he had pulled up his narrow trouser leg to avoid making a bulge at the knee, so that all might remark on his black-yellow-and-green-striped socks and gaze in wonder at the Gothic upturned toes of his Hungarian winklepickers. He was especially proud of those winklepickers with their snow-white soles flashing in the descending fog like crown jewels, cared for with boundless love and worn only on ceremonial occasions.”


Josef Škvorecký (Náchod, 27 september 1924)


De Nederlandse schrijfster Esther Verhoef-Verhallen werd geboren in ’s-Hertogenbosch op 27 september 1968. Haar eerste publicaties verschenen in 1989 en betroffen columns in het blad Flair. Tussen 1995 en 2005 schreef ze 50 informatieve boeken over huisdieren, waarvan er wereldwijd zo’n 8 miljoen over de toonbank gingen. Haar dierenboeken zijn vertaald in ruim 80 landen. Verhoef deed zelf grotendeels de fotografie voor haar boeken. Bekendheid bij het grote publiek verwierf zij echter pas toen zij thrillers begon te schrijven. In 2003 debuteerde ze met de thriller Onrust, die in 2004 werd genomineerd voor de Gouden Strop en spoedig daarna vertaald in het Duits. De opvolger Onder druk werd genomineerd voor de Gouden Strop 2005.

Op 7 april 2006 kwam haar eerste psychologische thriller Rendez-vous uit, die vrijwel meteen in de bestsellerlijsten belandde. In oktober 2006 verscheen Chaos, een roman noir/thriller over een ex-militair met een posttraumatische stressstoornis, die zij samen schreef met haar man Berry Verhoef onder het pseudoniem Escober. In 2007 kwam Close-Up uit. In 2008 volgde Ongenade (Escober) als hekkesluiter van de Sil Maier-trilogie.


Uit: Close-up


“Het maakte het makkelijker dat we elkaar zo goed kenden. Daardoor werkte ze, zonder het te weten, mee, en werd het intiem, geborgen bijna. Drie maanden heb ik me erop voorbereid. Eerst heb ik het plan aan alle kanten belicht. Geprobeerd het voor mezelf te visualiseren. Toen ik zeker wist dat het mogelijk moest zijn, was het geen gedachtespinsel meer, maar werd het een deel van mezelf. Het was heerlijk om ermee bezig te zijn, vanaf de voorbereidingen, die bestonden uit gesprekken met haar en de mensen om ons heen, tot aan het aanschaffen van de spullen die ik nodig had. Toegegeven, veel was dat niet. Ze bracht me zelf op het idee.

Edith kon niet zo goed tegen gebroken nachten, dan waren haar ogen de volgende ochtend dik en rood. En hoewel ze veel meer in huis had dan schoonheid alleen, wilde ze vóór alles mooi zijn. Wat mij betreft was ze dat altijd, of ze nu in vol ornaat op een receptie de show stal of net uit bed kwam en, zich verontschuldigend voor haar slonzige verschijning, in badjas thee voor me zette. Een slaapmiddel was voor haar de enige manier om niet steeds wakker te worden van het gerommel ’s nachts.

Ik keek ernaar uit, voelde me als een kind dat in de rij stond voor de achtbaan. Steeds een stapje vooruit, steeds dichterbij. De toenemende opwinding, die zijn hoogtepunt bereikte op de avond dat alles als een perfect passende puzzel in elkaar viel.

We hadden samen een fles wijn leeggedronken en het gehad over dingen die ons boeiden. Over kunst en kunstenaars, die de ondoordringbare en onbegrijpelijke wereld van de fantasie en emotie tastbaar maakten voor het grote publiek. Kunstschilders, beeldhouwers, schrijvers, muzikan

Ze was heel relaxed en leunde tegen me aan. Meer dan eens zei ze dat ze zich bij mij zo op haar gemak voelde, dat ze me helemaal vertrouwde. Ze was al aan het wegzakken, het middel werkte opvallend snel. Ik drukte haar tegen me aan en zei dat ze beter even in bad kon gaan. Ze was moe, ze had te veel meegemaakt, en na een verkwikkend bad en een goede nachtrust zou ze minder zwaarmoedig tegen alles aan kijken. Morgen zou ze zich vast beter voelen.”




Esther Verhoef (‘s-Hertogenbosch, 27 september 1968)


Zie voor nog meer schrijvers van de 27e september ook mijn vorige twee blogs van vandaag.

Tanja Kinkel, Edvard Kocbek, Wacław Rolicz-Lieder, Irvine Welsh, Kay Ryan, Grazia Deledda

De Duitse schrijfster Tanja Kinkel werd geboren op 27 september 1969 in Bamberg. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 september 2006. en ook mijn blog van 17 september 2007.


Uit: Säulen der Ewigkeit


Was immer du tun willst, fang damit an.

Als Sarah ihrer Arbeitgeberin diesen Satz aus einem Artikel über berühmte Dichter vorlas, spürte sie, dass sie ihn niemals wieder vergessen würde. Sie hielt inne, und Mrs. Stapleton warf ihr einen ungehaltenen Blick zu.

Was immer du tun willst, fang damit an. Es war nur ein Zitat von vielen, und nichts hatte sich geändert: Die verblassende chinesische Tapete hinter Mrs. Stapleton war die gleiche, die große Wanduhr, die Sarah bald wieder würde aufziehen müssen, tickte weiter, und trotzdem erschien es ihr, als habe dieser kurze Ausspruch sich direkt an sie gerichtet; er war wie eine Hand, die in ihre Haare griff, um sie wachzurütteln. Mrs. Stapleton räusperte sich, und Sarah erklärte, um ihre Verlegenheit zu überbrücken, der Artikel sei zu Ende. Sie ging hastig zu dem über, was Mrs. Stapleton »die leidige Politik« nannte, und zu dem Bericht über Napoleon Bonapartes Selbstkrönung zum Kaiser der Franzosen, den sie mit gemessener, sachlicher Stimme vortrug. In Mrs. Stapletons empörten Ausrufen über die Anmaßung des Korsen versank der kurze Moment der Stille.

Was Sarah jedoch die ganze Nacht nicht schlafen ließ, hatte nichts mit dem Korsen und alles mit jenem kurzen Zitat zu tun. Am Morgen hatte sie ihre Entscheidung gefällt, ihr Leben von Grund auf zu ändern, selbst wenn sie noch nicht genau wusste, wie sie das anstellen sollte. Ihr Stubenhockerdasein aufzugeben und ohne Begleitung die Straßen von London zu erkunden, statt sich auf das unmittelbare Umfeld des Hauses von Mrs. Stapleton zu beschränken, wie es von ihr erwartet wurde, schien ein guter Anfang zu sein.

Sarah hatte eigentlich keinen Grund, sich zu beklagen. Mit der Ausbildung, die ein Waisenhaus in Bristol einem aufgeweckten, fleißigen Mädchen geben konnte, war die Stelle als Gesellschafterin einer alten Dame in London, die sie seit drei Jahren hatte, das Beste, was jemand wie sie erreichen konnte. Doch es genügte Sarah nicht. Nicht mehr.“


Tanja Kinkel (Bamberg, 27 september 1969)



De Sloveense dichter, schrijver en essayist Edvard Kocbek werd in Sloveens Stiermarken geboren op 27 september 1904. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 september 2006.




A Spanish princess
walks among us.
You do not see her,
do not hear her,
the prophecy
or the memory.
She walks erect,
of morning stature,
carrying a jug of evening
on her head.
Be still,
do not move,
the jug is full
of your eyes’ dew.
She carries it erect
in these fickle times.
her balance
is astonishing,
do not frighten her,
have compassion for her,
for yourselves,
each drop
our ransom.
The princess walks safely
with tender courage.
She is through the door already,
starting up
up the stairs.





We have arrived and stopped.
The dead tired partisan squad collapsed on the ground and
fell asleep. Only I was unable to find peace, the goal hid itself, I
lost the shortest way to oblivion.
My disconsolate spirit keeps searching, roaming from
darkness to light, from snow to blooming linden trees, from slopes
to valleys, from streets to primal forests, through wind and silence,
through moonlight and storms.
We resemble those who in ancient times made their
pilgrimage through the Red Sea barefoot, on horseback, armored,
with spears in their hands and fire in their eyes; with song on their
lips and longing in their hearts, calloused, burdened, scarred, dusty,
hunchbacked, loyal and happy they searched for the promised land.
The primal weight of time, cramming, cursing, praying, draws me
behind itself, pushing me. from behind, going always forward,
never backward.
One day I will pause on the forest edge at nightfall, the
evening sun will make me squint, and I’ll shelter my eyes with
feverish hands and see before me a fertile clearing, green fields,
a fenced orchard, and a house among the trees, with barns and
a sunken bed in a depression of hay.
Then and only then will find my peace, close my eyes,
lean on my comrades, and wander into the wild like a sleep-walker
on a roof, stuttering incoherently as if from a vision:
“When one finds the land, why seek the sky?”



Vertaald door Sonja Kravanja



Edvard Kocbek (27 september 1904 – 3 november 1981)



De Poolse dichter en vertaler Wacław Koźma Damian Lieder,ook: Rolicz-Lieder werd geboren op 27 september 1866 in Warschau. Hij studeerde rechtswetenschappen in Krakau en vetrok toen, met tussenstops in München en Zwitserland naar Parijs waar hij aan de Hoge School voor Orientaalse Talen studeerde. Hij schreef daarna o.a. een Turkse grammatica voor Poolse studenten. Na ook een korte tijd in Wenen gestudeerd te hebben keerde hij naar Parijs terug, waar hij de École Pratique des Hautes Études en de École Libre des Sciences Politiques bezocht. In zijn Parijse jaren leerde hij veel belangrijke dichters uit die tijd kennen, zoals Paul Verlaine, Stéphane Mallarmé en Stefan George, die een goede vriend van hem werd en veel invloed heeft gehad op zijn ontwikkeling als dichter. Ook raakte Lieder bevriend met de Tsjechische symbolist Julius Zeyer. In 1887 keerde hij naar Polen terug en gaf daar o.a. cursussen Franse handelscorrespondentie. Na de dood van beide ouders erfde hij een huurkazerne met 35 woningen en verschillende winkels. Hij kon van de opbrengst leven.Na 1898 schreef hij echter nog maar weinig. In Parijs was in 1890 zijndchyerlijk manifest verschenen. Twee vooraanstaande Poolse dichter hadden enthousiast gerageerd, maar de meerderheid van de kritiek was negatief. Lieder trok zich daarop meer en meer uit de literaire wereld terug en publiceerde zijn werk in kleine, grafische prachtig verzorgde uitgaven, zoals de boeken van George, en in eigen beheer. „Reproductie en kritieken verboden“ liet hij in alle exemplaren zetten. Het leidde ertoe dat zijn werk in Polen nagenoeg onbekend bleef, terwijl zijn roem door de vertalingen van George in Duitsland groeide en groeide. Pas in 1930 beleefde hij in zijn vaderland een wedergeboorte door de essays van Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz.



Das buch


Sie sprach: du sitzest verstimmt über deinen papieren
Und zupfest im munde die feder die lange nicht ruhte.
Brich ab mit deinen gedichten und ernsten gedanken
Und weihe dem eigenen glück eine kurze minute!


Und saugt dein gemüt durch vieles sinnen gefesselt
Im garten der bücher einen belebenden odem
Und stützest du brütend das schwere haupt mit dem arme
Wie hölzerne götter in indischen pagoden:


So stelle dir vor ich wäre ein buch: ein solches
Das nie zu betrüben und immer zu trösten suche
Und wenn aus der feder dir ein missklang gleitet
So blättere einige seiten in diesem buche!




Im nebel des herbstes


Auf meiner gedanken auen war lange dürre ·
Die gütige sonne strahlte den reifenden feldern ·
Heut stechen die scharfen stoppeln und werfen schweigend
In nebel gehüllt einen langen blick nach den wäldern.


Ich wollte das wasser der sinnlichen quelle schöpfen ·
Im rasen der lüste gelagert mich vergessen.
Es ist zu spät! um die zieh-brunnen braust der nord ·
Ihre schwengel ragen empor wie verödete essen.


Ich schaudere. Doch wenn manchmal die nacht in die augen
Mir schaut und die träume fliegen – o traurige schemen:
Es drückt mein gedanke sich an die brust der begierde
Wie an seine stute der brozene leib d
es moslemen.




Erinnerung an Paul Verlaine




Am Totenbett



Der Weise der kühn in das auge des lebens schaut
Wird unbereit vom tode nimmer ereilt.
Er klagt weder bittend um ein verlängertes leben
Noch rechtet er mit den jahren verflossener jugend
Noch fürchtet er sich vor unbekannten gefilden
Noch zeichnet er pläne der klugheit in seinen gedanken.
Er schreitet mit stolzen abgemessenem schritte
Und wenn er dem ehernen tod auf dem wege begegnet ·
So bleibt er stehen und bietet die stirn ihm dar:
Er überliefert dem mäher die reifende ähre.



Wacław Rolicz-Lieder (*27 september 1866 – 25 april 1912)


De Schotse schrijver Irvine Welsh werd geboren op 27 september 1958 in Leith, Edinburgh. Welsh moest zijn beroep van televisiereparateur opgeven nadat hij een electrische shok had gekregen. In 1978 dook hij in de Londense punk scene, waar hij guitaar speelde en zong. In het midden van de jaren tachtig speculeerde hij met huizen, maar na de boom ging hij terug naar Edingburgh en begon hij weer te studeren. Zo schreef hij nog een stdudie over gelijke kansen van vrouwen.

Hij werd bekend door zijn eerste roman Trainspotting uit 1993, waarin hij de door drugs, werkeloosheid en crominaliteit bepaalde levens van een groep jonge Schotten in zijn geboortestad beschrijft. De provoceerde, en volgens sommiigen te gedetailleerde beschrijving van het heroinegebruik maakte het boek en de verfilming ervan, waarin Welsh een bijrol speelde als drugsdealer, beroemd. Door zijn thema’s (opkomst en ondergang van de sociale woningbouw, gebrek aan kansen, voetbal, hooligans, sex, verdrongen homosexualiteit, lage lonen, vrijmetselarij, emigratie) wordt Welsh tot de undergroundliteratuur gerekend.

Werk o.a : The Acid House, 1994, Ecstasy: Three Tales of Chemical Romance, 1996, Filth, 1998, Glue, 2001, If You Liked School, You’ll Love Work (2008)


Uit: Glue


The sun rose up from behind the concrete of the block of flats opposite, beaming straight into their faces. Davie Galloway was so surprised by its sneaky dazzle, he nearly dropped the table he was struggling to carry. It was hot enough already in the new flat and Davie felt like a strange exotic plant wilting in an overheated greenhouse. It was they windaes, they were huge, and they sucked in the sun, he thought, as he put the table down and looked out at the scheme below him.

Davie felt like a newly crowned emperor surveying his fiefdom. The new buildings were impressive all right: they fairly gleamed when the light hit those sparkling wee stanes embedded in the cladding. Bright, clean, airy and warm, that was what was needed. He remembered the chilly, dark tenement in Gorgie; covered with soot and grime for generations when the city had earned its ‘Auld Reekie’ nickname. Outside, their dull, narrow streets nipping with people pinched and shuffling from the marrow-biting winter cold, and that rank smell of hops from the brewery wafting in when you opened the window, always causing him to retch if he’d overdone it in the pub the previous night. All that had gone, and about time too. This was the way to live!

For Davie Galloway, it was the big windows that exemplified all that was good about these new slum-clearance places. He turned to his wife, who was polishing the skirtings. Why did she have to polish the skirtings in a new hoose? But Susan was on her knees, clad in overalls, her large black beehive bobbing up and down, testifying to her frenzied activity. – That’s the best thing aboot these places, Susan, Davie ventured, – the big windaes. Let the sun in, he added, before glancing over at the marvel of that wee box stuck on the wall above her head. – Central heating for the winter n aw, cannae be beaten. The flick ay a switch.

Susan rose slowly, respectful of the cramp which had been settling into her legs. She was sweating as she stamped one numbed, tingling foot, in order to get the circulation back into it. Beads of moisture gathered on her forehead. – It’s too hot, she complained.”



Irvine Welsh (Edinburgh., 27 september 1958)



De Amerikaanse dichteres Kay Ryan werd geboren op 27september 1945 in San Jose, California . Zij behaalde een graad in Engels aan de University of California, Los Angeles en sinds 1971 doceerde zij parttime aan het College of Marin in Kentfield. Haar eerste bundel, Dragon Acts to Dragon Ends, verscheen in 1983. In 2005 was zij aan haar zesde bundel toe: The Niagara River. Bredere bekendheid verwief zij na het toekennen aan haar van de Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize in 2004. In juli 2008 heeft de Library of Congress haar aangewezen als de zestiende Poet Laureate of the United States. Zij volgt Charles Simic op.

Mirage Oases


First among places

susceptible to trespass

are mirage oases


whose graduated pools

and shaded grasses, palms

and speckled fishes give

before the lightest pressure

and are wrecked.


For they live

only in the kingdom

of suspended wishes,


thrive only at our pleasure





Paired Things


Who, who had only seen wings,

could extrapolate the

skinny sticks of things

birds use for land,

the backward way they bend,

the silly way they stand?

And who, only studying

birdtracks in the sand,

could think those little forks

had decamped on the wind?

So many paired things seem odd.

Who ever would have dreamed

the broad winged raven of despair

would quit the air and go

bandylegged upon the ground,

a common crow?



Kay Ryan (San Jose, 27 september 1945)



De Italiaanse schrijfster Grazia Deledda werd geboren op 27 september 1871 in Nuoro op Sardinië. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 september 2007.


Uit: Marianna Sirca

“Even the rough and resolute servant woman from the Barbagia, who had been in the priest’s house for years and years, and had seen Marianna grow up, while preparing her belongings and loading them rudely into the saddlebag as if they were a servant shepherd’s things, repeated:”Mari, heed those who love you: obey.” And Marianna obeyed. She had always obeyed, since the time as a child she had been put in her uncle’s house like a little caged bird, to squander her childhood joy and light around the melancholy priest, in exchange for the possibility of his inheritance. So she mounted silently on her father’s horse and rested her hand at his waist, answering only with nods of the head as the solicitous servant arranged her skirts around her legs and advised her not to catch a chill in the night air.

“And don’t tire her out, Berte Sirca!” He placed a finger on his mouth and spurred the horse; he was a man of few words, even with Marianna. Besides, they did not have much to say to each other.While they traveled he only pointed out this or that land, naming the owners. She knew the places because every year in Spring, with the exception of the last in which the priest had been sick, they would go with him and th
e relatives to spend entire days in the tanca, which was populated by flocks of sheep and herds of horses and where a farmhouse had replaced the primitive hut of the Sardinian shepherds.

From the first day up there, she felt better: the place was elevated, at the border between the territory of Nuoro and that of Orune; the forest bloomed and an infinite tranquility seemed to stretch over the whole earth. On the third day Marianna already seemed like another; the fragile, slightly bent over person had straightened, the pale alabaster face under the wide braids of the shiny black hair and the large wide-set chestnut eyes like the fawns, reflected the greenish light of the woods.”

Grazia Deledda
(27 september 1871 – 15 augustus 1936)