Bij de zevende zondag door het jaar
Sint Lucas de Evangelist door Jacopo Pontormo, 1526 (Kerk Santa Felicita, Florence)
His gospel is itself a living creature
A ground and glory round the throne of God,
Where earth and heaven breathe through human nature
And One upon the throne sees it is good.
Luke is the living pillar of our healing,
A lowly ox, the servant of the four,
We turn his page to find his face revealing
The wonder, and the welcome of the poor.
He breathes good news to all who bear a burden
Good news to all who turn and try again,
The meek rejoice and prodigals find pardon,
A lost thief reaches paradise through pain,
The voiceless find their voice in every word
And, with Our Lady, magnify Our Lord.
Malcolm Guite (Ibanda, 12 november 1957)
Ibadan, Nigeria, de geboorteplaats van Malcolm Guite
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