Rainer Maria Rilke, Paul Verlaine, Harry Mulisch, Chang-Rae, Marja Brouwers

Dolce far niente


Das ist die Sehnsucht: Wohnen im Gewoge


Das ist die Sehnsucht: Wohnen im Gewoge

und keine Heimat haben in der Zeit.

Und das sind Wünsche: Leise Dialoge

täglicher Stunden mit der Ewigkeit.


Und das ist Leben. Bis aus einem Gestern

die Einsamste von allen Stunden steigt,

die, anders lächelnd als die andern Schwestern,

dem Ewigen entgegenschweigt.



Rainer Maria Rilke (4 december 1875 – 29 december 1926)

Herensteeg, Leiden



Chanson d’automne


Les sanglots longs

Des violons

De l’automne

Blessent mon coeur

D’une langueur



Tout suffocant

Et blême, quand

Sonne l’heure,

Je me souviens

Des jours anciens

Et je pleure;


Et je m’en vais

Au vent mauvais

Qui m’emporte

Deçà, delà

Pareil à la

Feuille morte.



Paul Verlaine (30 maart 1844 – 8 januari 1896)

Pieterskerkhof, Leiden

Lees verder “Rainer Maria Rilke, Paul Verlaine, Harry Mulisch, Chang-Rae, Marja Brouwers”

Guillermo Martínez

De Argentijnse schrijver en wiskundige Guillermo Martínez werd geboren in Bahía Blanca op 29 juli 1962. Hij behaalde zijna PhD in mathematische logica aan de Universiteit van Buenos Aires. Hierna werkte hij voor twee jaar als postdoc aan het Mathematical Institute van de Universiteit van Oxford. Zijn eerste boek was de korte verhalenbundel “La jungla sin bestias”. In 1989 kreeg hij voor zijn verhalenbundel “Infierno Grande” de Argentijnse Roberto Arlt prijs. Zijn meest succesvolle roman is “Crímenes imperceptibles”, geschreven in 2003. In datzelfde jaar werd hem daarvoor de Planeta Prijs toegekend. Het boek is vertaald in 35 talen, en is ook verfilmd, The Oxford Murders, in 2008, door Álex de la Iglesia. Veel essays van zijn hand (in het Spaans) zijn te vinden op zijn webpagina.

Uit:The Oxford Murders (Vertaald door Sonia Soto)

“Now that the years have passed and everything’s been forgotten, and now that I’ve received a terse e-mail from Scotland with the sad news of Seldom’s death, I feel I can break my silence (which he never asked for anyway) and tell the truth about events that reached the British papers in the summer of ’93 with macabre and sensationalist headlines, but to which Seldom and I always referred — perhaps due to the mathematical connotation — simply as the series, or the Oxford Series. Indeed, the deaths all occurred in Oxfordshire, at the beginning of my stay in England, and I had the dubious
privilege of seeing the first at close range.
I was twenty-two, an age at which almost anything can still be excused. I’d just graduated from the University of Buenos Aires with a thesis in algebraic topology and was travelling to Oxford on a year’s scholarship, secretly intending to move over to logic, or at least attend the famous seminars run by Angus MacIntyre. My supervisor, Dr Emily Bronson, had made all the preparations for my arrival with meticulous care. She was a professor and fellow of St Anne’s, but in the e-mails we exchanged before my trip she suggested that, instead of staying in the rather uncomfortable college accommodation, I might prefer — grant money allowing — to rent a room with its own bathroom, kitchen and entrance in the house of a Mrs. Eagleton, a delightful and discreet lady, she said, the widow of her former professor. I did my sums, as always a little optimistically, and sent off a cheque for advance payment of the first month’s rent, the landlady’s only requirement.
A fortnight later I was flying over the Atlantic in the incredulous state which overcomes me when I travel: it always seems much more likely, and more economical as a hypothesis — Ockham’s Razor, Seldom would have said — that a last-minute accident will send me back to where I started, or to the bottom of the sea, than that an entire country and the immense machinery involved in starting a new life will appear eventually like an outstretched hand down below.“


Guillermo Martínez (Bahía Blanca, 29 juli 1962)