De Engelse (Welshe) dichter, schrijver en presentator Owen Sheers werd geboren op 20 september 1974 in Suva op de Fiji eilanden. Zie ook alle tags voor Owen Sheers op dit blog.
He told me how, after soft afternoons
teaching logarithms and waving away
the blackboard’s hieroglyphics with a damp cloth
he’d return home to the sweet methane of the chicken sheds.
How he’d change from his suit into overalls
and how he dug his hand deep into the bucket
to draw out a leaking fist, which he opened,
a sail of grain unfurling to the birds beneath.
And how later that same hand would flatten
to find a way through the dark
under the sleeping weight of a hen, to bring out,
like a magician whose tricks are just the way of things,
one egg, warm and bald in his brown palm
Night Windows
That night we turned some of them off
but left the hall bulb bright,
sending one bar of light into the living room,
so we could see.
Which of course meant they could too —
us impressionist through the thin white drapes
as you lowered yourself to me,
the curves of a distant landscape
opening across your pelvis,
your body slick and valleyed
in the August heat
and your back arching like a bow
drawn by an invisible tendon
strung from the top of your head
to the end of your toes,
loading you with our meeting.
The night windows opposite performed
their Morse codes,
side-swipes of curtains,
until eventually every one of them went dark
and the only light left was a siren’s,
sending its blue strobe across the rooftops
like lightning in the corner of my eyes,
somewhere far away yet near,
as with a sigh you rose from me
and walked into the lit hallway,
trailing the dress of your shadow behind you.
Skirrid Fawr
Net als de boeren die ooit een handvol aarde
kwamen scheppen van haar heilige litteken,
zo voel me nog steeds tot haar aangetrokken voor de antwoorden
op elke vraag die ik nooit heb gekend.
Tot het oordeel van haar hellingen,
de stompe wind die langs haar schoft waait,
tot de gespleten visie die ze onthult
bij elke stap langs haar gebroken ruggengraat.
Deze rand van haar gespleten gehemelte,
deels heuvel, deels veld,
uit een lage mist oprijzend, een eenzame schuit,
op drift door Wales.
Haar oost-westflanken, één donker, één zonovergoten,
haar landstaal van grenzen.
Haar gewicht, de onuitgesproken woorden
van een ongeletterde tong.
Vertaald door Frans Roumen

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