Sally Rooney, Björn Kuhligk

De Ierse schrijfster Sally Rooney werd geboren op 20 februari 1991 in Castlebar. Zie ook alle tags voor Sally Rooney op dit blog.

Uit: Beautiful World, Where Are You?

“A woman sat in a hotel bar, watching the door. Her appearance was neat and tidy: white blouse, fair hair tucked behind her ears. She glanced at the screen of her phone, on which was displayed a messaging interface, and then looked back at the door again. It was late March, the bar was quiet, and outside the window to her right the sun was beginning to set over the Atlantic. It was four minutes past seven, and then five, six minutes past. Briefly and with no perceptible interest she examined her fingernails. At eight minutes past seven, a man entered through the door. He was slight and dark-haired, with a narrow face. He looked around, scanning the faces of the other patrons, and then took his phone out and checked the screen. The woman at the window noticed him but, beyond watching him, made no additional effort to catch his attention. They appeared to be about the same age, in their late twenties or early thirties. She let him stand there until he saw her and came over.
Are you Alice? he said.
That’s me, she replied.
Yeah, I’m Felix. Sorry I’m late.

In a gentle tone she replied: That’s alright. He asked her what she wanted to drink and then went to the bar to order. The waitress asked how he was getting on, and he answered: Good yeah, yourself? He ordered a vodka tonic and a pint of lager. Rather than carrying the bottle of tonic back to the table, he emptied it into the glass with a quick and practised movement of his wrist. The woman at the table tapped her fingers on a beermat, waiting. Her outward attitude had become more alert and lively since the man had entered the room. She looked outside now at the sunset as if it were of interest to her, though she hadn’t paid any attention to it before. When the man returned and put the drinks down, a drop of lager spilled over and she watched its rapid progress down the side of his glass.
You were saying you just moved here, he said. Is that right?
She nodded, sipped her drink, licked her top lip.
What did you do that for? he asked.
What do you mean?
I mean, there’s not much in the way of people moving here, usually. People moving away from here, that would be more the normal thing. You’re hardly here for work, are you?”


Sally Rooney (Castlebar, 20 februari 1991)


De Duitse dichter en schrijver Björn Kuhligk werd geboren op 19 februari 1975 in Berlijn. Zie ook alle tags voor Björn Kuhligk op dit blog.


Zonder kraag en als we dat dachten

De kleurenfilms worden bewaard in koelkasten
een geslachtsdaad kan in het trappenhuis
beginnen, ja, onder de dieren zijn
wij de droevigste

we kopen geld uit automaten
wij huren kamers voor de zomer
we lezen ’s morgens de krant en
ervaren déja-vu’s, we verwachten
liefdesbrieven die niet komen
we stellen ons een land voor en neuken
totdat een verlosser naar beneden gaat en
duwen winkelwagentjes door
een goed gevulde winkel

zouden we op uitkijktorens staan, een boel
nomaden in het verstoorde licht
“Er zijn eerste tekenen”, zou iemand
fluisteren, “Een verbetering”
zou iemand eraan toevoegen en misschien
zou dan iemand zeggen: DE MENS ALS
gaat elke zondag taart halen of
staat voor een telescoopvizier
aan het eind waarvan het lichaam valt, HOU JE
HAAKS, BUREN, ja, het is voldoende
om te weten hoe een baardiris eruit ziet


Vertaald door Frans Roumen


Björn Kuhligk (Berlijn, 19 februari 1975)


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