Henry Kendall, Thomas Middleton, Katharina Schwanbeck, Leif Panduro, Werner Steinberg

De Australische dichter Henry Kendall werd geboren op 18 april 1839 in Milton. Zie ook alle tags voor Henry Kendall op dit blog.


A Mountain Spring

Peace hath an altar there. The sounding feet
Of thunder and the wildering wings of rain
Against fire-rifted summits flash and beat,
And through grey upper gorges swoop and strain;
But round that hallowed mountain-spring remain,
Year after year, the days of tender heat,
And gracious nights whose lips with flowers are sweet,
And filtered lights, and lutes of soft refrain.
A still, bright pool. To men I may not tell
The secrets that its heart of water knows,
The story of a loved and lost repose;
Yet this I say to cliff and close-leaved dell:
A fitful spirit haunts yon limpid well,
Whose likeness is the faithless face of Rose.


Sonnets on the Discovery of Botany Bay by Captain Cook

The First Attempt to Reach the Shore

Where is the painter who shall paint for you,
My Austral brothers, with a pencil steeped
In hues of Truth, the weather-smitten crew
Who gazed on unknown shores—a thoughtful few—
What time the heart of their great Leader leaped
Till he was faint with pain of longing? New
And wondrous sights on each and every hand,
Like strange supernal visions, grew and grew
Until the rocks and trees, and sea and sand,
Danced madly in the tear-bewildered view!
And from the surf a fierce, fantastic band
Of startled wild men to the hills withdrew
With yells of fear! Who’ll paint thy face, O Cook!
Turned seaward, “after many a wistful look!”


Henry Kendall (18 april 1839 – 1 augustus 1882)
Henry Kendall Cottage and Historical Museum, Gosford

Lees verder “Henry Kendall, Thomas Middleton, Katharina Schwanbeck, Leif Panduro, Werner Steinberg”

Henry Kendall, Thomas Middleton, Katharina Schwanbeck, Leif Panduro, Werner Steinberg

De Australische dichter Henry Kendall werd geboren op 18 april 1839 in Milton. Zie ook mijn blog van 18 april 2007 en ook mijn blog van 18 april 2008 en ook mijn blog van 18 april 2009 en ook mijn blog van 18 april 2010.



A Birthday Trifle 


Here in this gold-green evening end,

While air is soft and sky is clear,

What tender message shall I send

To her I hold so dear?

What rose of song with breath like myrrh,

And leaf of dew and fair pure beams

Shall I select and give to her—

The lady of my dreams?

Alas! the blossom I would take,

The song as sweet as Persian speech,

And carry for my lady’s sake,

Is not within my reach.

I have no perfect gift of words,

Or I would hasten now to send

A ballad full of tunes of birds

To please my lovely friend.


But this pure pleasure is my own,

That I have power to waft away

A hope as bright as heaven’s zone

On this her natal day.

May all her life be like the light

That softens down in spheres divine,

“As lovely as a Lapland night,”

All grace and chastened shine!





The sunsets fall and the sunsets fade,

But still I walk this shadowy land;

And grapple the dark and only the dark

In my search for a loving hand.


For it’s here a still, deep woodland lies,

With spurs of pine and sheaves of fern;

But I wander wild, and wail like a child

For a face that will never return!


And it’s here a mighty water flows,

With drifts of wind and wimpled waves;

But the darling head of a dear one dead

Is hidden beneath its caves.



Henry Kendall (18 april 1839 – 1 augustus 1882)

Op 31-jarige leeftijd


Lees verder “Henry Kendall, Thomas Middleton, Katharina Schwanbeck, Leif Panduro, Werner Steinberg”

Richard Harding Davis, Henry Kendall, Thomas Middleton, Roman Graf, Werner Steinberg

De Amerikaanse journalist en schrijver Richard Harding Davis werd geboren op 18 april 1864 in Philadelphia. Zie ook mijn blog van 18 april 2007 en ook mijn blog van 18 april 2009.


Uit: Soldiers of Fortune


„A year before Mrs. Porter’s dinner a tramp steamer on her way to the capital of Brazil had steered so close to the shores of Olancho that her solitary passenger could look into the caverns the waves had tunnelled in the limestone cliffs along the coast. The solitary passenger was Robert Clay, and he made a guess that the white palisades which fringed the base of the mountains along the shore had been forced up above the level of the sea many years before by some volcanic action.

Olancho, as many people know, is situated on the northeastern coast of South America, and its shores are washed by the main equatorial current. From the deck of a passing vessel you can obtain but little idea of Olancho or of the abundance and tropical beauty which lies hidden away behind the rampart of mountains on her shore. You can see only their desolate dark-green front, and the white caves at their base, into which the waves rush with an echoing roar, and in and out of which ¦y continually thousands of frightened bats.

The mining engineer on the rail of the tramp steamer observed this peculiar formation of the coast with listless interest, until he noted, when the vessel stood some thirty miles north of the harbor of Valencia, that the limestone formation had disappeared, and that the waves now beat against the base of the mountains themselves. There were five of these mountains which jutted out into the ocean, and they suggested roughly the five knuckles of a giant hand clenched and lying flat upon the surface of the water. They extended for seven miles, and then the caverns in the palisades began again and continued on down the coast to the great cliffs that guard the harbor of Olancho’s capital.

“The waves tunnelled their way easily enough until they ran up against those five mountains,” mused the engineer, “and then they had to fall back.” He walked to the captain’s cabin and asked to look at a map of the coast line. “I believe I won’t go to Rio,” he said later in the day; “I think I will drop off here at Valencia.”



Richard Harding Davis (18 april 1864—11 april 1916)


De Australische dichter Henry Kendall werd geboren op 18 april 1839 in Milton. Zie ook mijn blog van 18 april 2007 en ook mijn blog van 18 april 2008 en ook mijn blog van
18 april 2009.


A Day of Dream 


On that bold hill, against a broad blue stream,

stood Arthur Phillip on a day of dream;

what time the mists of morning westward rolled

and heaven flowered on a bay of gold.

Here, in the hour that shines and sounds afar,

flamed first Old England’s banner like a star;

Here in a time august with prayer and praise,

was born the nation of these splendid days,

and here, this land’s majestic yesterday

of immemorial silence died away 



Amongst the Roses 


I walked through a Forest, beneath the hot noon,

On Etheline calling and calling!

One said: “She will hear you and come to you soon,

When the coolness, my brother, is falling.”

But I whispered: “O Darling, I falter with pain!”

And the thirsty leaves rustled, and hissed for the rain,

Where a wayfarer halted and slept on the plain;

And dreamt of a garden of Roses!

Of a cool sweet place,

And a nestling face

In a dance and a dazzle of Roses.

In the drought of a Desert, outwearied, I wept,

O Etheline, darkened with dolours!

But, folded in sunset, how long have you slept

By the Roses all reeling with colours?

A tree from its tresses a blossom did shake,

It fell on her face, and I feared she would wake,

So I brushed it away for her sweet sake;

In that garden of beautiful Roses!

In the dreamy perfumes

From ripe-red blooms

In a dance and a dazzle of Roses.



Henry Kendall (18 april 1839 – 1 augustus 1882)



De Engelse dichter en schrijver Thomas Middleton werd in Londen geboren en daar gedoopt op 18 april 1580. Zie ook mijn blog van 18 april 2007 en ook mijn blog van 18 april 2009.


Uit: The Changeling


Thomas Middleton

„Deflores. What makes your lip so strange? This must not be betwixt us.

Beatrice. The man talks wildly.

Deflores. Come kisse me with a zeal now.

Beatrice. Heaven I doubt him.

Deflores. I will not stand so long to beg ‘em shortly.

Beatrice. Take heed Deflores of forgetfulness, ’twill soon betray us.

Deflores. Take you heed first;

Faith y’are grown much forgetfull, y’are to blame in’t.

Beatrice. He’s bold, and I am blam’d for’t.

Deflores. I have eas’d you of your trouble, think on’t, I’me in pain,

And must be as’d of ou; ’tis a charity,

Justice invites your blood to understand me.

Beatrice. I dare not.

Deflores. Quickly.

Beatrice. Oh I never shall, speak if yet further of that I may lose

What has been spoken, and no sound remain on’t.

would not hear so much offence again for such another deed.

Deflores. Soft, Lady, soft; the last is not yet paid for, oh this act

Has put me into spirit; I was as greedy on’t

As the parcht earth of moisture when the clouds weep.

Did you ot mark, I wrought my self into’t.

Nay sued, and kneel’d for’t: Why was all that pains took?

You see I have thrown contempt upon your gold,

Not that I want it, for I doe piteously,

In order I will come unto’t, and make use on’t,

But ’twas not held so pretious to begin with;

For I place wealth after the heels of pleasure,

And where I not resolv’d in my belief

That thy virginity were perfect in thee,

I should but take my recompense with grudging,

As if I had but halfe my hopes I agreed for.“



Thomas Middleton (18 april 1580 – 4 juli 1627)


Onafhankelijk van geboortedata:


De Zwitserse schrijver Roman Graf werd geboren geboren in 1978 in Winterthur, Zwitserland. Hij voltooide een opleiding tot boswachter, werkte met  gehandicapten op een school en als journalist. Daarnaast studeerde hij Media / Journalistiek aan de Hogeschool voor Toegepaste Taalkunde (SAL) in Zürich en behaalde hij een diploma aan het Deutsche Literaturinstitut Leipzig. Hij leidde een workshop schrijven voor studenten germanistiek in Osijek, Kroatië. Tegenwoordig is hij als freelance schrijver woonachtig in Leipzig en Winterthur. In 2009 verscheen zijn debuutroman Herr Blanc.


Uit: Herr Blanc


„Das Thermometer zeigte zweiunddreißig Grad, am Himmel war weder ein Wölkchen noch eine Schliere zu sehen, und obwohl der Wind schon seit Stunden weit stärker wehte als üblich, war nicht zu erwarten, dass er eine Regenwolke bringen würde. Seit Wochen war es so heiß und so schön, kein Tropfen Regen war gefallen, und das sollte laut Wetterbericht auch die nächsten Wochen so bleiben.

Von den Anstrengungen erschöpft, die das Lesen und Umblättern bei dieser Hitze bereiteten, faltete Herr Blanc die Zeitung zusammen, in der er von den Beitrittsverhandlungen Rumäniens zur Europäischen Union gelesen hatte, nahm die Beine vom Lederhocker herunter und rief, die Zeitung auf die Knie gelegt und mit dem Handrücken den Schweiß von der Stirn streichend, in die Küche:

»Vreni, der Tee!«

Er war verärgert. Vor einer Viertelstunde hatte er in die Küche gehen und sich ein Glas Eistee holen wollen, doch in dem Moment, als er im Begriff gewesen war, sich zu erheben, war Vreni zu ihm in die Stube getreten und hatte ihn gefragt, ob er etwas trinken wolle. Er dachte, dass sie so oder so in die Küche gehen müsse und sich danach zu ihm in die Stube setzen würde, und so antwortete er, dass er gerne einen Eistee hätte. Doch Vreni brachte den Eistee nicht. Nach fünf Minuten des Wartens hatte er in die Küche gerufen, ob er sich den Tee selber holen solle, und Vreni hatte unverzüglich und mit klarer Stimme geantwortet, sie werde ihn gleich bringen. Er war sehr durstig. Nun war bereits eine Viertelstunde vergangen, und er rief noch einmal nach dem Tee.

Aus der Küche war wieder die gleiche wohlklingende Stimme zu hören: »Ich bringe ihn gleich.«

»Verdammt noch mal«, murmelte er vor sich hin. Er brauchte dringend etwas zu trinken. Seit seiner frühesten Kindheit hatte er Heuschnupfen, und an Tagen mit hohen Temperaturen und starkem Wind musste er sich nicht nur ständig die Augen reiben, sondern auch viel trinken.“



Roman Graf (Winterthur, 1978)


Zie voor onderstaande schrijver ook mijn blog van 18 april 2007 en ook mijn blog van 18 april 2008.

De Duitse schrijver
Udo Werner Steinberg werd geboren op 18 april 1913 in Neurode.

Kathy Acker, Bas Belleman, Leif Panduro, Joy Davidman, Henry Kendall, Thomas Middleton, Richard Harding Davis, Werner Steinberg

De Amerikaanse schrijfster, essayiste en feministe Kathy Acker werd op 18 april 1947 in New York geboren als Karen Alexander. Later gebruikte zij de achternaam van haar eerste echtgenoot. Als vrouwelijke tegenhanger van Burroughs shockeerde Acker vanaf de jaren zeventig conservatief Amerika met haar literair oeuvre vol vrouwelijke lust en geweld. Acker speelde een belangrijke rol in de strijd tot zelfbewustwording van vrouwen en leidde een bandeloos leven. Haar boeken zijn een lappendeken van feiten en fictie, biografische elementen, seks en genadeloze politieke satire.


Uit: Essential Acker. The Selected Writings of Kathy Acker


“I’m not under pressure constantly to fuck them watch if my clothing’s always closed which it’s not I was feeling anomalous Mark started saying the mattress in the waterbed on the waterbed is torn I have to fix it he even threaded a real needle Lenny can you help me Ronny’s cracking ridiculous jokes Mark’s done it so often he even has it timed Mark says you can watch Ronny’s not a voyeur we watch Rat-Race Debbie Schmereynolds an incredibly creepy flic in which Debbie’s a good girl who’d rather give up her guy than prostitute I don’t remember if she’s living with him in sin it was very romantic Ronny and I were finally talking Johnny Carson turned on crude gags about hookers drag queens everyone’s one for fun I’m learning about Middle America the whole place is mad I’m cold to Lenny don’t admit I am which is nasty I want to see my cats Mark has one Tiffany she’s seven weeks pregnant and crawls through almost closed windows and bars no one else comes it was a party not even Mickey Mark said that Mickey would be very upset if he knew that Mark slept with anyone else Mark would if Mickey did it’s quite nutty there’s this rich guy Jack who’s been supporting Mark still is? they have an expensive looking place not much furniture yet no books of course we’re open for any garbage I get pissed off when Mark kisses me and calls me a girl he’s upset I am I try to relax rub him goodnight Lenny’s acting like he’s lost his mind we get a ride with this dope seller creep doesn’t know why anyone would live in a commune not enough money to the Eighth Street subway this is the first dream sequence 1:17 I have to go out for the rest of the day get my hair cut again thank god.”



Kathy Acker (18 april 1947 – 30 november 1997)


De Nederlandse dichter Bas Belleman werd in Alkmaar geboren “op een heldere ochtend in april” (Rottend Staal) van het jaar 1978. Zie ook mijn blog van 31 maart 2006 en ook mijn blog van 18 april 2008.


zeg me na


het pad van de schaamte zal
als een möbiusband onder zichzelf doorschieten;
ik zweer dat ik tillen zal
mijn eigen voeten
en dat zeg ik na.


ik zing het na.


in de folder een rekeningnummer
dat je vertrouwen kunt als iemand die zegt:
mij kun je vertrouwen.


als een vrouw die een verbod op jaloezie uitvaardigt:
vertrouw je me soms niet?


ik blijf het zingen.


toch ploffen vrijwilligers naast me neer op de bank.
ik sla op de vlucht door de kruipruimte onder mijn huis.
ze roffelen op de vloer:
ad ons er dan niet ingelaten.
je hebt ons er toch ingelaten?



Bas Belleman (Alkmaar, april 1978)


De Deense schrijver Leif Thormod Panduro werd geboren op 18 april 1923 in Frederiksberg. Van beroep was hij tandarts en hij begon pas als dertiger verhalen te schrijven, vaak over mensen die zich niet aan de regels van de maatschappij kunnen aanpassen. Kick Me in the Traditions gaat over een adolescent die in een gesticht beland, omdat hij denkt dat de samenleving gek is geworden.


Uit: Kick Me in the Traditions (Vertaald door Carl Malmberg)


“On the way out we met old Jacob. He stood with Hubert trying to understand jazz music. They played one of my records in there: “Sorry” with Bix Beiderbeck, which by the way is a fantastic record. And Hubert stood clapping  his hands on two and four and said that that’s the real rhythm of jazz. Old Jacob said that  according to his tastes it sounded quite incomprehensible, but that he might learn to

understand it if he tried really hard. Isn’t that cute?

Lis and I passed them and I tell  you Hubert looked crestfallen. He got so confused he started clapping on one and three  instead of the right ones. And old Jacob suddenly looked happy and said that now he understood it at last. So help me God!”



Leif Panduro (18 april 1923 – 16 januari 1977)


De Amerikaanse dichteres en schrijfster Joy Davidman werd geboren op 18 april 1915 in New York. Zij groeide op in een joodse familie en was als kind al vaak ziek. Zij trouwde met de schrijver William Lindsay Gresham. Diens alcoholisme leidde tot een scheiding. Eind jaren veertig bekeerde zij zich tot het Christendom en trok met haar kinderen naar Engeland om de schrijver C. S. Lewis te ontmoeten die haar diepgaand beïnvloed had. Uiteindelijk trouwde zij ook met hem, Al voor het huwelijk was botkanker bij haar vastgesteld. Zij overleed op 45-jarige leeftijd.


Snow in Madrid


Softly, so casual,

Lovely, so light, so light,

The cruel sky lets fall

Something one does not fight.

How tenderly to crown

The brutal year

The clouds send something down

That one need not fear.

Men before perishing

See with unwounded eye

For once a gentle thing

Fall from the sky.



Joy Davidman (18 april 1915 – 13 juli 1960)


De Australische dichter Henry Kendall werd geboren op 18 april 1839 in Milton. Zie ook mijn blog van 18 april 2007 en ook mijn blog van 18 april 2008.


Amongst the Roses


I walked through a Forest, beneath the hot noon,

On Etheline calling and calling!

One said: “She will hear you and come to you soon,

When the coolness, my brother, is falling.”

But I whispered: “O Darling, I falter with pain!”

And the thirsty leaves rustled, and hissed for the rain,

Where a wayfarer halted and slept on the plain;

And dreamt of a garden of Roses!

Of a cool sweet place,

And a nestling face

In a dance and a dazzle of Roses.

In the drought of a Desert, outwearied, I wept,

O Etheline, darkened with dolours!

But, folded in sunset, how long have you slept

By the Roses all reeling with colours?

A tree from its tresses a blossom did shake,

It fell on her face, and I feared she would wake,

So I brushed it away for her sweet sake;

In that garden of beautiful Roses!

In the dreamy perfumes

From ripe-red blooms

In a dance and a dazzle of Roses.



Henry Kendall (18 april 1839 – 1 augustus 1882)
Monument in Kendall


De Engelse dichter en schrijver Thomas Middleton werd in Londen geboren en daar gedoopt op 18 april 1580. Zie ook mijn blog van 18 april 2007 en ook mijn blog van 18 april 2008.


Uit: The Puritan


„Enter the Widow Plus, her two daughters Frank and Moll, her husband’s brother, an old knight, Sir Godfrey, with her son and heir, Master Edmond, all in mourning apparel, Edmond in a cypress hat, the Widow wringing her hands and bursting out into passion, as newly come from the burial of her husband.


Oh, that ever I was born, that ever I was born!


Nay, good sister, dear sister, sweet sister, be of good comfort; show yourself a woman now or never.


Oh, I have lost the dearest man, I have buried the sweetest husband that ever lay by woman!


Nay, give him his due, he was indeed an honest, virtuous, discreet, wise man. He was my brother, as right as right.


Oh, I shall never forget him, never forget him! He was a man so well given to a woman. Oh!


Nay, but, kind sister, I could weep as much as any woman; but, alas, our tears cannot call him again. Methinks you are well read, sister, and know that death is as common as homo, a common name to all men. A man shall be taken when he’s making water. Nay, did not the learned parson, Master Pigman, tell us e’en now that all flesh is frail, we are born to die, man has but a time, with such-like deep and profound persuasions, as he is a rare fellow, you know, and an excellent reader. And for example, as there are examples abundance, did not Sir Humphrey Bubble die t’other day? There’s a lusty widow! Why, she cry’d not above half an hour! For shame, for shame! Then followed him old Master Fulsome, the usurer; there’s a wise widow: why, she cry’d ne’er a whit at all.



Thomas Middleton (18 april 1580 – 4 juli 1627)


De Amerikaanse journalist en schrijver Richard Harding Davis werd geboren op 18 april 1864 in Philadelphia. Zie ook mijn blog van 18 april 2007 en ook mijn blog van 18 april 2008.


Uit: Gallegher and Other Stories


We had had so many office-boys before Gallegher came among us that they had begun to lose the characteristics of individuals, and became merged in a composite photograph of small boys, to whom we applied the generic title of “Here, you”; or “You, boy.”

All Gallegher knew had been learnt on the streets; not a very good school in itself, but one that turns out very knowing scholars. And Gallegher had attended both morning and evening sessions. He could not tell you who the Pilgrim Fathers were, nor could he name the thirteen original States, but he knew all the officers of the twenty-second police district by name, and he could distinguish the clang of a fire-engine’s gong from that of a patrol-wagon or an ambulance fully two

blocks distant. It was Gallegher who rang the alarm when the Woolwich Mills caught fire, while the officer on the beat was asleep, and it was Gallegher who led the “Black Diamonds” against the “Wharf Rats,” when they used to stone each other to their hearts’ content on the coal-wharves of Richmond.“



Richard Harding Davis (18 april 1864—11 april 1916)


De Duitse schrijver Werner Steinberg werd geboren op 18 april 1913 in Neurode. Zie ook mijn blog van 18 april 2007.

Uit: Einzug der Gladiatoren

„Eigentlich möchte der Mann es aufgeben. Er hat sich das alles so leicht und so heroisch vorgestellt, und nun ist es ganz anders. Gerstern noch war es kalt, der Himmel war blau, heute ist die Welt in ein einziges schmutziges Grau zusammengeronnen, unaufhörlich fällt der Regen.
Dieser verdammte Regen! Nicht nur die Schuhe des Mannes sind dreckig vom Landstraßenschmutz, auch seine Hosen sind zerweicht und grau. Schon länger als drei Stunden wandert er hier, zwei Kilometer vor der Stadt, hin und her – fünfzig Meter hin, fünfzig Meter her. Zuerst hat er gestanden und angestrengt gelauscht, aber nichts war zu hören als das gleichförmige Geräusch des Regens…“


Werner Steinberg (18 april 1913 – 25 april 1992)