Robyn Carr

De Amerikaanse schrijfster Robyn Carr werd geboren op 25 juli 1951 in Minnesota. Carr was nooit van plan schrijver te worden. Zij studeerde verpleegkunde op de universiteit. Zij trouwde al op de middelbare school vlak voordat haar man naar de US Air Force vertrok als helikopterpiloot tijdens de Vietnam-oorlog. Carr volgde haar man van basis naar basis, en omdat ze niet lang op één plaats verbleven, was ze niet in staat om haar carrière als verpleegster voort te zetten. Toen ze door een moeilijke zwangerschap in bed moest blijven begon zij romans te lezen om zichzelf af te leiden. Ze besloot al snel om haar eigen romans te schrijven. Carr debuteerde in 1978, maar het zou dertig jaar duren voor ze de eerste plek zou bemachtigen in de New York Times Bestsellerlijst. Dat gebeurde in 2007 met het eerste deel uit haar wereldberoemde Virgin River-serie. Sindsdien publiceert Carr een paar boeken per jaar, in totaal verschenen er inmiddels twintig romans die zich afspelen in het kleine stadje Virgin River. Bovendien startte Carr een nieuwe reeks, “Thunder Point”, die net zo populair lijkt te worden. Hoewel haar verhalen echte goodreads zijn, staan er altijd sterke vrouwelijke karakters centraal en gaat ze onderwerpen als huiselijk geweld en gezondheidsproblemen niet uit de weg.

Uit:What We Find

“Maggie had no idea how long Sully had been up when she finally rolled out of bed at seven-thirty….on about four hours of sleep. She stumbled to the bathroom and purposely didn’t look in the mirror, a little afraid she’d she Cal’s brand on her. She started the shower and got in while it was still cold.
Holy mother of pearl, what a night that was. He was an amazing lover. But also, he was such a sweet, smart, funny man. Of course he had to be some strange duck who was taking six months off to do odd jobs and camp. He couldn’t be some ordinary, stable, reliable person, like a truck driver or forest ranger. But then, what type of man did she think she could have a comfortable fit with? Sergei, the Ukrainian artist, had been a disaster. Andrew, the doctor, should’ve worked — they had so many things in common — and it had been a worse disaster.
Even running her own hands over her body as she sudsed up in the shower brought delicious tinglings from the night before, little shudders of aftershocks.
When she was out of the shower she braved it, looked in the mirror. Her cheeks were either flushed or chafed from his beard. Her lips were rosy from hours of kissing, sometimes so wildly she could hardly catch her breath. She lost control more times than she could count and she was pretty sure she bit him once. His fault, really. He could drive her so far into ecstasy she lost her bearings and became nothing more than a writhing body responding to a powerful body and lost all sense. She wondered if she just rocked and wailed in that little pop-up all the damn night. For all she knew the other campers brought their folding chairs and fires over to Cal’s site and created an audience. At least it had been Sunday night, the weekend warriors gone, population down.
She put lotion on her face and some lip gloss, blew out her hair and got dressed. She was going to have to think of what to say to Sully. She’d never faced that before — worry over explaining to her father. She’d had a fling or six at the crossing, and there was Andrew — she’d never explained him. She had just said they were seeing each other and they’d be staying in one of the cabins. Something about this was different. It was probably because he’d had a heart attack, she thought. Or it could be because she hardly knew Calvin, the handsome, good natured bum and princess molester. Better go easy on Sully.”

Robyn Carr (Minnesota, 25 juli 1951)