Dolce far niente, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Maja Lunde, Frank Lima



Zomerhitte door Yuriy Demiyanov , 2018


In Summer

Oh, summer has clothed the earth
In a cloak from the loom of the sun!
And a mantle, too, of the skies’ soft blue,
And a belt where the rivers run.

And now for the kiss of the wind,
And the touch of the air’s soft hands,
With the rest from strife and the heat of life,
With the freedom of lakes and lands.

I envy the farmer’s boy
Who sings as he follows the plow;
While the shining green of the young blades lean
To the breezes that cool his brow.

He sings to the dewy morn,
No thought of another’s ear;
But the song he sings is a chant for kings
And the whole wide world to hear.

He sings of the joys of life,
Of the pleasures of work and rest,
From an o’erfull heart, without aim or art;
‘Tis a song of the merriest …


Paul Laurence Dunbar (27 juni 1872 – 9 februari 1906)
Dayton, Ohio, de geboorteplaats van Paul Laurence Dunbar


De Noorse schrijfster en scenariste Maja Lunde werd geboren in Oslo op 30 juli 1975. Zie ook alle tags voor Maja Lunde op dit blog. Zie ook alle tags voor Maja Lunde op dit blog.

Uit: The Last Wild Horses (Vertaald door Diane Oatley)

“Heiane, Viken, Norway, 2064
The stallion’s attraction to the mare verged on euphoria. The instinct was all-consuming, making him delirious, unpredictable. As a human being, I will never understand such an intense, physical craving. Well, there was a period of my life when I’d allowed myself to be pulled under the surface, where I’d let go, but only for a few minutes and that was long ago. I could no longer afford such a luxury. The only drive propelling my actions now was hunger. Hunger can make a per-son behave irrationally, too, in a manner resembling madness. Hunger can com-pel us to do just about anything. There’s no arguing with an animal’s drives, so I had to protect Nike, my mare. Rimfaxe was relentless, although the fences around Nike and her foal Puma should have been enough to keep him at a safe distance. Nike was in heat and this lured him to the paddock no matter how much I yelled and gesticulated. She’d lost her partner, Hummel the stallion, last autumn. He’d been old and tired; I took pity on him. And now Nike was alone. I knew she would not find peace un-til she conceived. But she couldn’t have what she wanted because she was a takhi, one of the few remaining wild horses in the world, and Rimfaxe was just a wholly ordinary, tame horse Richard had freed before his departure from the neighbouring farm one year ago. The foal of a wild horse and a tame horse would inherit predominantly the characteristics of the tame horse; the bloodline would die out after just two generations, and all our efforts to bring her here, the work invested to ensure the continued survival of her breed, would have been in vain. “Get out of here, Rimfaxe!” The stallion rubbed against the fence, thrust his muzzle toward Nike trying to reach her, and the mare encouraged him, lifting her tail and turning her hindquarters in his direction. I ran closer waving my arms. “Get out of here! Shoo!” Rimfaxe whinnied at me, twisting and side-stepping a bit, before trotting away, his haunches expressing his indignation. “Forget about it!” I shouted after him. “Go find a horse of your own kind!” Soon, I would no longer need to guard them like this. It was September. Nike was about to commence her six-month anestrus period, six months of peace and quiet for both of us. During the winter, I had control over the animals’ behaviour and my own situation. As long as the larder was full, as long as the winter storms kept their distance, as long as the power didn’t go out, life was manageable in the winter. I walked all the way over to the fence, leaned against a pole, and reached my hands out to the wild horses. “Good morning, Nike. Hi, Puma.” They turned their heads toward me, recognizing my voice. Puma came over first, his skinny legs nimble against the ground. He was still new to the world, a little unsteady, and his movements had a kind of hesitancy. He poked his muzzle through the fence and snuffled softly.”


Maja Lunde (Oslo, 30 juli 1975)


Onafhankelijk van geboortedata

De Amerikaanse dichter Frank Lima werd geboren in 1939 in Spanish Harlem, New York City. Zie ook alle tags voor Frank Lima op dit blog.



in het begin
was er geen einde

de grond waarop we
liepen was
een herinnering

onze schaduwen
valse verhalen

onze kleding
ruimte zonder tijd

duisternis was de
kleur van engelen

en de sterren
huilden niet


Frank Lima (1939 – 21 oktober 2013)
Frank and Sheyla Lima. Dubbelportret door Alex Katz, 1964


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