Terry McMillan, Wendy Wasserstein, Rick Moody, Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, Koos Dalstra

De Afrikaans – Amerikaanse schrijfster Terry McMillan werd geboren op 18 oktober 1951 in Port Huron, Michigan. Zie ook alle tags voor Terry McMillan op dit blog en ook mijn blog van 18 oktober 2009 en ook mijn blog van 18 oktober 2010.

Uit: A Day Late and A Dollar Short

“All of a sudden he got allergies. Was always sneezing and sniffling. He said it was the smog. But I wasn’t born yesterday. He just kept at it. Said he couldn’t help it if folks was always giving him stuff to fix or things he didn’t even ask for. Like that stereo that didn’t work. Or them old tools that turned out to be from Miss Beulah’s garage. Was I accusing him of stealing from Miss Beulah? Yes I was. Lewis was always at the wrong place at the wrong time, like in 1978 while he waited for Dukey and Lucky to come out of a dry cleaner’s with no dry cleaning and they asked him to “Floor it!” and like a fool he did and the police chased their black asses all the way to the county jail. For the next three years, Lewis made quite a few trips back and forth to that same gray building, and then spent eighteen months in a much bigger place. But he wasn’t a good criminal, because, number one, he always got caught; and, number two, he only stole shit nobody needed: rusty lawnmowers, shovels and rakes, dead batteries, bald tires, saddles, and so on and so forth.
Every time he got caught, all I did was try to figure out how could somebody with an IQ of 146 be so stupid? His teachers said he was a genius. Especially when it came to math. His brain was like a calculator. But what good did it do? I’m still waiting for the day to come when all them numbers add up to something. Something musta happened to him behind them bars, ‘cause ever since then – and we talking twelve, thirteen years ago – Lewis ain’t been right. In the head. He can’t finish nothing he start. Sometime he don’t even start. Fortunately, he ain’t been back to jail except for a couple of DUIs, and he did have sense enough to stop fooling around with that dope after so many of his friends OD’d. Now all he do is smoke reefa, sit in that dreary one-bedroom apartment drinking a million ounces of Old English, and play chess with the Mexicans.”

Terry McMillan (Port Huron, 18 oktober 1951)


De Amerikaanse schrijfster Wendy Wasserstein werd geboren op 18 oktober 1950 in New York. Zie ook alle tags voor Wendy Wasserstein op dit blog en ook mijn blog van 18 oktober 2009 en ook mijn blog van 18 oktober 2010.

Uit: Shiksa Goddess

“She handed me the lacrosse stick while I made a mental note to find out what Sam Waterston was doing for the High Holy Days. “This was Harry’s lacrosse stick, which he used the year he was expelled from Hotchkiss,” she said. “He made me promise to give it to the first Wasserstein relative I met in Palm Beach. He said it was inevitable that one of you people would show up here!” She winked and left the room.
Good or bad news had always made me hungry. But for the first time in my life I needed a drink. Maybe she was onto something.
That week, I began eating chicken sandwiches with mayo on white bread, no crust, and getting full after two bites. For the first time in my life, I wrote in to the Mount Holyoke Quarterly: “Am looking to buy thirty-year-old Saab car and to apologize to all the Holyoke girls named Timothy and Kikky, whom I never spoke to. I now know you were very interesting people.”
I began wearing faded cardigan sweaters and canceled all appointments for massages, pedicures, and exploratory liposuction. I gave up on my complicated relationship with a married Jewish Malaysian vibes player and learned to enjoy the company of a divorced asexual friend from Amherst who studies pharmaceutical stocks for J. P. Morgan. I began running ten miles every morning and sculling down the Hudson nightly. My approval ratings with my friends have gone up fifteen points.
But I was still, as I used to say in Yiddish, “nit ahin nit aher,” or, as I now say in the Queen’s English, “neither here nor there.”
That was when I decided to go on a listening tour of Fishers Island. I wanted to really hear the stories of my new Wasp ancestors, learn to make their cocktails, and wear their headbands. I want to live up to my true destiny and announce to the world how great it is to be goyisheh like me.”

Wendy Wasserstein (18 oktober 1950 – 30 januari 2006)


De Amerikaanse schrijver Rick Moody werd geboren op 18 oktober 1961 in New York. Zie ook alle tags voor Rick Moody op dit blog en ook mijn blog van 18 oktober 2009 en ook mijn blog van 18 oktober 2010

Uit: The Four Fingers Of Death

“Since it had become commonplace on the broadbands of our nation to feature talk show hosts with cleft palates, homunculi, or other disfigurements, and since the advent of so-called reality telethons featuring learning-disabled persons (a rapidly growing demographic sector of the populace), it was only a matter of time before a professional sport became interested in a more democratic conception of the human physique.
You may remember: the very first “enhanced” baseball player was a journeyman relief pitcher named Dave McClintock, of Columbus, OH. (He later became known in the press as “Three-in- One” McClintock, presumably because his synthetic parts needed lubrication to achieve maximum bionic effect.) McClintock was horsing around with his roommate after a minor league game — they were on their way to a disreputable watering hole outside Bridgeport, CT — when McClintock, according to later accounts, leaned out of the window of his roommate’s rental vehicle in order to jeer at some comely transgender streetwalkers. In the course of attempting to persuade McClintock to get back into the car, his roommate struck an oncoming military transport vehicle. This roommate was killed instantly. McClintock was thrown clear of the collision, his pitching arm sundered from him.
Another ballplayer, deprived of this extremity, which by reason of extensive fracturing could not be reattached, would have retired to the subdivisions of southern Ohio and spent his time shooting at squirrels using high-amperage Tasers from his collection of weaponry. Dave McClintock wasn’t this kind of a ballplayer. McClintock, by his own account, “just wasn’t good at much else.” While he recovered in the ICU of the local hospital, he pondered his fate.
McClintock wasn’t this kind of a ballplayer. McClintock, by his own account, “just wasn’t good at much else.” While he recovered in the ICU of the local hospital, he pondered his fate.“

Rick Moody (New York, 18 oktober 1961)


De Franse schrijver Pierre Choderlos de Laclos werd geboren in Amiens op 18 oktober 1741. Zie ook mijn blog van 18 oktober 2010 en eveneens  alle tags voor Pierre Choderlos de Laclos

Uit: Les liasons dangereuses

« Tout occupé de trouver les moyens de profiter de l’effet qu’avait produit l’événement du jour, je gardais le même silence. Madame de Rosemonde seule parlait et n’obtenait de nous que des réponses courtes et rares. Nous dûmes l’ennuyer: j’en avais le projet, et il réussit. Aussi, en descendant de voiture, elle passa dans son appartement, et nous laissa tête à tête ma Belle et moi, dans un salon mal éclairé; obscurité douce, qui enhardit l’amour timide.
Je n’eus pas la peine de diriger la conversation où je voulais la conduire. La ferveur de l’aimable Prêcheuse me servit mieux que n’aurait pu faire mon adresse. “Quand on est si digne de faire le bien, me dit-elle, en arrêtant sur moi son doux regard: “Comment passe-t-on sa vie à mal faire? – Je ne mérite, lui répondis-je, ni cet éloge, ni cette censure; et je ne conçois pas qu’avec autant d’esprit que vous en avez, vous ne m’ayez pas encore deviné. Dût ma
confiance me nuire auprès de vous, vous en êtes trop digne, pour qu’il me soit possible de vous la refuser, vous trouverez la clef de ma conduite dans un caractère malheureusement trop facile. Entouré de gens sans moeurs, j’ai imité leurs vices; j’ai peut-être mis de l’amour propre à les surpasser. Séduit de même ici par l’exemple des vertus, sans espérer de vous atteindre, j’ai au moins essayé de vous suivre. Eh! peut-être l’action dont vous me louez aujourd’hui perdrait-elle tout son prix à vos yeux, si vous en connaissiez le véritable motif! (vous voyez, ma belle amie, combien j’étais près de la vérité.) Ce n’est pas à moi, continuai-je, que ces malheureux ont dû mes secours.” 

Pierre Choderlos de Laclos (18 oktober 1741 – 5 september 1803)


De Nederlandse dichter en beeldend kunstenaar Koos Dalstra werd geboren in Leeuwarden op 18 oktober 1950. Zie ook alle tags voor Koos Dalstra op dit blog en ook mijn blog van 18 oktober 2010.

Het regent

Alle meisjes nat
Alle meisjes natgemaakt
Alle meisjes naakt gemaakt

Het regent ouderdom
Het regent oud & stom
De vorst valt in
De vorstin valt in slaap

Het regent namen
Het regent namens mij
Na men kom ik weer
Aan de beurt
Na hem kom jij
Voor men dan jullie
Voor jij na hem komt
Komen jullie
In de regen

Hij nam een vrouw
Hij had haar bijna
Nat gemaakt
Hij nam een woman
Uit manhattan

Een neger maakte haar
Weer wit
Een neger met een

Koos Dalstra (Leeuwarden, 18 oktober 1950)