Saul Bellow, Ion Creanga, Oktay Rifat, Peter Kurzeck, Antun Mihanović, Tijl Nuyts

De joods-Amerikaanse schrijver Saul Bellow werd geboren op 10 juni 1915 te Lachine, een voorstad van Montreal. Zie ook alle tags voor Saul Bellow op dit blog.

Uit: Ravelstein

“Odd that mankind’s benefactors should be amusing people. In America at least this is often the case. Anyone who wants to govern the country has to entertain it. During the Civil War people complained about Lincoln’s funny stories. Perhaps he sensed that strict seriousness was far more dangerous than any joke. But critics said that he was frivolous and his own Secretary of War referred to him as an ape.
Among the debunkers and spoofers who formed the tastes and minds of my generation H. L. Mencken was the most prominent. My high school friends, readers of the American Mercury, were up on the Scopes trial as Mencken reported it. Mencken was very hard on William Jennings Bryan and the Bible Belt and Boobus Americanus. Clarence Darrow, who defended Scopes, represented science, modernity, and progress. To Darrow and Mencken, Bryan the Special Creationist was a doomed Farm Belt absurdity. In the language of evolutionary theory Bryan was a dead branch of the life-tree. His Free Silver monetary standard was a joke. So was his old-style congressional oratory. So were the huge Nebraska farm dinners he devoured. His meals, Mencken said, were the death of him. His views on Special Creation were subjected to extreme ridicule at the trial, and Bryan went the way of the pterodactyl – the clumsy version of an idea which later succeeded – the gliding reptiles becoming warm-blooded birds that flew and sang.
I filled up a scribbler with quotes from Mencken and later added notes from spoofers or self-spoofers like W. C. Fields or Charlie Chaplin, Mae West, Huey Long, and Senator Dirksen. There was even a page on Machiavelli’s sense of humor. But I’m not about to involve you in my speculations on wit and self-irony in democratic societies. Not to worry. I’m glad my old scribbler has disappeared. I have no wish to see it again. It surfaces briefly as a sort of extended footnote.”


Saul Bellow (10 juni 1915 – 5 april 2005)


De Roemeense schrijver Ion Creanga werd geboren op 10 juni 1839 in Humuleşti. Zie ook alle tags voor Ion Creanga op dit blog.

Uit: Memories of My Boyhood (Vertaald door Ana Cartianu en R.C. Johnston)

“Heigh ho! Once I heard of the priesthood and of our priest’s little Smaranda, I gave up the flies completely and turned my thoughts to other things. I began to take to writing, to preparing the censer in church, to singing second, as if I were a respectable youngster. The priest put me down in his good books and little Smaranda flashed a glance at me now and then; Master Vasile entrusted the coaching of other boys to me, and, as the saying goes, a different kind of flour was now being ground in the old mill. Nică, Costache’s son, loutish and bullying, with his grating voice, had no further hold over me. But man proposes and God disposes!
One day, in actual fact it was St. Foca’s Day, the mayor ordered the villagers out to repair the road. The rumour went that the Prince was going to ride that way to visit the monasteries. Master Vasile found nothing better to do than to say: “Come on, boys, let’s help with that road, so that the Prince shan’t say, as he passes through, that our village is lazier than the others.”
So we all set out from school together. Some of us dug with spades, some carried stones in wheel-barrows, some in carts, some in kneading-troughs; in short, the people worked with a will. The mayor Nică, son of Petrica, with the overseer, the deputy-mayor and a couple of tousle-headed clerks, were moving to and fro among the people, when, all of a sudden, what should we see but a scuffle on the gravel, a crowd of people in a confused heap and one of them yelling out loudly. “What can this mean?” people were saying, as they ran from all sides.
Master Vasile had been caught with a lasso by the press-gang; they were now roping him tight and handcuffing him, preparatory to sending him off to the town of Piatra. So that’s why the mayor had summoned the people to communal labour! This was the way with deceptions such as these, that young men were in those days press-ganged into military service… This was an evil sight indeed!”


Ion Creanga (10 juni 1839 – 31 december 1889)
Cover Roemeense uitgave

De Turkse dichter Oktay Rifat werd geboren op 10 juni 1914 in Trabzon. Zie ook alle tags voor Oktay Rifat op dit blog.


Agamemnon I (Fragment)

We walked on, crushing the reeds and arrived at the valley; smoking, we leant against the ancient rocks.
We crouch on tbe earth – dear carth!- but they stand upright – chacun a son gout! They say tbey are descended from gods and their mansions have courtyards and fountains;
They play poker to the death on their rigged tables, they stack the cards and throw their bone chips for results,
They drink water from silver cups – blessed water! – we from the hollow of our hands. ‘They have the fingers of cheats, ours are bony and workworn,
They fall and bleed like rotten rowan trees and ache all night long. And we mount the oxcarts to move away. The mountain-path is easier at night.
We wait for the sparsely-feathered farm-bird to sing; but from a distance the little bastard is silent on our tree.

They turned their fiery, sharp, savage weapons against us, with their long-shadowed cruel spears, murderous as guns and mortars, shells and bazookas!
We pruned the tree-trunks, thinned the tobacco-seedlings, hoed the cotton automatically, how can we stop caring for them?
Our wives like deer with young, humbled, sweaty, some with a hoe or a sickle, poppies on the plain bleeding inwardly.

It’s evening, white as sheep’s wool the Pole Star is born, a rustling tremor moves mountain and rock. When it says, ‘Come!’ you must up and leave, impossible not to leave!
Rainbows between two ages, great absorbent waterspouts moving in darkness, gushing skywards with rocks and earth,
And naked babies, village huts like leeches clinging to a barren mountainside, no windows, no tiles, made of poverty-stricken, sundried mudbricks.


Oktay Rifat (10 juni 1914 – 10 april 1988)

De Duitse schrijver Peter Kurzeck werd geboren op 10 juni 1943 in Tachau, Bohemen. Zie ook alle tags voor Peter Kurzeck op dit blog.

Uit: Ein Kirschkern im März

“Mit vierzig. Im einundvierzigsten Lebensjahr. Als Gast, legal alsGast. Immer noch einen Tag. Schon der neunzehnte! Erst schonder neunzehnte, dann schon der zwanzigste! Die ganze ZeitMärz. Am ersten März eingezogen und jetzt auf einmal beeiltsich die Zeit, fängt zu rennen an. Und ich auch. Einen Regen-schirm mit und schnell-schnell alle Tage! Nutzt auch nix – wegdie Zeit und vergangen. Wie hat das geschehen können? Du hastsie aufgebraucht und das reut dich jetzt. Das hätte nicht seinmüssen. Vergangen die Zeit. Und bleibt vergangen. Schnell mitdem Schirm, große Schritte. Früher nie einen Regenschirm mitund jetzt nie mehr ohne. Durch die Trennung ein andererMensch: ein Mensch mit Regenschirm, mit Bedenken und Vor-behalten (die in seinem Kopf nach Dringlichkeitsstufen sortiertsind). Wie ging das denn zu? Im November einmal ein Regen-abend und zum Ersticken mein Leben. Gleich nach der Tren-nung. Die Wohnung wie unter der Erde. Und da hast du denalten Schirm, Karos, Streifen, Pünktchen, unregelmäßig verbli-chen ein Muster aus drei Sorten Grau, hast einen der beiden al-ten Regenschirme im Flur mitgenommen und schnell aus demHaus. Und seither mit diesem Schirm durch die Welt. Der Stoffeingerissen. Die Speichen verbogen. Der Griff wackelt. Ammeisten im Regen wackelt der Griff. Am Griff eine Schraube,die vorsteht. Nur schnell! Immer schneller! Im Geniesel, imRegen, besser noch schnell vor dem Regen her. Geduckt, einGespenst, ein eiliger Schatten. Und so durch den Spätherbst und Winter. Erst ein Regen- und dann ein Schneewinter. Mit Schirm.
Ein Mensch, der sich selbst nicht mehr traut. Immer den Schirmmit und mich daran festhalten. Auf jedem Weg. Als könnte ichandernfalls nicht auf der Welt bleiben. Früher nie einen Schirm.Früher mit Zuversicht und verträumt, laß dir Zeit, und die Weltmir entgegen. Vielleicht noch aus Staufenberg, vielleicht sogarnoch von meiner Mutter der Schirm. Vielleicht hat Sibylle ihnvor Jahren einmal gefunden.”


Peter Kurzeck (10 juni 1943 – 25 november 2013)


De Kroatische dichter en diplomaat Antun Mihanović werd geboren in Zagreb op 10 juni 1796. Zie ook alle tags voor Antun Mihanović op dit blog.


Lijepa naša domovino

Lijepa naša domovino,
Oj junačka zemljo mila,
Stare slave djedovino,
da bi vazda sretna bila!

Mila, kano si nam slavna,
Mila si nam ti jedina.
Mila kuda si nam ravna,
Mila, kuda si planina!

Teci Dravo, Savo teci,
Nit’ ti Dunav silu gubi,
Sinje more svijetu reci,
Da svoj narod Hrvat ljubi.

Dok mu njive sunce grije,
Dok mu hrašće bura vije,
Dok mu mrtve grob sakrije,
Dok mu ¸ivo srce bije!


Antun Mihanović (10 juni 1796 – 14 november 1861)
Monument in Omiš

Onafhankelijk van geboortedata:

De Vlaamse dichter Tijl Nuyts werd geboren in 1993. Zie ook alle tags voor Tijl Nuyts op dit blog.



in het beenzwarte licht van een stroboscoop
staat een dwerg met gesprongen lippen naar me te wuiven
ik wou dat hij mijn zoon was

ik kan het niet aanzien en ga op reis

halfweg september kom ik aan in de vossenstad
in het gras tussen de rails van het station
zitten sleutels verstopt, maar zelfs de simpele tover
van een anagram ontgaat de luie lezer:
azimut de stoter die slaand de verzen vouwt

rum met een reukje eraan in de bultenaarsschaduw van
de radcliffe camera, de snijbloemgeur van kaneel en uraan

de jongens die op onze kleuterklasfoto’s staan
kijken toe hoe ik de taal die mensen spreken
naar mijn roofridderburcht sleep

onze silhouetten op slot tegen de akelmuur
een superman-t-shirt als een vlag om haar gespierde lichaam
in de nok voorbij de knik hikt ze soera’s in het schrift


Tijl Nuyts (Kortrijk (?), 1993)

Saul Bellow, Ion Creanga, Oktay Rifat, Peter Kurzeck, Antun Mihanović, Tijl Nuyts

De joods-Amerikaanse schrijver Saul Bellow werd geboren op 10 juni 1915 te Lachine, een voorstad van Montreal. Zie ook alle tags voor Saul Bellow op dit blog.

Uit: By The St. Lawrence

“Not the Rob Rexler?
Yes, Rexler, the man who wrote all those books on theater and cinema in Weimar Germany, the author of Postwar Berlin and of the controversial study of Bertolt Brecht. Quite an old man now and, it turns out, though you wouldn’t have guessed it from his work, physically handicapped-not disabled, only slightly crippled in adolescence by infantile paralysis. You picture a tall man when you read him, and his actual short, stooped figure is something of a surprise. You don’t expect the author of those swift sentences to have an abrupt neck, a long jaw, and a knot-back. But these are minor items, and in conversation with him you quickly forget his disabilities.
Because New York has been his base for half a century, it is assumed that he comes from the East Side or Brooklyn. In fact he is a Canadian, born in Lachine, Quebec, an unlikely birthplace for a historian who has written so much about cosmopolitan Berlin, about nihilism, decadence, Marxism, national socialism, and who described the trenches of World War I as “man sandwiches” served up by the leaders of the great powers.
Yes, he was born in Lachine to parents from Kiev. His childhood was divided between Lachine and Montreal. And just now, after a near-fatal illness, he had had a curious desire or need to see Lachine again. For this reason he accepted a lecture invitation from McGill University despite his waning interest in (and a growing dislike for) Bertolt Brecht. Tired of Brecht and his Marxism-his Stalinism-he stuck with him somehow. He might have canceled the trip. He was still convalescent and weak. He had written to his McGill contact, “I’ve been playing hopscotch at death’s door, and since I travel alone I have to arrange for wheelchairs between the ticket counter and the gate. Can I count on being met at Dorval?”
He counted also on a driver to take him to Lachine. He asked him to park the Mercedes limo in front of his birthplace. The street was empty. The low brick house was the only one left standing. All the buildings for blocks around had been torn down. He told the driver, “I’m going to walk down to the river. Can you wait for about an hour?” He anticipated correctly that his legs would soon tire and that the empty streets would be cold, too. Late October was almost wintry in these parts. Rexler was wearing his dark-green cloaklike Salzburg loden coat.”


Saul Bellow (10 juni 1915 – 5 april 2005)


De Roemeense schrijver Ion Creanga werd geboren op 10 juni 1839 in Humuleşti. Zie ook alle tags voor Ion Creanga op dit blog.

Uit: Memories of My Boyhood (Vertaald door Ana Cartianu en R.C. Johnston)

“Yet, the true St. Nicholas seems to have been mindful of me, for, lo and behold, that blessed boy walked into the schoolroom. Where upon, with permission or not, I made for the door, slipped out quickly, and, never lingering about the school, took to my heels homewards! A glance over my shoulder showed me two hulking brutes already on my tracks. Then I started running so fast that my feet struck sparks out of the ground! I passed our house without going in, turned left and entered the yard of one of our neighbors; from the yard I went into the stableyard, and from the stableyard into the maize field, newly hoed and tilled, with the boys after me. Before they reached me, scared out of my wits as I was, I somehow managed to burrow into the mound at the root of a maize stalk. Nica, Costache’s son, with Toader, Catinca’s son, an equally loathsome brute, passed by me, saying just what they were going to do to me.
Surely the Lord blinded them, so that they couldn’t find me! After a while, hearing no rustling of maize leaves, not even a hen scratching the ground, I suddenly darted out, with earth on my head, and rushed home to mother and began telling her with tears in my eyes that I would not go back to school, no, not if they were to kill me. The next day, however, the priest came to our house and settled things with father; they calmed me down and took me back to school again. “For really, it’s a pity to be left without any education, ” the priest was saying, “you’re now past your ABC’s, you’re working on the prayerbook, and, one of these days, you’ll go on to the psalter, which is the key to all wisdom. And who can tell what time has in store for us? Maybe you’ll live to become the priest here, at the church of St. Nicholas, because it’s for the likes of you that I take the pains I do. I have an only daughter, and I will think seriously about my choice of a son-in-law.”


Ion Creanga (10 juni 1839 – 31 december 1889)


De Turkse dichter Oktay Rifat werd geboren op 10 juni 1914 in Trabzon. Zie ook alle tags voor Oktay Rifat op dit blog.


Agamemnon I (Fragment)

Leaving the ships to be scraped we trudged on, and reached a valley; each of us rolled a cigarette with fingers gnarled or missing.
A smoke killed time as we crouched and leant against the rocks.
The quickest way to kill time! It gets less and less or ends for good. Or then again, it expands against the pull of earth and the north-caster! Panting like squirrels, suspicious, always suspicious!
Whatever is ours is behind the mountain. But they are there, running away in the sudden flight of a partridge, or in a lizard’s glance, in every hole and under every stone.
They turned their fiery sharp savage weapons of destruction against us, cowardly with their long-shadowed spears, murderous as their guns or mortars, shells and bazookas.
Just when we say they can’t increase, they do! Their faces are like ours but inside their armour are gods, their luminous eyes terrifying!
`What have we done wrong?’ we asked, ‘can someone tell us our crime?’ We know the weight of guilt. Our backs bent double under this rock, our teeth blackened with tbis water.
If we must land up in hospital wards or in prison cells, or be sold dirt-cheap in the labour-market, so be it!
From behind the barbed wire let’s look at someone taking random instant photographs of the white muslin over the copper yoghurt vessel, or of the huge Prison full of light!

In the evening the water in our jug is finished and perched on stone, or sometimes concrete, our birds all fly away.
One piece of lokum remains on the rose-patterned plate – God knows how! The fruit on the branch consumes night for us.
Yes, for us! Agamemnon laughs at this. Diomedes belts on his swords to become the icon of deathless epics.


Vertaald door Richard McKane en Ruth Christie


Oktay Rifat (10 juni 1914 – 10 april 1988)


De Duitse schrijver Peter Kurzeck werd geboren op 10 juni 1943 in Tachau, Bohemen. Zie ook alle tags voor Peter Kurzeck op dit blog.

Uit: Ein Kirschkern im März

„Im Westend ein vornehmes Mietshaus. Die Wohnung im zweiten Stock und im Dachgeschoß nochmal zwei Zimmer. Birgit und Peter heißen meine Gastgeber. Und Domi ihr Sohn. Mit Carina im Kinderladen. Birgit ist Lehrerin. Sie will malen. Als Lehrerin eine halbe Stelle. Schon ihr Leben lang will sie malen. Und Peter (der andere Peter, sagen Domi und Carina, mein Peter und dein Peter) am Institut für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. Bart und Doktortitel. Ein freundliches Gesicht. Birgits Arbeitszimmer mit hellen Möbeln, die nach Bienenwachs riechen. Ihr Schreibtisch schon für mich leergeräumt. Über dem Schreibtisch ein Oberlichtfenster. Viel Himmel und den ganzen Tag hell das Licht auf den Schreibtisch. Ein großer Strauß frische Tulpen und ein voller Obstkorb für mich. Wie für ein Bild der Obstkorb und Kunstbücher in den Regalen. Teppich und Holzfußboden. Und ein Sofa, aus dem man mit drei Handgriffen ein Bett machen kann. Hier also. Und daneben das zweite, sein Arbeitszimmer. Groß. In der Mitte ein Schreibtisch und noch zwei Tische daneben. Überall Papier, Akten, Mappen und Ordner. Regale, ein Schrank. Auf dem Fußboden Domis Spielzeug. Playmobil. Eine Ritterburg, Elefanten, Bauernhoftiere, ein Indianerlager und Schiffe. Ein Meer von Schiffen. Drei Fenster nach Westen und unter den Fenstern eine stille Nachmittagsseitenstraße. Du kannst mein Arbeitszimmer auch mitbenutzen, sagt er zu mir. Tagsüber sowieso, tagsüber ist er in seinem Büro. Mitbenutzen nicht, sagte ich mir, aber manchmal zur Tür herein und durch das Licht und die Stille von Fenster zu Fenster. Hier also! Und dann noch das Bad. Ein kleines perfektes Bad. Für heißes Wasser ein Boiler mit bunten Lämpchen. Und im Vorraum zum Bad Waschmaschine, Kühlschrank und Kochplatte. Also gerettet? In Sicherheit? Vorerst gerettet, aber wie lang? Und zusammen mit Freunden noch ein Haus auf dem Land, sagen meine Gastgeber am ersten Tag mittags beim Essen zu mir.In der Schwalm. Klein und alt und für die Wochenenden beinah schon ein bißchen zu weit. Ein Fachwerkhaus mit spitzem Giebel und kleinen Fenstern. Und ein Gärtchen dabei und im Gärtchen die Jahreszeiten. Vielleicht bald einmal zusammen hinfahren, sagen sie. Mit den Kindern. Wenn es jetzt wärmer wird. Görzhain heißt das Dorf. In der Schwalm sind die Winter länger. Schön, daß Carina und Domi sich so gut verstehen. Als Gast, wie lang bleibt man als Gast? Mittag, der erste Tag. Mit meinen Gastgebern essen und nach dem Essen noch jeder einen Kaffee.“


Peter Kurzeck (10 juni 1943 – 25 november 2013)


De Kroatische dichter en diplomaat Antun Mihanović werd geboren in Zagreb op 10 juni 1796. Zie ook alle tags voor Antun Mihanović op dit blog.


Ons mooie vaderland

Ons mooie vaderland,
Zo onverschrokken en verfijnd,
De oude glorie van onze vaders,
moge u voor altijd gelukkig zijn.
Beste, u bent voor ons als enige glorieus,
U bent ons als enige lief,
Beste, waar u een vlakte bent,
Beste, waar u een berg bent.
Drava, Sava, blijf stromen,
Noch de Donau verliest kracht.
Diepe blauwe zee, vertel de wereld,
Dat een Kroaat van zijn volk houdt.
Zolang z’n gebieden in de zonneschijn warm zijn,
Zolang z’n eiken door wilde winden worden geschud,
Zolang z’n doden in graven verborgen liggen,
Zolang zijn levende hart slaat.


Antun Mihanović (10 juni 1796 – 14 november 1861)


Onafhankelijk van geboortedata:

De Vlaamse dichter Tijl Nuyts werd geboren in 1993. Zie ook alle tags voor Tijl Nuyts op dit blog.



het tetragrammaton licht op in het duister
zon breekt als een stralend mes in onze ogen

onder de trompetboom drinken we zwart vocht
en lezen boeken vol mensenproza
de tijd is een tumor die de taal in een hoek drukt

ik zal jullie vertellen wat ik gisteren zag
vanuit mijn zetel van bruine skai, in de schaduw van de ficus:

een kleuter-krijger liep over het hete asfalt de rotonde op
en slalomde tussen de auto’s

toen hij stilstond op het riooldeksel was de straat leeg
het ene moment stond hij gewoon naast de brievenbus en de kriekelaar
het volgende werd hij opgegeten door papier

(het klinkt raar, ik weet het, maar zo ging het):

boodschappenlijsten, doktersvoorschriften, boeken over ibn ‘arabi
werden aangeblazen door de lome wind en drukten zich op zijn
zomerarmen, -benen, -schouders, -hoofd, -romp, -handen, -voeten;
de bladen bezetten zijn lichaam met kleur en lastlijn

de kleuter-krijger werd volledig gemummificeerd

toen het oud papier even later wegwaaide
was de kleuter-krijger verdwenen


Tijl Nuyts (Kortrijk (?), 1993)

Ion Creanga, Oktay Rifat, Peter Kurzeck, Antun Mihanović, Tijl Nuyts

De Roemeense schrijver Ion Creanga werd geboren op 10 juni 1839 in Humuleşti. Zie ook alle tags voor Ion Creanga op dit blog.

Uit: Memories of My Boyhood (Vertaald door Ana Cartianu en R.C. Johnston)

“One day what should come into the priest’s head but to inspect our prayerbooks. Seeing them all bloodstained, he clutched his head in horror. As soon as he found out how they had got into this shocking state, he summoned each one of us in turn to Dapple-Grey’s back and began to belabour us with St. Nicholas, bishop in partibus, as retribution for the pains the martyred flies and the holy bumble-bees had suffered at our hands.
Not long after this, one day in the month of May, close upon the Whitsun Moşi1 festival, the Evil One prompted Master Vasile, the blockhead, for I have no better word for him, to appoint a fellow called Nică, Costache’s son, to test my knowledge. Nică, who was older than me and whose scholarship was a trifle more than non-existent, had quarrelled with me on account of little Smaranda, whom, one day, with every sign of regret, I had been forced to shove away because she would interfere with my catching flies. So Nică began to examine me, and just went on examining and examining and didn’t he just score mistakes wholesale on a piece of shingle: one, two, three, and so on up to twenty-nine! “My word, this is past a joke,” I said to myself. “He has not yet finished examining me, and think of all the mistakes to come!” All of a sudden, everything went black in front of me and I began to tremble with anger. “Well, well, I am in a hole! What’s to be done about it?” I kept asking myself. Slyly I glanced at the door of salvation and kicked my heels impatiently, waiting for some loiterer outside to come in, for there was a school rule that two people should not walk out at the same time. My heart was fit to burst within me seeing that no one would come in and give me a chance of escaping mounting Dapple-Grey and receiving the blessing of St. Nicholas, that dispenser of black and blue.“


Ion Creanga (10 juni 1839 – 31 december 1889)
Het geboortehuis van Ion Creanga, nu museum

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