De Amerikaanse dichteres, critica en uitgeefster Juliana Spahr werd geboren op 7 april 1966 in Chillicothe, Ohio. Zie ook alle tags voor Juliana Spahr op dit blog.
Thrashing Seems Crazy
this is true
a man in an alley grabbed my arm
this is true
someone called me an left the phone dangling at the post office
this is true
a man stalked me
someone tells a story
someone tells a story to another person
another person says I don’t believe this
someone tells the story again in an attempt to convince
someone tells
as disbelief is easy
belief is difficult, supported by constraint
but a woman knows a man stalked her
knows this is true
a woman knows her own address
her own body
her lost domain, her desires, her confusions
someone tells a story
there are things people can do to themselves
they are:
leave molotov cocktail on own yard
set fire to own house
leave a glass of urine on own porch
leave envelope of feces outside own door
send a butcher knife to self at work
send letter to health department that self is spreading VD
stab own back
someone tells this story
says this is true
self turns on self
the knife enters at a point that the self could not have reached
but did
someone tells and then repeats and she stalks herself several
times to convince
someone tries to enter into the information
to pass words back and forth that have meaning
fails, resorts to this is true
this is true
a woman calls her stalker The Poet
this is true
a woman describes a stalker in terms that describe herself
this is true
a woman stalked herself to kill herself
this is true
a woman is at times a man
when a fish is hooked
other fish don’t see the hook
thrashing seems crazy
the hook could be the branding of a woman at a young age
by a man
or an older male neighbor spending too much time with a
or the boring nature of life
in the story the hook is the artist’s rendering of the stalker as
described by the woman
it is the woman in a man’s face
she does not know this man
thrashing seems crazy
later she realizes it is herself
her knife
her hook
her own face she was always drawing male
this is true
as thrashing is not crazy when one is on the hook

De Amerikaanse dichteres en schrijfster Maya Angelou (eig. Margueritte Johnson) werd geboren in Saint Louis, Missouri, op 4 april 1928. Zie ook alle tags voor Maya Angelou op dit blog.
In welke andere levens of landen
Heb ik je lippen gekend?
Jouw handen
Jouw lach dapper
Die zoete excessen waar
Ik dol op ben.
Welke zekerheid is er
Dat we elkaar weer zullen ontmoeten
Op andere werelden op een
Toekomstige ongedateerde tijd.
Ik trotseer de haast van mijn lichaam.
Zonder de belofte
Van nog een zoete ontmoeting
Zal ik me niet verwaardigen om te sterven.
Vertaald door Frans Roumen

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