Little Tree (E. E. Cummings)

Aan alle bezoekers en mede-bloggers een Prettig Kerstfeest!


Viggo Johansen, Gelukkig kerstfeest, 1891


Little Tree

little tree
little silent Christmas tree
you are so little
you are more like a flower

who found you in the green forest
and were you very sorry to come away?
see i will comfort you
because you smell so sweetly

i will kiss your cool bark
and hug you safe and tight
just as your mother would,
only don’t be afraid

look the spangles
that sleep all the year in a dark box
dreaming of being taken out and allowed to shine,
the balls the chains red and gold the fluffy threads,

put up your little arms
and i’ll give them all to you to hold
every finger shall have its ring
and there won’t a single place dark or unhappy

then when you’re quite dressed

you’ll stand in the window for everyone to see
and how they’ll stare!
oh but you’ll be very proud
and my little sister and i will take hands
and looking up at our beautiful tree
we’ll dance and sing
“Noel Noel”


E. E. Cummings (14 oktober 1894 – 3 september 1962)

Cambridge, Massachusetts (Cummings werd in Cambridge geboren)


Zie voor de schrijvers van de 26e december ook mijn vorige blog van vandaag.

David Sedaris, Elizabeth Kostova, Henry Miller, Rainer Malkowski

De Amerikaanse schrijver David Sedaris werd geboren in Binghamton, New York, op 26 december 1956. Zie ook alle tags voor David Sedaris op dit blog.


Uit:When You Are Engulfed in Flames

“Beside our apartment building in New York, there was a narrow gangway, and every evening, just after dark, rats would emerge from it and flock to the trash cans lining the curb. The first time I saw them, I started and screamed, but after that I made it a point to walk on the other side of the street, pausing and squinting to take them all in. It was like moving to Alaska and seeing a congregation of bears – I knew to expect them, but still I could never quite believe my eyes. Every now and then, one of them would get flattened by a cab, and I’d bend over the body, captivated by the foulness of it. Twenty, maybe 30 seconds of reverie, and then the spell would be broken, sometimes by the traffic, but more often by my neighbour Helen, who’d shout at me from her window.

Like the rats that spilt from the gangway, she was exactly the type of creature I’d expected to find living in New York. Arrogant, pushy, proudly, almost fascistically opinionated, she was the person you found yourself quoting at dinner parties, especially if your hosts were on the delicate side and you didn’t much care about being invited back. Helen on politics, Helen on sex, Helen on race relations: the response at the table was almost always the same. ‘Oh, that’s horrible. And where did you know this person from?’

It was Hugh who first met her. This was in New York, on Thompson Street, in the fall of 1991. There was a combination butcher shop and café there, and he mentioned to the owner that he was looking to rent an apartment. While talking, he noticed a woman standing near the door, 70 at least, and no taller than a 10-year-old girl. She wore a sweat-suit, tight through the stomach and hips. It wasn’t the pastel-coloured, ladylike kind, but just plain grey, like a boxer’s. Her glasses were wing-shaped, and at their centre, just over her nose, was a thick padding of duct tape. Helen, she said her name was. Hugh nodded hello, and as he turned to leave, she pointed to some bags lying at her feet.”


David Sedaris (Binghamton, 26 december 1956)

Lees verder “David Sedaris, Elizabeth Kostova, Henry Miller, Rainer Malkowski”

Mani Beckmann, Alejo Carpentier, Hans Brinkmann, Jean Toomer, Willy Corsari

De Duitse schrijver Mani Beckmann (pseudoniem Tom Finnek) werd geboren op 26 december 1965 in Alstätte/Westfalen. Zie ook alle tags voor Mani Beckmann op dit blog.


Uit: Sodom und Gomera

“Um nicht auf der Stelle loszuheulen oder ihm an die Gurgel zu springen, grinste ich unbeholfen und stammelte etwas ähnliches wie: »Ich hatte eh vor, erst mal ein wenig

Urlaub zu machen.«

»Na prima!« Er klopfte mir väterlich auf die Schulter.

»Vielleicht sieht’s ja in drei, vier Wochen wieder etwas besser aus. Und ich werde auf jeden Fall bei den Kollegen von der Lokalen ein gutes Wort für Sie einlegen.« Wieder ein Schulterklopfer, dann ein aufbauendes Wort des Trostes:

»Sie sind doch jung und fl exibel. Ihnen gehört die Zukunft, mein lieber Brandt. Wie ich Sie beneide!« Damit war für Wuttke das Th ema beendet, und er wendete sich wieder dem üppigen Büfett und der ebenso reichlich ausgestatteten Brünetten zu, die an einem Hähnchenschenkel knabberte und bewundernd an seinen Lippen hing.

Und ich war dazu verdonnert worden, in Urlaub zu fahren. Auch wenn dies natürlich nicht der einzige und eigentliche Grund war, warum ich nun an diesem herrlichen Spätsommertag vor dem Gebäude des Flughafens Teneriff a-Süd stand und ausfi ndig zu machen versuchte, wie ich am besten und schnellsten zum Hafen von Los Cristianos gelangte. Schließlich war ich in quasi-detektivischer Mission unterwegs.”


Mani Beckmann (Alstätte, 26 december 1965)

Lees verder “Mani Beckmann, Alejo Carpentier, Hans Brinkmann, Jean Toomer, Willy Corsari”