Jim Knipfel, Marcel Reich-Ranicki, Sibylle Berg, Carol Shields, Jean Nelissen, Thomas Hardy, Markies De Sade


De Amerikaanse schrijver Jim Knipfel werd geboren op 2 juni 1965 in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Zie ook alle tags voor Jim Knipfel op dit blog.

Uit: Slackjaw: A Memoir

„I  didn’t have an answer to her question. I had begun to notice that my failing eyesight — which in the past had affected me only at night — now was affecting me in the daytime as well. I couldn’t cut it in physics, I couldn’t cut it at the University of Chicago. So here I was in Madison, at the University of Wisconsin, a nondescript state school that would admit autistics if they could pay the tuition, studying philosophy, which wouldn’t do me a damn bit of good in the future. Those facts weren’t reasons, either.
“Any possible reasons you could give me?”
I was in it now. I might as well try. “I guess you could say I’m a fuck-up.”
“Yeah?” Her voice dropped to a throaty whisper. She must have thought she was getting someplace, that she had finally broken through. “When was the last time you fucked up?”
“About five minutes ago, when I picked up the phone to call you.”
“That’s not very nice.” She was attempting to hold on to her sincerity.
“Sorry,” I said. I suppose I was, too, a little.
“Let’s try something else. Let’s turn things around. Tell me some of the things you like.”
I thought for a minute.
“I’m pretty hard-pressed to come up with anything just at this moment, ma’am.”
“C’mon, there must be something. You must have friends.”
“None at all?”
“What about your family?” “My family’s cool. I’ve got nothing but kind things to say about them.”

Jim Knipfel (Green Bay, 2 juni 1965)


Lees verder “Jim Knipfel, Marcel Reich-Ranicki, Sibylle Berg, Carol Shields, Jean Nelissen, Thomas Hardy, Markies De Sade”

Joy Ladin


Onafhankelijk van geboortdata

De Amerikaanse dichteres, schrijfster en hoogleraar transgender-wetenschappen Joy Ladin werd geboren in Rochester, New York in 1961. Ladin was werd als jongen geboren en heette eerst Jay. Zij behaalde haar Ph.D. van Princeton University in 2000, haar MFA in Creatief Schrijven aan de Universiteit van Massachusetts. Amherst , in 1995 en haar BA van het Sarah Lawrence College in Yonkers, New York in 1982. Na haar eerste ambtstermijn in 2006 koos zij voor een geslachtsverandering, omdat zij toen wist dat haar baan veilig was. In 2007 veranderde zij haar voornaam van Jay naar Joy en liet zich scheiden van de moeder van haar kinderen na een huwelijk van meer dan twintig jaar. Na haar coming out stuurde de Yeshiva University haar met verlof. Tijdens haar verlof doceerde zij poëzie aan haar alma mater Sarah Lawrence College. In 2009 publiceerde Ladin de dichtbundel “Transmigration” onder de naam Joy. In 2012 publiceerde ze haar memoires “Through the Door of Life: A Jewish Journey Between Genders.” Ladin was finalist voor de 2009 Lambda Literary Award. Ze werd genomineerd voor de Pushcart Prize voor Poëzie en ontving een American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship.Jay Ladin is de eerste openlijk transgender professor aan een orthodox-joodse instelling. Zij bekleedt de David en Ruth Guttesman leerstoel in het Engels aan het Stern College for Women of Yeshiva University.Zij heeft twee dochters en een zoon.


Loving Him

The lost father smiles down
From the snapshot summer
Where his children can always find him,
A past they try to see as a future
In which he has shed
The terrible skin
No one who loved him
Can bear to call his, least of all his children
Whose universe hangs
On the nail of the man
Dissolving before their eyes
Into a woman
Calling their names
In a voice they could only stand
When they didn’t realize
It was speaking to them
As though in the loss
Of the man they loved
Love were traveling toward them.



Joy Ladin (Rochester, 1961)