Michael Longley

De Ierse dichter Michael Longley werd geboren op 27 juli 1939 in Belfast. Zie ook alle tags voor Michael Longley op dit blog.



Dear old brother-in-law, I’ve flown home
Across the Atlantic. I’m far away, but you
Forget. So, yes, I’ve just gone shopping.
I’ll reappear soon at the French window.


Bog cotton

Let me make room for bog cotton, a desert flower –
Keith Douglas, I nearly repeat what you were saying
When you apostrophised the poppies of Flanders
And the death of poetry there: that was in Egypt
Among the sandy soldiers of another war.

(It hangs on by a thread, denser than thistledown,
Reluctant to fly, a weather vane that traces
The flow of cloud shadow over monotonous bog –
And useless too, though it might well bring to mind
The plumpness of pillows, the staunching of wounds,

Rags torn from a petticoat and soaked in water
And tied to the bushes around some holy well
As though to make a hospital of the landscape –
Cures and medicines as far as the horizon
Which nobody harvests except with the eye.)

You saw that beyond the thirstier desert flowers
There fell hundreds of thousands of poppy petals
Magnified to blood stains by the middle distance
Or through the still unfocused sights of a rifle —
And Isaac Rosenberg wore one behind his ear.


Gorse Fires

Cattle out of their byres are dungy still, lambs
Have stepped from last year as from an enclosure.
Five or six men stand gazing at a rusty tractor
Before carrying implements to separate fields.

I am travelling from one April to another.
It is the same train between the same embankments.
Gorse fires are smoking, but primroses burn
And celandines and white may and gorse flowers.



In warm water hielden ze hem jaren in leven,
de soldaat die zijn huid had verloren.
                                                                     ’s Nachts
werd hij bezocht door de gewonde vleermuis
die hij na Passchendaele had ontdooid,

de hielen onder zijn wijsvinger gehaakt
en fluisterend in de muizenvacht.

Voordat hij de dwergvleermuis fladderen liet
boven zijn zomerse zwembad en een slokje liet nemen,

spreidde hij de vleugelhand, elleboog tot duim.
Het vlies voelde aan als een klaprozenblaadje.


Vertaald voor Poetry International


Michael Longley (Belfast, 27 juli 1939)


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