Kristof Magnusson, Khaled Hosseini, Robert Kleindienst, Irina Ratushinskaya, J. Rabearivelo

De Duitse schrijver Kristof Magnusson werd geboren op 4 maart 1976 in Hamburg. Zie ook mijn blog van 4 maart 2007 en ook mijn blog van 4 maart 2008 en ook mijn blog van 4 maart 2009 en ook mijn blog van 4 maart 2010.


Uit: Summer of Love (Vertaald door Mike Mitchell)


“Outside my window a lemon tree is steaming in the rising heat. Eyes closed, I feel all over the large mattress, although I know there’s no one else there. I’m lying in bed in a hotel room in California reading about Australia in a guidebook. The trip round the world was the idea of the head of personnel who appointed me. For the first three months, he said, my position was free, after all the stress of the examinations I could take time out to live a little, to see something of life. The next day I paid three thousand marks for an air ticket with the words ‘Hamburg — London — New York — San Francisco — Hong Kong — Bombay — Hamburg’ printed on it in slightly smudged red ink. I’d already ticked off London, New York and San Francisco, I hadn’t seen anything of life there. To me the red double-decker buses, yellow taxis and cable cars looked like poor, dirty copies of the double-deckers, taxis and cable cars I knew from films. In each place I stayed one night and flew on, only in San Francisco did I stay two nights, because I had a hotel room with cable TV. I began to get accustomed to things, bought a second deodorant, a rather sweet-smelling one by Jean Paul Gaultier, which I used for my left armpit. For the right one I continued to use the Hugo by Boss which I’d bought for my job interview. It was fun being able to distinguish left and right, port and starboard, the two halves of this body that was to carry me through the world, by smell. On the fifth day of my trip round the world I hired a bicycle and rode across the red bridge and out of the city. Soon I had no idea where I was any more. I was riding through pinewoods along a country road with no markings and which wasn’t on my map. Coming round a curve, a village suddenly leapt out at me. It was simply there; without there having been any signposts or a board with the name, there were wooden houses in front of me with blue scraps of sea hung between them. I rode past a filling station with Save the Rainforest banners hanging out of the windows. Shortly after that I stopped and asked a man, who was sitting in the sun outside a house with paintings on the walls, where I could buy something to drink. The man had long grey hair and his beard was spattered with flecks of colour. He asked me how I liked his wall painting and pointed over his shoulder: animals, naked people and pink clouds, with flowers in all the colours of the rainbow twined round them. Above it was written: 30 Years Summer of Love 1967-1997.”



Kristof Magnusson (Hamburg, 4 maart 1976)



Lees verder “Kristof Magnusson, Khaled Hosseini, Robert Kleindienst, Irina Ratushinskaya, J. Rabearivelo”

Alan Sillitoe, Annette Seemann, F. W. Bernstein, Giorgio Bassani, Bernardo Ashetu

De Engelse schrijver Alan Sillitoe werd geboren op 4 maart 1928 in Nottingham. Zie ook mijn blog van 4 maart 2007  en ook mijn blog van 4 maart 2008 en ook mijn blog van 4 maart 2009 en ook mijn blog van 4 maart 2010.


Uit: The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner


„As soon as I got to Borstal they made me a long-distance cross-country runner. I suppose they thought I was just the build for it because I was long and skinny for my age (and still am) and in any case I didn’t mind it much, to tell you the truth, because running had always been made much of in our family, especially running away from the police. I’ve always been a good runner, quick and with a big stride as well, the only trouble being that no matter how fast I run, and I did a very fair lick even though I do say so myself, it didn’t stop me getting caught by the cops after that bakery job.
You might think it a bit rare, having long-distance cross-country runners in Borstal, thinking that the first thing a long-distance cross-country runner would do when they set him loose at them fields and woods would be to run as far away from the place as he could get on a bellyful of Borstal slumgullion-but you’re wrong, and I’ll tell you why. The first thing is that them bastards over us aren’t as daft as they most of the time look, and for another thing I’m not so daft as I would look if I tried to make a break for it on my long-distance running, because to abscond and then get caught is nothing but a mug’s game, and I’m not falling for it. Cunning is what counts in this life, and even that you’ve got to use in the slyest way you can; I’m telling you straight: they’re cunning, and I’m cunning. If only ’them’ and ‘us’ had the same ideas we’d get on like a house on fire, but they don’t see eye to eye with us and we don’t see eye to eye with them, so that’s how it stands and how it will always stand. The one fact is that all of us are cunning, and because of this there’s no love lost between us. So the thing is that they know I won’t try to get away from them: they sit there like spiders in that crumbly manor house, perched like jumped-up jackdaws on the roof, watching out over the drives and fields like German generals from the tops of tanks.“



Alan Sillitoe (Nottingham, 4 maart 1928)

Hier in 1973 


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Ryszard Kapuściński, Léon-Paul Fargue, Kito Lorenc, Jacques Dupin, Thomas S. Stribling

De Poolse schrijver dichter en journalist Ryszard Kapuściński werd geboren in Pinsk, Polen (thans Wit-Rusland), op 4 maart 1932. Zie ook mijn blog van 4 maart 2009 en ook mijn blog van 4 maart 2010.


Uit: The Shadow of the Sun (Vertaald door Klara Glowczewska) 


„People of the North. Have we sufficiently considered the fact that northerners constitute a distinct minority on our planet? Canadians and Poles, Lithuanians and Scandinavians, some Americans and Germans, Russians and Scots, Laplanders and Eskimos, Evenkis and Yakuts–the list is not very long. It may amount to no more than 500 million people: less than 10 percent of the earth’s population. The overwhelming majority live in hot climates, their days spent in the warmth of the sun. Mankind first came into being in the sun; the oldest traces of his existence have been found in warm climes. What was the weather like in the biblical paradise? It was eternally warm, hot even, so that Adam and Eve could go about naked and not feel chilled even in the shade of a tree.

Something else strikes the new arrival even as he descends the steps of the airplane: the smell of the tropics. Perhaps he’s had intimations of it. It is the scent that permeated Mr. Kanzman’s little shop, Colonial and Other Goods, on Perec Street in my hometown of Pinsk. Almonds, cloves, dates, and cocoa. Vanilla and laurel leaves, oranges and bananas, cardamom and saffron. And Drohobych. The interiors of Bruno Schulz’s cinammon shops? Didn’t their “dimly lit, dark, and solemn interiors” smell intensely of paints, lacquer, incense, the aroma of faraway countries and rare substances? Yet the actual smell of the tropics is somewhat different. We instantly recognize its weight, its sticky materiality. The smell makes us at once aware that we are at that point on earth where an exuberant and indefatigable nature labors, incessantly reproducing itself, spreading and blooming, even as it sickens, disintegrates, festers, and decays.“



Ryszard Kapuściński (4 maart 1932 – 23 januari 2007)


Lees verder “Ryszard Kapuściński, Léon-Paul Fargue, Kito Lorenc, Jacques Dupin, Thomas S. Stribling”