Jean-Philippe Toussaint, Mario Petrucci, Carlo Levi, Silvio Rodríguez, C.S. Lewis, Louisa May Alcott

De Belgische schrijver Jean-Philippe Toussaint werd op 29 november 1957 geboren in Brussel. Zie ook mijn blog van 29 november 2006 en ook mijn blog van 29 november 2007 en ook mijn blog van 29 november 2008.


Uit: The Bathroom (Vertaald door Nancy Amphoux en Paul De Angelis)


„1. When I began to spend my afternoons in the bathroom I had no intention of moving into it; no, I would pass some pleasant hours there, meditating in the bathtub, sometimes dressed, other times naked. Edmondsson, who liked to be there with me, said it made me calmer: occasionally I would even say something funny, we would laugh. I would wave my arms as I spoke, explaining that the most practical bathtubs were those with parallel sides, a sloping back, and a straight front, which relieves the user of the need for a footrest.


2. Edmondsson thought there was something desiccating in my refusal to leave the bathroom, but this didn’t stop her from making life easier for me, providing for the needs of the household by working part-time in an art gallery.


3. Around me were cupboards, towel racks, a bidet. The washbasin was white; a narrow shelf projected above it, and on the shelf lay toothbrushes and razors. The wall facing me, studded with lumps, showed cracks, and in places cavities pitted the lifeless paint. One crack seemed to be gaining ground. I spent hours staring at its extremities, vainly trying to surprise it in action. Sometimes I made other experiments. I would scrutinize the surface of my face in a pocket mirror and, at the same time, the movements of the hands on my watch. But my face let nothing show. Ever.


4. One morning I tore down the clothesline. I emptied all the cupboards and took everything off the shelves. After piling all the toilet articles into one large refuse bag, I began moving part of my library. When Edmondsson came home I greeted her book in hand, lying with my feet crossed up on the faucet.“



Jean-Philippe Toussaint (Brussel, 29 november 1957)


De Engelse dichter en schrijver Mario Petrucci werd geboren op 29 november 1958 in Londen. Zie ook mijn blog van 29 november 2008.



(after Bertolt Brecht, ‘Spring 1938’)

There’d been dew. Maybe light rain.
And a blot drew my eye to that plot of light
through my kitchen window. Closer. I saw

pincer legs measure out each wire. That
pause of the abdomen before it dipped
to spot-weld each link. I took a chair outside

to stand on. Craned. I wanted to live.
It let me brush a fingertip across the velvet
brown of its back, against the nap, and again

till it froze mid-air, eight legs outstretched,
still as a child roused from a trance of play.
There – the same creature I’d raise my slipper to,

hunt across carpet to end in a smudge.
I wouldn’t have it in my hand. In my hair.
Yet it – she – went to all that length to snare

mosquito and bluebottle, those who’d ruin
a soup, or blood. Hours. For once I took
the time. Saw the target complete, her radii

strung high between window and washing line.
I thought of the twist of cells that can work
such wonder. I thought of poets whose words

don’t reach. Spider just does. Reads angles –
but not this freak thunder, its blown-up tongues
of birds. Everywhere. Birds swooping for spiders.

I feared something might skim, unknowing,
through that hard-earned web. A swift perhaps,
impossibly late. I saw spider prey. Hung there

in her patch of unsafe sky.


Mario Petrucci (Londen, 29 november 1958)


De Italiaanse schrijver, schilder, arts en politicus Carlo Levi werd geboren op 29 november 1902 in Turijn. Zie ook mijn blog van 29 november 2008.


Uit: Fear of Freedom (Vertaald door Adolphe Gourevitch)


Ab Jove principium —everything begins with Jupiter. And we too must begin there, at this non-existent point from which all things are born
. Our Jupiter, however, we need not seek in the skies, but where he is wont to stay, in places most dark and earthly, in the maternal dampness of the deep. He is more akin to the worm than to the eagle; but soon enough, he will find his own heraldic eagles, and extol them above every badge or emblem, for only thus will he avoid being devoured, once and for all, by the true eagles of the heavens.
Beyond metaphors, we cannot grasp anything human, unless we start from the feel of the sacred: the most ambiguous, deep-seated, double-edged of all feelings and senses, worm and eagle alike; a continuous dark denial of freedom and art, and—conversely—a continuous creation of art and freedom. And again, we cannot understand anything social, unless we start from the meanings of religion, this disrespectful heir of things sacred.
What is the process of every religion? To change the sacred into the sacrificial: to deprive it of its main feature—inexpressibility—by transforming it into deeds and words; to create the ritual out of the mythical; to substitute a sacramental bird for a shapeless turgidity, and marriage for desire; to turn sacred suicide into consecrated slaughter. Religion is relation and relegation. Relegation of a god into a web of formulas, conjurations, invocations, prayers, so that he may not, as is his way, elude us. Sacredness, the very appearance of terror, shapes itself into law, in order to escape its own self. Pure anarchy becomes pure tyranny. Man, as a free being, is thus bound by the selfsame bonds of the sacred, and relegated into a common reciprocal nexus before the deity. There is no rabble without a king, there are no masses without God. It may be false to claim that every society grows out of a religious tie; but it is certainly true that every monarchy is religious.”



Carlo Levi (29 november 1902 – 4 januari 1975)



De Cubaanse dichter en singer-songwriter Silvio Rodríguez Domínguez werd geboren in San Antonio de Los Baños op 29 november 1946. Zie ook mijn blog van 29 november 2008.


La Maza




Time, see what’s become of me

While I looked around for my possibilities.


I was so hard to please.

Look around,

Leaves are brown,

And the sky is a hazy shade of winter.


Hear the Salvation Army band.

Down by the riverside’s

Bound to be a better ride

Than what you’ve got planned.


Carry your cup in your hand.

And look around.

Leaves are brown.

And the sky is a hazy shade of winter.


Hang on to your hopes, my friend.

That’s an easy thing to say,

But if your hopes should pass away

Simply pretend that you can build them again.

Look around,

The grass is high,

The fields are ripe,

It’s the springtime of my life.


Seasons change with the scenery;

Weaving time in a tapestry.

Won’t you stop and remember me

At any convenient time?

Funny how my memory skips

Looking over manuscripts

Of unpublished rhyme.


Drinking my vodka and lime,

I look around,

Leaves are brown,

And the sky is a hazy shade of winter.



Silvio Rodríguez (San Antonio de Los Baños, 29 november 1946)


De Ierse schrijver C.S. Lewis werd geboren op 29 november 1898 in Belfast. Zie ook mijn blog van 29 november 2006 en ook mijn blog van 29 november 2008.


Uit: The Screwtape Letters



      I note with grave displeasure that your patient has become a Christian. Do not indulge the hope that you will escape the usual penalties; indeed, in your better moments, I trust you would hardly even wish to do so. In the meantime we must make the best of the situation. There is no need to despair; hundreds of these adult converts have been reclaimed after a I brief sojourn in the Enemy’s camp and are now with us. All the habits of the patient, both mental and bodily, are still in our favour.

      One of our great allies at present is the Church itself. Do not misunderstand me. I do riot mean the Church as we see her spread but through all time and space and rooted in eternity, terrible as an army with banners. That, I confess, is a spectacle which makes I our boldest tempters uneasy. But fortunately it is quite invisible to these humans. All your patient sees is the half-finished, sham Gothic erection on the new building estate. When he goes inside, he sees the local grocer with rather in oily expression on his face bustling up to offer him one shiny little book containing a liturgy which neither of them understands, and one shabby little book containing corrupt texts of a number of religious lyrics, mostly bad, and in very small print. When he gets to his pew and looks round him he sees just that selection of his neighbours whom he has hitherto avoided. You want to
lean pretty heavily on those neighbours. Make his mind flit to and fro between an expression like “the body of Christ” and the actual faces in the next pew. It matters very little, of course, what kind of people that next pew really contains. You may know one of them to be a great warrior on the Enemy’s side. No matter. Your patient, thanks to Our Father below, is a fool. Provided that any of those neighbours sing out of tune, or have boots that squeak, or double chins, or odd clothes, the patient will quite easily believe that their religion must therefore be somehow ridiculous. At his present stage, you see, he has an idea of “Christians” in his mind which he supposes to be spiritual but which, in fact, is largely pictorial. His mind is full of togas and sandals and armour and bare legs and the mere fact that the other people in church wear modern clothes is a real—though of course an unconscious—difficulty to him. Never let it come to the surface; never let him ask what he expected them to look like.
Keep everything hazy in his mind now, and you will have all eternity wherein to amuse yourself by producing in him the peculiar kind of clarity which Hell affords.“ 



C.S. Lewis (29 november 1898 – 22 november 1963)


De Amerikaanse schrijfster Louisa May Alcott werd geboren op 29 november 1832 in Germantown, Pennylvania. Zie ook mijn blog van 29 november 2006  en ook mijn blog van 29 november 2008.


Uit: Little women (Onder moedervleugels, vertaling door Almine, Amsterdam 1876)


“Ik geloof niet, dat het beetje, dat wij te besteden hebben, veel zou kunnen uitrichten. We hebben elk een rijksdaalder, en het leger zou er niet veel bij winnen, of wij dien nu al gaven. Ik geef toe, dat ik niets van Moeder of van jou moet verwachten, maar ik zou zoo dol graag “Udine en Sintram” voor mezelf willen koopen, ik heb er al zoo lang naar verlangd,” zei Jo, die een boekworm was.

“Ik was van plan mijn geld te besteden aan nieuwe muziek,” zei Bets met een zuchtje, dat echter door niemand gehoord werd.

“Ik zal een mooi doosje met Faber’s teekenpotlood koopen; die heb ik bepaald noodig,” zei Amy vast besloten.

“Moeder heeft niets gezegd van ons eigen geld, en ze zal toch niet verlangen, dat we alles opgeven. Laten we ieder iets koopen wat we graag willen hebben en wat pret maken; we zwegen heusch hard genoeg om het te verdienen,” riep Jo, terwijl ze de hakken van haar laarzen op jongensmanier bekeek.

“Ik tenminste wel,–die elken dag die gruwelijke kinderen moet leeren, terwijl ik er naar snak prettig thuis te zijn,” begon Meta op klagenden toon.

“Jij hebt het niet half zoo hard als ik,” vond Jo. “Hoe zou jij het vinden, uren lang opgesloten te zijn met een zenuwachtige, zeurige, oude dame, die je al maar heen en weer laat loopen, nooit tevreden

is, en je plaagt, tot je in staat zou zijn het raam uit te springen, of haar een oorveeg te geven?”

“Het is slecht om ontevreden te zijn,–maar ik geloof, dat borden wasschen en alles netjes houden het naarste werk van de wereld is. Het bederft mijn humeur, en mijn handen worden zoo stijf; ik kan haast

niet studeeren.” En Bets keek naar haar ruwe handen met een zucht, die ditmaal heel goed te hooren was.

“En ik geloof niet, dat een van allen het zoo erg heeft als ik,” riep Amy, “want jullie hoeven niet naar school te gaan met nuffen, die iemand plagen, als hij zijn lessen niet kent, of uitlachen om zijn kleeren, en met “étain” op iemands vader neerzien, als hij niet rijk is, en iemand beleedigen, als hij geen mooien neus heeft.”



Louisa May Alcott (29 november 1832 – 6 maart 1888)


Zie voor nog meer schrijvers van de 29e november ook mijn vorige blog van vandaag.


Wilhelm Hauff, Ludwig Anzengruber, Madeleine L’Engle, Franz Stelzhamer, Antanas Škėma, Andrés Bello, Maurice Genevoix

De Duitse dichter en schrijver Wilhelm Hauff werd geboren in Stuttgart op 29 november 1802. Zie ook mijn blog van 29 november 2006 en ook mijn blog van 29 november 2008.


An Emilie

Zum Garten ging ich früh hinaus,

Ob ich vielleicht ein Sträußchen finde?

Nach manchem Blümchen schaut’ ich aus,

Ich wollt’s für dich zum Angebinde;

Umsonst hatt’ ich mich hinbemüht,

Vergebens war mein freudig Hoffen;

Das Veilchen war schon abgeblüht,

Von andern Blümchen keines offen.


Und trauernd späht’ ich her und hin;

Da tönte zu mir leise, leise

Ein Flüstern aus dem Zweige Grün,

Gesang nach sel’ger Geister Weise;

Und lieblich, wie des Morgens Licht

Des Tales Nebelhüllen scheidet,

Ein Röschen aus der Knospe bricht,

Das seine Blätter schnell verbreitet.


“Du suchst ein Blümchen!” spricht’s zu mir,

“So nimm mich hin mit meinen Zweigen,

Bring’ mich zum Angebinde ihr!

Ich bin der wahren Freude Zeichen.

Ob auch mein Glanz vergänglich sei,

Es treibt aus ihrem treuen Schoße

Die Erde meine Knospen neu;

Drum Unvergänglich ist die Rose.


Und wie ein Leben ewig quillt

Und Knosp um Knospe sich erschließet,

Wenn mich die Sonne sanft und mild

mit ihrem Feuerkuß begrüßet,

So deine Freundin ewig blüht,

Beseelt vom Geiste ihrer Lieben;

Denn ob der Rose Schmelz verglüht –

der Rose Leben ist geblieben.



Wilhelm Hauff  (29 november 1802 – 18 november 1827)



De Oostenrijkse schrijver Ludwig Anzengruber werd geboren op 29 november 1839 in Wenen. Zie ook mijn blog van 29 november 2006 en ook mijn blog van 29 november 2008.


Uit: Der Gwissenswurm

III. Akt, 6. Szene

Sechste Szene, Grillhofer und Liesel.

Liesel (kommt vor, frisch). Jo, wir habn schon a Kreuz miteinander…
(Da sie Grillhofer näher ins Auge faßt.) Um Gotteswilln, Bauer, was is der denn?

Grillhofer. Nix, nix, Dirndl, triffst mich grad, wie ich nach meiner neuchen Wohnung ausschau.

Liesel. Gfreut dich dein alte nimmer? (Sieht hinaus.) Wo zu willst denn hinbaun?

Grillhofer (hinausdeutend). Siehst! Siehst! Durt, wo die Kreuzeln herschimmern.

Liesel. Am Freithof? Geh zu, was kümmert dich der Freithof? Dö er angeht, dö wissen nix davon, und dö davon wissen, dö geht er nix an! Schau lieber, wie heunt dö Stern funkeln und ’s Mondschein leucht. Bin hizt durch’n Wald hergfahrn, im Gezweig habn dö Johanneskäferln ihr Gspiel triebn und über der stillen Nacht is der ganze Himmel voll Lichter glegn. Und wann ma so hinaufschaut, wie’s leucht und funkelt über der weiten Welt, da is ein, als ziehet’s ein d’ Seel aus der Brust und reichet dö weit über d’ Erd in sternlichten Himmel h’nein.

Grillhofer. O jo–wohl–wohl–wonn mer holt no a freie Seel hat!

Liesel (ermutigter). No geh, Bauer, tu net so verzagt, dö deine wird a no keiner am Strickl führn; laß dir hizt von meiner Mahm verzähln, daß d’ auf andere Gedanken kimmst!–Denk dir, dö Mahm leidt’s net, daß d’ dein Hof weggibst!

Grillhofer (erstaunt). Dein Mahm, dö alte Horlacherin, leidt’s net? Dös is bsunders! (Steht auf.)

Liesel. Gelt ja!

Grillhofer. Dö leidt’s net! No möcht ich doch wissen…

Liesel. Na siehst, wann d’ es wissen möchst, mußt d’ mich schon anhörn.
–Geh, ich führ dich.

Grillhofer. A na–na–konn schon no selber gehn. (Geht, von Liesel geleitet, zum Sorgenstuhl, setzt sich.) No, so verzähl halt! Hätt net denkt, es verinteressieret mich noch was, aber dös is doch bsunders–ja,ganz bsunders! „



Ludwig Anzengruber (29 november 1839 – 10 december 1889)



De Amerikaanse schrijfster Madeleine L’Engle werd geboren in New York op 29 november 1918. Zie ook mijn blog van 29 november 2008.


Uit: Camilla


During that week Mother was very quiet and she looked tired and unhappy. Carter told me that the days I went down to Luisa’s after school Mother went out in the afternoon; but the days I came back from school to the apartment with Luisa she was always there waiting for us with hot chocolate and little cakes, and Jacques did not come. But I still had that dead feeling in my heart when I thought about her and when I was with her. My father was very gentle with her, and twice I saw him go up to her and put his arms around her. Oh, Father, I thought. Oh, Father. And I wanted always to keep him from knowing that Mother had talked to Jacques on the telephone.
It’s a funny thing how it takes your emotions much longer than your intellect to realize it when some big change happens in your life. My feeling this new numb way about my parents was the biggest change that had ever happened to me and I couldn’t get used to it. All that week I’d wake up in the morning and know that something was wrong and my mind had to tell my heart that it was because my mother had talked to Jacques on the phone, because my parents were Rose and Rafferty Dickinson instead of just Mother and Father. Then my heart would try to adjust itself to unhappiness, but still it didn’t realize why it was unhappy and it instinctively turned to Mother for comfort, and then my mind would say, “No, you mustn’t do that anymore.” And gradually my heart began to know what my mind had been telling it every day: that everything was changed, that nothing could ever be the same again.”



Madeleine L’Engle (29 november 1918 – 6 september 2007)


De Oostenrijkse dichter en schrijver Franz Stelzhamer werd geboren in Großpiesenham op 29 november 1802. Zie ook mijn blog van 29 november 2008.




(31. Mai 1855)


Die Welle kennt nur Wanderlust

Und kann daheim nicht bleiben.

Sie reißt sich von der Mutter Brust

Und strebt hinaus ins Treiben.


Hei, hei, wie ist die Welt so schön,

So grün und so azuren,

Dazwischen, horch das Lentgetön

Unzähliger Kreaturen.


Hei, hei, wie ist so schön die Welt,

Von Sonne, Mond und Sternen,

So süß erwärmt, so hold erhellt,

Fort, fort in alle Fernen.


So sang die Welle, sang und sprang

Keck übers Schwesternköpfchen,

Allein, allein der Sprung mißlang,

Sie fiel ins Blumentöpfchen.


Und dieses Töpfchen war, o Graus,

Der alten Hummel Töpflein,

Die kam auch gleich und trank es aus

Bis auf das letzte Tröpflein.


So gings der Welle und so geht

Es manchem jungen Närrchen.

Drum, wem sein Sinn nach Wandern steht,

Dem sang ich dieses Märchen.



Franz Stelzhamer (29 november 1802 – 14 juni 1874)
Portret door Josef Danhauser, 1845


De Litouwse dichter en schrijver Antanas Škėma werd op 29 november 1910 geboren in Lodz in Polen. Zie ook mijn blog van 29 november 2008.



As one star falls, others remain aloft.

They soar and await their fall.

A man dies, and the others say:

“Thank God! It isn’t I.”

A frog croaks in a marsh, her head thrown back

– the dog lowers his own.

(He cannot seize the frog.)

When oranges ripen in the south, the Arctic boulders

feel naked without moss.

And in a glass a woman gazes at herself:

“What color should I dye my hair, now it is gray?”

she asks her wrinkles.

Stars, people, frogs, dogs, oranges, moss, perhaps

you will explain the sense of things to me.



Vertaald door Mariejo Fonsale



Antanas Škėma (29 november 1910 – 11 augustus 1961)


De Chileens-Venezolaanse dichter, wetgever, filosoof, politicus, diplomaat, wetenschapper, humanist en taalkundige Andrés Bello werd geboren in Caracas, Venezuela,  op 29 november 1781. Zie ook mijn blog van 29 november 2008.


To the Bio-Bio (Al Biobío)


Blest were he, O Bio-Bio!

Who could dwell forevermore

In a deep grove, cool and shady,

Upon thine enchanted shore!


Just a lowly thatched-roofed cottage

Where thy limpid waters are seen

Pouring their calm flood in silence

Amid foliage fresh and green;


Where, instead of shifting changes

In the fickle things of state,

Wind-stirred oaks and maitens murmur,

And the forest peace is great;


Where the bird amid the branches,

In the early dawning gray,

Sings its untaught, artless music,

Greeting thus the new-born day.


In that humble thatched-roof cottage,

Oh, how happy were my lot,

In the peace that nothing troubles,

Envied not and envying not!


This to me in truth were sweeter

Than the Babel wild and loud

Where in chase of a chimera

All are rushing in a crowd;


Where dark treachery and falsehood

Near the quaking altar stay

That the people’s favor raises

To the idols of a day.


Sweet repose, most blissful quiet,

Earthly paradise divine!

Has the palm of war or wisdom

Worth which can outrival thine?


Truth I love, not adulation—

Truth all unadorned and plain,

Not the clamorous applauses

That are raised in Fortune’s train.


Growing old, for that
false treasure

I would cease my soul to fret—

Say “Farewell to disappointments!

The forgetful I forget.


“Others call excitement pleasure,

Madly seeking fame or pelf;

I in earth’s most hidden corner

Wish to live now for myself.”


Vertaald door José Wan Díaz


Andrés Bello (29 november 1781 – 10 oktober 1865)


De Franse schrijver Maurice Genevoix werd geboren op 29 november 1890 in Decize (Nièvre). Zie ook mijn blog van 29 november 2008.


Uit: Les Eparges


Un grand balancement de la terre et du ciel à travers le, paupières cuisantes; du froid mouillé; des choses qu’on retrouve dans l’ aube blê
me, les unes après les autres, et toutes; personne de tué dans les ténèbres, personne même d’enseveli malgré l’acharnement des obus: la même terre et les mêmes cadavres; toute la chair qui frémit comme de saccades intérieures, qui danse, profonde et chaude, et fait mal; même plus d’images, cette seule fatigue brûlante que la pluie glace à fleur de peau: et c’est un jour qui revient sur la crête, pendant que toutes les batteries boches continuent de tirer sur elle, sur ce qui reste de nous là-haut, mêlé à la boue, aux cadavres, à la glèbe naguère fertile, souillée maintenant de poisons, de chair morte, inguérissable de notre immonde supplice.
Est-ce qu’ils vont contre-attaquer encore ? Ils ne tirent que sur nous: c’est lâche. Nous savons que le colonel, chaque fois qu’il monte et redescend, téléphone vers le Montgirmont: ” Qu’on relève mes hommes! Ils sont à bout! Si les Boches contre-attaquent encore, ils pourront venir avec des gourdins, avec leurs poings nus… ” C’est ce que nous pensions, nous, l’autre jour. Ce matin, nous le pensons encore ; mais nous ne le croyons plus. Nous sommes très las, c’est vrai; on devrait nous relever, c’est vrai. Nous sommes presque à bout; presque… Et pourtant, ce matin encore, on a entendu cracher les canons-revolvers de Combres et claquer des coups de mauser: une nouvelle contre-attaque, que nous avons repoussée.Il ne faut rien exagérer: au-dessous de nous, de l’autre côté du parados, un caporal de la 8e fait mijoter du cassoulet sur un réchaud d’alcool solidifié. Quelques hommes, de la 8e aussi, sont descendus près de lui; l’un d’eux parle du kiosque de sa soeur, marchande de journaux à Paris: ” pour qu’elle comprenne les trous qu’ils font, explique-t-il, j’lui écrirai qu’on pourrait y loger au moins deux kiosques comme le sien. Et ça s’ra pas bourrage de crâne, hein, c’est-i’ .? vrai ”


Maurice Genevoix (29 november 1890 –  8 september 1980