Joyce Maynard, Andreas Stichmann, Bert Wagendorp, Hanns-Josef Ortheil

De Amerikaanse schrijfster Joyce Maynard werd geboren op 5 november 1953 in Durham, New Hampshire en volgde een opleiding aan de Phillips Exeter Academy. Zie ook mijn blog van 5 november 2010 en eveneens alle tags voor Joyce Maynard op dit blog.


Uit: The Good Daughters

And here was the other part of the story, well known to me from a hundred tellings: small as our town was—not even so much as a town, really; more like a handful of farms with a school and a general store and a post office to keep things ticking along—I was not the only baby born at Bellersville Hospital that day. Not two hours after me, another baby girl came into the world. This would be Dana Dickerson, and here my mother, if she was in earshot, joined in with her own remarks.
“Your birthday sister,” she liked to say. “You two girls started out in the world together. It only stands to reason we’d feel a connection.”
In fact, our families could hardly have been more different—the Dickersons and the Planks. Starting with where we made our home, and how we got there.
The farm where we lived had been in my father’s family since the sixteen hundreds, thanks to a twenty-acre land parcel acquired in a card game by an ancestor—an early settler come from England on one of the first boats—with so many greats in front of his name I lost count, Reginald Plank. Since Reginald, ten generations of Plank men had farmed that soil, each one augmenting the original tract with the purchase of neighboring farms, as—one by one— more fainthearted men gave up on the hard life of farming, while my forebears endured.
My father was the oldest son of an oldest son. That’s how the land had been passed down for all the generations. The farm now consisted of two hundred and twenty acres, forty of them cultivated, mostly in corn and what my father called kitchen crops that we sold, summers, at our farm stand, Plank’s Barn. Those and his pride and joy, our strawberries.”


Joyce Maynard (Durham, 5 november 1953)

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