Sheema Kalbasi , Nadine Gordimer, Viktoria Tokareva, Thomas Chatterton, Don DeLillo

De Iraanse dichteres, vertaalster en mensenrechten-advocate Sheema Kalbasi werd geboren op 20 november 1972 in Teheran. Zie ook alle tags voor Sheema Kalbasi op dit blog.


Aging in the Words of a World

The sounds of spring,
Flying birds!
The Mud,
covering the ears!
Number of points.
Tears falling
Not seeing Life,
Living in self pity!
Later to learn,
To realize:
It is called a journey of souls!



The whole world
is a metaphor
for something else!
the sea, the sand, the voice of soft drinks.
Quiet voices.
The dark curly hair, long, black, soft
playing with the rhythm
Suddenly I saw her
In front of me, standing brown and tall,
and as I watched her walk through me,
Her eyes asked: What’s up? Haven’t seen me before?
and I fell in love
with her mouth, with her sight.
I blushed.
My inspiration
what to do?
         to do?
Talk? Walk? Make love?
The wind, the wind.
Looking at her,
The moon, the moon.
The face, her face
Spreading like a vine.
Sublime idea!
Cold dust, sweat.
To write a poem, a world of words
the shore of love.


Sheema Kalbasi (Teheran, 20 november 1972)

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