Harald Hartung, Matthias Zschokke, Claire Goll, Mohsen Emadi, Zbigniew Herbert

De Duitse schrijver, dichter en literatuurwetenschapper Harald Hartung werd geboren op 29 oktober 1932 in Heme. Zie ook mijn blog van 29 oktober 2010 en eveneens alle tags voor Harald Hartung op dit blog.


Vergessene Zeile

Gestern sehr früh fiel mir eine Zeile ein
Sie handelte vom Tod und begann Der Tod…
dann folgte etwas wie eine Behauptung

Sie schien mir gut und tröstete mich zugleich
so daß ich liegen blieb und mein Glück genoß

Dann stand ich auf Der Tod ist … probierte ich
und hatte vergessen wie es weiterging

Der Tod ist eine vergessene Zeile.


Mantegnas Sebastian

Ich zählte alle Pfeile

die er an seinem Leib trägt

die Stellen wo sie eintreten

die Stellen wo sie austreten

auch die verdeckten

und vergaß über meinem Zählen

den eigenen Schmerz

Ich trat hinaus in das Licht des Kanals

Zwischen Schmutz

und dümpelnden Plastikflaschen

trieb bäuchlings ein Teddybär

Da trat mir das Salz ins Aug


Blick in den Hof

Während es anfängt zu schneien

schaukelt das Mädchen im Hof

schaukelt sich tief

ins wachsende weiße Dunkel

Glück ist ein Sekundenschlaf

Ich schaue auf, die leere Schaukel

schwingt noch ein wenig nach


Harald Hartung (Herne, 29 oktober 1932)

Lees verder “Harald Hartung, Matthias Zschokke, Claire Goll, Mohsen Emadi, Zbigniew Herbert”

Dominick Dunne, Aleksandr Zinovjev, Georg Engel, Jean Giraudoux, André Chénier

De Amerikaanse schrijver Dominick Dunne werd geboren op 29 oktober 1925 in Hartford, Connecticut. Zie ook mijn blog van 29 oktober 2008 en ook mijn blog van 29 oktober 2009 en ook mijn blog van 29 oktober 2010


Uit: Another City, Not My Own

„Certainly, there are enough references to his obliteration in his journal in the months before he was found dead in the media room of his country house in Prud’homme, Connecticut, where he had been watching the miniseries of one of his novels, A Season in Purgatory. The book was about a rich young man who got away with murder because of the influence of his prominent and powerful father. Getting away with murder was a relentless theme of Gus Bailey’s. He was pitiless in his journalistic and novelistic pursuit of those who did, as well as of those in the legal profession who created the false defenses that often set their clients free. That book, the miniseries of which he was watching, had brought Gus Bailey and the unsolved murder in Greenwich, Connecticut, which, to avoid a libel suit, he had renamed Scarborough Hill, a great deal of notoriety at the time of its publication, resulting in the reopening of the murder case by the police. Gus had fervently believed that the case remained unsolved because the police had been intimidated by the power and wealth of the killer’s family, which extended all the way to the highest office in the land.
“It was exactly the same thing in the Woodward case,” said Gus, who had written an earlier novel about a famous society shooting in the aristocratic Woodward family on Long Island in the fifties called The Two Mrs. Grenvilles. “The police were simply outdazzled by the grandeur of Elsie, whom I called Alice Grenville, and Ann Woodward got away with shooting her husband.”
As always, when Gus’s passions were involved in his writing, he ruffled feathers. Powerful families became upset with him. He created enemies.
“You seem to have annoyed a great many very important people,” said Gillian Greenwood of the BBC, as a statement not a question, in the living room of Gus Bailey’s New York penthouse, where she was interviewing him on camera for a documentary on his life called The Trials of Augustus Bailey“.


Dominick Dunne (29 oktober 1925 – 26 augustus 2009)

Lees verder “Dominick Dunne, Aleksandr Zinovjev, Georg Engel, Jean Giraudoux, André Chénier”