Arlette Cousture, Edward Everett Hale, Washington Irving, George Herbert, Johanna Walser

De Canadese schrijfster Arlette Cousture werd geboren in Saint-Lambert op 3 april 1948. Zie ook alle tags voor Arlette Cousture op dit blog.


Uit: Ces enfants d’ailleurs

“- Élisabeth, attends-moi !

Jan avait aperçu sa sœur à l’intersection des rues Nicolas et Sainte-Croix. Il lui fit un signe de la main et, un cartable lourd pendant au bout du bras, il la rejoignit en courant et sautillant de plaisir. Elle le regarda venir.

– L’école est finie ! L’école est finie, Élisabeth ! J’ai plein de projets pour l’été.

Ils étaient rendus devant la maison et ils montèrent l’escalier jusqu’au premier. Mme Grabska, la concierge, balayait le palier et elle gronda gentiment Jan d’avoir marché dans les poussières.

– Mais qu’est-ce qui vous arrive aujourd’hui? – L’école est finie ! Et demain c’est le 24 juin, la fête de mon saint patron, et mon frère Jerzy va prendre le train pour aller à Wezerow. Jan avait parlé si vite que Mme Grabska, agacée, ne s’était même pas donné la peine de le faire répéter. Elle savait que depuis cinq ans, depuis qu’il avait eu douze ans, Jerzy vivait ses étés à la campagne. Elle regarda Élisabeth pénétrer chez elle et fit un signe réprobateur à Jan qui ne cessait de bousculer sa sœur pour la presser. Il allait disparaître quand il ressortit la tête par l’embrasure pour dire à Mme Grabska que, dans deux ans, lui-même irait à la campagne pour tout l’été.”


Arlette Cousture (Saint-Lambert, 3 april 1948)


De Amerikaanse schrijver Edward Everett Hale werd geboren op 3 april 1822 in Roxbury, Massachusetts. Zie ook alle tags voor Edward Everett Hale op dit blog.


Uit: The Brick Moon

„The latitude of a place, in other words, is found very easily by any observation which shows how high the North Star is; if you do not want to measure the North Star, you may take any star when it is just to north of you, and measure its height; wait twelve hours, and if you can find it, measure its height again. Split the difference, and that is the altitude of the pole, or the latitude of you, the observer.

“Of course we know this,” says the graduating world. “Do you suppose that is what we borrow your book for, to have you spell out your miserable elementary astronomy?” At which rebuff I should shrink distressed, but that a chorus of voices an octave higher comes up with, “Dear Mr. Ingham, we are ever so much obliged to you; we did not know it at all before, and you make it perfectly clear.”

Thank you, my dear, and you, and you. We will not care what the others say. If you do understand it, or do know it, it is more than Mr. Charles Reade knew, or he would not have made his two lovers on the island guess at their latitude, as they did. If they had either of them been educated at a respectable academy for the Middle Classes, they would have fared better.

Now about the longitude.“


Edward Everett Hale (3 april 1822 – 10 juni 1909)


De Amerikaanse schrijver Washington Irving werd geboren op 3 april 1783 in Manhattan, New York. Zie ook alle tags voor Washington Irving op dit blog.


Uit: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

“I am of this mind with Homer, that as the snaile that crept out of her shel was turned eftsoones into a Toad, and thereby was forced to make a stoole to sit on; so the traveller that stragleth from his owne country is in a short time transformed into so monstrous a shape that he is faine to alter his mansion with his manners and to live where he can, not where he would.
I was always fond of visiting new scenes and observing strange characters and manners. Even when a mere child I began my travels and made many tours of discovery into foreign parts and unknown regions of my native city; to the frequent alarm of my parents and the emolument of the town cryer. As I grew into boyhood I extended the range of my observations. My holy day afternoons were spent in rambles about the surrounding country. I made myself familiar with all its places famous in history or fable. I knew every spot where a murder or robbery had been committed or a ghost seen. I visited the neighbouring villages and added greatly to my stock of knowledge, by noting their habits and customs, and conversing with their sages and great men. I even journeyed one long summer’s day to the summit of the most distant hill, from whence I stretched my eye over many a mile of terra incognita, and was astonished to find how vast a globe I inhabited.”


Washington Irving (3 april 1783 – 28 november 1859)

Irvings huis Sunnyside in Tarrytown, New York


De Engelse priester en dichter
George Herbert werd op 3 april 1593 geboren, waarschijnlijk te Black Hall (Wales). Zie ook alle tags voor George Herbert op dit blog.

Church Music

Sweetest of sweets, I thank you: when displeasure
Did through my body wound my mind,
You took me thence, and in your house of pleasure
A dainty lodging me assigned.

Now I in you without a body move,
Rising and falling with your wings:
We both together sweetly live and love,
Yet say sometimes, “God help poor Kings”.

Comfort, I’ll die; for if you post from me
Sure I shall do so, and much more:
But if I travel in your company,
You know the way to heaven’s door.

George Herbert (3 april 1593 – 1 maart 1633)

George Herbert in Bemerton, gravure in de Guild Hall Gallery


Zie voor onderstaande schrijver ook mijn blog van 3 april 2011.

De Duitse schrijfster en vertaalster Johanna Walser werd geboren op 3 april 1957 in Ulm.

Zie voor nog meer schrijvers van de 3e april ook mijn blog van 3 april 2011 deel 2.