Edmund White, Daniel Kehlmann, Jay McInerney, Lorrie Moore, Jan de Bas, Edgardo Cozarinsky, Mohammad-Ali Jamālzādeh, Clark Ashton Smith, Michael Carroll

De Amerikaanse schrijver en essayist Edmund White werd geboren op 13 januari 1940 in Cincinnati. Zie ook alle tags voor Edmund White op dit blog.

Uit:The Unpunished Vice

“Reading is at once a lonely and an intensely sociable act. The writer becomes your ideal companion – interesting, worldly, compassionate, energetic – but only if you stick with him or her for a while, long enough to throw off the chill of isolation and to hear the intelligent voice murmuring in your ear. No wonder Victorian parents used to read out loud to the whole family (a chapter of Dickens a night by the precious light of the single candle); there’s nothing lonely about laughing or crying together – or shrinking back in horror. Even if solitary, the reader’s inner dialogue with the writer – questioning, concurring, wondering, objecting, pitying – fills the empty room under the lamplight with silent discourse and the expression of emotion.
Who are the most companionable novelists? Marcel Proust and George Eliot; certainly they’re the most intelligent, able to see the widest implications of the simplest act, to play a straightforward theme on the mighty organs of their minds: soft/loud, quick/slow, complex/chaste, reedy/ orchestral. But we also cherish Leo Tolstoy’s uncanny empathy for diverse people and even animals, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s lyricism, Colette’s worldly wisdom, James Merrill’s wit, Walt Whitman’s biblical if agnostic inclusiveness, Annie Dillard’s sublime nature descriptions. When I was a youngster I loved novels about the Lost Dauphin or the Scarlet Pimpernel or the Three Musketeers – adventure books enacted in the clear, shadowless light of Good and Evil.
If we are writers, we read to learn our craft. In college I can remember reading a now-forgotten writer, R.V. Cassill, whose stories showed me that a theme, once taken up, could be dropped for a few pages only to emerge later, that in this way one could weave together plot elements. That seems so obvious now, but I needed Cassill to teach me the secrets of polyphonic development. In her extremely brief notes on writing, Elizabeth Bowen taught me that you can’t invent a body or face – you must base your description on a real person. Bowen also revealed how epigrams can be buried into a flowing narrative. She said that in dialogue people are either deceiving themselves or striving to deceive others and that they rarely speak the disinterested, unvarnished truth. Henry James’s The Turn of the Screw showed me how Chinese-box narrators can destabilize the reader sufficiently to make a ghost story seem plausible.”


Edmund White (Cincinnati, 13 januari 1940)


De Duitse schrijver Daniel Kehlmann werd op 13 januari 1975 in München geboren. Zie ook alle tags voor Daniel Kehlmann op dit blog.


„Auf dem Wagen war ein Zelt aus rotem Segeltuch aufgeschlagen. Davor kauerte eine alte Frau. Ihr Körper sah wie ein Beutel aus, ihr Gesicht wie aus Leder, ihr Augenpaar wie winzige schwarze Knöpfe. Eine jüngere Frau mit Sommersprossen und dunklem Haar stand hinter ihr. Auf dem Kutschbock aber saß ein Mann, den wir erkannten, obgleich er noch nie hier gewesen war, und als die Ersten sich erinnerten und seinen Namen riefen, erinnerten sich auch andere, und so rief es bald von überall und mit vielen Stimmen: «Tyll ist hier!», «Tyll ist gekommen!», «Schaut, der Tyll ist da!» Es konnte kein anderer sein. Sogar zu uns kamen Flugschriften. Sie kamen durch den Wald, der Wind trug sie mit sich, Händler brachten sie – draußen in der Welt wurden mehr davon gedruckt, als irgendwer zählen konnte. Sie handelten vom Schiff der Narren und von der großen Pfaffentorheit und vom bösen Papst in Rom und vom teuflischen Martinus Luther zu Wittenberg und dem Zauberer Horridus und dem Doktor Faust und dem Helden Gawain von der runden Tafel und eben von ihm, Tyll Ulenspiegel, der jetzt selbst zu uns gekommen war. Wir kannten sein geschecktes Wams, wir kannten die zerbeulte Kapuze und den Mantel aus Kalbsfell, wir kannten sein hageres Gesicht, die kleinen Augen, die hohlen Wangen und die Hasenzähne. Seine Hose war aus gutem Stoff, die Schuhe aus feinem Leder, seine Hände aber waren Diebes- oder Schreiberhände, die nie gearbeitet hatten; die rechte hielt die Zügel, die linke die Peitsche. Seine Augen blitzten, er grüßte hierhin und dorthin. «Und wie heißt du?», fragte er ein Mädchen. Die Kleine schwieg, denn sie begriff nicht, wie es sein konnte, dass einer, der berühmt war, mit ihr sprach. «Na sag es!» Als sie stockend herausgebracht hatte, dass sie Martha hieß, lächelte er nur, als hätte er das immer schon gewusst.
Dann fragte er mit einer Aufmerksamkeit, als wäre es ihm wichtig: «Und wie alt bist du?» Sie räusperte sich und sagte es ihm. In den zwölf Jahren ihres Lebens hatte sie nicht Augen gesehen wie seine. Augen wie diese mochte es in den freien Städten des Reichs geben und an den Höfen der Großen, aber noch nie war einer, der solche Augen hatte, zu uns gekommen. Martha hatte nicht gewusst, dass solche Kraft, solche Behändigkeit der Seele aus einem Menschengesicht sprechen konnten. Dereinst würde sie ihrem Mann und noch viel später ihren ungläubigen Enkeln, die den Ulenspiegel für eine Figur alter Sagen hielten, erzählen, dass sie ihn selbst gesehen hatte.“


Daniel Kehlmann (München, 13 januari 1975)


De Amerikaanse schrijver Jay McInerney werd geboren op 13 januari 1955 in Hartford, Connecticut. Zie ook alle tags voor Jay McInerney op dit blog.

Uit: Bright, Precious Days

“And if the realities of urban life and the pub-lishing business had sometimes bruised his romantic sensibilities, he never relinquished his vision of Manhattan as the mecca of American literature, or of hi msel f as an acolyte, even a priest, of the written word. One delirious night a few months after he arrived in the city, he accom-panied an invited guest to a Paris Review party in George Plimpton’s town house, where he shot pool with Mailer and fended off the lisp-ing advances of Truman Capote after snorting coke with him in the bathroom. Though the city after three decades seemed in many ways dimin-ished from the capital of his youth, Russell Calloway had never quite Fallen out of love with it, nor with his sense of his own place here. The backdrop ofManhattan, it seemed to him, gave every gesture an added grandeur, a metropolitan gravitas. Not long after he became an editor, Russell had published his best friend Jeff Pierce’s first book—a collection of stories; and then, afterJeff died, his novel, two of the main characters in which—it could not be denied—were inspired by Russell and his wife, Corrine. Editing that book would have been difficult enough, given its not-quite-finished state, even if it hadn’t involved a love triangle featuring a married couple and their closest friend, but Russell was proud of the scrupulous, sometimes painful professionalism with which he’d tried to implement Jeff’s intentions. The novel, Youth and Beauty, was generously praised by the critics—including several who’d been unkind about his debut—as books by recently deceased authors often are, especially those who die young and in a manner that confirms the myth of the artist as a self-destructive genius. Even before the book was published there was spirited bidding for the film rights. It sold well in hardcover and again, a year later, in paperback, and then its sales fell off, dwindling into the double digits a few years back, its author little more than a name associated with the period of big hair and big shoulder pads, yet another of the victims of the great epidemic that scythed the ranks of the artistic community, although, as a heterosexual, he didn’t really fit the profile of the plague narrative and his fiction had more in common with that of James Gould Cozzens or John O’Hara than with the high-gloss, coke-fueled prose of his famous contemporaries. Over time his reputation faded like the Polaroids from their days at Brown. Then, gradually, almost inexplicably, the book and its author had been resurrected. This process first came to Russell’s attention with a long essay in the inaugural issue of a magazine called The Believer, which Jonathan Tashjian, his PR director, had shown him.”


Jay McInerney (Hartford, 13 januari 1955)


De Amerikaanse schrijfster Lorrie Moore werd geboren op 13 januari 1957 in Glens Falls, New York. Zie ook alle tags voor Lorrie Moore op dit blog.

Uit;You‘re Ugly, Too

“You had to get out of them occasionally, those Illinois towns with the funny names: Paris, Oblong, Normal. Once, when the Dow Jones dipped two hundred points, a local paper boasted the banner headline “NORMAL MAN MARRIES OBLONG WOMAN?’ They knew what was important. They did! But you had to get out once in a while, even if it was just across the border to Terre Haute for a movie. Outside of Paris, in the middle of a large field, was a scatter of brick buildings, a small liberal-arts college by the improbable name of Hilldale-Versailles. The Hendricks had been teaching American history there for three years. She taught “The Revolution and Beyond” to fresh men and sophomores, and every third semester she had the senior seminar for majors, and although her student evaluations had been slipping in the last year and a half — Professor Hendricks is often late /or class and usually arrives with a cup of hot chocolate, which she offers the class sips of — generally the department of nine men was pleased to have her. They felt she added some needed feminine touch to the corn dors — that faint trace of Obsession and sweat, the light, fast clicking ‘of heels. Plus they had had a sex-discrimination suit, and the dean had said, well, it was time. The situation was not easy for her, they knew. Once, at the start of last semester, she had skipped into her lecture hall singing “Getting to Know You” — all of it. At the request of the dean, the chairman had called hei c into his office, but did not ask her for an explanation, not really. He asked her how she was and then smiled in an avuricyt way. She said, “Fine,” and he studied the way she said it, her front teeth catching ou the inside of her lower lip. She was almost pretty, but her face showed the strain and ambition of always having been close but not quite. There was too much effort with the eyeliner, and her earrings, worn, no doubt, for the drama her features lacked, were a little frightening, jutting out the sides of her head like antennae. “I’m going out of my mind: said Zoe to her younger sister, Evan, in Manhattan. Professor Hendricks seems to know the entire soundtrack to “The King and I.” Is this history? The phoned her every Tuesday. “You always say that,” said Evan, “but then you go on your trips and vacations and then you settle back into things and then you’re quiet for a while and then you say you’re fine, you’re busy, and then after a while you say you’re going crazy again, and you start all over?’


Lorrie Moore (Glens Falls, 13 januari 1957)


De Nederlandse historicus en dichter Jan de Bas werd geboren op 13 januari 1964 in Waddinxveen. Zie ook alle tags voor Jan de Bas op dit blog.



Vaak te gewoon voor woorden.
Van hoopje veren tot
een vliegend stukje grijs
fladdert rond het vaderhuis.

Doodeenvoudig is hij niet.
Een mus verbergt geheimen
die hem meegeschapen zijn.
In zijn ooghoek drukt dat feit.

Een vogel met verdriet,
die twee keer eet dat wat hij weegt.
En toch is hij niet zwaar.
Hij torst een licht gemis.



Een man leest een gedicht,
vergeet het over te schrijven
en gooit het weg.

Een dag later mist hij het gedicht
als zijn allergrootste liefde,
zijn toeverlaat, zijn steun.

Hij zoekt naar de zinnen,
de woorden, de komma’s, de punten.
Het blijft een groot vraagteken.

Waar is het gebleven?
Ligt het al in de vuilniswagen?
Rijdt dat gore ding rond

met zijn allerschoonste gedicht?
Hij bidt en hij smeekt.
Hij hoopt op een wonder,

gaat op zijn knieën,
een pen in de hand.
Langzaam ontstaat er een zin,

een strofe, een gloednieuw gedicht
over zijn grote verdriet:
het onbereikbare vers.


Jan de Bas (Waddinxveen, 13 januari 1964)
Waddinxveen, de hefbrug


De Argentijnse schrijver en regisseur Edgardo Cozarinsky werd geboren 13 januari 1939 in Buenos Aires. Zie ook alle tags voor Edgardo Cozarinsky op dit blog.

Uit: Natalia Franz (Vertaald door Dario Bard)

“I had been observing her for some time. Openly at first, not hiding my fascination with her face, which appeared to be designed by scalpel. Later, my glances were furtive; I was afraid that my staring would make her uncomfortable, although she seemed not to notice.
When she was invited out on the dance floor, however, I felt free to unabashedly admire her tall, slender figure, the elegant casualness of her movements, the grace with which she held her head high on a delicate neck that was revealed and then concealed by her ash-blond hair as it bobbed to the rhythm of the music. But it was her face, barely corrected with makeup, that caught my eye; there were traces of where the artificial merged with the monstrous, resulting unexpectedly in a sort of Medusa-like beauty (as Praz would put it): sunken eyes that seemed to have awakened in skin other than the one they were born in; cheekbones and arches over the eyebrows that were overly pronounced, as if sculpted from non-malleable material; full but swollen-looking lips that lacked the sensuality that plastic surgery promises.
I watched her slowly sip her champagne. She didn’t pay much attention to those around her and was always accompanied by a young girl with plain looks and a timid smile, irreparably devoid of any charm, of that glimmer of mystery that makes many non-pretty women attractive. I was reminded—an old reader of James never sleeps—of “The Beldonald Holbein,” that story wherein Lady Beldonald, a mature beauty who thinks herself clever, seeks to enliven her waning looks by having a wrinkled old lady, marked by misfortune, accompany her at social events. Her artist friends, fascinated by a face that looks as if it came straight out of a Holbein, only have eyes for her companion and soon recruit her as a model. Lady Beldonald learns her lesson: the following season, she appears in London accompanied by a young, not particularly ugly, but dreadfully dull girl.
Had the object of my curiosity perhaps arrived at a similar conclusion?
One night we were seated at neighboring tables. I thought I knew how to mask my curiosity, but eventually she caught me with my eyes fixated on that surgical achievement framed by her straight, loose hair. She didn’t seem annoyed; on the contrary, she gave a hint of a smile.”


Edgardo Cozarinsky (Buenos Aires, 13 januari 1939)


De Iraanse schrijver Mohammad-Ali Jamālzādeh Esfahani werd geboren op 13 januari 1892 in Isfahan. Zie ook alle tags voor Mohammad-Ali Jamālzādeh op dit blog.

Uit: Persian Is Sugar (Vertaald door Heshmat Moayyad en Paul Sprachman)

“These words caused the reverend sheikh’s turban to glide slowly like a wisp of cloud. A pair of eyes emerged from it and peered feebly at the felt-hatted provincial. From the phonic defile that, though not vis-ible, must have been below the eyes, with perfect declamation and composure these words made their way slowly and deliberately to his assembled audience: “Believer! Deliver ye not the reins of thy rebelious and weak soul to anger and rage, for ‘Those who control their wrath and are forgiving toward mankind. . . ” The sheikh’s speech stunned the felt-hatted boy. Recognizing only the word “Kazem” in “Those who control .. .,” he said, “No, Rever-end, your servant’s name isn’t Kazem, it’s Ramazan. I only meant to say that we could at least know why we’ve been buried alive.” This time, with the same consummate declamation and composure, these words emanated from the holy precinct: “May God reward ye who believe. The point is well taken by your advocate’s intellect. `Patience is the key to release.’ Spew that the object of our imprison-ment shall become manifest ex tempore; but whatever the case, whether sooner or later, it most assuredly will reach our ears. Interea,* while we wait, the most profitable occupation is to recite the name of the Cre-ator, which in any event is the best of endeavors.” Ramazan, poor bastard, didn’t catch a word of the reverend sheikh’s sweet Persian. He thought that His Eminence was communing with jinn or spirits or was busy reading Scripture to the dead; terror and dread marked his face. He said “Bismillah”t faintly and prepared to retreat, but it appeared that the sheikh’s venerable jaw was just getting warmed up. Without addressing anyone in particular, he stared at a spot on the wall and, again with the customary declamation, picked up the thread of his thoughts, “Perhaps,” he pontificated, “our arrest was a matter of expedience or perhaps it was essentially unintentional, in which case it is strongly hoped that it will come to an end, if not immediately, shortly. Or, perhaps, considering this humblest of beings quasi nullus essem, they will expose me in the worst way possible to gradual ruin and perdition without heeding my dignity or station; therefore it is up to us to appeal to higher authorities in whatever way, with intermediaries or without others’ intervention, in writing or ver-bally, openly or in secret—and, without doubt, confirming the adage `seek and ye shall find,’ upon getting a favorable hearing and accom-plishing our goals, we shall be released, and our innocence shall be as clear to our peers as the sun in the midday sky.”


Mohammad-Ali Jamālzādeh (13 januari 1892 – 8 november 1997)


De Amerikaanse dichter, schrijver en beeldhouwer Clark Ashton Smith werd geboren in Long Valley (Californië) op 13 januari 1893. Zie ook alle tags voor Clark Ashton Smith op dit blog.

Uit: The Colossus of Ylourgne

“The thrice-infamous nathaire, alchemist, astrologer and necromancer, with his ten devil-given pupils, had departed very suddenIy and under circumstances of strict secrecy from the town of Vyones. It was widely thought, among the people of that vicinage, that his departure had been prompted by a salutary fear of ecclesiastical thumbscrews and faggots. Other wizards, less notorious than he, had already gone to the stake during a year of unusual inquisitory zeal; and it was well-known that Nathaire had incurred the reprobation of the Church. Few, therefore, considered the reason of his going a mystery; but the means of transit which he had employed, as well as the destination of the sorcerer and his pupils, were regarded as more than problematic.
A thousand dark and superstitious rumours were abroad; and passers made the sign of the Cross when they neared the tall, gloomy house which Nathaire had built in blasphemous proximity to the great cathedral and had filled with a furniture of Satanic luxury and strangeness. Two daring thieves, who had entered the mansion when the fact of its desertion became well established, reported that much of this furniture, as well as the books and other paraphernalia of Nathaire, had seemingly departed with its owner, doubtless to the same fiery bourn. This served to augment the unholy mystery: for it was patently impossible that Nathaire and his ten apprentices, with several cart-loads of household belongings, could have passed the everguarded city gates in any legitimate manner without the knowledge of the custodians.
It was said by the more devout and religious moiety that the Archfiend, with a legion of bat-winged assistants, had borne them away bodily at moonless midnight. There were clerics, and also reputable burghers, who professed to have seen the flight of man-like shapes upon the blotted stars together with others that were not men, and to have heard the wailing cries of the hell-bound crew as they passed in an evil cloud over the roofs and city walls.
Others believed that the sorcerers had transported themselves from Vyones through their own diabolic arts, and had withdrawn to some unfrequented fastness where Nathaire, who had long been in feeble health, could hope to die in such peace and serenity as might be enjoyed by one who stood between the flames of the auto-da-fé and those of Abaddon. It was thought that he had lately cast his own horoscope, for the first time in his fifty-odd years, and had read therein an impending conjunction of disastrous planets, signifying early death.”


Clark Ashton Smith (13 januari 1893 – 14 augustus 1961)


Onafhankelijk van geboortedata

De Amerikaanse schrijver Michael Carroll werd geboren in 1965 en groeide op in een wijk van Fort Caroline (nu Jacksonville), Florida. Zie ook alle tags voor Michael Carroll op dit blog.

Uit: After Memphis (Little Reef and Other Stories)

“I had very good insurance through Perry and my co-pay was only fifteen dollars. My therapist, an older man I’d only slowly deduced was gay too, had said that he thought I had what was called an “observing ego:’ meaning I worried about what others might be thinking and themselves going through—that I tried to see their side, which had been my role as the younger brother caught in the family situation when I was sixteen. I had tried to see every side, was my problem, and Bob, my shrink, was never too hard on me. He said that he trusted me as an “accurate historian,” and begged me to proceed, nodding, waiting for me to get it all off my chest, not just family stuff but stuff related to Perry—groping my way toward my next, and next, breakthrough. And it had helped. I can’t say why, except that I’d paid a man to listen to me and paid money to listen to myself and take myself seriously, so now all of these issues were old hat to me, dead and buried in effect. But here we were again. I was the younger brother. As a kid I’d taken it as my job to stay out of Jeff’s way but snicker at his jokes, listen to him talk about his taste in music, which at the time I didn’t get. I hadn’t liked alcohol, either, but to curb the boredom I started toward the kitchen—and ramped up the tough love a notch or two. “And whatever else happens,” I said, “I guess it’s no good being bitter. You’re getting a divorce—right?—so you can cut things cleanly and get the past behind you so you can move on and try to be happy, right? You say everybody made mistakes. Everybody makes mistakes. And to be honest, I’ll just admit this right now, don’t know how you’re going to react but I’m going to go ahead and say it, man—I’m looking forward to your being legally single. I think this is what you need, what you want, and what you’re looking forward to. But it’s really happening, right?” “It is happening; said Jeff, “for damn sure I could see him nodding in the earnest, vigorous way I’d readily recognize. I’d seen him nod like that in Memphis, where our parents had retired, when Jeff had first opened up about the divorce idea, and when we were talking about our father’s hospitalization, the “eventualities”—because Jeff was big on euphemisms, while at the same time talking turkey post-evangelical style.”


Michael Carroll (Fort Caroline, 1965)


Zie voor nog meer schrijvers van de 13e januari ook mijn vorige blog van vandaag.

Edmund White, Daniel Kehlmann, Jay McInerney, Lorrie Moore, Jan de Bas, Edgardo Cozarinsky, Mohammad-Ali Jamālzādeh, Clark Ashton Smith, Michael Carroll

De Amerikaanse schrijver en essayist Edmund White werd geboren op 13 januari 1940 in Cincinnati. Zie ook alle tags voor Edmund White op dit blog.

Uit: Hotel de Dream

“This little room above the massive front oak door was his study, where now he was wheezing, listless and half-asleep, on the daybed. The whole room smelled of dogs and mud. At one end, under the couch and Stephen’s table, there lay a threadbare Persian carpet, pale and silky but discolored on one side with a large tea-stain the shape of Borneo.At the other end of the room it had amused Stephen to throw rushes on the floor as if he were a merry old soul living in crude, medieval splendor. There were reeds and rushes and grass everywhere downstairs, which confused two of the three dogs, Tolstoi and Spongie, into thinking they were outdoors: they weren’t always mindful of their best housebroken comportment.
The maid, a superstitious old thing, had placed a small jar of tar under Stephen’s bed. Did she think it would absorb the evil spirits, or hold off the ghosts that were supposed to haunt Brede Place?
Yes, Stephen had all the symptoms, what the doctors called the “diathesis,” or look of consumption: nearly transparent skin, through which blue veins could be seen ticking, and a haggard face and a cavernous, wheezing chest. His hair was as lank and breakable as old lamp fringe. His voice was hoarse from so much coughing and sometimes he sounded as if he were an owl hooting in the innermost chamber of a deep cave. He complained of a buzzing in the ears and even temporary deafness, which terrified a “socialist” like him, the friendliest man on earth (it was Cora’s companion, the blameless but dim Mrs. Ruedy, who had worked up this very special, facetious, meaning of socialist). Cora wondered idly if Mrs. Ruedy was back in America yet—another rat deserting the sinking ship.
Cora glimpsed something bright yellow and pushed back Stephen’s shirt—oh! the doctor had painted the right side of his torso with iodine. At least they weren’t blistering him. She remembered how one of the “girls” in her house, the Hotel de Dream, in Jacksonville, had had those hot jars applied to her back and bust in order to raise painful blisters, all to no avail. She’d already been a goner.
“Hey, Imogene,” Stephen murmured, his pink-lidded eyes fluttering open. He smiled, a faint echo of his usual playfulness. He liked to call her “Imogene Carter,” the nom de plume she’d made up for herself when she was a war correspondent in Greece and which she still used for the gossip columns and fashion notes she sent to American newspapers.”


Edmund White (Cincinnati, 13 januari 1940)

Lees verder “Edmund White, Daniel Kehlmann, Jay McInerney, Lorrie Moore, Jan de Bas, Edgardo Cozarinsky, Mohammad-Ali Jamālzādeh, Clark Ashton Smith, Michael Carroll”

Edmund White, Daniel Kehlmann, Jay McInerney, Lorrie Moore, Jan de Bas, Edgardo Cozarinsky, Mohammad-Ali Jamālzādeh, Clark Ashton Smith, Michael Carroll

De Amerikaanse schrijver en essayist Edmund White werd geboren op 13 januari 1940 in Cincinnati. Zie ook alle tags voor Edmund White op dit blog.

Uit: Our Young Man

“Although Guy was thirty-five he was still working as a model, and certain of his more ironic and cultured friends called him, as the dying Proust had been called by Colette, “our young man.” For so many years he’d been actually young; he’d arrived from Paris to New York in the late 1970s when he was in his late twenties but passed as nineteen. He’d been the darling of Fire Island Pines the summers of 1980 and 1981; everyone in the Octagon House was in love with him and he was a good deal more egalitarian and participatory in chores and expenses than he needed to be, splitting the grocery and house cleaning bills down to the last penny, even when he skipped meals or entire weekends.
Everyone adored him, so he could have skimped on his share. He was making $175 an hour as a model for a whole host of beauty products, which was a lot of money in those days; he made more in two hours than his housemate, the young journalist Howard, earned in a week, or Howard’s lover the mustachioed Cuban bartender Martin took in at Uncle Charlie’s in tips on two or three shifts. Even his heavy French accent made him all the more desirable; one of their most besotted housemates, Tom, started taking French lessons but could never master a whole sentence.
Nor was he stinting with his favors. He’d swallow an after- dinner concoction Ted would assemble of acid, tranquilizers, Quaaludes, and the odd yellow jacket. After a strenuous night of dancing at the Sandpiper he’d be found nude at dawn, splayed in the surf with three other amorous beauties or massaging a Croatian fellow model on the deck by the pool as they sipped big shaggy joints of Acapulco gold.
He liked the Pines, since the muscular men there were bankers or lawyers or surgeons and not just gigolos, as comparable studs would have been in Saint-Tropez, lounging around on the decks of moored yachts (or “laying out in the sun,” as these American guys all said, though Guy knew from lycée English class back in France that it should be “lying”; the French, he thought primly, would never have made a similar mistake in their own language).
He was from Clermont-Ferrand, a big, dead, dreary industrial city in the heart of France, lava-black, cold in the winter and suffocatingly hot in the summer, and now he sent home a thousand dollars a month from New York to his pious mother, who arranged the flowers for the altar, and his Communist father, a Michelin factory hand who’d been laid off for twenty years, living on welfare and drinking too much red wine (his first coup de rouge he downed at eleven every morning, an old habit from his working days).”


Edmund White (Cincinnati, 13 januari 1940)

Lees verder “Edmund White, Daniel Kehlmann, Jay McInerney, Lorrie Moore, Jan de Bas, Edgardo Cozarinsky, Mohammad-Ali Jamālzādeh, Clark Ashton Smith, Michael Carroll”

Edmund White, Daniel Kehlmann, Jay McInerney, Lorrie Moore, Jan de Bas, Edgardo Cozarinsky, Mohammad- Ali Jamālzādeh, Clark Ashton Smith

De Amerikaanse schrijver en essayist Edmund White werd geboren op 13 januari 1940 in Cincinnati. Zie ook alle tags voor Edmund White op dit blog.

Uit: The Farewell Symphony

“I’d been afraid I wouldn’t feel anything when Brice finally died-but my body did all the feeling for me. It took over. My knees buckled, I lost my balance, tears spurted from my eyes. I staggered in the sunlight and nearly fell and had to be held up by Laurent and his lover.
Everything I’d lived through in the last five years had changed me-whitened my hair, made me a fat, sleepy old man, matured me, finally, but also emptied me out. I met Brice five years before he died-but I wonder whether I’ll have the courage to tell his story in this book. The French call a love affair a “story,” une histoire, and I see getting to it, putting it down, exploring it, narrating it as a challenge I may well fail. If I do fail, don’t blame me. Understand that even writers, those professional exhibitionists, have their moments of reticence.
Strange that I should be living here, in Paris. Ever since I’d been a child, an imaginary Paris had been the bright planet pulsing at the heart of my mental star map, but the one time I’d gone to Paris I had been dressed in a horrible shiny blazer and everyone in the cafés had laughed at me. I said to a French acquaintance as we left the Flore, “I know I’m being paranoid,” but he said matter-of-factly, “No, they are laughing at you.”
A sign in the tailor shop window off the Boulevard St.-Germain warned that customers would not be allowed more than three fittings after the purchase of a suit and my mind winced at this proof of shameless male vanity, so exotic to an American since Americans equated male vanity with effeminacy or Mafia creepiness. The year was 1968 and stylish young American men back home were wearing fringe and puffy-sleeved pirate shirts, headbands, mirrored vests and winklepicker boots, but the materials were synthetic, the colors garish, the fit very approximate and the mood one of dressing up. Orange and black were popular colors. The long Mardi Gras of that decade in the States was a mockery of traditional good taste, a send-up of adult propriety, the recklessness of a generation that would never settle down long enough to study the fine gradations with which quality, and especially beauty, begin. And if the mood was festive, the festivity seemed more a gesture defying parental drabness than an assertion of a new-born hedonism. A true search for pleasure is an exacting science and is born from a profound interest in raglan versus fitted sleeves and in the precise arc a weighted hem on the bias will describe.”


Edmund White (Cincinnati, 13 januari 1940)
Hier met partner Michael Carroll (links)

Lees verder “Edmund White, Daniel Kehlmann, Jay McInerney, Lorrie Moore, Jan de Bas, Edgardo Cozarinsky, Mohammad- Ali Jamālzādeh, Clark Ashton Smith”

Edmund White, Daniel Kehlmann, Jay McInerney, Lorrie Moore, Jan de Bas, Edgardo Cozarinsky, Mohammad- Ali Jamālzādeh, Clark Ashton Smith

De Amerikaanse schrijver en essayist Edmund White werd geboren op 13 januari 1940 in Cincinnati. Zie ook alle tags voor Edmund White op dit blog.

Uit: City Boy

“I had constant daydreams of meeting Susan Sontag and Paul Goodman. I don’t know why I focused on them — maybe because they were so often mentioned in the Village Voice and the Partisan Review but even by Time. He’d written Growing Up Absurd, the bible of the sixties, now largely forgotten (I never read it in any event). How could I have worshipped a man whose work I didn’t know? I guess because I’d heard that he was bisexual, that he was a brilliant therapist, and that he was somehow for the young and the liberated. I read his astonishing journal, Five Years, published in 1966, a groundbreaking book in which he openly discussed paying men for sex and enjoying anonymous sex in the meatpacking district. Today that would seem unremarkable, perhaps, but for a husband and a father back then to be so confi ding, so shameless, was unprecedented, especially since the sex passages were mixed in with remarks on culture and poetry and a hundred other subjects.
Sontag was someone I read more faithfully, especially Against Interpretation and even individual essays as they were published.
New York, in short, in the seventies was a junkyard with serious artistic aspirations. I remember that one of our friends, the poet Brad Gooch, wanted to introduce us to his lover, who’d become an up-and-coming Hollywood director, but Brad begged him not to tell us that he worked as a director since Hollywood had such low prestige among us. That sort of reticence would be unthinkable today in a New York that has become enslaved by wealth and glitz, but back then people still embraced Ezra Pound’s motto, “Beauty is difficult.”
We kept asking in 1972 and 1973 when the seventies were going to begin . . .
Then again we had to admit the sixties hadn’t really begun until the Beatles came over to the States in 1964, but after that the decade took on a real, definite personality — protest movements, long hair, love, drugs, a euphoria that turned sour only toward the end of 1969. Of course for Leftists the decade began with the Brown v. Board of Education decision and ended with Nixon’s resignation in 1974.”


Edmund White (Cincinnati, 13 januari 1940)

Lees verder “Edmund White, Daniel Kehlmann, Jay McInerney, Lorrie Moore, Jan de Bas, Edgardo Cozarinsky, Mohammad- Ali Jamālzādeh, Clark Ashton Smith”

Edmund White, Daniel Kehlmann, Jay McInerney, Lorrie Moore, Jan de Bas, Clark Ashton Smith, Jurgis Kunčinas

De Amerikaanse schrijver en essayist Edmund White werd geboren op 13 januari 1940 in Cincinnati. Zie ook alle tags voor Edmund White op dit blog.

Uit: A Boy’s Own Story

“We lived one year in a suburb so new it was still being built in fields of red clay: a neat grid of streets named after songbirds was being dropped like a lattice of dough over a pie. Up and down Robin and Tanager and Bluebird I raced my bike; in a storm I pedaled so fast I hoped to catch up with the wind-driven rain. As I sped into the riddling wet warmth I shook my right hand according to a magical formula of my own. The universe, signaled by its master, groaned, revolved, released a flash of lightning. At last the imagination, like a mold on an orange, was covering the globe of my mind.”

Imprisoned under all our layers of long underwear, thick socks, shirts, vests, jackets, coats and hoods were these tropical bodies; the steam and hot water brought color back into the pallor, found the nacreous hollow in a hip, detected the subtly raised triceps, rinsed a sharp clavicle in a softening flood, swirled dull brown hair into a smooth black cap and pulled evening gloves of light over raw hands and skinny, blue-veined forearms.

I also felt surging within me a fierce need to be independent. Of course I responded to the appeal of divine hydraulics, this system of souls damned or crowned or destroyed or held in suspense, these pulleys and platforms sinking and lifting on the great stage, and I recognized that my view of things seemed by contrast impoverished, lacking in degree and incident. But the charming intricacy of a myth is not sufficient to compel belief. I found no good reason to assume that the ultimate nature of reality happened to resemble the backstage of an opera house.”


Edmund White (Cincinnati, 13 januari 1940)

Lees verder “Edmund White, Daniel Kehlmann, Jay McInerney, Lorrie Moore, Jan de Bas, Clark Ashton Smith, Jurgis Kunčinas”

Edmund White, Daniel Kehlmann, Jay McInerney, Lorrie Moore, Jan de Bas, Jurgis Kunčinas, Clark Ashton Smith

De Amerikaanse schrijver en essayist Edmund White werd geboren op 13 januari 1940 in Cincinnati. Zie ook alle tags voor Edmund White op dit blog.

Uit: Caracole

“One of them had a clay pig, small enough to fit into his pocket; it whistled one dry, low note when blown on the snout. The other knew the names of stones but he was the hardest to understand. Someone’s youngest brother he called “the Least One.” If he doubted a story, he said, “I don’t confidence you.” Windows he called “lights” and their hiding place in an oak bole he spoke of as the “plunder room.” Where the creek fanned out into a hundred rivulets, this child said, “That’s where it turkey-tailed,” and if a grown-up showed him special attention he’d ask later, “Why did he much me?” Both of Gabriel’s companions spoke in doubled nouns (“biscuit-bread,” “ham-meat,” sulfur-match”). Nor did they grasp what Gabriel meant when he said once, “Have a nice weekend.” After a while it turned out their families worked every day and the notion of a weekend was beyond their means.

When Mathilda asked Mateo to bring Gabriel to his very first reception at her house, Mateo assumed she was merely being polite out of consideration for him, Mateo. More than once she’d assured him she knew what it was like to be stuck with a child in their nearly childless world of artists and intellectuals; after all she (with Mateo’s distant if affectionate assistance) had raised a child, Daniel, who was now thirty and looked so nearly as though he were her brother that her maternity would have been suspect had not their celebrated, even infamous past together been so well documented. Nevertheless Mathilda was delighted when naïve or provincial people mistook Daniel for her brother or lover, and to increase the confusion she often referred to him coyly as “the darling.” This coyness was so unlike her that people expected to catch a sardonic smile and were shocked to see instead the sort of smile people wear when they speak of their pets. What few people knew was that an older child, a girl, had died when she was four. This loss had poisoned Mathilda’s joy in motherhood at the same time it had intensified her love for – no longer “my son” but “the darling.”


Edmund White (Cincinnati, 13 januari 1940)

Lees verder “Edmund White, Daniel Kehlmann, Jay McInerney, Lorrie Moore, Jan de Bas, Jurgis Kunčinas, Clark Ashton Smith”

Kostís Palamás, Karl Bleibtreu, Victor de Laprade, Jan de Bas, Eduard von Bauernfeld, Maler Müller, Mark Alexander Boyd

De Nieuwgrieks dichter Kostís Palamás werd geboren op 13 januari 1859 in Patra. Zie ook alle tags voor Kostís Palamás op dit blog.


Rose Fragrance

This year’s harsh winter brought me to my knees,
For it found me without youth and caught me without fire,
And time and again as I walked the snowy streets,
I felt I would fall and die.
But yesterday, as I was encouraged by the laugh of march,
And I went to find again the roads to the ancient sites,
The first fragrance of a distant rose in my path
Brought tears to my eyes.


 Vertaald door Alex Moskios


 Ancient Eternal And Immortal Spirit

Immortal spirit of antiquity,
Father of the true, beautiful and good,
Descend, appear, shed over us thy light
Upon this ground and under this sky
Which has first witnessed the unperishable fame.
Give life and animation to those noble games!
Throw wreaths of fadeless flowers to the victors
In the race and in the strife!
Create in our breasts, hearts of steel!
In thy light, plains, mountains and seas
Shine in a roseate hue and form a vast temple
To which all nations throng to adore thee,
Oh immortal spirit of antiquity!


Kostís Palamás (13 januari 1859 – 27 februari 1943)
Standbeeld in Nicosia


Aangezien de editor van Skynet weer eens niet mee  wil werken zie voor nog meer schrijvers van de 13e januari ook mijn blog van vandaag bij seniorennet.be


Kostís Palamás, Karl Bleibtreu, Victor de Laprade, Jan de Bas, Eduard von Bauernfeld, Maler Müller, Mark Alexander Boyd

De Nieuwgrieks dichter Kostís Palamás werd geboren op 13 januari 1859 in Patra. Zie ook alle tags voor Kostís Palamás op dit blog.


At night we wanted to depart

 At night we wanted to depart, to leave the city
To climb up to the Heights, and to the rising sun
From the far away sea in its full beauty:
To take pleasure in the expected happiness of original man.

 But the sleep deceived us, in the city we forgot,
And without satisfying our wish, we fled to other settlements.
All dreams about sunlight I saw in my sleep;
But somewhere I awoke, sunless is always my path through the night.


Kostís Palamás (13 januari 1859 – 27 februari 1943)
Standbeeld in Athene


De Duitse schrijver en criticus Karl August Bleibtreu werd geboren op 13 januari 1859 in Berlijn. Zie ook alle tags voor Karl Bleibtreu op dit blog.

 Uit: Andere Zeiten, andere Lieder

 „Und nun gar erst die Lyrik! Wer kennt die unsterbliche Annette von Droste-Hülshoff! Wer kennt nicht die Backfischlieder und weihevollen Formbegeisterungen des seligen Geibel! Nicht wahr, Majestätsbeleidigung? Nächstens werde ich noch gar die Butzenscheiben-Poesei unseres Julius Wolff antasten! “Meine teueren Hallermünder, o ich kenn’ Euch gar zu gut”, lacht der Mustertypus eines Originaldichters. Heine mag sich aber im Grabe mit der Thatsache befreunden, daß Platens Geist ihn besiegte – der Geist der “schönen Form”, welche die Armut des Inhalts und die Mattigkeit des dichterischen Feuers durch schwungvolle Sprachdrechselung maskiert. “Das sind Platens echte Erben, echtes Platenidenblut”, zitiere ich immer so für mich hin, wenn ich einen Neuen “von Gottes Gnaden” wie einen Koloß von Rhodus sich vor mir aufbauschen sehe, der dann auf meine Bitte “Hic Rhodus, hic salta” einen Eiertanz kunstvoller Metren und ein Phrasendrauflosgestürme à la Herwegh produziert. Das Volkslied, auf dem Umweg über Goethe, wird von den meisten kritischen Päpsten als einzig giltige Norm der sogenannten “echten Lyrik” angenommen. Nun, da halte ich mich lieber an Goethe selber, der in diesem Genre doch nie erreicht werden kann. Wozu die Kopien! Neues, Neues – das ist die gebieterische Forderung an jeden schöpferischen Geist. Natürlich gehört aber mehr wahres Verständnis dazu, daß Neue zu begreifen und zu würdigen, als in dok
trinärer Beschränktheit die schablonenhafte Nachahmungslyrik zu preisen. Dies gilt auch direkt von der sklavischen Schulmeistervergötzung Goethes, der uns absolut als allumfassender Gesetzgeber der Poesie aufgedrängt werden soll. Goethe, dem der Begriff des Dramas und des Dramatischen völlig verschlossen war, der mit Geringschätzung über Heinrich v [!] Kleist urteilte, konnte in der Lyrik unmöglich etwas anderes, als Naturstimmung und Erotik behandeln. Soll dies etwa für uns darum der Fingerzeig sein, in diesem “ewig weiblichen” Stimmungsgedusel in alle Ewigkeit die wahre Lyrik zu suchen? Sollen wir deshalb das Historische – “das große gewaltige Schicksal, welches den Menschen erhebt, wenn es den Menschen zermalmt” – aus der Lyrik verbannen, weil es Goethe an Sinn dafür gebrach?“


Karl Bleibtreu (13 januari 1859 – 30 januari 1928)


De Franse dichter en criticus Victor Richard de Laprade werd geboren op 13 januari 1812 in Montbrison. Zie ook alle tags voor Victor de Laprade op dit blog.


Une voix dans l’herbe

Voix des torrents, des mers, dominant toute voix,
Pins au large murmure.
Vous ne dites pas tout, grandes eaux et grands bois,
Ce que sent la nature.

Vous n’exhalez pas seuls, ô vastes instruments,
Ses accords gais ou mornes ;
Vous ne faites pas seuls, en vos gémissements,
Parler l’être sans bornes.

Vous ne dites pas seuls les mots révélateurs
D’un invisible monde ;
L’âme éclate à travers de plus humbles chanteurs,
Une âme aussi profonde !

Le filet d’eau caché sous l’herbe, le buisson,
La touffe de bruyère,
L’épi, le brin de mousse, ont aussi leur chanson,
Ont aussi leur prière.

Bruit de la goutte d’eau monotone et plaintif,
Cri des feuilles froissées,
Où, seul, trouve un accent le poète attentif
Aux choses délaissées ;

Murmure inaperçu du brin d’herbe odorant
Qui tremble à ma fenêtre,
Tu sors, comme la voix du chêne et du torrent,
Des entrailles de l’être !

Tu parles d’infini, comme sur les sommets
L’orgue des bois immenses.
Qui commencent aussi, sans l’achever jamais,
L’accord que tu commences.

Ainsi vous, coeurs perdus dans l’ombre et dans l’oubli,
Coeurs muets pour la foule,
Filet d’eau sous la pierre ou l’herbe enseveli,
Brin de mousse qu’on foule ;

L’harmonie est en vous, l’accord triste ou joyeux !
Et qui bien vous écoute,
Distingue avec amour le flot mystérieux
Qui filtre goutte à goutte.

Ce soupir contenu qui s’exhale à regret
N’en est pas moins sublime ;
C’est un monde profond autant qu’il est secret,
Que ce murmure exprime.

Mais pour l’entendre, il faut, vers l’humble voix penché,
Dans un lieu solitaire,
Comme vers le ruisseau sous ces gazons caché,
S’arrêter et se taire.

Or, le sage, écoutant, loin du monde moqueur,
Dieu dans la moindre brise,
Saisit pour son clavier et garde dans son coeur
Tous ces bruits qu’on méprise ;

Car tous, là-haut, soupirs exhalés, sans témoin,
Du brin d’herbe ou du hêtre,
Pour l’éternel concert, avec le même soin,
Sont notés par le Maître!


Victor de Laprade (13 januari 1812 – 13 december 1883)
Standbeeld in Montbrison


De Nederlandse historicus en dichter Jan de Bas werd geboren op 13 januari 1964 in Waddinxveen. Zie ook alle tags voor Jan de Bas op dit blog.


Dat wat leven lijkt

Er gebeurt iets.
Er gebeurt iets altijd.
Een man rent van de bakker naar de slager.
Een vrouw hangt uit het raam.
Ze schreeuwt:
dit is de binnenstad van Pisa.

Geen mens weet precies wat de dingen met elkaar te maken hebben.
Velen denken dat toeval niet bestaat.
Is het God die de vrouw net niet uit het raam laat vallen?
De man bukt.
Hij heeft iets gevonden.
Ik schrijf: zijn leven heeft zin.


Jan de Bas (13 januari 1964)


De Oostenrijkse dichter en schrijver Eduard von Bauernfeld werd geboren op 13 januari 1802 in Wenen. Zie ook alle tags voor Eduard von Bauernfeld op dit blog.



Kannst du das Schönste nicht erringen,
so mag das Gute dir gelingen.
Ist nicht der große Garten dein,
wird doch ein Blümchen für dich sein.

Nach Großem drängt’s dich in die Seele?
Daß sie im Kleinen nur nicht fehle!
Tu heute recht – so ziemt es dir;
der Tag kommt, der dich lohnt dafür!

So geht es Tag für Tag; doch eben
aus Tagen, Freund, besteht das Leben.
Gar viele sind, die das vergessen:
Man muß es nicht nach Jahren messen.


Eduard von Bauernfeld (13 januari 1802 – 9 augustus 1890)


De Duitse dichter en schilder Maler (Friedrich) Müller werd geboren op 13 januari 1749 in Kreuznach. Zie ook alle tags voor Maler Müller op dit blog.


Der Mahler

Er zeichnet richtig mit Fleiß und Müh’,
Er färbet lieblich, klar und rein,
Er pinselt fertig, leicht: doch nie
War er, noch wird er Mahler seyn.
»Ein Räthsel! Ha, wo fehlts denn? Wie?«
Am Einzigen, an Phantasie.


 Amor und Venus

Was schlägst du mich mit diesem Veilchen?
Ach liebe Mutter! ach! halt ein! –
Was gabst du Gleimen deine Pfeilchen?
Du mußt, du mußt bestrafet seyn! –

Ach schone mich! mich armen Jungen!
Er sang auch gar zu schön! – Du Schelm! –
Von Zevs hätt’ er den Bliz ersungen,
Vom Kriegsgott Schwert und Helm! –

Und hätt’ Apoll ihn selbst gelehret!
Schweig, Bube! – Liebes Mütterlein!
Ach! hättest du ihn nur gehöret,
Gewiß wär’ auch dein Gürtel sein!


Maler Müller (13 januari 1749 – 23 april 1825)
Ets van Ludwig E. Grimm, 1816


Zie voor onderstaande schrijver ook mijn blog van 13 januari 2007

De Schotse dichter Mark Alexander Boyd werd geboren op 13 januarri 1562.


Edmund White, Jay McInerney, Daniel Kehlmann, Lorrie Moore, Jurgis Kunčinas, Clark Ashton Smith, Kostís Palamás, Jan de Bas, Karl Bleibtreu, Victor de Laprade, Eduard von Bauernfeld, Maler Müller, Mark Alexander Boyd

De Amerikaanse schrijver en essayist Edmund White werd geboren op 13 januari 1940 in Cincinnati. Zie ook mijn blog van 13 januari 2007 en ook mijn blog van 13 januari 2008.

Uit: Hotel de Dream

Cora never thought for a moment that her young husband could die. Other people—especially that expensive specialist who’d come down for the day from London and stuck his long nose into every corner of Brede Place and ended up charging her fifty pounds!—he’d whispered that Stevie’s lungs were so bad and his body so thin and his fever so persistent that he must be close to the end. But then, contradicting himself, he’d said if another hemorrhage could be held off for three weeks he might improve.

It was true that she had had a shock the other day when she’d bathed Stephen from head to foot and looked at his body standing in the tub like a classroom skeleton. She’d had to hold him up with one hand while she washed him with the other. His skin was stretched taut against the kettledrum of his pelvis.

And hot—he was always hot and dry. He himself said he was “a dry twig on the edge of the bonfire.”

“Get down, Tolstoi, don’t bother him,” Cora shouted at the tatterdemalion mutt. It slipped off its master’s couch and trotted over to her, sporting its feathery tail high like a white standard trooped through the dirty ranks. She unconsciously snuggled her fingers under his silky ears and he blinked at the unexpected pleasure.

The newspapers kept running little items at the bottom of the page headlined, “Stephen Crane, the American Author, Very Ill.” The next day they announced that the American author was improving. She’d been the little bird to drop that particular seed about improvement down their gullets.

Poor Stephen—she looked at his head as he gasped on the pillow. She knew that even in sleep his dream was full of deep, beautiful thoughts and not just book-learning! No, what a profound wisdom of the human heart he’d tapped into. And his thoughts were clothed in such beautiful raiments.“


Edmund White (Cincinnati, 13 januari 1940)


De Amerikaanse schrijver Jay McInerney werd geboren op 13 januari 1955 in Hartford, Connecticut. Zie ook mijn blog van 13 januari 2007 en ook mijn blog van 13 januari 2008.


Uit: Bright Lights, Big City (Vertaald door A. Visser)


Het is zes uur ’s morgens. Weetje waar je bent? Je bent niet het type dat om deze tijd ’s morgens in een tent als deze rondhangt. Maar je bent er, en je kunt niet zeggen dat het terrein totaal onbekend is, hoewel de details een beetje wazig zijn. Je zit in een nachtclub te praten met een meid met een kaal hoofd. De club is óf de Heartbreak óf de Lizard Lounge. Alles zou duidelijk worden als je even het toilet kon binnenglippen en nog een beetje Boliviaans Marspoeder kon innemen. Of misschien ook niet. Een stemmetje in je hoofd blijft volhouden dat t epidemisch gebrek aan helderheid het resultaat van een al te rijkelijk gebruik van neusmiddelen is. De nacht heeft reeds die niet waarneembare wenteling gemaakt waarin twee uur verandert in zes uur ’s morgens. Je weet dat dat moment al voorbij is, maar je hebt geen zin toe te geven dat je over de streep bent gegaan, waarachter alles nodeloze schade is en de verlamming van rafelige zenuweinden. Een tijdje geleden had je het zinkende schip kunnen verlaten, maar in plaats daarvan ben je dat moment gepasseerd op een kometenstaart van wit poeder en probeer je op de flash daarvan door te jagen. Op moment zijn je hersenen een samenstel van brigades Boliviaanse soldaatjes. Ze zijn moe en zitten onder de modder van hun lange nachtelijke mars. Ze hebben gaten in hun laarzen en honger.”



Jay McInerney (Hartford, 13 januari 1955)



De Duitse schrijver Daniel Kehlmann werd op 13 januari 1975 in  München geboren. Zie ook mijn blog van 13 januari 2008.


Uit: Die Vermessung der Welt


Im September 1828 verließ der größte Mathematiker des Landes zum erstenmal seit Jahren seine Heimatstadt, um am Deutschen Naturforscherkongreß in Berlin teilzunehmen. Selbstverständlich wollte er nicht dorthin. Monatelang hatte er sich geweigert, aber Alexander von Humboldt war hartnäckig geblieben, bis er in einem schwachen Moment und in der Hoffnung, der Tag käme nie, zugesagt hatte.
Nun also versteckte sich Professor Gauß im Bett. Als Minna ihn aufforderte aufzustehen, die Kutsche warte und der Weg sei weit, klammerte er sich ans Kissen und versuchte seine Frau zum Verschwinden zu bringen, indem er die Augen schloß. Als er sie wieder öffnete und Minna noch immer da war, nannte er sie lästig, beschränkt und das Unglück seiner spät
en Jahre. Da auch das nicht half, streifte er die Decke ab und setzte die Füße auf den Boden.
Grimmig und notdürftig gewaschen ging er die Treppe hinunter. Im Wohnzimmer wartete sein Sohn Eugen mit gepackter Reisetasche. Als Gauß ihn sah, bekam er einen Wutanfall: Er zerbrach einen auf dem Fensterbrett stehenden Krug, stampfte mit dem Fuß und schlug um sich. Er beruhigte sich nicht einmal, als Eugen von der einen und Minna von der anderen Seite ihre Hände auf seine Schultern legten und beteuerten, man werde gut für ihn sorgen, er werde bald wieder daheim sein, es werde so schnell vorbeigehen wie ein böser Traum. Erst als seine uralte Mutter, aufgestört vom Lärm, aus ihrem Zimmer kam, ihn in die Wange kniff und fragte, wo denn ihr tapferer Junge sei, faßte er sich. Ohne Herzlichkeit verabschiedete er sich von Minna; seiner Tochter und dem jüngsten Sohn strich er geistesabwesend über den Kopf. Dann ließ er sich in die Kutsche helfen.
Die Fahrt war qualvoll. Er nannte Eugen einen Versager, nahm ihm den Knotenstock ab und stieß mit aller Kraft nach seinem Fuß. Eine Weile sah er mit gerunzelten Brauen aus dem Fenster, dann fragte er, wann seine Tochter endlich heiraten werde. Warum wolle die denn keiner, wo sei das Problem?
Eugen strich sich die langen Haare zurück, knetete mit beiden Händen seine rote Mütze und wollte nicht antworten.”



Daniel Kehlmann (München, 13 januari 1975)


De Amerikaanse schrijfster Lorrie Moore werd geboren op 13 januari 1957 in Glens Falls, New York Lorrie Moore schrijft regelmatig voor The New Yorker. Ze heeft vier verhalenbundels op haar naam staan: ‘Self help’ (1985)  ‘Like life ‘(1990), Birds of America (1998) en The Collected Stories (2008). Daarnaast schreef ze romans, waaronder ‘Anagrams’(1986) en ‘Who will run the frog hospital?‘(1994)


Uit: Who Will Run the Frog Hospital


IN PARIS we eat brains every night. My husband likes the vaporous, fishy mousse of them. They are a kind of seafood, he thinks, locked tightly in the skull, like shelled creatures in the dark caves of the ocean, sprung suddenly free and killed by light; they’ve grown clammy with shelter, fortressed vulnerability, dreamy nights. Me, I’m eating for a flashback.

“The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence,” says Daniel, my husband, finger raised, as if the thought has just come to him via the cervelles. “Remember the beast you eat. And it will remember you.”

I’m hoping for something Proustian, all that forgotten childhood. I mash them against the roof of my mouth, melt them, waiting for something to be triggered in my head, in empathy or chemistry or some other rush of protein. The tempest in the teacup, the typhoon in the trout; there is wine, and we drink lots of it.”



Lorrie Moore (Glens Falls,13 januari 1957)


De Litouwse schrijver en vertaler Jurgis Kunčinas werd geboren op 13 januari 1947 in Alytus. Hij studeerde germanistiek aan de universiteit van Vilnius, maar werd in 1968 uitgeschreven toen hij weigerde de verplichte militaire cursus te volgen. Zijn dienstplicht moest hij vervolgens bij de luchtmacht vervullen. Daarna had hij allerlei baantjes. Van vertaler bij kranten tot verpleger, transportarbeider tot reisleider. Vanaf 1977 publiceerde hij zes dichtbundels, zeven bundels met essays en proza en zes romans.  Sinds de jaren tachtig werkte hij als zelfstandig schrijver. Zijn roman Tūla werd in 1993 door de Litouwse schrijversbond uitgeroepen tot het beste boek van het jaar.


Uit: Was wir in den Taschen eines Toten fanden (Vertaald door Cornelius Hell)


“Schon den dritten Tag glitten wir auf Schiern die Flüsse entlang: Der schmelzende Schnee erstarrte nachts wieder zu einer Eiskruste, und die quellenreichen Uferhänge froren zu. Der Fluss stieg bis zu den Ufern an. Die Wege der Fischer waren überschwemmt, es war schwer durchzukommen. Dafür hielt uns niemand auf, man musste weder eine Berechtigungskarte noch den Pass noch die Geschlechtsorgane herzeigen. Sonst war es die reinste Mühe und eine ständige Spannung.

Schwer entfachte ich ein Lagerfeuer, und als ich es entfacht hatte, war ich trotzdem noch immer unruhig – es hatte sich das ernstzunehmende Gerücht verbreitet, dass in der Umgebung aus Weißrussland kommende Kurdenbanden wüteten: Sie würden Menschen ausrauben, Tiere abstechen, Frauen, Männer und sogar Kinder vergewaltigen. Andere sprachen, dass das, hörst du, eine von irgendwo aus dem Ural kommende Gruppe bis zu den Zähnen bewaffneter Verbrecher sei – die pfiffen auf jedes Recht und Gesetz. Trotzdem vermieden wir beide offizielle Posten, Siedlungen, öffentliche Wege und Kreuzungen.

Wir gingen zu zweit: Doloresa Lust und ich. Ich war blöd, dass ich einwilligte, sie aus der Stadt hinaus zu bringen. Denn auch dort nährte man sich von Gerüchten. Es verbreitete sich das folgende: Alle, die irgendwann in einem Irrenhaus gastiert oder die in längst vergangenen Zeiten auf der Liste der Vorgemerkten gestanden hatten, beabsichtige die neue Regierung, wieder hinter einen Zaun zu sperren, streng zu kontrollieren und wiederum mit irgendwelchen neuen Medikamenten zu behandeln. Offiziell hieß die Aktion: Schützen wir die Gesellschaft vor psychisch kranken Personen! “



Jurgis Kunčinas (13 januari 1947 – 13 december 2002)


De Amerikaanse dichter, schrijver en beeldhouwer Clark Ashton Smith werd geboren in Long Valley (Californië) op 13 januari 1893. Smith woonde lange tijd bij zijn ouders en volgde alleen de basisschool-onderwijs. Hij leerde zichzelf de Franse en Spaanse taal. Zijn fotografisch geheugen stelde hem in staat veel informatie uit woordenboeken en encyclopedieën te onthouden. Vanaf zijn elfde jaar begon hij sprookjesachtige verhalen te schrijven. Later schreef hij ook gedichten, waardoor hij de aandacht trok van schrijver H.P. Lovecraft, waarmee een vele jaren durende vriendschap en correspondentie begon. Hij verdiende weinig met zijn schrijven en was vaak genoodzaakt bijbaantjes te nemen om zichzelf en zijn ouders te onderhouden. Na de dood van zijn ouders trouwde hij in 1954 met Carol Jones Dorman. Tot 1925 maakte hij vooral gedichten. De volgende tien jaar schreef hij diverse fantasy verhalen, die zich afspeelden in Atlantis, op Mars, in Hyperborië en zijn bekendste werk: de Zothique verhalen. Na 1935 verflauwde zijn belangstelling voor het schrijven en begon hij met beeldhouwen.


After Armageddon


God walks lightly in the gardens of a cold, dark star,
Knowing not the dust that gathers in His garments’ fold;
God signs Him with the clay, marks Him with the mould,
Walking in the fields unsunned of a sad, lost war,
In a star long cold.


God treads brightly where the bones of unknown things lie,
Pale with His splendor as the frost in a moon-bleached place;
God sees the tombs by the light of His face,
He shudders at the runes writ thereon, and His shadow on the sky
Shudders hugely in space.


God talks briefly with His armies of the tomb-born worm,
God holds parley with the grey worm and pale, avid moth:
Their mouths have eaten all, but the worm is wroth
With a dark hunger still, and he murmurs harm
With the murmuring moth.


God turns Him heavenward in haste from a death-dark star,
But His robes are assoilèd by the dust of unknown things dead;
The grey worm follows creeping, and the pale moth has fed
Couched in a secret golden fold of His broad-trained cimar
Like a doom unsaid.



Clark Ashton Smith (13 januari 1893 – 14 augustus 1961)


De Nieuwgrieks dichter Kostís Palamás werd geboren op 13 januari 1859 in Patra in een familie van intellectuelen uit Mesolongi, de stad waar hij ook zijn jeugd heeft doorgebracht. Mesolongi heeft ook zijn gedachtegoed vervuld met herinneringen aan de onafhankelijkheidsoorlog. Hij studeerde rechten in Athene, maar nam nooit deel aan de eindexamens. Hij werd journalist en kreeg een secretariaatsjob aan de Atheense Universiteit. Hij begon zijn literaire loopbaan met satische verzen tegen de toestanden in Griekenland. Hij bestudeerde de principes van de Franse poëtische scholen, o.a. de Parnassiens en de Symbolisten. In 1886 gaf hij een bundel De Gedichten van mijn Vaderland uit, die het begin was van de School van Athene. Palamás zocht zijn inspiratie niet alleen in de volkspoëzie, hij hield zich ook bezig met algemene problemen, zowel in Griekenland als in de rest van de wereld. Palamás schreef ook de tekst voor de Olympische Hymne, gecomponeerd door Spyridon Samaras, en voor het eerst ten gehore gebracht tijdens de zomerspelen van 1896.


On the trip you are taken

On the trip you are taken
By the horseman of the night
Anhything he offers you
You must refuse outright

And if you thirst don’t drink
From the world below
The forgetfulness cursed drink
Poor uprooted mistletoe!

Do not drink totally and forget us
Leave behind your marks
To find the way to get t’us

And as small as you still are
And as a swallow light
And hero’s noisy arms
Don’t hang on your side

Do your best to fool
The sultan of the night
Slide quietly, in stealth
And fly to the upper light,

And in our broken home,
Return, oh darling mine,
And become a gentle wind
Sweetkissing us one more time.



Here heaven everywhere, sun shining from all sides,
Completely surrounded by something like the honey of Hymettus,
Everlasting lilies grow from the marble,
The bright marble of Pentelicon they made gods from.

The pickaxe, swung, stumbles upon Beauty,
Those are gods, not mortals, in the belly of the Great Mother,
The blood of Athens spills, a violet flood,
When she’s struck by the arrows of the twilight.

Here are the temples and the groves of sacred olive,
Here among the crowd, the crowd that stirs itself
Slowly as a caterpillar on a whiteflower.

A host of relics lives and rules, thousand-souled,
Life-breath bright in the very ground,
I feel it – it wrestles the darkness within me.


Kostís Palamás (13 januari 1859 – 27 februari 1943)


 De Nederlandse historicus en dichter Jan de Bas werd geboren op 13 januari 1964. Zie ook mijn blog van 13 januari 2008.




In de tuin zit
een merel op
een tak en hij
kijkt om zich heen


en hij ziet wat
hij denkt en hij
denkt wat hij ziet.
En de merel


gaat verzitten
en hij denkt wat
hij ziet en hij
ziet wat hij denkt.



Jan de Bas (13 januari 1964)


De Duitse schrijver Karl August Bleibtreu werd geboren op 13 januari 1859 in Berlijn als zoon van de bekende schilder Georg Bleibtreu. Zijn studie filosofie brak hij af om door Europa te gaan reizen. In 1886 verscheen zijn brochure Revolution der Literatur. Het was een program voor het naturalisme en hij werd er beroemd mee. Zelf beschouwde hij zich als opvoerder, leider en zelfs verlosser van de literatuur, maar met zijn geldingsdrang en intolerantie maakte hij ook veel vijanden.


Uit: Größenwahn


»Ja, heut ist in Calais Probeschießen mit den neuen Sprenggeschossen und dem neuen Gewehr!« erläuterte der würdige Hafenoffizial, und indem er ein prüfendes Auge auf Graf Xaver warf, der seinem Gepäckträger soeben ein überflüssig hohes Trinkgeld reichte, fügte er dienstbeflissen hinzu: »Die englischen Herren Offiziere brauchen sich blos beim Herrn Colonel zu melden, dann können sie die Revue in der Nähe besehn.«»So?« brummte Krastinik, während sein gleichgültiger Blick über das vorbeidefilierende reitende Artillerieregiment hinglitt. »Ich bin aber keiner.« Sein zweifelhaftes Englisch bürgte auch dafür. Der Beamte verbeugte sich. Sein Irrthum mochte für die oberflächliche Beobachtung eines Franzosen verzeihlich sein. Denn Graf Xaver Krastinik schien mit peinlicher Sorgfalt möglichst englisch gekleidet, von dem glänzenden breitkrämpigen Cylinder bis zu den hackenlosen knappanschließenden Schnürenschuhen. Aber die untersetzte breitschulterige Gestalt von kaum Mittelgröße, die sonnenverbrannte Hautfarbe, die tiefliegenden scharfen Augen unter hervorstehendem Knochenbau der Stirn, der röthliche Vollbart und das braunrote kurzgeschorene Haar, endlich die markirten Züge verriethen einen sarmatischen Typus. Auch soldatische Haltung konnte man unmöglich verkennen.Die Sonne blinzelte grell auf die Bohlen der Holzbrücke, welche zur Landungsstelle, wo der Dampfer via Calais-Dover seine Opfer erwartet, hinlief. Ohnehin verdrießlich, fühlte sich der Graf peinlich berührt, als ihm der dort lauernde Beamte, ein stämmiger Kerl mit riesigem Knebelbart, die gewöhnliche Frage zuschnarrte: »Êtes vous Français?« Da der Ueberraschte nicht sogleich antwortete, fuhr der Inquisitor eindringlich in einem Athem fort: »Are you English? Votre nom, monsieur? Your name, sir?«



Karl Bleibtreu (13 januari 1859 – 30 januari 1928)


De Franse dichter en criticus Victor Richard de Laprade werd geboren op 13 januari 1812 in Montbrison. Hij studeerde in Lyon. Bekend werd hij met de bundel Les Parfums de Madeleine uit 1839, een verzameling religieuze gedichten. In 1840 volgde La colère de Jesus, in 1844 Odes et poèmes.In 1847 werd hij benoemd tot hoogleraar Franse literratuur in Lyon.


Les Parfums De Madeleine (fragment)


En ce temps-là, ce fut une joie infinie

Chez tous les habitants du bourg de Béthanie:

Un pasteur avait vu, loin des chemins foulés,

Des voyageurs pensifs venir le long des blés,

Et, courant le premier, à la foule jalouse

Il avait annoncé le Seigneur et les Douze.

Or, comme aux jours anciens, par les vieillards rangé,

Le peuple s’assemblait près d’un puits ombragé;

Et marchant vers Jésus, les enfants et les femmes,

Dont sa voix caressait si doucement les âmes,

Répandaient à ses pieds les palmes d’Amana,

Se pressaient pour l’entendre et criaient: Hosanna!

Et la joie éclatait, plus féconde et plus vive,

Sous le toit où devait s’asseoir un tel convive.

Chez Simon qu’il aimait et qu’il avait guéri,

Les élus attendaient l’hôte illustre et chéri;

Et, mêlant de doux soins au chant des saints cantiques,

Des vases solennels puisaient les vins antiques.



Victor de Laprade (13 januari 1812 – 13 december 1883)


De Oostenrijkse dichter en schrijver Eduard von Bauernfeld werd geboren op 13 januari 1802 in Wenen. Tot 1848 werkte hij als ambtenaar in staatsdient, daarna als zelfstandig schrijver. Hij werd een van de succesvolste blijspeldichters van Oostenrijk en werd de huisdichter van het Burgtheater, waar zijn stukken toto 1902 zo’n 1100 opvoeringen beleefden. Enkele van zijn gedichten werden door Schubert op muziek gezet.


Der Vater mit dem Kind

Dem Vater liegt das Kind im Arm,
Es ruht so wohl, es ruht so warm,
Es lächelt süß; lieb’ Vater mein!
Und mit dem Lächeln schläft es ein.

Der Vater beugt sich, atmet kaum,
Und lauscht auf seines Kindes Traum;
Er denkt an die entschwund’ne Zeit
Mit wehmutsvoller Seligkeit.

Und eine Trän’ aus Herzensgrund
Fällt ihm auf seines Kindes Mund;
Schnell küßt er ihm die Träne ab,
Und wiegt es leise auf und ab.

Um einer ganzen Welt Gewinn
Gäb’ er das Herzenskind nicht hin.
Du Seliger schon in der Welt,
Der so sein Glück in Armen hält!


Eduard von Bauernfeld (13 januari 1802 – 9 augustus 1890)



De Duitse dichter en schilder Maler (Friedrich) Müller werd geboren op 13 januari 1749 in Kreuznach. Hij werd opgeleid tot schilder in Zweibrücken en werd in 1777 benoemd tot hofschilder in Mannheim. In 1778 trok hij naar Italië waar hij bleef wonen. In 1778 werd hij katholiek. Voordat hij Duitsland verliet had hij ook al geschreven, o.a. het fragment „Fausts Leben dramatisirt“. Müller stond in contact met de groten uit zijn tijd als zu Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Christoph Martin Wieland und Friedrich Schiller, en Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.



Trinklied deutscher Künstler in Rom


Laßt in Rom beim Saft der Reben,

Brüder, fröhlich heut’ uns sein,

Da die Parzen noch das Leben

Zugemessen uns verleihn.

Morgen kann das Grab uns decken

Oder doch das Scheiden schrecken:

Drum soll heute frisch und rein,

Zum Gesang die Lust uns wecken!


Recht so, Brüder, ohne Säumen

Reiche jeder her die Hand.

Fröhlich laßt den Becher schäumen,

Angefüllet bis zum Rand.

Deutschland hoch! Hoch deutsche Treue!

Reicht die Händ’ euch, schwört aufs neue,

Treu zu sein dem Vaterland!

Deutsche Kunst geb’ uns die Weihe!



Maler Müller (13 januari 1749 – 23 april 1825)


Zie voor onderstaande schrijver ook mijn blog van 13 januari 2007.

De Schotse dichter Mark Alexander Boyd werd geboren op 13 januarri 1562.