Advent (Marijke Hanegraaf)

Bij de tweede zondag van de Advent


De annunciatie door Paolo de Matteis, 1712



Ze stond bij coffeeshop The Doors en Stubbe’s Haring
en onverwacht kuste de avondwind de laatste bloemen
van de venter. Een vrouw werd kind; warrelend blad
de carrousel, het slagwerk blik en plastic bekers.

Ze keek omhoog. Daar, op het herenhuis zag ze
de engel Gabriël, in blauw nog wel, zijn gouden
vleugels in de laatste zon een groet.

Vanaf de overzijde wiegde een hijskraan stuntelig
zijn tegenwicht; kon hij maar buigen. Geen zon
voor hem, hij had zijn eigen licht.

‘Dag,’ zei ze tot de reuzen van dit moment;
de ritselende grond leek een seconde lang gezegend.
De wind ging liggen, nu viel de nacht en Gabriël
verdween, alleen de hijskraan  hield de wacht.


Marijke Hanegraaf (Tilburg, 6 maart 1946)
Tilburg in winterse sferen.


Zie voor de schrijvers van de 7e december ook mijn vorige twee blogs van vandaag.

Tatamkhulu Afrika, Johann Nestroy, Joyce Cary, Gabriel Marcel

De Zuid-Afrikaanse dichter en schrijver Tatamkhulu Afrika werd geboren op 7 december 1920 in Egypte. Zie ook alle tags voor Tatamkhulu Afrika op dit blog.


I wheel my bike under
the cathedral’s dark overhang.
Seized by a rictus of the wind,
the trees shed rain.
Rain slides down
Wale Street’s sleek, steep fall:
air is an ocean booming round
high bare walls.
My hands freeze on
the bike’s crossbar,
seek the sodden saddle, toy
with the ice-cold bell:
I am suddenly fugitive,
homeless and cornered in
a of pressure and cloud. caprice

Then they cough and I know
I am not alone:
far back, against the great, nailed doors,
they huddle: troglodytes
of night’s alcoves,
daytime’s shopping-malls,
parking lots, sparse green lawns,
municipal benches where
lunchtime’s city workers, stripping down
their food-packs, sit
in sober rows.

I fear to turn around,
stiffen in expectation
of the inevitable tugging at my sleeve,
wonder of I have any coins
wonder why they do not bicker,
as they always do,
cursing their mother’s wombs
in tired robots’ tones,
why only this
curious, chuckling, liquid sound
drawing me around.

She has the usual wrappings on
stick-thin, brittle shins,
patchy-purple, quietly rotting
methylated spirits skin:
doekie of incongruous elegance crowns
the scabrous, half-bald skull
Her man, grotesque
as a gargoyle roused from stone,
cradles an infant on his lap,
feeds it from a bottle with a teat,
makes the chuckling, crooning sounds
that turned me round,
that hold me now spellbound.
‘Good morning, sir,’ he says,
and his voice is grave
as a paterfamilias in his lounge.
Only the odd man out,
leaning against the harsh green walls,
looks at me with carefully indifferent eyes,
finding me , alien on his home ground
wishing the clouds would break and I be gone,
ringing my bike’s absurd, small bell.

Tatamkhulu Afrika (7 december 1920 – 23 december 2002)

Lees verder “Tatamkhulu Afrika, Johann Nestroy, Joyce Cary, Gabriel Marcel”

Willa Cather, Noam Chomsky, Friedrich Schlögl, Samuel Gottlieb Bürde

De Amerikaanse schrijfster Willa Cather werd geboren op 7 december 1873 in de buurt van Winchester, Virginia. Zie ook alle tags voor Willa Cather op dit blog en ook mijn blog van 7 december 2010.

Uit: Sapphira and the Slave Girl

“Henry Colbert, the miller, always breakfasted with his wife—beyond that he appeared irregularly at the family table.
At noon, the dinner hour, he was often detained down at the mill. His place was set for him; he might come, or he might send one of the mill-hands to bring him a tray from the kitchen.
The Mistress was served promptly. She never questioned as to his whereabouts.
On this morning in March 1856, he walked into the diningroom at eight o’clock,—came up from the mill, where he had been stirring about for two hours or more. He wished his wife good-morning, expressed the hope that she had slept well, and took his seat in the high-backed armchair opposite her. His breakfast was brought in by an old, white-haired coloured man in a striped cotton coat. The Mistress drew the coffee from a silver coffee urn which stood on four curved legs. The china was of good quality (as were all the Mistress’s things); surprisingly good to find on the table of a country miller in the Virginia backwoods. Neither the miller nor his wife was native here: they had come from a much richer county, east of the Blue Ridge. They were a strange couple to be found on Back Creek, though they had lived here now for more than thirty years.
The miller was a solid, powerful figure of a man, in whom height and weight agreed. His thick black hair was still damp from the washing he had given his face and head before he came up to the house; it stood up straight and bushy because he had run his fingers through it. His face was full, square, and distinctly florid; a heavy coat of tan made it a reddish brown, like an old port. He was clean-shaven,—unusual in a man of his age and station. His excuse was that a miller’s beard got powdered with flour-dust, and when the sweat ran down his face this flour got wet and left him with a beard full of dough.“


Willa Cather (7 december 1873 – 24 april 1947)

Lees verder “Willa Cather, Noam Chomsky, Friedrich Schlögl, Samuel Gottlieb Bürde”