Pier Paolo Pasolini, Arthur van Schendel, Koos van Zomeren, Danny King, Nelly Arcan, Jean Orizet, Leslie Marmon Silko

De Italiaanse filmregisseur, dichter en schrijver Pier Paolo Pasolini werd geboren in Bologna op 5 maart 1922. Zie ook mijn blog van 5 maart 2007 en ook mijn blog van 5 maart 2008 en ook mijn blog van 5 maart 2009 en ook mijn blog van 5 maart 2010.

The Best of Youth

Lord, we are alone you call on us no more.
Year after year, day after day You look on us no more!
Darkness on our side and splendor on your side,
for our sins you feel neither anger nor compassion.
for thirty centuries, nothing, nothing has changed:
nations have united so, united, they wage wars
but our misery’s the same as everybody’s misery
and only You know how to sort out good from bad!
Work days, dead days! She pushes the wheel barrow
by the railroad tracks then towards the quiet square
and stops in front of the almost-finished staircase
where it crunches the stones baked by the sun.
The gates are shut, two trucks are parked
near the cement slag, flanked by dead bushes
and the old lady pushes the wheel barrow
while holding the tips of a scarf with her teeth.
A young man sits down to blow on his harmonica,
another younger one with horse whip in his hand
feeds hay to his charge then follows his friends
who are dancing carefree by the stands.
They sing, a bit drunk, by early morning
and wear their red hankies around the neck.
Hoarsely they order four liters of wine
and coffee for the girls who are silent and sad.
Come on, trains, take these singing youths
dressed in white shirt and English blazers.
Come on, trains, take them so very far away
roaming the earth to see what they have lost here.
Trains everywhere scatter these once happy men,
They will not laugh when leaving home forever.


Vertaald door Adeodato Piazza Nicolai 


Pier Paolo Pasolini (5 maart 1922 – 2 november 1975)

Straatkunst in Rome



Lees verder “Pier Paolo Pasolini, Arthur van Schendel, Koos van Zomeren, Danny King, Nelly Arcan, Jean Orizet, Leslie Marmon Silko”

Frank Norris, Fritz Usinger, Friedrich Schnack, Ennio Flaiano, Moritz Carrière, Karl August Timotheus Kahlert

De Amerikaanse schrijver Frank Norris werd geboren op 5 maart 1870 in Chicago. Zie voor onderstaande schrijver ook mijn blog van 5 maart 2007 en ook mijn blog van 5 maart 2009 en ook mijn blog van 5 maart 2010.


Uit: The Pit 


„Chicago, the great grey city, interested her at every instant and under every condition. As yet she was not sure that she liked it; she could not forgive its dirty streets, the unspeakable squalor of some of its poorer neighbourhoods that sometimes developed, like cancerous growths, in the very heart of fine residence districts. The black murk that closed every vista of the business streets oppressed her, and the soot that stained linen and gloves each time she stirred abroad was a never-ending distress.  

    But the life was tremendous.  All around, on every side, in every direction the vast machinery of Commonwealth clashed and thundered from dawn to dark and from dark till dawn.  Even now, as the car carried her farther into the business quarter, she could hear it, see it, and feel in her every fibre the trepidation of its motion.  The blackened waters of the river, seen an instant between stanchions as the car trundled across the State Street bridge, disappeared under fleets of tugs, of lake steamers, of lumber barges from Sheboygan and Mackinac, of grain boats from Duluth, of coal scows that filled the air with impalpable dust, of cumbersome schooners laden with produce, of grimy rowboats dodging the prows and paddles of the larger craft, while on all sides, blocking the horizon, red in color and designated by Brobdignag letters, towered the hump-shouldered grain elevators.

    Just before crossing the bridge on the north side of the river she had caught a glimpse of a great railway terminus.  Down below there, rectilinear, scientifically paralleled and squared, the Yard disclosed itself.  A system of grey rails beyond words complicated opened out and spread immeasurably. Switches, semaphores, and signal towers stood here and there.  A dozen trains, freight and passenger, puffed and steamed, waiting the word to depart.  Detached engines hurried in and out of sheds and roundhouses, seeking their trains, or bunted the ponderous freight cars into switches; trundling up and down, clanking, shrieking, their bells filling the air with the clangour of tocsins.  Men in visored caps shouted hoarsely, waving their arms or red flags; drays, their big dappled horses, feeding in their nose bags, stood backed up to the open doors of freight cars and received their loads.“


Frank Norris (5 maart 1870 – 25 oktober 1902)


Lees verder “Frank Norris, Fritz Usinger, Friedrich Schnack, Ennio Flaiano, Moritz Carrière, Karl August Timotheus Kahlert”

Jurre van den Berg

De Nederlandse dichter Jurre van den Berg werd geboren in Thesinge op 5 maart 1986. Hij debuteerde officieel als dichter in het voorjaar van 2009 met de bundel Binnenvaart.In 2007 ontving hij het Hendrik de Vriesstipendium van de gemeente Groningen voor zijn poëzieproject ‘Ter verlichting van een naam’, een areligieuze, hedendaagse beschouwing op de taal en thematiek van het bijbelboek Job. Ook de gedichten die hier uit voortkwamen zijn in de reeks ‘Wij zijn hier pas sinds gisteren’ in Binnenvaart opgenomen. Tijdens het collegejaar 2005-2006 was Jurre van den Berg huisdichter van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. De gedichten die hij in deze functie schreef werden samen met andere verzen gebundeld in Avondkikkers.


Ik was vergeten hoe de regen
de straten kon spoelen.

Naar boven kijken en grijs goud
zien eten, het land ligt reeds
begraven onder verwaaide paraplu’s.

Ik was vergeten hoe de regen.

Wat geweest is, dat het terug komt
en niet los laat, storm niet uitraast.
Het land ligt reeds begraven.

Als ik denk dat het voorbij is zoals
onder herfstkastanjes na de regen.

Het is droog maar de wind
waait druppels van het blad.

Jurre van den Berg (Thesinge, 5 maart 1986)