Jenny Colgan

De Schotse schrijfster Jenny Colgan werd geboren op 14 september 1972 in Prestwick, Ayrshire. Zij studeerde aan de universiteit van Edinburgh en werkte zes jaar in de gezondheidsdienst, bijklussend als cartooniste en als stand-up-comedian. Zij schrijft zowel onder haar eigen naam als onder de pseudoniemen Jane Beaton en J. T. Colgan.. Zij woont afwisselend in Frankrijk en Londen. In 2000 publiceerde ze haar eerste roman, de romantische komedie “Amanda’s Wedding”. In 2013 ontving zij voor haar roman “Welcome to Rosie Hopkins’ Sweetshop of Dreams” de Romantic Novel of the Year Award van de Romantic Novelists’ Association. In 2012 verscheen haar Doctor Who tie-in roman “Dark Horizons” onder de naam J. T. Colgan.

Uit: Amanda’s Wedding

“Most of the really messy things in life don’t actually have a beginning-they kind of bear down on you over years, like the consequences of not cleaning your bathroom floor (stickiness, cholera, etc.).
This one did, though. It definitely did, and I remember it extremely clearly. Well, in a fuzzy kind of way.
Thank God-it was my bed. So, one, I was actually in a bed; and two, it was mine. I was beating the odds already. I prized open one very sticky eye and attempted to focus it, to try to work out where the smell was coming from. I appeared to be jammed between the wall and an extremely large and unidentifiable chunk of flesh.
The chunk of flesh was connected to lots of other chunks, all in the right order: But I didn’t notice this until after I’d sat bolt upright in terror at a potential Godfather-type situation in my bed.
Everything seemed weirdly out of proportion. Maybe I was still drunk. I pawed at the sticky stuff at the corners of my eyes. No, something was still very wrong.
An inappropriate hand was slung across me. It appeared to be about the size of my stomach, and my stomach is not renowned for its tininess…. A thought began to worm its way into my head.
I knew that thought and tried to avoid it for as long as possible, but alongside my hangover voice that was howling, Fluid! Fluid! the thought whispered, Oh, my God … it’s Nicholas … again! I grimaced like I’d just swallowed something nasty, which, let’s face it, I probably had.
Slowly creeping my way off the end of the futon, and feeling worse and worse, I crawled into the kitchen in search of aspirin and Diet Coke. Fran, of course, was lying in wait. She didn’t live here, but she made herself more at home than I did. Her own place was a three-foot-square studio that induced immediate Colditz fever, so I’d got used to her wandering in and out.
“Good morning!” trilled Fran, bright and breezy. She must have been putting it on. Through a strange fog-which I supposed was the alcohol in my system filling me right up to the eyes-she actually looked quite good. I couldn’t focus on her mass of fuzzy hair, but I did notice that she was wearing one of my T-shirts, not quite covering thighs that didn’t even meet in the middle. I hated that.
I summoned all my energy to pipe, “Hello!”
“Hung over?”
“No, no, absolutely fine. I’ve just suddenly developed a taste for a half bottle of warm flat Coke, okay?”

Jenny Colgan (Prestwick, 14 september 1972)