De Amerikaanse schrijfster Lauren Groff werd geboren op 23 juli 1978 in Cooperstown, New York. Zie ook alle tags voor Lauren Groff op dit blog.
Uit: The Vaster Wilds
“The moon hid itself behind the clouds. The wind spat an icy snow at angles. In the tall black wall of the palisade, through a slit too seeming thin for human passage, the girl climbed into the great and terrible wilderness. Over her face she wore a hood drawn low, and she was slight, both bony and childish small, but the famine had stripped her down yet starker, to root and string and fiber and sinew. Even so starved, and blinded by the dark, she was quick. She scrabbled upright, stumbled with her first step, nearly fell, but caught herself and began to run, going fast over the frozen ruts of the field and all the stalks of dead corn that had come up in the summer already sooty and fruitless and stunted with blight. Swifter, girl, she told herself, and in their fear and anguish, her legs moved yet faster.
These good boots the girl had stolen off the son of a gentleman, a strip-ling half her age but of equal size, who had died of the smallpox the night before, the rash a rust spreading over the starved bones. These leather gloves and the thick cloak the girl had stolen off her own mis-tress. She banished the thought of the woman still weeping upon her knees on the frozen ground in the courtyard inside that hellish place. With each step she drew away, everything there loosened its grip on the girl. Yet there was a strange gleam upon the dark ground of the field ahead, and as she moved, she saw it was the undershirt of the soldier who a fortnight earlier had been caught worming his body slow from the horrors of the fort and toward the different horrors of the forest. He had made it halfway to the trees when in silence a shadow that had lain upon the ground grew denser, grew upward, came clear at last as the fearsomest of the men of this country, the warrior two heads taller than the men of the fort, who made himself yet more terrible by wearing upon his shoulders outstretched a broad dark mantle of turkey feathers. He had lifted with one hand the creeping fearful soldier by his hair and had with a knife cut a long wet red mouth into the man’s throat. Then he dropped him to spill his heart’s blood into the frozen earth and there the dead man lay splayed ignoble. All this time, he had lain unburied, for the soldiers of the settlement had become too weak and too cowardly in their hunger to fetch the body back. She had passed the dead man and his reek had drawn itself out of her nostrils and she was nearly to the woods when site stumbled again, for the thought of these two men gave rise to thoughts of other men who lurked perhaps in the woods, men out there hidden and awaiting her. And now, as she peered before her into the dark of the forest, site saw a man crouching in ambush in ever deeper blacker shadow of each tree, perhaps a man with a knife or an ax or an arrow and cold murder in his eye. She stopped her running for a breath, but she had no choice, she took her courage up again and she ran on. And as she ran each imagined man in passing revealed himself to be mere shadow again.”

De Duitse dichteres Claudia Gabler werd op 28 juli 1970 geboren in Lörrach. Zie ook alle tags voor Claudia Gabler op dit blog.
OVER NEO RAUCH / Perifere genegenheid voor New York
In het moment van de kleine stapjes
is het gevorderde LIEFDE,
zei de schilder.
Wat een gelegenheid!
Wat een kans
wat een kans op een wereldomvattend applaus!
Hij wilde dus, zei de schilder,
voor één keer afzien van de grote poorten,
die zich openen voor deze universums van droom en gelijktijdigheid.
In plaats daarvan zichtspleten,
fragmenten van gewatteerde, van schimmige werelden.
Als basismotief voor schilderijen,
die kleiner dan normaal hun tests uitvoerden
in de koele kringen van de botanie.
En eigenlijk ruimte nodig hebben
voor de fatale gevolgen,
die erop volgen.
Vertaald door Frans Roumen

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