Mario Petrucci, Carlo Levi, Jean-Philippe Toussaint, C.S. Lewis

De Engelse dichter en schrijver Mario Petrucci werd geboren op 29 november 1958 in Londen. Zie ook alle tags voor Mario Petrucci op dit blog.


Uit: Curates and bishops

“W.H. Auden once described being among scientists as feeling like a shabby curate who’d strayed into a room full of dukes. When I accepted the post as the first ever poet in residence at BBC Radio 3, I developed a mild case of nerves. Not full-blown duodenal heave; more a queasy sense of being a slightly shabby wordsmith among the inveterately glossolalic.

Talking. Radio people are all so bloody good at it. Of course, like Auden, I was wrong to feel that way. At the Royal Philharmonic Society awards ceremony in 2004, the briljant young conductor Ilan Volkov described Radio 3 as “family”. Certainly, I was made to feel as far from shabby as one can imagine. Almost like family – though I knew from the outset it was something I’d also have to earn. Perhaps I can push my luck here and ask (hailing, as I do, from southern Italy) whether I joined the BBC family, or they mine? It’s certainly in the balance as to which is larger. Talking of families, my emotional understanding of radio (and of opera) probably began in an Italian family kitchen. Everyone talking at once – and yet everyone perfectly understood. It was a miraculous example of a multiple cross-talk system with no tuning facility. And no volume control.

Anyway, those initial nerves quickly melted away. So much so, that I seriously wondered whether I should take in a small cylinder of helium (from my lab days) and gulp a lungful before going on air, just to give the whole thing a Donald Duck soprano shake-up. More sensibly, I’m wondering what I did to end up waist-deep in a writer’s paradise: working with a community deeply attuned to the use of words and the subtleties of music. I also have to wonder if I’m suffering from a species of literary typecasting, as the ‘frontier man’ of residencies?”


Mario Petrucci (Londen, 29 november 1958)

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