De Chileense schrijfster Isabel Allende werd geboren in Lima op 2 augustus 1942. Zie ook mijn blog van 2 augustus 2007 en ook mijn blog van 2 augustus 2008.
Uit: Daughter of Fortune (Vertaald door Margaret Savers Peden)
“Everyone is born with some special talent, and Eliza Sommers discovered early on that she had two: a good sense of smell and a good memory. She used the first to earn a living and the second to recall her life-if not in precise detail, at least with an astrologer’s poetic vagueness. The things we forget may as well never have happened, but she had many memories, both real and illusory, and that was like living twice. She used to tell her faithful friend, the sage Tao Chi’en, that her memory was like the hold of the ship where they had come to know one another: vast and somber, bursting with boxes, barrels, and sacks in which all the events of her life were jammed. Awake it was difficult to find anything in that chaotic clutter, but asleep she could, just as Mama Fresia had taught her in the gentle nights of her childhood, when the contours of reality were as faint as a tracery of pale ink. She entered the place of her dreams along a much traveled path and returned treading very carefully in order not to shatter the tenuous visions against the harsh light of consciousness. She put as much store in that process as others put in numbers, and she so refined the art of remembering that she could see Miss Rose bent over the crate of Marseilles soap that was her first cradle.
“You cannot possibly remember that, Eliza. Newborns are like cats, they have no emotions and no memory,” Miss Rose insisted the few times the subject arose.
Possible or not, that woman peering down at her, her topaz-colored dress, the loose strands from her bun stirring in the breeze were engraved in Eliza’s mind, and she could never accept the other explanation of her origins.
“You have English blood, like us,” Miss Rose assured Eliza when she was old enough to understand. “Only someone from the British colony would have thought to leave you in a basket on the doorstep of the British Import and Export Company, Limited. I am sure they knew how good-hearted my brother Jeremy is, and felt sure he would take you in. In those days I was longing to have a child, and you fell into my arms, sent by God to be brought up in the solid principles of the Protestant faith and the English language.”

Isabel Allende (Lima, 2 augustus 1942)
De Amerikaanse schrijver James Baldwin werd op 2 augustus 1924 in Harlem, New York, geboren. Zie ook mijn blog van 2 augustus 2006 en ook mijn blog van 2 augustus 2007 en ook mijn blog van 2 augustus 2008.
Uit: Another Country
“HE WAS FACING Seventh Avenue, at Times Square. It was past midnight and he had been sitting in the movies, in the top row of the balcony, since two o’clock in the afternoon. Twice he had been awakened by the violent accents of the Italian film, once the usher had awakened him, and twice he had been awakened by caterpillar fingers between his thighs. He was so tired, he had fallen so low, that he scarcely had the energy to be angry; nothing of his belonged to him anymore—you took the best, so why not take the rest?—but he had growled in his sleep and bared the white teeth in his dark face and crossed his legs. Then the balcony was nearly empty, the Italian film was approaching a climax; he stumbled down the endless stairs into the street. He was hungry, his mouth felt filthy. He realized too late, as he passed through the doors, that he wanted to urinate. And he was broke. And he had nowhere to go.
The policeman passed him, giving him a look. Rufus turned, pulling up the collar of his leather jacket while the wind nibbled delightedly at him through his summer slacks, and started north on Seventh Avenue. He had been thinking of going downtown and waking up Vivaldo—the only friend he had left in the city, or maybe in the world—but now he decided to walk up as far as a certain jazz bar and night club and look in. Maybe somebody would see him and recognize him, maybe one of the guys would lay enough bread on him for a meal or at least subway fare. At the same time, he hoped that he would not be recognized.
The Avenue was quiet, too, most of its bright lights out. Here and there a woman passed, here and there a man; rarely, a couple. At corners, under the lights, near drugstores, small knots of white, bright, chattering people showed teeth to each other, pawed each other, whistled for taxis, were whirled away in them, vanished through the doors of drugstores or into the blackness of side streets. Newsstands, like small black blocks on a board, held down corners of the pavements and policemen and taxi drivers and others, harder to place, stomped their feet before them and exchanged such words as they both knew with the muffled vendor within.”

James Baldwin (2 augustus 1924 – 1 december 1987)
De Hongaarse dichter en schrijver Zoltán Egressy wird geboren in Boedapest op 2 augustus 1967. Zie ook mijn blog van 2 augustus 2008.
Uit: DREI SÄRGE (Vertaald door Wilhelm Droste)
“(Im Zimmer sieht man außer dem Bett – mit Emmi und Viktor – noch einen großen Tisch und zwei Stühle. Ein dritter Stuhl ist eng unter den Tisch geschoben. An der Wand hängen drei Bilder, auf dem einen ist ein betagter Mann, das andere zeigt ein Ehepaar mittleren Alters. Auf dem dritten ist Emmi als Kind mit ihrem Vater, dem männlichen Part des Ehepaares in mittleren Jahren. In der Ecke steht ein Klavier. Auf dem Tisch ist eine Tischdecke, darauf zwei Teller und zwei Gläser. Das Essen ist offensichtlich beendet. In der Mitte des Tisches steht eine Vase, darin vertrocknete Feldblumen. Emmi und Viktor nach dem Liebesakt. Sie liegen auf dem Rücken. Emmi ist schlecht gelaunt.)
VIKTOR: Das war gut.
EMMI: Dann ist ja gut.
VIKTOR: Du bist geschickt. Es war gut.
EMMI: Dann ist ja gut.
VIKTOR: Für dich?
EMMI: Das ist das wichtigste.
(Sie zieht sich einen Bademantel an, steht auf, nimmt den trockenen Strauß aus der Vase.)
VIKTOR: Auch das Essen war gut.
EMMI: Das freut mich.
(Sie steht da mit den vertrockneten Blumen, dann geht sie hinaus. Viktor liegt befriedigt da.. Emmi kommt zurück.)
VIKTOR: So ist es doch besser. Wenn deine Mama da ist und die Veronka, dann achte ich immer darauf, ob sie vielleicht reinkommen.
EMMI: Die kommen nicht rein.
EMMI: Wenn sie wüßten…
VIKTOR: Würden sie dann reinkommen.
EMMI: So ist es besser.
VIKTOR: Besser. Wie lange noch?
EMMI: Drei Wochen.
VIKTOR: Gib mir noch was von dem Pflaumenschnaps.
EMMI: Bis wann kannst du bleiben?
VIKTOR: Ich mach mich auf, gib mir nur noch ein bißchen Schnaps.
EMMI: Früher bist du länger geblieben.
VIKTOR: In den nächsten Tagen kommt eine Division. Man sagt, in der Stadt würden dann Offiziere stationiert. Sie werden hier in die Häuser einziehen.”

Zoltán Egressy (Boedapest, 2 augustus 1967)
De Amerikaanse schrijver en historicus Caleb Carr werd geboren op 2 augustus 1955 in New York. Zie ook mijn blog van 2 augustus 2008.
Uit: Killing Time
“Somewhere in the Mitumba Mountain Range of Central Africa, September 2024
We leave at daylight, so I must write quickly. All reports indicate that my pursuers are now very close: the same scouts who for the last two days have reported seeing a phantom airship moving steadily down from the northeast, setting fire to the earth as it goes, now say that they have spotted the vessel near Lake Albert. My host, Chief Dugumbe, has at last given up his insistence that I allow his warriors to help me stand and fight, and instead offers an escort of fifty men to cover my escape. Although I’m grateful, I’ve told him that so large a group would be too conspicuous. I’ll take only my good friend Mutesa, the man who first dragged my exhausted body out of this high jungle, along with two or three others armed with some of the better French and American automatic weapons. We’ll make straight for the coast, where I hope to find passage to a place even more remote than these mountains.
It seems years since fate cast me among Dugumbe’s tribe, though in reality it’s been only nine months; but then reality has ceased to have much meaning for me. It was a desire to get that meaning back that originally made me choose this place to hide, this remote, beautiful corner of Africa that has been forever plagued by tribal wars. At the time the brutality of such conflicts seemed to me secondary to the fact that the ancient grievances fueling them had been handed down from generation to generation by word of mouth alone; I thought this a place where I might be at least marginally sure that the human behavior around me was not being manipulated by the unseen hands of those who, through mastery of the wondrous yet sinister technologies of our “information age,” have
obliterated the line between truth and fiction, between reality and a terrifying world in which one’s eyes, ears, and heart can no longer be trusted.”

Caleb Carr (New York, 2 augustus 1955)
De Franse dichter en schrijver Philippe Soupault werd geboren op 2 augustus 1897 in Chaville bij Parijs. Zie ook mijn blog van 2 augustus 2007 en ook mijn blog van 2 augustus 2008.
C’est demain dimanche
Il faut apprendre à sourire
même quand le temps est gris
Pourquoi pleurer aujourd’hui
Quand le soleil brille
C’est demain la fête des amis
Des grenouilles et des oiseaux
des champignons des escargots
n’oublions pas les insectes
Les mouches et les coccinelles
Et surtout à l’heure à midi
j’attendrai l’arc-en-ciel
violet indigo bleu vert
jaune orange et rouge
et nous jouerons à la marelle
Le pirate
Et lui dort-il sous les voiles
il écoute le vent son complice
il regarde la terre ferme son ennemie sans envie
et la boussole est près de son cœur immobile
Il court sur les mers
à la recherche de l’axe invisible du monde
Il n’y a pas de cris
pas de bruit
des chiffres s’envolent
et la nuit les efface
Ce sont les étoiles sur l’ardoise du ciel
Elles surveillent les rivières qui coulent dans l’ombre
et les amis du silence les poissons
mais ses yeux fixent une autre étoile
perdue dans la foule
tandis que les nuages passent
doucement plus fort que lui

Philippe Soupault (2 augustus 1897 – 12 maart 1990)
Zie voor onderstaande schrijvers ook mijn blog van 2 augustus 2007.
De Frans-Canadese dichter, schrijver, acteur, zanger en politiek activist Félix Leclerc werd geboren op 2 augustus 1914 in La Tuque, Quebec, Canada.
De Zwitserse schrijver Arnold Kübler werd geboren op 2 augustus 1890 in Wiesendrangen.
De Duitse dichter, schrijver, kunst- en literatuurcriticus Adolf Friedrich von Schack werd geboren op 2 augustus 1815 in Brüsewitz bij Schwerin. Zie ook mijn blog van 2 augustus 2008.