Martin Amis, Charles Wright

De Engelse schrijver Martin Amis werd geboren op 25 augustus 1949 in Cardiff, South Wales. Zie ook alle tags voor Martin Amis op dit blog.

Uit: Experience

`If two tigers jumped on a blue whale, could they kill it?’
`Ah, but that couldn’t happen, you see. If the whale was in the sea the tigers would drown straight away, and if the whale was …’
`But supposing they did jump on the whale?’
… `Oh, God. Well, I suppose the tigers’d kill the whale eventually, but it’d take a long time.’
`How long would it take one tiger?’
`Even longer. Now I’m not answering any more questions about whales or tigers.’
`Oh, what is it now, David?’
`If two sea-serpents …’
How well I remember those vastly stimulating chats. My tigers weren’t just ordinary tigers, either: they were sabre-toothed tigers. And the gladiatorial bouts I dreamed up were far more elaborate than I Like It Here allows. If two boa constrictors, four barracuda, three anacondas and a giant squid … I must have been five or six at the time.
In retrospect I can see that these questions would have played on my father’s deepest fears. Kingsley, who refused to drive and refused to fly, who couldn’t easily be alone in a bus, a train or a lift (or in a house, after dark), wasn’t exactly keen on boats — or sea-serpents. Besides, he didn’t want to go to Portugal, or anywhere else. The trip was forced on him by the terms and conditions of the Somerset Maugham Award — a `deportation order’ he called it in a letter to Philip Larkin (`forced to go abroad, bloody forced mun’). He won the prize for his first novel, Lucky Jim, published in 1954. Twenty years later I would win it too.
The Rachel Papers appeared in mid-November, 1973. On the night of 27 December my cousin, Lucy Partington, who was staying with her mother in Gloucestershire, was driven into Cheltenham to visit an old friend, Helen Render. Lucy and Helen spent the evening talking about their future; they put together a letter of application to the Courtauld Institute in London, where Lucy hoped to continue studying medieval art. They parted at 10.15. It was a three-minute walk to the bus stop. She never posted the letter and she never boarded the bus. She was twenty-one. And it was another twenty-one years before the world found out what happened to her.”


Martin Amis (Cardiff, 25 augustus 1949)


De Amerikaanse dichter Charles Wright werd geboren op 25 augustus 1935 in Pickwick Dam, Tennessee. Zie ook alle tags voor Charles Wright op dit blog.


Stilleven op een luciferdoosje

Het hart is kouder dan het oog.
De waakzamen, de heiligen,
Weten dit, geen afkorting naar de hemel,
Een enkele hondenhaar kan de wind splijten.

Als je een grote gemoedsrust wilt,
Moet je hard werken en een lange weg gaan.

Niet piekeren over het verleden.
De wereld is zonder appendices,
Geen boodschap, geen naam.


Vertaald door Frans Roumen


Charles Wright (Pickwick Dam, 25 augustus 1935)


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