Anne Frank, Christoph Meckel, Renan Demirkan, Djuna Barnes, Sandro Penna, Brigid Brophy, Johanna Spyri

De Nederlandse schrijfster Anne Frank werd geboren in Frankfurt am Main op 12 juni 1929. Zie ook alle tags voor Anne Frank op dit blog.


Uit: The Diary of a Young Girl (Vertaald door B. M. Mooyart-Doubleday)

„Tuesday, 11 April, 1944

Dear Kitty,

My head throbs, I honestly don’t know where to begin.

On Friday (Good Friday) we played Monopoly, Saturday afternoon too. These days passed quickly and uneventfully. On Sunday afternoon, on my invitation, Peter came to my room at half past four, at a quarter past five we went to the front attic, where we remained until six o’clock. There was a beautiful Mozart concert on the radio from six until a quarter past seven. I enjoyed it all very much, but especially the “Kleine Nachtmusik.” I can hardly listen in the room because I’m always so inwardly stirred when I hear lovely music.

On Sunday evening Peter and I went to the front attic together and, in order to sit comfortably, we took with us a few divan cushions that we were able to lay our hands on. We seated ourselves on one packing case. Both the case and the cushions were very narrow, so we sat absolutely squashed together, leaning against other cases. Mouschi kept us company too, so we weren’t unchaperoned.

Suddenly, at a quarter to nine, Mr. Van Daan whistled and asked if we had one of Dussel’s cushions. We both jumped up and went downstairs with cushion, cat, and Van Daan.

A lot of trouble arose out of this cushion, because Dussel was annoyed that we had one of his cushions, one that he used as a pillow. He was afraid that there might be fleas in it and made a great commotion about his beloved cushion! Peter and I put two hard brushes in his bed as a revenge. We had a good laugh over this little interlude!

Our fun didn’t last long. At half past nine Peter knocked softly on the door and asked Daddy if he would just help him upstairs over a difficult English sentence. “That’s a blind,” I said to Margot, “anyone could see through that one!” I was right. They were in the act of breaking into the warehouse. Daddy, Van Daan, Dussel, and Peter were downstairs in a flash. Margot, Mummy, Mrs. Van Daan, and I stayed upstairs and waited“.


Anne Frank (12 juni 1929 – maart 1945)

Beeld op de Westermarkt, Amsterdam

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