Evelyn Waugh, István Kemény

De Britse schrijver Evelyn Waugh werd geboren in Londen op 28 oktober 1903. Zie ook alle tags voor Evelyn Waugh op dit blog.

Uit: Brideshead Revisited

“Light streamed through the cracks in the shutters. Sebastian unbarred one, and folded it back; the mellow afternoon sun flooded in, over the bare floor, the vast, twin fireplaces of sculptured marble, the coved ceiling frescoed with classic deities and heroes, the gilt mirrors and scagliola pilasters, the islands of sheeted furniture. It was a glimpse only, such as might be had from the top of an omnibus into a lighted ballroom; then Sebastian quickly shut out the sun. “You see,” he said; “it’s like this.”
His mood had changed since we had drunk our wine under the elm trees, since we had turned the corner of the drive and he had said: “Well?”
“You see, there’s nothing to see. A few pretty things I’d like to show you one day–not now. But there’s the chapel. You must see that. It’s a monument of art nouveau.”
The last architect to work at Brideshead had sought to unify its growth with a colonnade and flanking pavilions. One of these was the chapel. We entered it by the public porch (another door led direct to the house); Sebastian dipped his fingers in the water stoup, crossed himself and genuflected; I copied him. “Why do you do that?” he asked crossly.
“Just good manners.”


Jeremy Irons (Charles) en Anthony Andrews (Sebastian) in de tv-serie Brideshead Revisited uit 1981


“Well, you needn’t on my account. You wanted to do sight-seeing; how about this?”
The whole interior had been gutted, elaborately refurnished and redecorated in the arts-and-crafts style of the last decade of the nineteenth century. Angels in printed cotton smocks, rambler-roses, flower-spangled meadows, frisking lambs, texts in Celtic script, saints in armour, covered the walls in an intricate pattern of clear, bright colours. There was a triptych of pale oak, carved so as to give it the peculiar property of seeming to have been moulded in plasticine. The sanctuary lamp and all the metal furniture were of bronze, hand-beaten to the patina of a pock-marked skin; the altar steps had a carpet of grass-green, strewn with white and gold daisies.
“Golly,” I said.
“It was Papa’s wedding present to Mamma. Now, if you’ve seen enough, we’ll go.”
On the drive we passed a closed Rolls-Royce driven by a chauffeur; in the back was a vague, girlish figure who looked round at us through the window.
“Julia,” said Sebastian. “We only just got away in time.”
We stopped to speak to a man with a bicycle–“That was old Bat,” said Sebastian–and then were away, past the wrought-iron gates, past the lodges and out on the road heading back to Oxford.
“I’m sorry,” said Sebastian after a time. “I’m afraid I wasn’t very nice this afternoon. Brideshead often has that effect on me. But I had to take you to see Nanny.”
Why? I wondered; but said nothing (Sebastian’s life was governed by a code of such imperatives. “I must have pillar-box red pyjamas,” “I have to stay in bed until the sun works round to the windows,” “I’ve absolutely got to drink champagne to-night!”) except, “It had quite the reverse effect on me.”
After a long pause he said petulantly, “I don’t keep asking you questions about your family.”
“Neither do I about yours.”


Evelyn Waugh (28 oktober 1903 – 10 april 1966)


De Hongaarse dichter en schrijver István Kemény werd geboren op 28 oktober 1961 in Boedapest. Zie ook alle tags voor István Kemény op dit blog.


Vaalgrauwe zwerver

De weg van de kogel van noodlot tot president
Wat lood niet kan doorstaan en hoe
Langzaam het is, groot, onhandig
En voorbestemd!

Ach kroegen waarin hij steken blijft
Ach dalen waar hij in rolt
Ach camouflages waarin hij zich camoufleert
Ach situaties waarin hij mens is

Ach schrijftafel waarop hij wekenlang rust
En waarvan zij ineens verdwijnt
Ach lucht door wie zij straks fluit

Geef haar niets te eten
Geef haar niets meer te drinken
Zij is lood. Moordende traagheid.


Vertaald door Eva Bodor en Mischa Andriessen


István Kemény (Boedapest, 28 oktober 1961)


Zie voor nog meer schrijvers van de 28e oktober ook mijn blog van 28 oktober 2018 deel 2 en eveneens deel 3.

Evelyn Waugh, István Kemény

De Britse schrijver Evelyn Waugh werd geboren in Londen op 28 oktober 1903. Zie ook alle tags voor Evelyn Waugh op dit blog.

Uit: Brideshead Revisited

“Ah, cricketing all day long I expect, like your brother. He found time to study, too, though. He’s not been here since Christmas, but he’ll be here for the Agricultural I expect. Did you see this piece about Julia in the paper? She brought it down for me. Not that it’s nearly good enough of her, but what it says is very nice. ‘The lovely daughter whom Lady Marchmain is bringing out this season… witty as well as ornamental… the most popular débutante,’ well that’s no more than the truth, though it was a shame to cut her hair; such a lovely head of hair she had just like her Ladyship’s. I said to Father Phipps it’s not natural. He said, ‘Nuns do it,’ and I said, ‘Well, surely, Father, you aren’t going to make a nun out of Lady Julia? The very idea!'”
Sebastian and the old woman talked on. It was a charming room, oddly shaped to conform with the curve of the dome. The walls were papered in a pattern of ribbon and roses. There was a rocking horse in the corner and an oleograph of the Sacred Heart over the mantelpiece; the empty grate was hidden by a bunch of pampas grass and bulrushes; laid out on the top of the chest of drawers and carefully dusted were the collection of small presents which had been brought home to her at various times by her children, carved shell and lava, stamped leather, painted wood, china, bog oak, damascened silver, blue-john, alabaster, coral, the souvenirs of many holidays.
Presently Nanny said: “Ring the bell, dear, and we’ll have some tea. I usually go down to Mrs. Chandler, but we’ll have it up here to-day. My usual girl has gone to London with the others. The new one is just up from the village. She didn’t know anything at first, but she’s coming along nicely. Ring the bell.”
But Sebastian said we had to go.


Anthony Andrews (Sebastian) en Jeremy Irons (Charles) in de tv-serie Brideshead Revisited uit 1981


“And Miss Julia? She will be upset when she hears. It would have been such a surprise for her.”
“Poor Nanny,” said Sebastian when we left the nursery. “She does have such a dull life. I’ve a good mind to bring her to Oxford to live with me, only she’d always be trying to send me to church. We must go quickly before my sister gets back.”
“Which are you ashamed of, her or me?”
“I’m ashamed of myself,” said Sebastian gravely. “I’m not going to have you get mixed up with my family. They’re so madly charming. All my life they’ve been taking things away from me. If they once got hold of you with their charm, they’d make you their friend, not mine, and I won’t let them.”
“All right,” I said. “I’m perfectly content. But am I not going to be allowed to see any more of the house?”
“It’s all shut up. We came to see Nanny. On Queen Alexandra’s Day it’s all open for a shilling. Well, come and look if you want to….”
He led me through a baize door into a dark corridor; I could dimly see a gilt cornice and vaulted plaster above; then, opening a heavy, smooth-swinging, mahogany door, he led me into a darkened hall.”


Evelyn Waugh (28 oktober 1903 – 10 april 1966)


De Hongaarse dichter en schrijver István Kemény werd geboren op 28 oktober 1961 in Boedapest. Zie ook alle tags voor István Kemény op dit blog.


De tv

Ik deelde mijn jeugd met de tv.
Wij ravotten. Zij voerden ons gezamenlijk
Mij met melk en brood, hem met stroom
En aandacht. Ik werd een volwassene
Hij een dier, een wild dier. Hij verleerde het praten,
Ik leerde het. Bij het afscheid
Begrepen wij elkaar niet langer. Ik dacht dat hij
Ook mij vergeten was. Een paar jaar geleden
Zag ik hem terug in Roemenië.
Hij had al kleur, maar
Ze hadden hem een ring door de neus gehaald
En lieten hem dansen op het plein.
Hij zag mij en rukte zich los
Rende naar mij toe, likte mijn gezicht.
Ze dachten hij vermoordt mij, maar hij wilde slechts
dat ik hem naar huis zou brengen.
Maar ik moest toen een trein halen en
Liet de tv aan zijn lot over.


Vertaald door Eva Bodor en Mischa Andriessen


István Kemény (Boedapest, 28 oktober 1961)


Zie voor nog meer schrijvers van de 28e oktober ook mijn blog van 28 oktober 2018 deel 2 en eveneens deel 3.