Antonio Tabucchi, Mary Coleridge, Theodor Körner, Euripides

De Italiaanse schrijver, vertaler, en literatuurwetenschapper Antonio Tabucchi werd op 23 september 1943 geboren in Pisa. Zie ook mijn blog van 23 september 2010 en eveneens alle tags voor Antonio Tabucchi op dit blog.


Uit: The Missing Head (Vertaald door Patrick Creagh)

“Manolo the Gypsy opened his eyes, peered at the dim light creeping through the cracks in his hovel, and got to his feet trying not to make a sound. He had no need to dress because he slept fully clothed, and the orange jacket given him the year before by Agostinho da Silva, known as Franz the German, tamer of toothless lions in the Wonder Circus, now served him for both day and night. In the faint glimmer of dawn he groped around for the battered sandals-cum-slippers that were his only footwear. He found them and slid his feet in. He knew every inch of the hut, and could move about in its murk knowing perfectly well where its few wretched sticks of furniture were. He took a confident step towards the door, and in so doing his right foot clashed against an oil-lamp standing on the floor.

Damn the woman! exclaimed Manolo between his teeth. He was of course referring to his wife, who the previous evening had insisted on leaving this lamp beside her bed on the pretext that the blackness of night gave her nightmares and she dreamt of her dead. If she kept the flame burning as low as can be, she said, the ghosts of her dead dared not to haunt her, and so she could sleep in peace.

“And what is El Rey about at this hour of the morning, O afflicted spirit of our Andalusian dead?”

His wife’s voice was muffled and drowsy, as it is with anyone still half asleep. She always spoke to him in geringonça, a hotch-potch of Romany, Portuguese and Andalusian. And she called him El Rey—the King.

King of a heap of shit, Manolo felt the urge to answer, but he said nothing. King of a shitheap. To be sure he had once been El Rey, when the gypsies were honoured, when his people freely roamed the plains of Andalusia, when they made copper trinkets to sell in the villages and dressed in black and wore fine felt hats, and their knives were not weapons to fight for your life with, but peerless treasures fashioned in chased silver.”


Antonio Tabucchi (23 september 1943 – 25 maart 2012)

Lees verder “Antonio Tabucchi, Mary Coleridge, Theodor Körner, Euripides”

Jaroslav Seifert, Emma Orczy, Leni Saris, Daniel Czepko von Reigersfeld

De Tsjechische dichter Jaroslav Seifert werd op 23 september 1901 geboren en groeide op in de arbeiderswijk Žižkov in Praag. Zie ook mijn blog van 23 september 2010 en eveneens alle tags voor Jaroslav Seifert op dit blog.



Mit weißem tüchlein winkt,

wer abschied nimmt,

etwas geht mit jedem tag zu ende,

etwas wunderbares geht zu ende.

Die taube kehrt, der botschaft botin,

windauf, windab nach haus zurück;

mit und ohne hoffnung kehren

ewig wir nach haus zurück.

Lächle mit verweinten augen,

das tüchlein, ach, verwahr es,

mit jedem tag beginnt etwas,

beginnt etwas wunderbares.

Vertaald door Rainer Kunze



Le garçon se change en un blanc buisson;
le buisson, en pâtre en train de dormir;
ses cheveux si fins, en cordes de lyre ;
et la neige, en neige sur son front blond.

Les mots se changent en questions ;
sagesse et gloire en rudes rides ;
à reculons corde de lyre
se change en fin cheveu; et le garçon
en poète, le poète en buisson,
sous lequel il dormait au temps où
il aimait la beauté d’amour fou.

Quiconque de beauté se toque
sans fin l’aime sa vie durant,
la poursuit toute son époque —
la beauté a des pieds charmants
qu’elle chausse de fines socques.

Le fier carrousel des métamorphoses
change le poète en amant maudit,
car il suffira d’une courte pause :
le voici changé en eau d’alambic,
dont l’alchimiste fait vapeur chimique,
et qu’après, tout au fond il précipite.

Vertaald door Jana Boxberger


Jaroslav Seifert ( 23 september 1901 – 10 januari 1986)

Hier links met fotograaf en regisseur Otakar Mrkvička

Lees verder “Jaroslav Seifert, Emma Orczy, Leni Saris, Daniel Czepko von Reigersfeld”