Easter Monday (Eleanor Farjeon)

Aan alle bezoekers en mede-bloggers een Vrolijk Pasen! 


Paastafel door Aleksandr Makovsky, 1915-1916


Easter Monday

In the last letter that I had from France
You thanked me for the silver Easter egg
Which I had hidden in the box of apples
You like to munch beyond all other fruit.
You found the egg the Monday before Easter,
And said. ‘I will praise Easter Monday now –
It was such a lovely morning’. Then you spoke
Of the coming battle and said, ‘This is the eve.
‘Good-bye. And may I have a letter soon’.

That Easter Monday was a day for praise,
It was such a lovely morning. In our garden
We sowed our earliest seeds, and in the orchard
The apple-bud was ripe. It was the eve,
There are three letters that you will not get.

April 9th, 1917


Eleanor Farjeon (13 februari 1881 – 5 juni 1965)
De St Sepulchre-without-Newgate kerk in Londen, de geboorteplaats van Eleanor Farjeon


Zie voor de schrijvers van de 22e april ook mijn vorige twee blogs van vandaag.

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