Rutger Kopland, Simon Vinkenoog, Hunter S. Thompson, Steffen Popp, Per Petterson, Elizabeth Gilbert, Aad Nuis, Judith Beveridge, Dolce far niente

Dolce far niente


Zomerlandschap met koeien door B.C. Koekkoek, 1836

Onder het vee

En toen de zomer dan toch weer was teruggekeerd
en wij dus weer zaten te drinken bij de rivier.
Zijn oude armen bewogen nog, naar daar, die wereld
dat langzame, eeuwige leven van vee in de verte.

Ieder mens zou een dier moeten zijn, moeten sterven
in de herfst, en in de lente weer worden geboren.

Of, ieder mens zou een rivier moeten zijn, komen
zonder verlangen te blijven, gaan zonder heimwee.

Zo zaten we dus weer te drinken daar, tegen de tijd,
oude verhalen, oude jenever, maar de zon ging wel onder.

En hij sliep in. Omdat de wereld insliep. Zwart
zat hij bij de rivier, zwart gat in het uitzicht.


Rutger Kopland (4 augustus 1934 – 11 juli 2012)
De haven van Goor, de geboorteplaats van Rutger Kopland


De Nederlandse dichter en schrijver Simon Vinkenoog werd op 18 juli 1928 in Amsterdam geboren. Zie ook alle tags voor Simon Vinkenoog op dit blog.

Oponthoud in Rapallo

ik speel ik met een vol gezicht ik
en ik spel ik tussen de woorden door
ik beland in een haven versierd met muziek
en overal is het als ik:

ik woon in de dagen op lange passen
ik kan het stof nog van mijn kleren slaan
en jaja knikken tegen alle deuren

ik kan hier in de lengte door
ik kan van achter van mezelf opaan
ik weet van de zijkanten ik
en ik kan het van voren vragen
aan het rijmelend indecent glas
dat spiegel heet
ik zie het overal aan
ik zie het aan ik en aan het fluisterend
radeloos licht van de zon
en ik zwem nog doorschijnend
door dit vloeibaar dierbaar
eigen andermanse ik


Tenzij de dingen uit zichzelf gaan spreken

een kraan het hoog geluid van liefde fluit
een waterstraal die onverslapte aandacht tikt
een dronken boodschap in de brievenbus
een onverwacht bezoek aan de deur gevonden

de zee die door de straten weifelt
de zon een onbeholpen minnaar op mijn huid
en de doofstomme takken van de bomen
in mijn ogen et cetera

Tenzij ik jaren op je wachten wil
en op je mond het stempel ongeopend druk

als met een zegelring die woorden bloed
en vlijt in de nagels drijft

de handen die niets meer weten
van het feest dat morgen
in de cijfers van het heden
wijdbeens staat geplant


Ver als de horizon ben je

ver als de horizon ben je
in de glazen kist van het weer geborgen
beukend op de blikken deksels
van het najaar
ik zie de bliksem langs je lichaam trillen
en de regen loopt onrustig door je ogen

ik kan de afstand die mij van je scheidt
in lichtjaren tellen
en in de meter van het geluid
zoemen de seconden

mijn handen opnieuw in gebruik gesteld
sluiten het onweer in je borsten buiten

alleen de regen is thuis
op de platte daken van de nachten
zonder duizelingen

Simon Vinkenoog (18 juli 1928 – 12 juli 2009)
Portret door René Tweehuysen, 2015


De Amerikaanse schrijver en journalist Hunter Stockton Thompson werd geboren in Louisville (Kentucky). op 18 juli 1937. Zie ook alle tags voor Hunter S. Thompson op dit blog.

Uit: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

“How long can we maintain? I wondered. How long before one of us starts raving and jabbering at this boy? What will he think then? This same lonely desert was the last known home of the Manson family. Will he make that grim connection when my attorney starts screaming about bats and huge manta rays coming down on the car? If so – well, we’ll just have to cut his head off and bury him somewhere. Because it goes without saying that we can’t turn him loose. He’ll report us at once to some kind of outback nazi law enforcement agency, and they’ll run us down like dogs.
Jesus! Did I say that? Or just think it? Was I talking? Did they hear me? I glanced over at my attorney, but he seemed oblivious – watching the road, driving our Great Red Shark along at a hundred and ten or so. There was no sound from the back seat.Maybe I’d better have a chat with this boy, I thought. Perhape if I explain things, he’ll rest easy.
Of course. I leaned around in the seat and gave him a fine big smile . . . admiring the shape of his skull.“By the way,” I said. “There’s one thing you should probably understand.”
He stared at me, not blinking. Was he gritting his teeth?
“Can you hear me?” I yelled.
He nodded.
“That’s good,” I said. “Because I want you to know that we’re on our way to Las Vegas to find the American Dream.” I smiled. “That’s why we rented this car. It was the only way to do it. Can you grasp that?”
He nodded again, but his eyes were nervous.
“I want you to have all the background,” I said. “Because this is a very ominous assignment – with overtones of extreme personal danger. . . . Hell, I forgot all about this beer; you want one?”
He shook his head.
“How about some ether?” I said.
“Never mind. Let’s get right to the heart of this thing. You see, about twenty – four hours ago we were sitting in the Polo Lounge of the Beverly Hills Hotel – in the patio section, of course – and we were just sitting there under a palm tree when this uniformed dwarf came up to me with a pink telephone and said, ‘This must be the call you’ve been waiting for all this time, sir.’”
I laughed and ripped open a beer can that foamed all over the back seat while I kept talking. “And you know? He was right! I’d been expecting that call, but I didn’t know who it would come from. Do you follow me?”

Hunter S. Thompson (18 juli 1937 – 20 februari 2005)


De Duitse dichter en schrijver Steffen Popp werd geboren op 18 juli 1978 in Greifswald. Zie ook alle tags voor Steffen Popp op dit blog.


O elefantischer Pan im Porzellantrakt der Musen

O elefantischer Pan im Porzellantrakt der Musen
hinter den Schleiern suchst du Gesang, übst dich
in Gedanken: »Wir sind
            ein Gespräch«, sagst du, »Wir sind

und bist ganz allein mit diesen Sätzen
einsamer als Dialoge, Dickhäuter
einsamer als die Elektrogeräte des Weltalls

stromsparende Lampen, Wärmepumpen
verwahrlost und hungrig nach Liebe kommen sie
langsam heran aus dem unendlichen Dunkel

an deiner Raumkapsel, ihren geheimen Sprossen
an deinen klugen Händen und Knien
deinen schlafenden Füßen, geträumten Flügeln
reiben sie ihre Felle aus Chrom und Kunststoff …

Die angelernte Hilflosigkeit der Gegenstände
Unmöglichkeit einer Berührung

das Lied, unter seiner Nachtmütze aus Sternen
bewegt es den einsamen Boiler, den irrenden
dein irrendes Auge

in eine Nestgemeinschaft ohne Strom
ohne Gedanken
nur gravitierende Körper, ihre beinahe
staatenbildende Panik vor dem Winter.

Steffen Popp (Greifswald, 18 juli 1978)

De Noorse schrijver Per Petterson werd geboren in Oslo op 18 juli 1952. Zie ook alle tags voor Per Petterson op dit blog.

Uit: Out Stealing Horses (Vertaald door Anne Born Picador)

“I too have a dog. Her name is Lyra. What breed she is would not be easy to say. It’s not that important. We have been out already, with a torch, on the path we usually take, along the lake with its few millimetres of ice up against the bank where the dead rushes are yellow with autumn, and the snow fell silently, heavily out of the dark sky above, making Lyra sneeze with delight. Now she lies there close to the stove, asleep. It has stopped snowing. As the day wears on it will all melt. I can tell that from the thermometer. The red column is rising with the sun.
All my life I have longed to be alone in a place like this. Even when everything was going well, as it often did. I can say that much. That it often did. I have been lucky. But even then, for instance in the middle of an embrace and someone whispering words in my ear I wanted to hear, I could suddenly get a longing to be in a place where there was only silence. Years might go by and I did not think about it, but that does not mean that I did not long to be there. And now I am here, and it is almost exactly as I had imagined it.
In less than two months’ time this millennium will be finished. There will be festivities and fireworks in the parish I am a part of. I shall not go near any of that. I will stay at home with Lyra, perhaps go for a walk down to the lake to see if the ice will carry my weight. I am guessing minus ten and moonlight, and then I will stoke the fire, put a record on the old gramophone with Billie Holiday’s voice almost a whisper, like when I heard her in the Oslo Colosseum some time in the 50s, almost burned out, yet still magic, and then fittingly get drunk on a bottle I have standing by in the cupboard. When the record ends I will go to bed and sleep as heavily as it is possible to sleep without being dead, and awake to a new millennium and not let it mean a thing. I am looking forward to that.”

Per Petterson (Oslo, 18 juli 1952)


De Amerikaanse schrijfster en essayiste Elizabeth M. Gilbert werd geboren op 18 juli 1969 in Waterbury, Connecticut. Zie ook alle tags voor Elizabeth Gilbert op dit blog.

Uit: City of Girls

“I fell in love with Anthony Roccella, and I’m not going to dillydally around, pretending that I didn’t. And he fell in love with me too—in his own way and for a little while at least. Best of all, I managed to fall in love with him within the space of just a few hours, which is a model of efficiency. (The young can do that kind of thing, as you must know, without difficulty. In fact, passionate love, executed in short bursts, is the natural condition of the young. The only surprising thing was that it hadn’t happened to me sooner.)
The secret to falling in love so fast, of course, is not to know the person at all. You just need to identify one exciting feature about them, and then you hurl your heart at that one feature, with full force, trusting that this will be enough of a foundation for lasting devotion. And for me, the exciting thing about Anthony was his arrogance. I wasn’t the only one who noticed it, of course—that cockiness was how he got cast in our play, after all—but I was the one who fell in love with it.
Now, I’d been around plenty of arrogant young men since arriving in town a few months earlier (it was New York City; we breed them here), but Anthony’s arrogance had a special twist to it: he genuinely didn’t seem to care. All the cocky boys I’d met thus far liked to play at nonchalance, but they still had an air about them of wanting something, even if it was only sex. But Anthony had no apparent hunger or longing about him. He was fine with whatever transpired. He could win, he could lose, it didn’t shake him up. If he didn’t get what he wanted out of a situation, he would just stroll away with his hands in his pockets, unfazed, and try again somewhere else. Whatever life offered, he could take it or leave it.
He could even take it or leave it when it came to me—so, as you can imagine, I had no choice but to become completely smitten with him.
Anthony lived in a fourth-floor walk-up on West Forty-Ninth Street between Eighth and Ninth Avenues. He lived with his older brother, Lorenzo, who was the head chef at the Latin Quarter restaurant where Anthony worked waiting tables when he didn’t have an acting job. His mom and pop used to live in that apartment too, he told me, but they were both dead now—a fact that Anthony relayed to me with no evident sense of loss or sorrow. (Parents: another thing he could take or leave.)
Anthony was Hell’s Kitchen born and raised. He was pure Forty-Ninth Street, right to the core. Grew up playing stickball on that very street, and learned how to sing just a few blocks away at the Church of the Holy Cross. I came to know that street awfully well in the next few months. I certainly came to know that apartment awfully well, and I remember it with warm fondness because it was in his brother Lorenzo’s bed that I experienced my first climax. (Anthony didn’t have a bed of his own—he slept on the couch in the living room—but we helped ourselves to his brother’s room when Lorenzo was at work. Thankfully, Lorenzo worked long hours, giving me ample time to receive pleasure from young Anthony.)”

Elizabeth Gilbert (Waterbury, 18 juli 1969)

De Nederlandse schrijver, criticus en politicus Aad Nuis werd geboren op 18 juli 1933 in Sliedrecht. Zie ook alle tags voor Aad Nuis op dit blog.


Buiten zwaait de wind uitbundig
wolkendundoek zonnevanen
over een wijde weilanden wereld
over de verre vijandige zee

Binnen wordt mijn hart vakkundig
ingedeeld met oude namen
uitgesloten van de wereld
afgesloten van de zee


Amsterdam, maart

Vandaag kun je de lente ruiken
in het midden van de hoofdstad des lands
De bomen langs de gracht zijn kaal nog
hun stammen zijn stemmig donkerbruin donkergroen

Om de kleinste twijgen een ragdun waas
zo teer als een traan aan een kinderwimper
hetzelfde waas dat bij jonge vrouwen
je stil kan doen worden van eerbied

Daarachter de zon, de blauwe blinkende hemel
en de huizen die door de zon eigenhandig
in de goudgele neonverf zijn gezet

In het snelwisselend water alleen
huivert de winter nog aarzelend weg
als de droom in je ogen des morgens
kort na het ontwaken.

Aad Nuis (18 juli 1933 – 8 november 2007)

Onafhankelijk van geboortedata

De Australische dichteres en schrijfster Judith Beveridge werd geboren in 1956 in Londen, Engeland. Zie ook alle tags voor Judith Beveridge op dit blog.

Woman and Child

They listen to the myna birds dicker in the grass.
The child’s blue shoes are caked with
garden dirt. When he runs, she sees the antics
of a pair of wrens. She works the garden,

a pot of rusting gardenias has given off its ales
and infused the danker germinations of her
grief. She watches her son chase pigeons,
kick at the leaves piled high. Now, a magpie

adds to his cascades of laughter as he runs with
the hose, pours a fine spray, happy to be giving
to the grass this silver courtship. She sighs,
watches the drops settle in. Today, who

can explain the sadness she feels. Surely this
day is to be treasured: the sun out, the breeze
like a cat’s tongue licking a moon of milk;
her son expending himself in small, public

bursts, happy among clover where bees hover,
and unfold centrefolds of nectar. Today,
who can explain the heaviness in her head, as if
all her worries were tomes toward a larger work,

one she knows she will never finish, but to which
she must keep adding, thought by thought.
She sweeps the petals, smells their russet imprint.
Soon dusk will come with an envoy of smoke

and her son outlast her patience by a rose.
Already he is tiring, puling at the flowers.
It won’t be long before they’ll go in, listen
to the jug purr comfort. He’ll sleep and she’ll

lie back, or get up to unhook the cry of her cat
from the wire door. Now, a few cicadas are idling,
giving each other the gun and a cockatoo calls,
a haughty felon. She sighs, knowing she won’t

escape her mood today, the turned earth
or its rank persuasions; her child’s petulance
flaring like an orchid, or a cockatoo’s unruly crest.
Today, she knows she will need to consider

her unhappiness, of what she is a prisoner – if not
the loss of hope’s particulars. Her son soaks
the path, rinses the sky of its featureless blue.
He is giving that water, now, to everything.

Judith Beveridge (Londen, 1956)

Judith Beveridge, Simon Vinkenoog, Hunter S. Thompson, Steffen Popp, Per Petterson, Elizabeth Gilbert, Alicia Steimberg, Aad Nuis

Dolce far niente


Bryant Park Reading Room door Peter Salwen, 2014


In The Park

Sitting on the grass
in the park—thinking about
what’s going by, about
the pinks and plenary reds

of today’s sunset.
Insects rampant as ions
off charged wires nipping,
tingling my legs.

Those buildings are like
bottles of scent fragile
in their lemon spray
mist and cologne light.

The harbour’s becoming
dark against the chromocosm
of the moon adrift
under the stars.

A gull squeaks—it’s
the sound of a pin
piercing polystyrene—it
carries out to the yachtmasts

moving mechanically
as wiper-bars, out to
the Opera House a duster
of starched serviettes.

Now, out to the suburbs,
those racks and racks
of tinted light
rising behind the trees.


Judith Beveridge (Londen, 1956)
Hydepark in een zomers Londen


De Nederlandse dichter en schrijver Simon Vinkenoog werd op 18 juli 1928 in Amsterdam geboren. Zie ook alle tags voor Simon Vinkenoog op dit blog.


dit kan mijn geboorte nog niet zijn
dit is het leven van een ander –
het slaan van mijn hart is geen bewijs
en mijn mond is nog gesloten

dit is het bloeden van een rose keel
het woord dat de eerste daad verlamt
de hand die op mijn mond gelegd
aarzelend de gedichten zegt
waarin mijn vloeken
huizen naar beneden halen

dan sloop ik deze negenmaandse muur
waarop mijn vingers langzaam
het mene mene tekel schrijven



In de pijnkamer van onthechting
overgave deint en dreint

alles weten om niets te weten
lessen vergeten alles opnieuw
van te voren

kleine roofridder
hard als staal



Thelonious Monk

dit is een straat van parijs
met een arabier in de zon
die langzaam slenterend werkloos
loopt te zijn een 1951-noordafrikaan
ting ting ting in de bleke zon
zonder geluid

dit onder water uitgesproken
vonnis ting ting ting
ternauwernood de oppervlakte rakend
en met een strofe in de franse taal:
je donnerais ma vie
toute entière
pour un petit rire confus et obscène
herinnert aan de dierentuinapen
met mondbekken harige benen
en ronde gladde achterhanden
die gretig alle kleuren willen grijpen wit en zwart
ting ting ting

Simon Vinkenoog (18 juli 1928 – 12 juli 2009)


De Amerikaanse schrijver en journalist Hunter Stockton Thompson werd geboren in Louisville (Kentucky). op 18 juli 1937. Zie ook alle tags voor Hunter S. Thompson op dit blog.

Uit: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

“The only thing that really worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. And I knew we’d get into that rotten stuff pretty soon. Probably at the next gas station. We had sampled almost everything else, and now – yes, it was time for a long snort of ether. And then do the next 100 miles in a horrible, slobbering sort of spastic stupor. The only way to keep alert on ether is to do up a lot of amyls – not all at once, but steadily, just enough to maintain the focus at 90 miles an hour through Barstow.
“Man, this is the way to travel,” said my attorney. He leaned over to turn the volume up on the radio, humming along with the rhythm section and kind of moaning the words: “One toke over the line … Sweet Jesus … One toke over the line …”
One toke? You poor fool! Wait till you see those goddamn bats. I could barely hear the radio … slumped over on the far side of the seat, grappling with a tape recorder turned all the way up on “Sympathy for the Devil.” That was the only tape we had, so we played it constantly, over and over, as a kind of demented counterpoint to the radio. And also to maintain our rhythm on the road. A constant speed is good for gas mileage – and for some reason that seemed important at the time. Indeed. On a trip like this one must be careful about gas consumption. Avoid those quick bursts of acceleration that drag blood to the back of the brain.
My attorney saw the hitchhiker long before I did. “Let’s give this boy a lift,” he said, and before I could mount any argument he was stopped and this poor Okie kid was running up to the car with a big grin on his face, saying, “Hot damn! I never rode in a convertible before!”
“Is that right?” I said. “Well, I guess you’re about ready, eh?”
The kid nodded eagerly as we roared off.
“We’re your friends,” said my attorney. “We’re not like the others.”
O Christ, I thought, he’s gone around the bend. “No more of that talk,” I said sharply. “Or I’ll put the leeches on you.” He grinned, seeming to understand. Luckily, the noise in the car was so awful – between the wind and the radio and the tape machine – that the kid in the back seat couldn’t hear a word we were saying. Or could he?”

Hunter S. Thompson (18 juli 1937 – 20 februari 2005)


De Duitse dichter en schrijver Steffen Popp werd geboren op 18 juli 1978 in Greifswald. Zie ook alle tags voor Steffen Popp op dit blog.


Dickicht mit Reden und Augen

Möglichkeit und Methode überschneiden sich
ein kühner Satz bricht sich im Wald, fortan er hinkt

kein Sprung ins Dickicht dringt, kein Huf hinaus
kein ausrangiertes Fahrrad betet hier um Ruh
kein altes Lama spuckt, kein junges auch

sie hängen in den Tag, in Baumschaukeln
kein Baum, genau besehen, keine Schaukel, nicht mal
ein sie, nur hängen, Tag

Reden, durch nichts gedeckt, doch lebhaft
Lebewesen fast in einem Dickicht
hängend, hinkend eine, darum nicht weniger wahr
nicht wahr, nicht weniger, nicht – ungerührt

schaukeln oder grasen zur Pflege der Landschaft
oder stehen nur in ihr, schauen herüber mit Augen.


Betonstufen, die Meere

Bewegung (Luft), Meerfarbe (grün), ein Igel (die Technik eines Coyoten
ihn auf den Rücken zu drehen) – dein Herz, der nahe Hafen
dehnt sich an seinen Schlafkanten. Futter in Säcken, Munitionskisten
der gespaltene Huf eines Esels im Brackwasser –

das Meer zeigt dir Ufer (die Grenzen), du schläfst in deinen Staaten
es gibt Geheimzeichen, Türme (auf See blickend), Flugabwehr
Ingenieure mit Fliegerkappen – du zählst sie an Stränden, es sind Gelenke
und sie verbinden dich (wie eine Schrift) mit allen Dingen.

Steffen Popp (Greifswald, 18 juli 1978)
In 2013


De Noorse schrijver Per Petterson werd geboren in Oslo op 18 juli 1952. Zie ook alle tags voor Per Petterson op dit blog.

Uit: Out Stealing Horses (Vertaald door Anne Born Picador)

„Early November. It’s nine o’clock. The titmice are banging against the window. Sometimes they fly dizzily off after the impact, other times they fall and lie struggling in the new snow until they can take off again. I don’t know what they want that I have. I look out the window at the forest. There is a reddish light over the trees by the lake. It is starting to blow. I can see the shape of the wind on the water.
I live here now, in a small house in the far east of Norway. A river flows into the lake. It is not much of a river, and it gets shallow in the summer, but in the spring and autumn it runs briskly, and there are trout in it. I have caught some myself. The mouth of the river is only a hundred metres from here.
I can just see it from my kitchen window once the birch leaves have fallen. As now in November. There is a cottage down by the river that I can see when its lights are on if I go out onto my doorstep.  A man lives there. He is older than I am, I think. Or he seems to be. But perhaps that’s because I do not realise what I look like myself, or life has been tougher for him than it has been for me. I cannot rule that out. He has a dog, a border collie.
I have a bird table on a pole a little way out in my yard. When it is getting light in the morning I sit at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee and watch them come fluttering in. I have seen eight different species so far, which is more than anywhere else I have lived, but only the titmice fly into the window. I have lived in many places. Now I am here. When the light comes I have been awake for several hours. Stoked the fire. Walked around, read yesterday’s paper, washed yesterday’s dishes, there were not many. Listened to the B.B.C. I keep the radio on most of the day. I listen to the news, cannot break that habit, but I do not know what to make of it any more. They say sixty-seven is no age, not nowadays, and it does not feel it either, I feel pretty spry. But when I listen to the news it no longer has the same place in my life. It does not affect my view of the world as once it did. Maybe there is something wrong with the news, the way it is reported, maybe there’s too much of it. The good thing about the B.B.C.’s World Service, which is broadcast early in the morning, is that everything sounds foreign, that nothing is said about Norway, and that I can get updated on the position of countries like Jamaica, Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka in a sport such as cricket; a game I have never seen played and never will see, if I have a say in the matter. But what I have noticed is that ‘The Motherland’, England, is constantly being beaten. That’s always something.”

Per Petterson (Oslo, 18 juli 1952)


De Amerikaanse schrijfster en essayiste Elizabeth M. Gilbert werd geboren op 18 juli 1969 in Waterbury, Connecticut. Zie ook alle tags voor Elizabeth Gilbert op dit blog.

Uit: Big Magic

“When I talk about ‘creative living’ here, please understand that I am not necessarily talking about pursuing a life that is professionally or exclusively devoted to the arts. I’m not saying that you must become a poet who lives on a mountaintop in Greece, or that you must perform at Carnegie Hall, or that you must win the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival. (Though if you want to attempt any of these feats, by all means, have at it. I love watching people swing for the Bleachers.) No, when I refer to ‘creative living’ I am speaking more broadly. I’m talking about living a life that is driven more strongly by curiosity than by fear.
One of the coolest examples of creative living that I’ve seen in recent years, for instance, came from my friend Susan, who took up figure skating when she was forty years old. To be more precise, she actually already knew how to skate. She had competed in figure skating as a child and had always loved it, but she’d quit the sport during adolescence when it became clear she didn’t have quite enough talent to be a champion. (Ah, lovely adolescence when the ‘talented’ are officially shunted off from the herd, thus putting the total burden of society’s creative dreams on the thin shoulders of a few select souls, while condemning everyone else to live a more commonplace, inspiration-free existence! What a system…)
For the next quarter of a century, my friend Susan did not skate. Why bother, if you can’t be the best? Then she turned forty. She was listless. She was restless. She felt drab and heavy. She did a little soul-searching, the way one does on the big birthdays. She asked herself when was the last time she’d felt truly light, joyous, and – yes – creative in her own skin. To her shock, she realised that it had been decades since she’d felt that way. In fact, the last time she’d experienced such feelings had been as a teenager, back when she was still figure skating. She was appalled to discover that she had denied herself this life-affirming pursuit for so long, and she was curious to see if she still loved it.“

Elizabeth Gilbert (Waterbury, 18 juli 1969)


De Argentijnse schrijfster en vertaalster Alicia Steimberg werd geboren op 18 juli 1933 in Buenos Aires. Zie ook alle tags voor Alicia Steinberg op dit blog.

Uit: Call Me Magdalena

“They were helping themselves from all the dishes and trays, and they left everything a mess. They were playing with a little rubber ball, and suddenly one of them missed the mark and the ball fell into Enrique’s cup, and to top it all off he was dressed in a white shirt and blue tie at the time?’ “My God” “But nothing bothered us after the first bite of that crisp toast with butter and homemade duke de leche. And right after that a good cup of excellent coffee” “With milk?” “Yes, it was already mixed with the milk, in an enormous coffee pot?’ “Just like in those old-fashioned hotels” “Everything was old-fashioned in that house. Even the kitchen helper, who was white and chubby, with a blue dress and apron and white slippers, with freckles on her arms and chest. She was the one who knew how to make a cocktail with port and a beaten egg” “What’s it like?” “You have to go get the eggs from the henhouse and use them while they’re still warm. You separate the whites from the yolks. You can reserve the whites to make meringue. You beat the yolks with sugar until they take on a whitish color, and you add the port drop by drop, beating all the while. That woman beats egg yolks with sugar and port all day long?’
“Now let’s have breakfast in Mar del Plata, as you suggested?’ “This isn’t the same place where we always go?’ “But Hike it, dear. It’s sheltered from the wind and you can see the ocean. How many croissants do you want?” “How many do you think? Three, of course. Don’t they always bring three croissants with the café au lait?” “No, dear, that was before. Now you have to ask for the number of croissants you’re going to eat” “Why did they change it, dear?”
“Because diets have become so popular: croissants are very fattening. By the way, shouldn’t you be on a diet?” ‘
“Im not planning to diet in Mar del Plata, dear?’
“But you weigh 125.”
“And YOU weigh 150. Let’s go to the casino?”
“Later. I think I’m just going to order cafe au lait and nothing else. No croissants.”
“I’ll do the same, dear. Coffee with skim milk and artificial sweetener?’
“Now you’re talking?”
“May I ask your name? We’ve called each other ‘dear’ so much I’ve forgotten your name?’
“My name is Ignacio Ibargiiengoitia.”
“Strange that you should ask after forty years of marriage. My grandparents were Basque, all four of them.”

Alicia Steimberg (18 juli 1933 – 16 juni 2012)


De Nederlandse schrijver, criticus en politicus Aad Nuis werd geboren op 18 juli 1933 in Sliedrecht. Zie ook alle tags voor Aad Nuis op dit blog.


Een gezicht nooit meer zien.

Een gezicht zien dat niet bestaat.
Langzaam duidelijker, totdat
ook de kleinste rimpels, putjes in de huid
een oogwenk helder zichtbaar zijn.

Maar het is geen gezicht.
Het was misschien een man die
honderd jaar dood is, en gestorven
zonder ooit te zijn afgebeeld.

Er zijn er zoveel.


Voor B.

Gedachteloze woorden raken dieper dan doordachte,
weloverwogene, ze snijden door het zachte
web dat onzichtbaar de vertrouwde dingen bindt.
Vastknopen kan dan niet. Geen goed woord dat ik vind.
Ik voel me dwaas – en even dwaas is alles weer terecht
als je gedachteloos ‘dag liefje’ zegt.

Aad Nuis (18 juli 1933 – 8 november 2007)


Zie voor nog meer schrijvers van de 18e juli ook mijn blog van 18 juli 2018 en ook mijn blog van 18 juli 2015 deel 2.

Hunter S. Thompson

De Amerikaanse schrijver en journalist Hunter Stockton Thompson werd geboren in Louisville (Kentucky). op 18 juli 1937. Hij groeide op in de Cherokee Triangle buurt in de Highlands en ging naar Louisville Male High School. Zijn ouders trouwden in 1935. Door de dood van de vader werden hun drie zoons: Hunter, Davison en James opgevoed door hun moeder, een alcoholiste. Na vroege aanrakingen met de politie meldde hij zich als onderdeel van zijn straf bij de Amerikaanse Luchtmacht. Op Eglin Air Force Base in Florida begon hij in 1956 als sportjournalist te schrijven voor het nieuwsblad van de basis. In 1958 werd hij weggestuurd bij de luchtmacht. Hierna werkte Thompson kort als redacteur voor Time Magazine in New York. Thompson reisde door Peru, Colombia en Brazilië. Hier schreef hij als freelance journalist artikelen voor meerdere Amerikaanse kranten. In Puerto Rico werd hij bevriend met journalist William Kennedy en werd Zuid-Amerika-correspondent voor onder andere het tijdschrift The National Observer. In 1966 trok hij een tijd op met een groep Californische Hells Angels. Hij schreef over hen een serie artikelen die in 1967 werd gebundeld onder de titel “Hell’s Angels: A Strange and Terrible Saga Of The Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs”. Aan het eind van de jaren zestig ging hij als een van de eersten voor het nieuwe tijdschrift Rolling Stone werken. Zijn excentrieke levensstijl en schrijfstijl was een van de factoren achter het succes van “Rolling Stone”. Thompson creëerde een geheel eigen journalistieke stijl met als voornaamste kenmerk dat hij niet zijn onderwerp maar zichzelf centraal stelde; hij noemde dit gonzojournalistiek, een in drugs gedrenkte variant van new journalism. Zijn bekendste werk uit deze periode is “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and Other American Stories” (1971), dat in 1998 door Terry Gilliam zou worden verfilmd met Johnny Depp en Benicio Del Toro. In 1972 schreef hij voor Rolling Stone een serie reportages over de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen van 1972, waarbij hij nauw betrokken raakte bij het kamp van presidentskandidaat George McGovern. Thompson schreef daarna uitvoerig over het Watergateschandaal en steunde bij de daarop volgende presidentsverkiezingen van 1976 al vroeg de toen nog onbekende Jimmy Carter. Als buitenlandcorrespondent berichtte Thompson in 1983 over de invasie van de Amerikaanse mariniers in Grenada. Op 67-jarige leeftijd werd hij door het hoofd geschoten aangetroffen door zijn zoon Juan Thompson op zijn Owl Farm in Woody Creek bij Aspen (Colorado). Op grond van de schotwond oordeelde de politie dat er sprake was van zelfmoord.

Uit: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

“We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold. I remember saying something like “I feel a bit lightheaded; maybe you should drive. …” And suddenly there was a terrible roar all around us and the sky was full of what looked like huge bats, all swooping and screeching and diving around the car, which was going about 100 miles an hour with the top down to Las Vegas. And a voice was screaming: “Holy Jesus! What are these goddamn animals?”
Then it was quiet again. My attorney had taken his shirt off and was pouring beer on his chest, to facilitate the tanning process. “What the hell are you yelling about?” he muttered, staring up at the sun with his eyes closed and covered with wraparound Spanish sunglasses. “Never mind,” I said. “It’s your turn to drive.” I hit the brakes and aimed the Great Red Shark toward the shoulder of the highway. No point mentioning those bats, I thought. The poor bastard will see them soon enough.
It was almost noon, and we still had more than 100 miles to go. They would be tough miles. Very soon, I knew, we would both be completely twisted. But there was no going back, and no time to rest. We would have to ride it out. Press registration for the fabulous Mint 400 was already underway, and we had to get there by four to claim our soundproof suite. A fashionable sporting magazine in New York had taken care of the reservations, along with this huge red Chevy convertible we’d just rented off a lot on the Sunset Strip … and I was, after all, a professional journalist; so I had an obligation to cover the story, for good or ill.
The sporting editors had also given me $300 in cash, most of which was already spent on extremely dangerous drugs. The trunk of the car looked like a mobile police narcotics lab. We had two bags of grass, 75 pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers … and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.
All this had been rounded up the night before, in a frenzy of high-speed driving all over Los Angeles County – from Topanga to Watts, we picked up everything we could get our hands on. Not that we needed all that for the trip, but once you get locked into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can.”

Hunter S. Thompson (18 juli 1937 – 20 februari 2005)