Elizabeth Alexander, Countee Cullen, Alfred Austin, Emmanuel Hiel

De Amerikaanse dichteres en schrijfster Elizabeth Alexander werd geboren op 30 mei 1962 in New York. Zie ook mijn blog van 30 mei 2008 en ook mijn blog van 30 mei 2009 en ook mijn blog van 30 mei 2010.




1. Walking (1963)

after the painting by Charles Alston


You tell me, knees are important, you kiss

your elders’ knees in utmost reverence.


The knees in the painting are what send the people forward.


Once progress felt real and inevitable,

as sure as the taste of licorice or lemons.

The painting was made after marching

in Birmingham, walking


into a light both brilliant and unseen.



2. 1964


In a beige silk sari

my mother danced the frug

to the Peter Duchin Band.

Earlier that day

at Maison Le Pelch

the French ladies twisted


her magnificent hair

into a fat chignon

while mademoiselle watched,


drank sugared, milky tea,

and counted bobby pins

disappearing in the thickness


as the ladies worked

in silence, adornment

so grave, the solemn toilette,


and later, the bath,

and later, red lipstick,

and later, L’Air de Temps.


My mother without glasses.

My mother in beige silk.

My mother with a chignon.

My mother in her youth.


Elizabeth Alexander (New York, 30 mei 1962)

Lees verder “Elizabeth Alexander, Countee Cullen, Alfred Austin, Emmanuel Hiel”

Michail Bakoenin, Georg Schaumberg, Randolph Bourne, Jan Geerts, Henri François Rikken, Robert Prutz, Félix Arnaudin, Pita Amor, Eddy Bruma

De Russische schrijver en anarchist Michail Alexandrowitsj Bakoenin werd geboren in Prjamuchino op 30 mei 1814. Zie ook mijn blog van 30 mei 2010.


Uit: Statism and Anarchy


„The Russian people possess to a great extent two qualities which are in our opinion indispensable preconditions for the Social Revolution … Their sufferings are infinite, but they do not patiently resign themselves to their misery and they react with an intense savage despair which twice in history produced such popular explosions as the revolts of Stenka Razin and Pugachev, and which even today expresses itself in continuous peasant outbreaks.

What then prevents them from making a successful revolution? It is the absence of a conscious common ideal capable of inspiring a genuine popular revolution… . [Fortunately,] there is no need for a profound analysis of the historic conscience of our people in order to define the fundamental traits which characterize the ideal of our people.

The first of these traits is the conviction, held by all the people, that the land rightfully belongs to them. The second trait is the belief that the right to benefit from the soil belongs not to an individual but to the rural community as a whole, to the Mir which assigns the temporary use of the land to the members of the community. The third trait is that even the minimal limitations placed by the State on the Mir’s autonomy arouse hostility on the part of the latter toward the State.“


Michail Bakoenin (30 mei 1814 – 13 juni 1876)

Lees verder “Michail Bakoenin, Georg Schaumberg, Randolph Bourne, Jan Geerts, Henri François Rikken, Robert Prutz, Félix Arnaudin, Pita Amor, Eddy Bruma”