A Burden of Easter Vigil (Lionel Johnson)

Bij Stille Zaterdag


De graflegging van Christus door Sisto Badalocchio, ca. 1610


A Burden of Easter Vigil

Awhile meet Doubt and Faith;
For either sigheth and saith,
That He is dead
To-day: the linen cloths cover His head,
That hath, at last, whereon to rest; a rocky bed.
Come! for the pangs are done,
That overcast the sun,
So bright to-day!
And moved the Roman soldier: come away!
Hath sorrow more to weep? Hath pity more to say?
Why wilt thou linger yet?
Think on dark Olivet;
On Calvary stem:
Think, from the happy birth at Bethlehem,
To this last woe and passion at Jerusalem!
This only can be said:
He loved us all; is dead;
May rise again.
But if He rise not? Over the far main,
The sun of glory falls indeed: the stars are plain.


Lionel Johnson (15 maart 1867 – 4 oktober 1902)
St Peter’s Church in Broadstairs, de geboorteplaats van Lionel Johnson


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