Paweł Huelle, Mary Oliver

De Poolse schrijver Paweł Huelle werd geboren op 10 september 1957 in Gdańsk. Zie ook alle tags voor Pawel Huelle op dit blog.

Uit: The Gift of Freedom

“I don’t remember much in detail from those days. I forget how much I had to pay for a tram ticket or how much bread used to cost. However, what I remember perfectly well is that, as staff member of Gdańsk University, I was earning more or less the equivalent of 17 US dollars. My wife, our young son and I shared one tiny room. Only after they went to bed did I turn on the TV to watch the Round Table negotiations – or rather, a summary of them. I remember committees, sub-committees, discussions. I remember faces – those of Adam Michnik and Andrzej Stelmachowski [representing the opposition], Czesław Kiszczak and Aleksandr Kwaśniewski [on the government side]. Unlike many of my friends, I did not choose to go into politics. I had already embarked on my own writer’s path to which I have stayed faithful until this day. But I did support those changes ardently and wrote a few ad hoc articles wondering what future had in store for Poland, a country with no capital and a very poor society, as the burden of reforms – drastic and inevitable – was obvious even to a layman. In a word – how we would get through the next period with its many unknowns.
Looking back after 20 years it all appears quite different – our optimism of those days, our faith in the future and our joy may seem somewhat naïve and unsubstantiated. But as the time has come to sum up, I will try to do so unemotionally, in a dry, factual and analytical way.
So, first of all: what made the victory of “Solidarity” as an idea and a specific movement possible was primarily the fact that its resistance was based on the principle of non-violence. Despite communist propaganda claims in the first months of martial law (that a bloodbath was being prepared for the regime) not a single window or shop, not a single people’s police headquarters were attacked or broken. It was a revolution without violence that called for a respect of civil and political rights, reminiscent in essence of Gandhi’s movement. Go ahead, attack us, beat us up, lock us up in prisons and detention centres – we won’t fall for your provocations and we will not respond to violence by violence. Undoubtedly, the personality and authority of Pope John Paul II was of huge significance in this respect. His ascendance to the throne of St. Peter in 1978 changed everything in Poland, giving the small group of people in opposition as well as millions of ordinary people courage and the sense that they could demand something more than organized holidays or subsidized milk.
The Church played an enormous and positive role in these changes. Today some in the Polish Catholic Church hierarchy cannot find a modus vivendi alongside full freedom of speech, market, politics, and customs, as if they were irritated by the fact that the crucible of transformation did not bring forth a 100% Catholic Poland, patriotic in a traditional style, coherent in its attitudes to religious education at school or to in vitro fertilization. I do not share this irritation and I am concerned by the occasional expressions of xenophobic, anti-Semitic and anti-European views in the Church. Yet – despite their loudness, as for example in Radio Maryja – these are not dominant views.”


Paweł Huelle (Gdańsk, 10 september 1957)


De Amerikaanse dichteres Mary Oliver werd geboren op 10 september 1936 in Maple Heights, Ohio. Zie ook alle tags voor Mary Oliver op dit blog.


Wilde ganzen

Je hoeft niet goed te zijn.
Je hoeft niet op je knieën honderd kilometer
door de woestijn te kruipen en berouw te tonen.
Je hoeft alleen maar het zachte dier van je lichaam te laten
houden van waar het van houdt.
Vertel me over wanhoop, de jouwe, en ik zal je over die van mij vertellen.
Ondertussen draait de wereld door.
Ondertussen bewegen de zon en de heldere steentjes van de regen
zich door de landschappen,
boven de prairies en de diepe bomen,
de bergen en de rivieren.
Ondertussen gaan de wilde ganzen, hoog in de heldere blauwe lucht,
weer naar huis.
Wie je ook bent, hoe eenzaam ook,
de wereld biedt zich aan je verbeelding aan,
roept je als de wilde ganzen, hees en opwindend –
doet keer op keer kond van je plaats
in de familie der dingen.


Vertaald door Frans Roumen


Mary Oliver (10 september 1935 – 17 januari 2019)


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